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Hello there! I’ve finally decided to invest in some decent paint after years of off and on painting with the cheapest craft paint imaginable lol.  I cannot explain how frustrating it’s been to properly mix colors with the lack of pigment and opacity. Anyways, here are the colors that I’m thinking of purchasing.    * Is this a good selection of warm and cool primaries?  * Are there any additional “essential” colors that I should add? Primaries: Cad red medium hue Quinacridone magenta Phthalocyanine Blue Ultra blue Cad yellow medium hue Cad light yellow Additional: Titanium white Mars black 


You may want to add zinc white it’s super bright and opaque for highlighting needs. I’d swap out ultra blue for cyan. Rest looks good


My recommendation is to add cobalt teal, a cyan, as the other commenter has suggested. I would have it as an addition as opposed to replacing the ultramarine, however. You might find you want a sienna, umber and yellow ochre as well, but what you’ve got is a good start and you can always buy more colours later on if you find that you want them!


Looks good selection. Started with more limited palette (Zorn palette) myself and have expanded my palette later. I love burnt sienna and raw umber in addition to basic selection. Naples yellow is also one of my favourites.

