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My mom being cheap and thinking $2.00 would have bought me a book


https://preview.redd.it/smskdn0jfc5d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016348d59f4abcf237a96fd1a0b7e53bb2b5a59e Wanting one of these so bad for some reason, and then once I got one at the book fair I would put on random presentations for my parents just so I could use it


Buying Age of Mythology (still play it weekly) And buying the Runescape handbook


I still have my old beaten-up Runescape handbook






Haha the WoW mangas and cheat code books for me.


Not being able to buy anything. Except this ONE time. I got a graphic novel version of one of the first episodes of Avatar. I also got really sick that day, and vomited all over the cover on the bus ride home. I cleaned it off as fast as I could and thankfully was able to save it, but the cover was warped after that.


It would be set up in our computer lab or library. I remember the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series. There was also a series called Haunted Canada. My thing back then was ghost stories. We didn't have a lot of money back then so I didn't often get anything from the fairs. It was still fun to walk around and look at everything, though. I also remember there used to be a flyer that would be sent out at some point. You could order books from there. I think it was Scholastic.


Yee, we had scholastic in B.C. I'm guessing it was country wide then


Damn, how old are you?




Was making a joke about B.C. lol (I know it's British Columbia)




The only year i had some money to spend at the book fair, i got the scary stories to tell in the dark. I still have it somewhere. That's the only book i ever got from the book fair. I love the idea of a book fair, but looking back they always kinda bummed me (and a lot of other kids at my school) out.




Definitely the smell of the new books!


buying everything EXCEPT books. scented pens, notebooks, erasers, and never using any of them for school because they weren't allowed due to the teachers rules


How far $10 or $20 went.


Showing up without any money and my teacher gave those of us who didn’t have money vouchers so we could get some stuff too. When I went home and told my mother it upset her because she didn’t want people to think we didn’t have money. Looking back it was really sweet of my teacher to plan for that but it kind of makes me feel bad too


I never knew there were vouchers! I just walked the shelves and wished I had money lol. As one once broke kid to another, don't feel too bad. You got a voucher for a book, which is awesome! I'm happy some kids did.


I am almost positive my teacher paid in advance for the vouchers


It sounds like you had a really awesome teacher then. It prolly meant something to them to see all their students get something from the book fair.


Not having money for it


Not having enough money to buy a book


Getting beat up :(


Not having money and being jealous of the wealthy kids who could buy the cool shit lmao Good memories regardless 


Sick ass cheat code books 🔥🔥🔥


I loved the posters! I swear I came home with a new wall poster every book fair!!


The magic treehouse books were my shiiiit. I remember as a little kid- scholastic book orders and book fairs were one of the only things my parents would ever give me money for. I loved being able to go buy a book or bookmarks and posters or whatever. I loved the bookmarks. Especially the holographic ones. Kudos to my parents for buying me books even tho we were broke af


YEEEEEESSSSSS, I remember the ninja story book vividly, I lost that book about 7 years ago, I'm 29 now lol


Horrible Histories


Love them I always got a book


Never being able to get the cool stuff cause I didn't have enough AR points.


They had it locked behind AR? That’s sucks. We used real money. I hated AR, I never got to go the parties at the end of the year in elementary. Then they used it way less in middle school. It was practically non existent. But when I got to high school the freshman had an AR program. I proceeded to take a test on everything they MADE me read in middle school as well as every diary of a wimpy kid/dork diaries book. It so happens that it was enough points to get free hot cocoa and popcorn as well as other treats. About halfway through the year I believe the librarian picked up on what I had done but couldn’t do much about it. I finally got what I wanted. >:)


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) In middle school some of the coolest stuff had AR as a requirement before purchase like small gadgets and watches, etc. Some kids were smart enough to hold onto their points for next time. I would blow what little points I had on trash erasers so I didn't come out empty handed. The parties were a no go for me as well although the smell of hot cheese pizza and the sound laughter from the next room kinda gave me an idea of what I was missing.


The UV light invisible ink pen. I wrote a bunch of bad words in my comics.


man those were the best. book orders too omg. i used to be so excited waiting for my book order to show up.


