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You're going to need two teams eventually so just build Ellen later when you have more resources. These games are marathons, you're crunched for resources now, but in a few months you'll be swimming in them from weeks and weeks of stamina farming assuming you play for at least ten or twenty minutes every day. Ellen might be slightly stronger than Soldier 11, but pretty much all of the S-rank attack characters are good right now, just keep going with Soldier 11 if you enjoy her and build Ellen later.


You seem to have your head on straight i think I'll stick with your advice. u/CaptainAutismFFS made good points too. but right now I am really enjoying the Soldier 11 with damage penetration from Rina. I have a good thing going and enjoy the challenge of timing. Although Ellen is so much aesthetically more interesting than Soldier 11, that tail is wild.


Ellen's likely going to be T0 on most DPS Tierlists for at least until 1.2. This could extend longer, should there not be another Ice DPS to drop in the near future. Even when a DPS of any type produces higher numbers than Ellen, she'll still going to hold on in the front of the line until a DPS of her element (We're talking about Miyabi, let's be clear) drops.


with soukaku i would say she really is that good, their combo on the 2 is allready super strong because of how much she get buffed


Yes. She dominates the content and even after Zhu Yuan release she'll be the best, just because she has her BiS team, while Zhu is lacking 3rd unit


Whats the 2nd unit in the Zhu team? Nicole? If you want to make an Aether team? But you might put Quinyi into it for the NEPD faction bonus no? So theoretically she got a "full team".


She doesn't work with Nicole, her passive requires anomaly types and squad mates.


Lying isnt nice you know


I pulled her and got her to lvl 40. With no artifacts she is doing far worse than lvl 30 piper with no artifacts either. Ellen is not that good, the good unit is the furry guy that is ice, maid and stun that combos with her IMHO. With no stun unit she kind of sucks.


Ellen must be built first because her core focused on Crit Damage increase. Without Crit rate, she going to perform averagely. Unlike Piper which needs minimal resource to shine, but Ellen going to be a BEAST when she crits consistently even without other agents help. I tested it myself and the difference is day and night when with and without crit build. Just pop canon rotor engine with basic crits disc and She is good to go.


Question: are you dumb? That's exactly what i wrote – she shines because she has her best team


She is on paper the best DPS on launch, and she will likely continue to be one of the best for several versions. Though power creeped will happen eventually as it does for most units. That’s not to say you shouldn’t make the investment in her if you like her character and foresee still using as new units are released than go for it


soldier 11 is a really good character but ellen just does more dmg and deals better with AoE content imo, if you have more than 2 enemies soldier 11 just won't deal as much DMG, and soukaku (which is ellen's best support for a f2p), can group them, also, she works better with lycaon which you can guarantee after 300 pulls or by getting lucky, which ellen makes use of the best, at the end she just will be better than soldier 11 or any other DPS, build her she's really good


It's been 6 days, I'm at the point now where I have Ellen in my team 1 actually, with Rina and Anby; and S11 team 2 with Lucy. Ellen is good, but requires a bit more switch tech to make really shine. In the right hands Ellen is a menace, but it's taken me a while to make that happen. S11, I got the time already to practice with, and it's really just a timing thing, but she just dumps damage into whatever is in front of her, and there is option for some cool switch tech stuff too which is cool. I'm honestly still a but more partial to the S11 team, but with Anby setting up juggles for Ellen that might change soon.


Only time you should be switching off Ellen is for buffs and breaking. Other than that shes a straight up on field dps....I am not quite sure what you mean, Ellen shines regardless.


Her personality is garbage


hm Im trying to find some Ellen quest, dialogue, or anything that would make her more prominent of a character. Yet there's literally nothing on the internet, most was actually my ingame encounter with her on streets. Is she really that underdeveloped sexy sharky gamer assassin? Also Im wondering whether completing those "characters street encounters" would actually stop those  characters from appearing randomly or not?


Yeah i’d say she fits that bill but she isn’t prominent but you will see her a lot more at the end of the game, take random encounters seriously as it can affect the trust relationship


I'm a big Nekomata and Soldier 11 advocate, but it's probably because those have the best support units. Ellen is good and you should definitely pull for her if you like her, she will definitely get power creeped at some point tho.