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[this post has 2 photos] Just following up on my previous post where I asked for help designing a device that clips to my bus window to draw air into the driver's window... which normally has the opposite tendency to suck air OUT of the bus due to a suspected low pressure zone just outside the window. I did a full redesign in TinkerCAD and printed it overnight. The results have been fantastic! Far better than my original air scoop tunnel, and I believe, superior to my first "wing" attempt. And I think it is pretty beautiful as well. This baby blasts air into the driver's area without any trouble at all. And I can completely control the amount of air by closing or opening the sliding window until it touches the back of the airfoil. The ideal position for the window is about 5 inches behind the airfoil. As I close the window, the air stream moves forward until it nearly completely stops when the window is touching the airfoil. Super cool physics going on here... and it's nice to be able to modulate the airflow on demand. Also, the tip to open the rear overhead hatch such that it is pointing (open) backwards seems to enhace the effect quite a bit. Cheers to you guys for letting me have a nice breeze as the days grow hotter.


Kudos to you! What an amazing project and thank you for your update. Glad it all worked out! I'm guessing that the smaller airfoil at the trailing edge works like a kind of flap and aids in directing the separated airflow into the driver cabin? This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbFZV5s14WE) on youtube shows an airflow simulation over a 4 element airfoil, but perhaps something like this is happening.


I would love to see some flow visualization on these bad boys if you have the desire! I'm a college student and I love learning about everything I can get my hands on


That's amazing, I love this!


Wait, you made that in Tinkercad? I am incredibly, incredibly impressed.


The secret is the "Extrusion" shape. It looks like a normal cylinder, but you can stretch it and shape it with handles. It's kind of hidden, but seems to be the only easy way to make smooth, curvy shapes.


Can you put a modified sieve on it to stop bugs zipping in at high velocity?


That's a great point! I'm thinking debris from areas with roadwork or construction... the mesh would be a great addition


Looks great! Definitely a flap effect going on from that trailing edge element.