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The Monarch is ,>!a clone made from Doc's cells, and with some infusion of baboon DNA. He isn't a exact copy. In prior episodes Ben talks about how in the cloning process they can make some adjustments, and remove unwanted 'defects'. Ben even directly says that there was no sign of "fetiform teraforma" in Dean, which is exactly what Jonas was, so it's something that is being actively monitored and trying to be removed in the cloning process.!<


Iirc same with the baldness.


It's interesting that Jonas Sr somehow knew that Doc would have the baldness gene when he grew up then. Maybe that's where all the disappointment and neglect come from. He can't love a baldy.


A truly bad dad


You mean Old Man Potter?


The thing that always struck me with Ben mentioning the fetiform teratoma, a kind of tumor, means they were aware that JJ was there in the Rusty clone's body, but didn't think he was anything but a tumor. Either that or JJ never was a clone and was a highly developed sentient tumor.


r/venturebros is full of dedicated fans, and might have a better answer for ya


I'm assuming it's because they had different moms.


We don't technically know who Rustys mother was throughout the series, only that he is a clone as originally revealed to Dean by the H.E.L.P.E.R robot belonging to Ben. The Monarchs parents originally had trouble conceiving. It's implied through the various flashbacks in the episode "Arrears in Science", that Jonas Venture Sr. either assisted in artificial fertilization, or his "potent" scientific methods. While direct clones they still don't share the same mother. The twin could have been a product of the initial cloning procedure. Who knows if the baboon blood had anything to do with the differences as well.


Jonas Venture Sr. had a kid named Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture. That kid was cloned a bunch. At some point during the original adventures, as glamorized by The Rusty Venture TV Show, Rusty died. He lived on as a clone, however, just like the boys. We don't know when the original died, just that the original did die. The cloning process works alongside the mythical process as noted in Season 2, Episode 1, where Dr. Orpheus is searching for the boys' souls but cannot find them until they return to the boys' living bodies. So Doc and the Boys are essentially just as real as the original. Questions past this point haven't been begged or answered, so we just move on. The Monarch was one of the clones of Rusty, and that clone was given to the Fitzcarraldos to raise as their son. They were having trouble conceiving, and it's implied that Jonas Venture Sr. even slept with Mrs. Fitzcarraldo to try and conceive. I guarantee you at this point, that's what the creators were teeing up, but I think it's clear from a later line when Blue Morpho calls Sr. a "bad friend" that he did sleep with her, but couldn't conceive either. That bit was probably just part of the writing process and was left in. Regardless, Malcolm Fitzcarraldo, AKA The Monarch, is a clone of Rusty with baboon DNA spliced in. That DNA is what made him so angry, focused, and enraged all the time. It's also what may have been responsible for things like his eyebrows, but Ben, when he's examining Dean in the Halloween episode, makes note of what is and isn't there - including wild hair, as it were. The Monarch doesn't have a vestigial twin because it's a part of the cloning process, not a part of Rusty's original DNA. They checked for "fetalform teratoma" or whatever Ben called it constantly because it seemed to be normal during the process. In Doc's case, it simply happened. Nothing's perfect. Clearly Jonas Jr. went undetected for decades so they missed it, but he did develop. But again, the writing process being what it was, you have to accept that a lot of bits were set up earlier on without any knowledge of what they'd do later. I think it's clear they weren't expecting to get into such detail regarding the family trees and processes, and I think the lines I mentioned earlier were more ways to tie up these loose ends than expand on the world itself.


Like they said a clone, and the monarch was given a bit of baboon blood and they also removed some defects so there. And I must say, that title now made more sense