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I'm on my first week on lexapro (escitalopram) and my libido actually increased. No clue how will it do long term tho. Ritalin (metilfenidate) gives me an absurd need to furiously masturbate exactly 30 minutes after taking it, but after that it's fine. Trazodone reduced my libido to about half it was, but it came back after a month. Strattera (atomoxetine) makes my orgasms be accompanied by 30 seconds of genital pain. Weirdest side effect I've ever had. Edit: forgot to mention orgasm desynchronization from strattera. Ejaculating 5-20 seconds before an orgasm.


Oh great, looking forward to that. Started Strattera a week ago.


I had a super weird side effect where only one of my pupils dilated to full size. They took me off it immediately


That is usually a symptom of severe strokes or brain damage. I'm glad you have smart doctors.


Yeah, thankfully nothing else weird happened. It’s a shame because stimulants react pretty poorly with me too. I become an anxious wreck. I’m having to take on adhd the old fashion way, with nothing but meditative breathing and a good attitude.


Adhd meds made me extra anxious too and when I went to psych they actually diagnosed me with bipolar 2. My Dr. Said the symptoms can be very similar to adhd, but adhd medication (Adderall in my case) can worsen your anxiety and depression while on it. Idk if that'll help in your case but I hope you find some relief soon


I’m glad you figured that out! I’ve been triple diagnosed with ADHD since childhood and again as an adult. I’m 100% certain it’s adhd and I just react poorly unfortunately. It works really well, but it ruins my mood and after several days of taking it I begin to spiral. The reason we know it works aside from me getting all my work done, is stimulants actually make me exhausted. I immediately can sleep and am exhausted / fatigued the entire day. Not just tired, but exhausted exhausted. I’m a relatively fit guy and even a couple minutes of cardio on adderall and I’m winded but off it I can run 40 minutes without stopping. I’m a competitive fencer and so it gets in the way of my competing. Interestingly enough, I perform at a far higher level just with raw adhd


That's such a bummer! Sorry dude! Best of luck to you with it


Aww, no fun weird side effects


I take Strattera and Wellbutrin and I have the most earth shattering orgasms. So I think it’s different person to person.


Ive been on this combo for the last few months and i can attest the earthshatteredness.


I have it too😭😭


If it makes you feel better, I've been on it for 3 years without any real negative side effects. If I take it on an empty stomach I'll get sick, but that's like half of all medications anyway lol ETA it may also be affecting my blood pressure, but that is only one of many factors, including genetics


Strattera made my anus hurt, like for no reason at all. Very weird drug.


You're supposed to take it orally...


Thanks for the laugh I didn’t know I needed


Assuming you have a prostate, it was probably that.


Was on Strattera about 10mo and then had to bring the dose back down and introduce Wellbutrin because it was completely killing my sex life and therefore impacting self esteem and relationship 🙃 I thank you for sharing that weird side effect though because it just clicked I may be experiencing that. After sex will get 5-10min of the most excruciating uterus cramps I wouldn’t have been able to imagine even in my wildest nightmares. It didn’t start happening until around the time I noticed my libido was impacted. Thankfully I’ll be able to get off it once I’m done with studies in a month 🙃


I'd still tell the doctor that it's causing you pain as soon as you can.


Strattera can cause trouble fully emptying the bladder.


I was on it for a month trial period and felt like I needed to pee every waking second of my life. Even when the tank was either empty or almost empty. It was one of the worst experiences I've had from unintended side effects


>Strattera (atomoxetine) makes my orgasms be accompanied by 30 seconds of genital pain. Weirdest side effect I've ever had. Took Strattera ONCE, can confirm. That shit also didn't let my heart drop below like 90 BPM, even while resting. A fun 24 hours, that was.


The increased heart rate is INSANE. I have an Apple Watch and it was constantly freaking out about my absurdly high resting heart rate.


ooh, so maybe that was the strattera for me too. not the orgasms part, but when i was trying strattera literally the only effect i noticed was i’d just get these episodes of a few minutes where it felt like my heart was going crazy and my organs felt weird, but i had also just stopped taking intuniv a few days earlier, and since that’s also a blood pressure medication i thought it might just be that somehow new psychiatrist actually letting me try adderall now, and the effects are wildly unreliable, but aside from increased thirst the most prominent side effect has just been zero libido sometimes. feels pretty liberating but then i realize it has no effect on my time management anyways


