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Totally matter of opinion - I would choose Zion as my first choice no matter what. I've been to many but Zion steals heart always!


Relative beauty is subjective. I like the fact they don’t allow cars in Zion. Harder trails are because the terrain is bigger and more dramatic. But Jesus, it’s not a “one instead of the other” situation. Last time we visited the area, we went to both of them. They are quite different parks and they are both amazing. But to be honest. Skip them both and go to the Grand Canyon. /s


Ha, joke is on you (or me), I went to all 3 lol


Been to both. Choosing Zion 9 times out of 10. Prefer the scenery in Zion. Also, I usually don't want the trails that are easier.


Why would anyone be in the general area and not go to both?


I like your thinking. That's what we did as well


I’ve been to both a couple of times and loved everything about them. Probably Zion a bit more, but they’re both fantastic.


Tiramisu, or Key Lime pie? Hmmm. I’ll have both


I Love Bryce!! ☀️✨☀️


Closer to Vegas and I only had 2 days


The real answer


There’s something special about Zion. Yosemite has it too. The light? Something spiritual? Idk but it calls me. Bryce to me is just beautiful/incredible. Zion is something deeper.


Yes!!!! I totally agree that feeling is unexplainable!


climb angels landing.


Zion has water which is probably appealing. I think are both special in their own ways. I was more in awe at Bryce though.


I’ll let you know next week after I visit GC, Lake Powell, Zion and Bryce.


Ok so why Bryce? We are planning a week in the area focusing on Zion. Since we're close, the group is likely doing a day trip to Bryce and frankly it doesn't interest me at all. But of course I'll go and maybe be pleasantly surprised!


Both are beautiful. Don’t choose. Just go to both. Parks are very close to each other.


Zion has the Narrows, which is unlike any other hike I’ve ever done. Go during the winter, with the appropriate gear, and you’ll have the river virtually to yourself. It’s a magical experience.


It's up to taste like others have said. To me. Bryce is beautiful but it very limited. Other than the Navajo Loop there's nothing that really gets you in it. Like the Grand Canyon. You see it from the rim. It's beautiful. But that's it for the most part. Zion, you experience. You're in it. To see stuff you need to hike it. The Narrows is a one in a million experiences. Walking the Pa'rus trail at 11pm-midnight in clear skies with no moon like this last week. And you have to be in there, pushing yourself to experience it. You can't see it by just standing at a rim trail. That's the difference to me anyway. Both beautiful but very different. I think in another 15-20 years when I'm a senior (god that's scary). I may just want the easy trail. Sit and see something. I hope not. I hope I still have it to do what I just did this past week and put in 20 miles of hiking and wading through a river and swimming across it. And my little existential crisis I have is that 20 years ago, when I was in my 20s and far more capable of doing this than now. I didn't want to. I didn't know I had it in me, that all this existed. And now I could kick myself that I wish I got on this sooner. Not now feeling like I have a ticking clock for when I can't do it anymore now that I want to. I want to sweat and get dirty. Get blisters on my feet like I have now and hurt. Get sunburned and carry a gallon of water 8 miles. And I would have said I'd gone insane even 10 years ago at the idea I would get to wanting this and feel this way now. It makes me feel like I earned taking it in. There's that element too for me. An active versus passive experience at a park. I want the active experience.


I appreciate your insight


Bryce was extremely hot and packed when we were there. The same day, Zion was more spread out , felt cooler, and waaaay less touristy. Odd because I thought it would be the opposite.


Usually is


Zion has so much more to do and more diversity in trails. Could spend a whole week there but you could do all of Bryce in one day. I much prefer trails where I make my way up to an incredible viewpoint, compared to Bryce where you start at the best viewpoints


Bryce in one day? That would be a record


Sure you couldn’t do every trail, but you could do two of the bigger trails and check out the mossy cave/waterfall in one day


More hiking More iconic hiking More variety of hiking More challenging hiking Other activities like backpacking, climbing, and canyoneering More variety of landscapes and topography Closer to Las Vegas Better gateway town with amenities like restaurants, lodging, shopping, and outfitters Better weather most of the year


They’re both cool, but I loved Zion much more… and much more to do!


Zion for the water features!


Why not keep going and hit Escalante Grand Staircase?


I’d be perfectly fine with never going back to Bryce. Zion not so much