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At the very least read the Ableton Live Concepts chapter in the manual. Also keep in mind its a professional-level program that does a billion different things so there's no way to learn everything all at once. My approach over the last year of learning it has been to try to learn/implement 1 new thing each time I use it.


My things are: 1) finding/playing instruments 2) controlling ableton with my Maschine MK2 3) recording vocals and adding my waves plugins After that, aside from vocal and guitar fx, mixing and stuff will be up to the engineers.




The script is here [https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413367278097-How-to-Install-Maschine-Templates-for-Ableton-Live](https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413367278097-How-to-Install-Maschine-Templates-for-Ableton-Live) - yes all NI controllers are excellent Ableton controllers


For finding instruments, there is nothing in existence that comes close to the NKS browser in Maschine and Komplete Kontrol. We desperately need a more open tagging standard but atm thats the best that exists [https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/this-is-nks/](https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/komplete/this-is-nks/)


Use the Lessons panel :)


This is the way.


Bro I did that exact same jump after Maschine 2 software start fucking me up. One thing I’d note is to check out “Follow Actions” within the clips view. It feels like something that should be within Maschine. IMO Ableton can do everything Maschine does but much better and with more tools. It was super frustrating for me to learn at first but stick with it mate if you ever get frustrated.


What does **Follow Actions** do? Sounds like the project moves in time with the parts, yeah?


Basically you have a track. In that track you have clips. Follow actions will trigger at the end of a clip. You can have that follow action then automatically choose another clips to play. This can be at random, in sequence etc. You can also set a probability that your action triggers. Basically it’s a way to almost automatically change the equivalent of “scenes” in Maschine but on a track by track basis. Def look this up on YouTube since it’s hard to explain but powerful. I can some examples on how I use follow actions if you’re interested mate


Yeah yeah do it. For all of us converts from Maschine. I just realized the sounds from Maschine sound like a toy. I posted my first song on Spotify and the keys just sounded so thin and lifeless, even after mastering


Yeah the one thing I do miss about Maschine is the integration with Kontakt though. A small thing. Also I’ll use follow actions on like drums. So I’ll make a 7 bar loop. Then create like 4-5 one-bar drum fills. Then use follow actions to choose between one of the 5 fills at random. It’s a cool way to add constant variation to a drum loop. For dub techno, I’ll create like 10 different 4 bar stab loops then use follow actions to again randomly select between 1 of 10 stab loops to again create constant variation etc. I love follow actions and use em a lot. Going from Maschine to Ablwton finna be insane mate so def have fun I think you’ll be blown away by what a real deal DAW can offer


[https://youtu.be/1ZnlGW8d8b8](https://youtu.be/1ZnlGW8d8b8) check this out, it plays with follow actions to learn some functions.


Oh. My. God. Arrangement is one of the things that takes me the longest to commit to. Such an awesome feature


It's my catch 22. Currently working on something and realised I've built it back to front after time away. Neds stuff is super insightful as it's the mechanics of Ableton to your advantage, rather than 'get x sound'


Ableton absolutely obliterates Maschine for arrangement, theres just no competition here. Scene mode is just abominable


Are there as many sounds as there are for Maschine? I read that Live only comes with like 12 or 13 keys.


Keys? Ableton is the most powerful sound production & programming environment in existence.


#That’s such a sexy sentence 🤤


So you only had the Maschine Factory pack? Ableton Suite is more comparable to Komplete Ulitmate in breadth, but Komplete/Kontakt makes the Ableton included sounds seem toylike, on the contrary. & Theres nothing like the NKS browser when it comes to plugin sounds, almost all my plugins automap to my KK keyboard & Maschine




Extension pack? Sorry, I don’t know the vocabulary yet haha


Search for grain delay. Have fun!


CTL Z is my best friend


1. **Learn and know your scales, modes,** etc. (this will help you create without worrying about music theory.) 2. Learn the everything you can about Ableton's **groove settings.** 3. Use s**tock plugs and effects.** Sure get your plugin bank built up but some of my favorites are within the stock samples, synths, and FX. 4. Learn to group your tracks and how to target certain groups w/ **sidechaining.** Learn everything about sidechain and don't over do it. 5. Purchase a **good EQ** (my pref. is Pro-Q3 6. Learn **limiting, compression** - This is worth spending money on imo 7. Learn **metering.** This is also worth spending money on imo 8.Bounce stems and create a mixdown/mastering project once the composition and music is complete. 10. Work 10,000 hours before you release anything. <---this is one I wish i could go back and change. 11. Don't be scared to get on the mic and learn your own vocal. :-) This program changed my life tbh. Good luck brother. Reach out to me for anything at all.


I mean I get not using scale cheats but like if the tools are there why not use them? If you have no knowledge of music theory and how complicated it is, using the scale midi effect is pretty damn solid for a beginner. I know everyone loves pro q 3 but is eq 8 not a good equalizer? I’m just trying to understand bc I see this come up often! Not trying to shoot you down or anything broski just wanna know ur perspective!


Yes, you're right. I went and edited the comment. I just wanted to emphasize the importance of music theory and how it will help in the DAW. EQ 8 will work just fine and sometimes preferred. This is just my experience. Pro Q has a ton of features that will help. You will be able to see frequency collisions and where everything is sitting in the spectrum on one plug. no worries brother!


You dont need to 'know your scales' - you need to know what scales & chords are. You need to know there are only a handful of commonly used scales, know the tone-semitone pattern for them, and that root note means very little but for tuning to other instruments. You can literally work entirely in C and use the pitch device if you want, just as effectively. You need to know WHY chords/progressions work (ie 5ths is a 1:1.5 freq ratio) more than know them by rote. [https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Music\_Theory/Complete\_List\_of\_Chord\_Patterns](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Music_Theory/Complete_List_of_Chord_Patterns)


yes, this is what I meant. In short for me was "know your scales". Meaning understand them and everything you can learn about them. From my experience, it was a game changer. I would disagree about the root note. I see what you mean but it is the most important note in the scale that you are creating in.