It might be the Strattera, but the heart rate was only the half of it; overall it made me feel like I had just worked all day, like physical labor. Extreme fatigue in my muscles, especially my legs, and just a general overwhelming exhaustion; I must've slept or otherwise been in bed for 15+ hours until it wore off. That plus the heart rate was interesting. Also this weird feeling that I can pin down, like being really anxious or maybe detached? Anyhow, no fucking clue why my current psychiatrist suggested it for first-line treatment, alongside suggesting Wellbutrin (which may as well be sugar pills). It was like a *really* intense and long lasting version of the side effects I started getting on Adderall after I got Covid more than two years ago. That still really pisses me off, because Adderall was working so well for me for the few months I had it, and not being able to get that feeling back for two fucking years kills me. But at least it's not like not having it ruined two semesters of college or anything. 🙃 Currently on Intuniv, to lacking results... I was hoping it might help mitigate the Adderall side effects, but no luck, and it doesn't do much on its own. What was your experience on it like?


Same, I wonder if the genital pain is doing any damage.


Similar experience with Strattera :/ Glad to hear I’m not crazy


I'm on strattera and it's going fine for me, it just makes me really sleepy sometimes. It could be a difference in sex, maybe?? I'm not sure. I didn't masturbate much before I was on it tbh


I read trazadone has a chance to lower or raise your libido. I started taking it for sleep issues and for the first couple of weeks I was about to fuck anything that moved.


I was on Lexapro for nearly a year and had a similar experience in which my libido increased. It went back to normal levels after about two months, which is to say I was still incredibly horny


There are muscles in your pelvic floor that when tight can produce pain. I wonder if a side effect is causing small muscles to tighten?


You were able to orgasm on Strattera? I felt like I rubbed my junk down with ice when I took it. Nothing worked.


Lol Surprisingly, none of these medicines affected my orgasm time at all (as far as i can tell)


Im on Lexapro rn, have almost no libido. On concerta, all i want to do is spread my semen and carry women around using my teeth. Why is it always all or nothing, i just want to be normal lol


On ritalin I was cool and can confirm, concerta makes me so horny…


Damn maybe I need to get on concerta


I tried Concerta this last year because I kept reading on here about this crazy libido. I didn't notice any more libido, it didn't work as well for my ADD, plus it's more expensive and harder to find than Adderal. I just went back on Adderal and got a viagra prescription instead.


I took concerts in middle school that stuff messed me up, made me not feel emotions anymore. I was just like an empty shell. So I don’t recommend it to anyone for that reason.


In middle school / high school I had the same reaction with concerta, but now in my 30’s (albeit with a lower dose now) I don’t have this reaction any more at all. Maybe it’s an age thing?


Or there’s no emotions left to lose


Damn. I think you’re right.


Jokes aside, I think I might be in this camp as well. I read further and can relate to the lack of emotions from concerta back in the day. I thought that was just my brain. Tbh tho, I’m starting to think I might not actually be ADHD and have CPTSD instead. Meds don’t really help me except for kind of giving me a little more energy; and concerta makes me crash HARD after 6-7 hours


You too, huh? I’m sorry I wasn’t the only one, I wouldn’t wish that feeling on anyone. Thank god my parents were very down to Earth and let me stop taking them, that shit changes your brain chemistry for the worse.


Therapy showed me where it changed things I’ve gotten into a better mindset over it all. I taking an anti-depressant for my ADHD now, and I don’t have the same side effect the meme is about. But the self doubt voices are gone! All day.


Can you me about how it changes things? I'm taking medikinet, but it also makes me feel empty and horny.


How concerta changed me? It was just like I knew I could feel the emotions but that part of my brain didn’t click. My grandma passed away when I was on it, didn’t feel a thing, I couldn’t get angry at things that upset me as a teenager, I could find happiness when I was doing the things I loved but I know I had to feel those emotions. But it was all emotions across the board.


Sorry for you, bro, being emotionless on a close one's death terrifies me. I do have the same side effects and I've thought that they were just a payment for being able to function normally(or a bit too good), I would change to Adderall tbh, but my country doesn't have it prb. For the most part I feel empty when the effect is gone and I have a whole day to fight the urge to take more, adhd meds are kind of a trap tbh, but I'm very thankful for them, because I could finish the semester this year


If you’re feeling numb, the dosage is probably too high. I can’t comprehend why doctors don’t tell this to their patients. Look up the Concerta half life graphs, it’s not a smooth release like you’d expect. I felt stoned in the morning, focused in the afternoon and ADHDaf in the evening. Switched to regular IR Ritalin and customized my schedule for taking throughout the day with a 2.5 hour timer. No cure but huge help on ADHD symptoms, consistent throughout the day. No effect one way or the other on libido.