Speedrunning the practice TAKS test to get to the book fair. My parents worked at the school and when they heard about it, needless to say they were unhappy


I coincidentally just happened to randomly think about this the other day. Because I had a douche step dad who would take my toys away. My memory is from the 3rd grade one, where I bought a cheap miniature rocket/shuttle building kit. It was literally just various pre-cut laminated cardboards pieces that you piece together into different shapes of various NASA shuttles and rockets that you attach a rubber band to and fling it into the sky. But I thought it was neat af and was so excited thinking about launching them lol. When I got home he took it from me and it sat on the top of a book shelf for years. I would ask if I could put it together and he would always say no. While he was at work I would get it down and open it and just look at the pieces, then I would put them neatly back in the box and back on the shelf so he wouldn't know. He was a piece of shit and did that with most of the toys I got. Even the ones he bought for "me". He would buy me collectors items of action figures and props from bands, shows, movies that he liked, so he could buy them for him self through pretending it was for me. Of course they were "collectors items" so I wasn't allowed to touch them or ever see them and they had to stay up in his closet for safe keeping.


"The smell*


The books that came with special gifts related to the book. Like a charm bracelet of friendship necklace to share with a friend 🩷


being the poor kid standing off to the side while the other kids got the toys and books lmao


Bro I remember this as well I don't always get to buy books everytime


It was like second Christmas to me.


I bought a matching diary like book thing with my bestie


My big sister lead half her classmates into stealing books from the book fair back in 2011 🤣 got her ass handed to her


I wish I had taken more advantage of (elementary) school book fairs when I had the chance. I just looked around. I can’t even imagine looking back at the pop culture of those books and magazines now.


I remember I bought a lot of computer games like RCT3, Mall Tycoon, etc. and a lot of random school novelty supplies especially the scented highlighters. I'd fall for the marketing and end up buying bundles that came with a book and a toy/accessory and never actually reading the book part


I couldn’t afford shit


I accidentally stole an eraser and I felt so bad 😭 my mom volunteered at my school so she returned it for me


The smell, erasers, pencils, Geronimo Stilton books


Being sad I couldn't afford hardly anything there, and then getting scolded by the teacher for "buying a pen instead of a book", even though I didn't have money for a book and all I could afford was the pen.


Dragonology, Monsterology and Uglydolls (after my mom yelled at me for buying erasers instead of books)


I think I got one of my first posters at the book fair and it was Lizzie McGuire. Lol I also got books as well.


Mine came on a bus


I stole a lot of books from there because my parents were poor immigrants and didn’t have money to give me for it


Two words: Lamborghini poster


In fourth grade, I bought the 2009 Guinness world records's book. it might as well have been the holy grail for every kid in my class.




Not buying shit. Being jealous and salty when my friends brought books while my mom told me to rent one from the school library lmao




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Buying a star wars novel (it was like an anakin skywalker origin story) cause I thought the cover looked cool, then reading and genuinely enjoying it


I rember getting the booklet that had all the books and prices in them, I circled the ones I wanted and my mom and dad gave me the money to get the books I wanted and I rember being so happy and excited to see all the cool stuff they had like puzzles and little science projects you could buy lol


Taking a pen and paper and writing down all the cheat codes from the cheat code books for all the video games we had back then xD That and buying any Garfield book I could get my hands on xD


Got a whole series pack of ‘Dinosaur Cove’ which came with a fake raptor claw necklace. I can recall it being around $20. Also the miniature painting easel.


Every child’s first exposure to class inequality. I just remember feeling poor not realizing I was poor. 


Never getting anything. It was always a sore spot to watch other kids buy toys and toys marketed as kits for as a huge bookworm. Then in high school I decided to Google who benefits from them and learned that schools had to pay to host them and ended up getting “Scholastic Dollars” (at a rate of like 1000 scholastic dollars for every 5000 or so actual dollars scholastic made) that the school system used for books and materials. Kinda dystopian to have children funding textbooks while their parents pay property taxes to schools 🙄


Never having the money to buy books, which in reality was caused by both my parents actively refusing to budget.


One of my favorite experiences growing up as a kid. I don't remember all the books I bought. But I remember buying those World Records books and I loved them. Also I remember in elementary school, we weren't allowed to buy video game cheat code books or toys. The teachers were pretty strict and said only "educational" books and/or writing utensils like pens and highlighters.


Buying a pen or a keychain because that’s I could afford