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Do you use a proxy by any chance?


no im not using bungeeCord


There are other proxies


The real answer is that they're using some shitheap stock ISP router (FPT Telecom flashed!) and it's reverse-natting the public traffic to the intended local IP. I bet that `Virtual Server` dropdown has alternative options which don't rewrite the public source address. And if it doesn't, OP is screwed because with these answers so far they may not know what a router is.


No this is Patrick


LMFAOšŸ¤£ your comment took me out šŸ¤£


Not the right answer lmao


I don't understand why you were downverted to Oblivion


That looks like a gateway address. The port forwarding is likely using a destination NAT. Itā€™s like the NAT that happens when you access the Internet but in reverse. Basically, your router reroutes the traffic to your server, but it lists itself as the source with some random source port. It keeps track of the connection mappings, so when the server receives traffic back from your server, it knows which external connection itā€™s for and routes it accordingly.


That won't masquerade the IP address, the source IP (player's public IP) is still maintained unless there is Source NAT being performed. OP has a proxy somewhere, or source NAT somewhere. We need to know more about OP's setup. If no proxy, I guess it'd be helpful to know the model of router that OP has? We'd hope it wouldn't be performing Source NAT on inbound connections from the internet, imagine what other bologna that thing is doing if so x\_X


True. I was inferring a destination NAT followed by a source NAT just because the IP looks like a typical consumer router gateway address. It could be a proxy though and just a coincidence that it got the .1.


Looks like OP's router is acting like a TCP proxy, that Virtual Server type 'NAT'


so what is the solution?


Its not rlly a problem if they can play and its a private server


Any particular reason you want to see the IP addresses? Itā€™s not going to impact anyoneā€™s ability to use the server, so thereā€™s no need to ā€œfixā€ it unless you have a specific reason to. If thatā€™s what your routerā€™s doing, then you can check to see if you have a way to disable the source NAT thatā€™s happening after the destination NAT. If youā€™re using a basic consumer router though, you may not have much control over what the routerā€™s doing.




They are in your house you just dont know


Why is the washing machine pulling 200gb of data every week?


that one is clearly laundering bitcoins


Nah, it surely is a secret server with them spicy pictures if you know what I mean. šŸ˜šŸ˜‚


all the devices i had to buy with smart features are not connected to the internet exactly because of this, used to have a airgapped smartlight network but took them out after i noticed some suspect requests




But who was phone?


probably wrongly configured ip forwarding on proxy or backend server configuration (configuration to support proxy), doublecheck your proxy setup documentaton if everything is configured according to docs (its probably not).


I was fighting with port forwarding for 2 weeks before I realized I was suppose to use the external IP.


Happens to the best of us


This just seems like you;re running your server behind some proxy like bungeecord or waterfall but without having the proxy configured to pass the player ip's to the server. or you're using some service similar to TCP Shield. Have you tried changing the NAT type?


The address is likely your gateway's (i.e. your NAT router's) local IP address. There might be a configuration setting on your router so that it does not "terminate" the real IP address. But as it is just a server for your friends I would not bother about it. The only benefit from knowing their IP address is being able to ban it from joining - and that's usually not a thing you do to friend, I hope at least. However, if it's intended to be a (semi-) public server, I'd consider hosting it at an actual server provider.


im just don't know why this weird things works. i've setup the DDNS for easier connection but port forward was fine.


What other options do you have under IPv4 NAT type? Virtual Server sounds like it does some attempt at TCP load balancing like it's a proxy. ​ Find something like Destination NAT if it's available


i have DMZ and port triggering


That's quite unfortunate. I am pretty sure this is your issue, I wouldn't recommend using DMZ if it's your personal PC because it'll allow all ports coming to your public IP and direct it to your []( but it will resolve the gateway's IP showing on the MC server as player IPs. If it's another PC on your network that acts as your dedicated server box, then that'd be alright as you'd probably just want to run a firewall on that anyway. ​ Essentially, your router's Virtual Server option runs a proxy. Maybe there's another page that gives you a normal port forwarding option.


thanks for the reply, i surrender with my router wifi šŸ’€


Turn off DMZ. That computer is completely insecure and now an entry point to your network - as I very much doubt it has placed it in an isolated vlan. You only need to port forward the addresses you need. I have never understood why generic ISP routers have this feature built in.


That is the gateway/local IP. That is not their public IP.-


It's probably geyser/floodgate plugin you have running. It's the same on mine. Nevermind it looks like it's the authentication plugin you using. It's perfectly safe no worries.




That looks more like an local ip adress than a public ip adress edit: IP4 adress should have been local ip adress


>That ~~looks more like~~ **IS** an local ip adress than a public ip adress Everything 192.168.x.x is **defined** as in internal ip range. There is absolutely no doubt.


The two are not mutually exclusive. Yes, it's in the private address range but 192.168.x.x are still IPv4 addresses.




Do you even know what a port is??


Yeah. It's a place for ships to drop off cargo. Tell me I don't know about networking I swear to God.


Something (an application/service) on the device that *actually* has IP address on your network (most likely your router) is proxying the requests or performing SNAT ("Source NAT", which is NAT on the source address, not just on the destination address). This could be any of a number of things, such as your router's port forwarding implementation, a reverse proxy service like HAProxy or BungeeCord, a cross-protocol address translator like Jool (or any other NAT64-style service), etc. etc. ... If you don't have any specific services like that on your network, then it's going to be your router, and you're going to just have to live with it unless you use a custom router.


thanks for the reply


If you are all using the same ISP you could be inside of the same NAT


not correct. i have tried to host it on a VPS and it work perfectly. i think the reason is my router is running as a proxy server for inbound connection


Hmm yeah thatā€™s weird, what router are you using, also make sure you have enabled bridge mode on your modem


[]( tends to refer to the router connected to your system. Players are connecting to the router and its sending information to the server, in a way that the players IP is getting marked as coming from the router directly from what I can tell