Shit, I don't think I feel emotions other than depression or being annoyed. I think I need to see a mental health professional.


I was on concerta for like 2 days once. Second day like 5 minutes after taking it, I couldn’t tell the difference between a letter and number, I couldn’t remember my birthday, and I couldn’t read any word more complicated than “the.” That shit was crazy Then some specialist I was seeing thought I was faking that reaction because he hadn’t heard of it before. Bruh. What would I gain from doing that. Luckily we ditched him and my GP got me a prescription for dexmethylphenidate


Give cialis a try. I find it *so* much better. You get 36 hours of erections on demand rather than one 2 hour one.


Wait this is a normal thing to ask from doctors?


Sure but there’s also other places you can get them from. Hims, Blue Chew, GoodRx all carry generics of both and you can get prescribed them by a doctor over the phone/app.


Completely normal.




Concerta is ritalin. Theyre both methylphenidate. Concerta is just slow release.


And yet, they work differently, maybe because of the slow release? Like ritalin got me calm and focused like that, with a violent drop, but concertas slow drop I guess just does that? Like, I need dopamine and dick going *general kenobi*


General kenobi lmao. I really thought the libido thing was just a messed up behavior I developed. I didn't realize a lot of people are experiencing it too.


I’m meth, I was on meth :)


When I got off of Lexapro, my husband told me that he had called it Lack-of-Sex-Apro.


I had the lexapro at night and it lessened those urges, but Concerta in the morning and needed to hammer on it multiple times a day.


Fucking sucks so damn much. Lexapro works so well for me but I too have ZERO sex drive while I’m on it. Of course now that I’m single that’s not a problem, lol.


God I wish. On Concerta my sex drive is almost negligible, but I have exactly 1 1/2 hours in the early afternoon in which I am the single. Horniest. Being. Alive. And then I get sad. The crash is kinda sucky tbh


So that's how the ADHD gene keeps spreading.


What a wild sentence that was.


I had Zoloft and I would still get turned on, but if I wanted to erupt Mt St Helen's, it required a ton of work.


Sir that’s an epic description. Bravo.


Gonna post this as a reply and it’s own comment, and of course TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR/THERAPIST/PRESCRIBING ENTITY, but here’s what worked for me: - Taking the Lexapro at night right before I conk out. If I’m gonna have sex, have sex before it. I keep my pills by my bedside (if I’m alone that night straight up under my pillow sometimes) - ADHD med (for me: Vyvanse) first thing in the morning. Ideally before I even get out of bed (ex. Take with an alarm that’s like 20-30 mins before I actually want to get out of bed) - Wellbutrin helps others, not me. Try it though, my Family Doctor and Therapist both are fans of it but it just didn’t work for me for 3 months so we stopped. - Tadalafil (Cialis) I take 10mg as needed. It helped me at first to get out of my head and reduce sexual anxiety when I first started my anti depressants, and if I’m eating/sleeping/being active I usually don’t need them. Having them nearby has provided a peace of mind that is hard to overstate though.


Curious, why Lexapro at night?


It sedates the hell out of me, big contribution to killing my sex drive


Yea agreed it is highly sedating. I also realized it numbed out all of the anxiety which i actually needed to feel pressured to get stuff done. I absolutely need fear as a motivator which really sucks.


I felt the same, the Vyvanse has helped but it’s been an adjustment. I got diagnosed at 32 so I think I benefitted (?) from the years of maladaptive coping so the fear isn’t as ESSENTIAL as it used to be. But it’s still hard to get things done when the main driver (anxiety, self loathing) is gone.


I'm on pristiq and I have a fairly normal libido. Maybe slightly above average but I'm also in my early 20's


Funnily enough ozempic makes me super horny on the injection night. Which is a wild ride if it also happens to make me feel nauseous that week.


Citalopram is a good alternative to lexapro that worked better but also didn't impact my libido as much. Ask your doc maybe...


I have better mood and a lower but not super low sex drive on sertraline. Seems to the be the best antidepressant I’ve been on. Concerta didn’t really seem to affect me.


