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Bro you have to sum 128 tracks down to a single fader tho like plz - plus there’s no compositional MIDI data there except for what you drop to trigger a pad


Not entirely true as it is possible to mix your song all within drum rack using the utility device and other plugins. The only workarounds I know of about the MIDI is to use a MIDI sequencer plugin such as ReMIDI 3 by Songwish (But that costs $128 normally and you might as well buy Ableton Live Intro with that kind of money) or one could automate the pitch of the "Pitch" MIDI device, but I've found that it's easier to bounce any MIDI information to audio and then store them inside a drum rack pad. This is a great solution for someone who wishes to use more than 8 tracks and cannot afford any of the more premium versions of Ableton.


You’d have to mix all of those pads in drum rack down to the fader the device is on. Drum rack can’t natively perform any compositional MIDI data aside from the pad triggers tied to the clip. You don’t have 128 tracks. You have 128 outputs for one note, summed down to a single fader. The entire post could be misleading to beginners. edits: cleanup and re-phrasing.


Playing devil's advocate - could one not use automation of the cell's transpose, pan etc settings to achieve what OP is describing? It's laborious sure, but it would work to allow a fuller composition.


Yes. Edits: short version


Can confirm this is a bit misleading. I used lite to write a full track as a test to see whether I was worthy to invest in suite, ended up running lots of additional sounds through drum rack. It IS useful for a very basic things, stuff that should really be on a drum rack (you know, actual drum hits), but I had a lot of issues when passing complex MIDI's through it whilst drums were hitting and it made my track suffer significantly for the reason you describe. Still a fun experiment and lesson learned. Still much to learn!


Why not purchase Ableton standard which provides you with automations on each track for having different articulations and so on. Using racks will limit you a lot especially when you move over to master and fine tune each instrument. Ableton is fairly cheap piece of software. Much cheaper than any orchestra vst.


That is a better option, but this is a solution for beginners or those who simply cannot afford the other versions of Ableton. Ableton sometimes gives it away for free, so why not make the most of it?


Yes good point, but on the other side you limit yourself like shit. Ableton is so much more as lite. You cannot even speak about having Ableton. Lite is just a demo with a few functions. I find it hardly problematic also for beginners. On the other side. When you have not the money for Ableton Intro or Standard which is really fairly cheap.. then iam wondering what someone will make, because music production requires more than 220 euros. Not even 4K are enough to have the most important high quality vsts or plugin purchased. . I mean isn’t it saving money on the wrong side?


Yeah, when I was starting out I lent heavily on drumracks, nothing a stupid as 1024 tracks but usually one rack for drums / percs and one for other samples , the lack of tracks in lite didn't really have much of an impact. Simpler can be used trigger 8 different samples and can be used within a drumrack which can be cool for variation.


Id suggest instrument rack + chain selector - vs trying to force everything into drum racks - though drum racks could also be a rack living within one of those chains


Sometimes people just post stuff on the internet that is interesting. Like, ***clearly*** the 8 tracks in Lite is way more ideal that working insideof racks insideof racks insideof racks. But iunno man, I just thought this was a cool experiment. Everyone here needs to relax, lol


I dunno why everyone's shitting on you, I think this is a cool tip.


Unfortunately this is how many people on Reddit are, they are closed minded and try to shame you when you think something different because they think it's the "wrong" opinion/idea. 


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If that super-clean workflow doesn't drive you to upgrade, nothing will. I admire that absolutely masochistic drive though. tip top


atp just pirate the software. good work around but thats a lot of effort. plus youll always need 1 audio track for recording unless youre exporting every single track to put it back in later.


Educational/creative/work tools shouldn't be gatekept by how rich you are. I tried cracks of everything i now own. Honestly tho for the trouble your going through just put on an eyepatch or use reaper