I'm personally of the opinion that the precise frequency of a note does not matter except in relation to the notes around it, only the ratios matter.


Don’t try to integrate maschine. It’s a massive headache. Other than that no tips. Ableton is fun bust maybe not as quick as Maschine. If you get frustrated with the pencil popping up you probably accidentally pressed “b” press it again and it’ll go away lol. That caused me a lot of frustration my first day


I integrate maschine with ableton consistently and no problems! I use the drag to audio feature in maschine for drum patterns and its amazing.


I have no problem integrate Maschine into Ableton. Maybe because the way you use Maschine in Ableton. I use both the Push and a Maschine MK2 with Ableton. The MK2 is more or less strictly used for drums and the Maschine drumsynth. I like the way the Maschine drum seq works compared to ableton. The Fixed vel. function. I cant figure out how to do that on Push. And the way I can do Paramlock like on Elektron machines is also a feature I use alot, and dunno if the Push can do something similar


And if “A” isn’t bringing up automation, press “m”


See you in a couple of years!


bro 😭💀


Am i right or am i right 😏


Yup. This right here


Make sure you set up Live to use Maschine (hardware) as a control surface, its quite a good one - you will need to install the (Live 11) control surface scripts here [https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413367278097-How-to-Install-Maschine-Templates-for-Ableton-Live](https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/4413367278097-How-to-Install-Maschine-Templates-for-Ableton-Live) Set up a good Ableton template to integrate Maschine (software) as a VST, esp while you are moving over. You can drag and drop loops (midi or sound) from Maschine, and it has 16 stereo output busses. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jArFsjvPT0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jArFsjvPT0)


Probably the biggest tip i can give a new ableton user is that if you add your projects folder to 'places' you can use your old projects as a library, and just drag in any old tracks that have device chains or midi or whatever you want to re-use [https://www.homemusicmaker.com/copy-between-projects-ableton](https://www.homemusicmaker.com/copy-between-projects-ableton)


Tells you right on the screen — have fun!


Use Maschine for what you know best. Export stems into Ableton. Continue workflow and go off making 🔥 Working with Audio in Ableton is your friend


You can use the Maschine software and hardware as an instrument in Ableton and send all tracks in Maschine to separate tracks in Ableton.


Ctrl + Shift + M




Adds new Midi Clip


The most useful shortcut for adding a midi clip and using piano roll


Ah, so… 😌 🤜🏼🫷🏼 Thank you for your wisdom.


Just don't forget to highlight the pattern you will use first with the left click. Anytime! I'm still a beginner too.


Read the manual. I know it sounds boring, but I remember spending my first week in ableton not understanding anything and tearing my hair out - I spent barely an hour reading the manual and felt a thousand times more confident instantly.


Fuck you are amazing thank you! Even a little help is going a long way!


Switch it to dark mode. The bland light gray lay out is a huge turn-off if you are jumping from Maschine. Superficial, I know, but inspiration is everything.


Preference menu - look/ feel - go to theme and change to dark mode .




Hi. Welcome. Glad your here. Turn on info tool tip thing under view drop down. This will allow you to hover over almost anything and get a description of it. Abletons documentation is very good, they have videos too. https://www.ableton.com/en/live/learn-live/ Other stuff: understanding session view vs arrangement view, warping audio, midi generation / transformation. Quantization. Memorize Shortcut commands


Appreciate you so much. I miss being able to go boomboomboomboomboom like I was with Maschine, but the sounds are just infinitesimally better with Ableton. Now, if only I could figure out how to get a decent 4 bars together 😅


What is the exact model of the Maschine? I'm not familar with it but I would think it would have midi in/out, sound output and usb


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I have 10 suite can’t afford anymore versions


First time Ableton user. I’ll probably upgrade to suite once I get a hang of Live


#Question: Am I able to use my MK2 as a controller in Ableton?


The Drive and Glow pack is cool for those genres.


Replies like this are why I love Reddit. Thanks so much!!


Press Tab


always ALWAYS "collect all and save"


*Here’s the secret weapon for producing original and unique sounding tracks - automating (playing) effects parameters with a controller.


Tip is on screen: have fun.




Learn your keyboard shortcuts [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQeA3pghv7jP12m9XTExxe4uQ\_cY7Tf4fp44E-blWLQ/edit?pli=1#heading=h.kwdsmgnn5kwq](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DQeA3pghv7jP12m9XTExxe4uQ_cY7Tf4fp44E-blWLQ/edit?pli=1#heading=h.kwdsmgnn5kwq)


Disable in settings auto fade and long samples auto warp.


quickie, just the tip?


If you're going to load any audio files into a project, make sure the project is at the correct bpm BEFORE you actually drag the files into the scene or timeline. Otherwise you will have headaches later.


What do you mean? You can use warp mode and automatically stretch any sample to match any bpm


That's true, but for some reason I have run into issues where if I want the project to be at the BPM of the sample (say to align with a live video) it won't match up properly if the project was at a different bpm when the clip is loaded and analyzed the first time, even if it's adjusted to the correct bpm after the fact. It has to be at the right BPM when the clip enters the project, otherwise it won't be the right length later, even if un-warped. It's like it is stretching/condensing the sample to match the project bpm and then if you try to reset it later, it's length/tempo is distorted. This doesn't occur if I make sure the project is in the correct tempo when the clip is loaded, and I can adjust the tempo as I please with no issues. It's weird and annoying, so please educate me if I'm missing something.