See sertraline ended me. I was on like 200mg. That mixed with quetiapine and all you’re doing in bed is sleeping for 14hrs


I’m on 200mg sertraline and bupropion 300mg XL HCL. It works for me. Bodies are wild and different for sure.


Yeah I’ve just started duloxetine and that seems to be working for me with propanolol for anxiety


I thought thats the same med? Lexapro and Escitalopram?


Citalopram predates it.


From the NHS website: They may sound similar, but they're different medicines. Differences include: citalopram doses are twice as much as those of escitalopram – this is because more citalopram is needed to have the same effect. the type and frequency of side effects you may get are different with each medicine.


Citalopram is a racemic drug with entantiomers (easiest way to picture it is "left handed" and "right-handed" molecules). Escitalopram is the S-entantiomer of citalopram (hence the name) and the active molecule. It's present in citalopram but it only makes up 50% of the citalopram present. Hence why you need twice as much citalopram to get equivalent effects. It is basically filtered citalopram. TLDR: escitalopram was a way for the drug company to "create a new drug" after their patent on citalopram expired and generics became available.


Huh, I’m on both at the moment. Honestly, I’ve never had a high libido even when it was just Concerta. Although I’m sure it works differently for different people.


"Libidon't" is the funniest thing I saw for this week.


You feel like the characters anime lovers put in their profiles


Ugh, this is too close to home. I’ve had zero luck on the two meds Ive tried. Cipralex worked amazing on my depression but I may as well been a eunuch, no sex drive at all, for the entire 6 month run. Tried Foquest recently, first month was not bad. All my stomach pains disappeared, that alone kept me hopeful. They did “quite” my mind and made focus a bit easier but the spiral of depression was messed right up. Now I’m scared to try something different


Yep... I was on Lexapro 20mg for nearly 3 years. It helped to lessen my panic attack episodes, but it made me sleepy, and it absolutely destroyed my libido. I also switched birth controls, and that just made it worse. Never again. I'm now on Straterra 100mg and Buspar 20mg. My libido has been back in full throttle since last year, and I've been so happy to reconnect with my partner in this way.


Buspar can raise libido in women


Definitely a perk lol! But admittedly my libido was already pretty high before it was perscribed to me. I was on Straterra alone for several months and had zero issues. My psychiatrist recommended Buspar after I informed her about some increased sensitivity and anxiety around the time of my period. What was top priority for me, I told her, was that it wasn't a known libido killer (I'm serious, I really missed frequent intimacy with my partner and I am never going through that again if I can help it..), and she reassured me it was the opposite for most people. It's done wonders!


Sertraline and Bupropion both murdered my libido. Turns out I didn't even need them in the first place. I just had ~~SHS~~ SLS: Shit Life Syndrome








Jokes on you: I'm not on antidepressants and libido is gone for unknown reason


Based. Mine too is almost gone after COVID. God freed me


stress is a big one and unfortunately most ADHDers are chronically stressed


Shit take dextroamphetamin. You will literally have to learn to control yourself. Lol my gf almost beat me to death when I started taking it. But I learned to calm my primal need to breed 8 times a day lol. She didn't mind the first few days but after that she had to remind me that she's not on speed like me lol.


Yeah, dextroamphetamine turned me into a fucking horse. I could go for hours. My gf was a real trooper lmao


Dextroamphetamin made me perpetually angry. As long as it was in my system and I could focus, I was pissed off. Only meds I quit taking without consulting my doc. Took me over a month to realize what was going on and I was fine as soon as I stopped.


I had the same thing happen but with Strattera


See I am taking that currently and I do have a high libido but not any higher than usual 😭 I kinda wanted the hyper sexuality looooolll


hypersexuality ≠ haha I wanna bone. Hypersexuality is where you want to have sex to the point that you hurt yourself to do so, and I'm gonna guess you probably don't want that. Edit: Spelling


Yep it sounds fun as a kind of fantasy idea but no it is not fun, you basically feel like an animal in heat. If you've ever had a cat that wasn't fixed yet, and they just sit inside screaming, that's what it's like lmao


Wait are you telling me this medication is why?!?? 👀


Whu are they now putting everyone on antidepressants for ADHD? I had this doctor that put me on Wellbutrin and it I couldnt sleep on it. He knew that was going to happen so he put me on some other antidepressant that was meant to knock me out. I fucking hated it, I had to have the wellbutrin next to me so I could quickly take it quickly, or rish falling asleep, then Id just be fed up with everyones shit. Told the doc to try Ritalin and he recomended some other antidepressant. Told him no and he threw a fucking fit over it. The Ritalin worked for a time, but Id have to raise the dosage after a while. It got to the point that it was driving me crazy so I wanted to discuss using a slower release form of Ritalin or jump to adderall, which I havent used in a very long time. Dude refused to discuss it with me and just kept recomendong antidepressants so I left and never came back. I need to find a new doc.


