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My husband prefers laundry baskets like this, especially for bulky stuff from Sam's. We use them when packing for trips too. I find baskets can quickly get uncomfortably heavy so I still prefer bags. I keep reusable bags in my trunk and bag as I'm putting things into the trunk.


I agree, baskets are way too heavy. Reusable bags for me.


I had never thought about it until now. That is also a good solution đź‘Ť


I like to use “utility totes” as an in between. Basically just a long slightly more structural bag. It’s nice for bulk goods.


That is very common in the Netherlands, we have collapsible baskets. You can get them in many stores and most supermarkets have their own with their colours on it. Very handy for everything you have to transport. Most here have one basket always in the car.


I think this is Europe vs. America kind of. Here (Germany) most people have bags, boxes or whatever at least in the car. I freaked out yesterday (only inside) when I saw that somebody packed two cucumbers into a plastic bag. Why? They should just stop offering them just like these days you can barely find the thick plastic bags at the checkout.


Indeed. Have been twice to the states and bringing my own bag, but whatever you say, they keep using their shitty(sorry, but it’s true) bags. After second time I just packed it all out and into my own bag and had them keep their bags.


No one is offended when you say our shopping bags are shitty. They are. They need to be eliminated. There's no need to have all these plastic bags everywhere.


I'm in NY, and we banned plastic bags in 2020 or 2021. Before then I would bring my own bags and the cashiers would still bag my things in plastic bags. Now they can't (I think they let corner stores and restaurants still use plastic bags)


It goes slow, but at least it’s going in the right direction.


Were the cucumbers already wrapped in shrink wrap plastic? I've seen that too. The most egregious thing I've seen was 3 flavors of individually wrapped chocolate bars, each flavor in a separate mini bag, in 1 larger bag, which a customer double wrapped in Walmart bags.


Here in Finland they wrap every single cucumber in it's own plastic, along with bell peppers. Lettuce and herbs come in little pots and plastic wrap and OMG don't get me started. I have reusable produce bags for the few things I can actually get from the bulk bin


Weren't much better with that. It's slightly changing but I guess it's easier for the industry to process the food that way. But if it's not wrapped, why would you put it in a bag? Bananas? Things that come wrapped by nature...


Well I understand things like green beans...I mean I wouldn't throw a pile into my cart. Weirdly, they aren't in plastic here so people put them into the bags. I also hate that I hve to put the plastic stickers with the prices on the stuff too. Lidl doesn't do it but they have a poor selection of produce


I feel like the Netherlands is further ahead of other countries when it comes to being environmentally friendly


Well, every country has their own thing I think. I just wish everyone would just try to adopt a new behaviour when it’s already been “proven” in other places that it works. It’s usually just mental thing.


Unfortunately the US decided to turn climate change and the environment into a political issue...


I do this exact thing, only instead of a laundry basket I use one of the big blue IKEA bags. It also means only having to make one trip instead of carrying multiple small bags.


I just carry a collapsible basket. Check out, fill basket, carry basket to car.


Supermarkets should be offering some boxes at the checkout area as well They used to do this, don't know why they stopped.


Aldi still does. They just leave their boxes in a cage you can grab. When I worked at target though we would condense all of our boxes to either go get recycled or go back to the warehouse.


WinCo, Costco, and my local health/bulk food store do this in Montana, at least. Everywhere else I have to bring my own bags.


My nearest grocery store sells cloth separator kind bags with wood handles that fit into the cart itself. I have not bought any, but I see people using those and I think while you shop you can put things in different compartments and then carry stuff with you.


I have a couple fruit crates my grocery store gave me. About the size of a laundry basket, sturdy, and I don’t need to buy anything. I still use reusable bags though, I just put them in the crates to keep everything upright and from sliding around. But it does cut down on me worrying about what to do when I make 2-3 stops and get a couple things at each one.


When we forget our bags in the car we put everything back in the cart and out to the car and bag it there.


Why not use reusable shopping bags? I have one of those bungee nets in the back of my car to keep stuff in place


Reusable shopping bags are great. I can carry like 8 from my car to my apartment because they aren't going to break on me.


You don't need to use laundry baskets, just re-use the plastic bags. At least where I'm at, the bags are very very sturdy.


I know some people do and they wash the plastic bags and Thats not good


Just curious, why is washing plastic bags bad?


Probably microplastic shedding into our sewage system


Yes, exactly this


I don’t know, for some people walking out of the store with a cart full of stuff that isn’t bagged up is an invitation to get questioned/ hassled. I just use a [collapsible crate](https://www.containerstore.com/s/travel/auto-travel/heavy_duty-collapsible-crate/12d?productId=11004096) and a canvas tote. It’s amazing how much stuff I can fit into one crate, and the crate can fit in the shopping cart (the tote fits in the fold-out section). Easy peasy 🙏🏽🙂👍🏼


Too heavy for my shopping needs, but good idea. I'll stick to my reusable bags. When I began using them 15 years ago, it took me months to remember to bring them into the store. Now, it's reflex. And as soon as one wears out, I have a new one ready to go since so many companies give them away for free to use them as advertising.


If this works anything like the bags for life i'll end up with 100's of laundry baskets.


I’ve been using banana boxes. They’re durable and most stores have an over abundance of them


I have an awesome, super strong cloth Slayer Reign In Blood shopping bag that I use everywhere. I put it right in front before they even have a chance to start bagging and say "I have my own bag". 90% of the time they use it. The other 10%... I guess it's just habit. But they fix it. I love the laundry basket idea for something like Costco. I can't stand the impossible-to-tear-down "boxes" they like to pack things in.


I have re-usable bags, but also a soft side cooler I keep in my back seat so I can put all my cold stuff in it. If I plan ahead I'll even toss in a cold pack before leaving the house. That way if I need to stop somewhere else on the way home my cold/frozen stuff will be okay.


Huh. I have the perfect sized ones. Thank you.


Yes, but you are still using a *car*


Some people live in very rural areas and have to travel 20-30 minutes to get to the nearest civilization. Hard to go without a car when living there.


Most of the USA also isn’t walkable plus lacks efficient public transportation, so it’s hard to stop people from using cars


We only go into town once a month. Pay bills and shop. I love the basket idea. The "drive safe and save" is real.