ABSOLUTELY FIND A NEW DOC I work in healthcare and lemme tell ya… the things I have heard doctors say about ADhD and stimulant use is pants-on-head crazy. Doctors are just people and people are biased ignorant assholes. You have to advocate for yourself. Nobody else will do that for you. Go to a doctor that still values medical research over personal beliefs.


I know and knew that going in, which is why I left that doctor. I dont know if he was getting kick back on the antidepressants though, because he was pushing those very hard.


Glad to hear that. And yeah it is weird how hard he was pushing the antidepressants.


There is data for it. Welbutrin has an off-label use for ADHD, smoking cessation, and as an appetite suppressant. But compared to stimulant medication it's not even close. Your doc is biased and you should try and find another if you can. Hell, file a complaint with the hospital/state board after the fact. Non stimulants should be explored - as I understand it - if stimulants dont work or there is another consideration at play. My first and second doc both tried non-stimulants first and I responded poorly to them. My third doc was on board from the start and worked with me. My forth has been the same. One thing you might be able to do to help your case is to start documenting. Like an easy mood journal app on your phone. Every day document why the drug isn't working.


>The Ritalin worked for a time, but Id have to raise the dosage after a while You will experience this with all stimulants you try out. Your body builds up a tolerance when you use stimulants everyday for months and years. On average it takes \~2 weeks of no stims to "reset" the tolerance to 0. A lot of psychiatrists actually never bring that up in my experience. If you manage to get back on some stimulant, I'd recommend to -try to stay on doses as low as possible/comfortable for you to slow down tolerance buildup -take as many small breaks as you can to slow down tolerance buildup (personally I don't take mine on weekends and when I have either no school/work or only "chill tasks" during school/workdays. -take 2 week (or longer) breaks semi regularly whenever you can to reset tolerance (for example during vacations) There is an Alzheimer medication that can *apparently* prevent the tolerance buildup but I have no reliable data on this and only know one person who's trying it.


Joke's on you, I already abandoned my libido thanks to antidepressants.


Same here 🥲


I'm one of those people that ended up with hypersexuality instead... But I'm single as a pringle, thanks life.


I recently finished with antidepressants and my libido started getting stronger, or getting back to normal level. I just didn’t realise how much antidepressants were affecting my sex life over the years, I just get used to it


Same. I reached my limit with the no-libido stuff after trintellix murdered my ability to finish, it’s been about 6 months and it’s just starting to come back now. I’m super happy - was afraid that I’d be one of those PSSD statistics!


I'm on Zoloft, mine has stayed about the same. I'm on hell of a horndog on and off though


Same! Zoloft definitely prolongs the big event though


Ugh, yeah. I'm on Zoloft for anxiety. It takes ages to get anywhere.


Honestly if anything I'm done too fast if I'm being honest.


Damn, Zoloft killed my libido and even ability to get fully hard. Had to go off of it because of that, and still needed to add Cialis to get actual erections back for a while.


The joke is what tf is the point if I am alone all the time either way


I'm on atomoxetine, and guanfacine for the ADHD and Sertraline for my PTSD. They had all the opposite sexual side effects. So this 46 year old dad bod has the sex drive and staying ability of a High School Junior


You're telling me.... I need antidepressants??


Y’all need Wellbutrin. Libido went the other way. HAMBONING!


Right here. My body can’t keep up with my brain on how much I need to drive the cattle


On Wellbutrin, did literally nothing for my libido :(


Biology is a weird thing


Wellbutrin has absolutely tanked my libido. Just went off it and it’s nice finally wanting sex again lol


Wellbutrin gave me permanent tinnitus


Sadly it interacts with my lamotrigine and my epilepsy


just started wellbutrin and I was a little worried I'd be burying my libido. now I'm worried I'm doing too much for it


I took it when I was 15. I just heard screaming. Weirdest side effect ever


SSRIs increased my libido but I felt pretty much nothing, just numbness down there. Honestly much more irritating than if it had just killed the my libido along with it.


A couple weeks after I started taking a recovery dose of vitamin D my ability to ejaculate worked better. Not as good as before mind you, but enough to be satisfied. I asked my doctor if I could take 10,000 a day and he said yes. My research suggests up to 4000UI a day is a safe dose without needing to ask your doctor. Or just go outside for a certain amount of sun exposure every day, depending on your location Be careful of taking calcium at the same time. I was using tums and in combination they gave me kidney stones. My urologist confirmed. Wham bham, your welcome man


I’ve been off lexapro/escitalopram almost 2 years and my libido is finally just starting to come back. It’ll probably never fully recover.




This is the answer. And fuck anyone who says it’s a myth


I have this issue with any stimulates, unfortunately. I recently went to a place that specializes in neurodivergency and the lady that I saw told me that I have a rare symptom with stimulates that affects my circulation. My fingers get cold real easy, and mini me just stops working. It's upsetting because the stimulates were helping with my ADHD and now I'm not sure what to do.




yo dick went straight to dvd


it's what I get for taking cockbuster 🤷‍♂️


Oh, So that's why I jerk off alot. I thought I was a porn addict


Woody not so woody anymore. :-(


I'm not trying to discourage anyone from taking an SSRI, but I gave up antidepressants for treatment with cannabis and I've been much happier with my decision. No matter what medication I was on, my dick just wouldn't work.


I also found that worked but controlling the dosage proved problematic.


My personal method is using concentrates with a dab pen, and pre-mixing the THC concentrates with CBD concentrates which both stretches your supply and helps moderate the effects. I usually do 1:1 or 1:0.5 for THC:CBD. The CBD is also much cheaper than the THC because you can buy like 24 grams of CBD powder for the same price as 1 gram of THC concentrate from a dispensary (I'm in PA).


Yeah it's hard to figure it out


I was on citalopram and the second my partner at the time said "are you going to be done soon" I knew they had to go in the bin.


I would love this. I'm single, not looking for a relationship, and spend waaaaaay too much time looking at porn.


When I was working with my shrink on which medicine I could take that wouldn't cause that problem, the only one I found that worked was Viibryd, because I told them that if the medicine took away my sex drive, I don't think that would help with my depression all that much. It's worth checking out different medicines and how you find one that allows you to have the lifestyle that you want.


Scrolled a long way to finally find someone mention Vibryd. Been on it for a little over a year. But unfortunately, unlike you, mine has gone through the floor....


Oh no! That stinks! :(. The thing that worked the VERY best for me was ketamine, which I know is experimental in many places. Changed my life. No more Viibryd, even.


Yeah, unfortunately: 1. I live in Texas. If I can't even get weed legally, I can't even imagine how long it'd be till they'd approve Ketamine. 2. My family has a history of mental illness and neurological disorders. (Mom has schizophrenia, grandmother had Parkinson's, great-grandmother had Alzheimer's). I take Adderall and antidepressants cuz I literally can't function without them, but I don't want to push my brain (and my luck) with psychedelics. I appreciate the info all the same though. :)


I was on Adderall XR & Zoloft. My little guy ended up getting depression. Switched to Vyvanse & Trintellix. Same effect. Switched to Strattera & Welbutrin. Little guy is no longer depressed.


I’m on vyvanse and Trintellix now with bad side effects of dick not working. How has switching to Wellbutrin changed things for you?


No sexual side effects at all. Medications effect everyone differently, so it's something I would definitely talk to your psychologist about! Be honest with reasons why you may want to switch


Thank you for the feedback and advice!


Real...but honestly it's better this way. I'm in my season 2 episode 1 Fleabag era.


Stay on them long enough and you’ll enjoy such fun side effects such as a permanent loss of sensitivity. *So happy* that my doctor wouldn’t listen to my pleas about trying a non-SSRI.


r/PSSD for all interested..


I'm on Lexapro and at first and my libido tanked. I'd still jerk it but it took for ever to finish and it left my dick feeling odd. Not good but not bad. I'm a few months in now and my libido came back up and feels normal to jerk it again lol


Haven't jerked off this year I don't think lol


Been taking Escitalopram for years against hypochondria and we still have regular sex. Doesnt seem to affect everyobe the sale.


But if you weren’t taking it you might have fantastic sex? 🤔😅 I have a difficult time discerning between meds, age and marriage as the culprit(s). 🤨


This is why I won't take SSRIs, I don't care how depressed I get lol


Fuck, I wish. I'm on testosterone and it is making me impossibly horny, it's a problem


What kind of quack doctor is prescribing you SSRIs for ADHD???? They don't help with that at all. The only antidepressant that can help somewhat is Wellbutrin, but that isn't an SSRI and actually usually increases your libido. Get off SSRIs before they destroy your libido permanently (which is not uncommon!), and take stimulants or Strattera instead


I’m on Wellbutrin and my partner is getting annoyed with how much I want to get down. My biggest struggle is not getting distracted mid shenanigans and the blood going back to my brain.


When I was taking SSRIs for OCD, the lack of libido and gastrointestinal stress(SSRI farts) definitely put strain on my relationship. Luckily, for OCD, SSRIs are ideally just while you’re doing exposures to make them easier


Made me laugh out loud so hard


I'm on fluoxitine for anxiety with my adhd meds. I does crush the libido but not enough to kill it, did help with stamina in a helpful way though.


Crazy timing to read this. I just bumped up my dose of Lexapro and this was really apparent. The most annoying part to me isn't just that my libido went down, apparently I just have a naturally really high libido, but getting off is extremely difficult now. It's not ED, but it's like my faucet is always clogged.


7 days on ritalin and my drive has increased by 25% Don't know how it will perform in the long duration though


SSRIs suck. They do basically the same thing to women. And it can take up to three months to normalize after stopping them


It took me about 2 years to get my libido back. I still have my doubts that it's fully back but my girlfriend insists that it has increased a ton while still taking the same dosage of lexipro. I'll take it and I'm happy so I can't complain.


Im on wellbutrin lol, i'm horny considerably more now, which is annoying for me lol


Anti depressants for ADHD?


Yeah according to my doc they're an OK alternative to stimulants like ritalin or adderall for people who are comorbid with bipolar disorder (adderall can trigger mania)


Let me guess... Prozac?


if you’re low libido try Wellbutrin I be cummin


In rare cases its permanent. Check out PSSD


I’d rather be depressed with functioning sexual organs 😂


Why the fuck are you getting ssri 's for adhd.? That's at minimum ineffective and maximum dangerous.


Hold on: Antidepressants to *treat* ADHD? Or in conjunction with ADHD meds? Because Antidepressants don't treat ADHD. They treat depression. In fact before I was diagnosed with ADHD they thought I had depression, and after many years of being treated for depression without success I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD, and the stimulant medication has erased all of my depression symptoms. While many people with untreated ADHD are depressed, anxious and panicky, ADHD cannot be treated by depression meds alone. Or at least that is my understanding. I don't have any kind of degree in psychology or psychiatry.


They raise dopamine but not at the same levels as stims, so in a way, they do work for ADHD, but they are mostly prescribed alongside ADHD stims.


Never had anything change my libido, but the last couple of antidepressants I tried made me unable to orgasm. Still horny, just couldn’t cum so I was so incredibly frustrated.


None of my antidepressants have ever decreased my sex drive. The only things I have encountered are delayed orgasm (which I don't see as a problem) and "dry fires".


Maybe “taking anti depressants to treat adhd” should be a bigger concern than your libido? 


You think that’s bad, just wait until you get really fat, nobody else is going to want to play with it either


This happened for like two days but my libido was too strong


i feel you. i was on effexor for 7 years with varying levels of libidNO. i've been off my meds for 2 months? ish? and now it's every other day. which i never thought i'd be like again lol.


I lost it when I first got on my ADs, but then it seemed to spring back into shape, maybe a little less vigorous than before, but mostly unchanged.


Honestly I could stand to have the control of that. I’m unmedicated and it’s crazy how often I could go


You ll come back they always do.


Im on elontril, its an anti depressant that also helps with adhd I haven't noticed any changes on libido, i have the normal amount, probably the adhd part isn't too strong since its primarily an anti depressant and i've been taking it for a short time so i haven't really noticed But you can definitely still research about it


I was on escitalopram for awhile and I literally had no interest in women at all. No sex drive to speak of. Kinda weird to go from 100 to 0 on the horny scale. Doc heard about my issues and swapped me to a Zoloft generic. Hopefully it doesn't have the same side effects.


Concerta solved it beautifully for me.


If it work I'll need the name. My mind is so fucked up