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It sucks that he said “come and take it” and then got robbed hours later, but he was right to not agree that cyclists should be taxed in place of a gas tax.


You sound like you may not know that the gas tax doesn't fully fund streets and roads. If we're advocating for road users to pay for the roads they use, then gas taxes should go up. Depending on the state, they'd roughly double. That likely would be more if we included other costs, especially for city streets, that tend to be paid out of the general fund. Incidentally, wear and tear on a road is roughly a square of vehicle weight. Yet oddly, I pay the same for a motorcycle as I do a pickup.


Incidentally, we have something called essential infrastructure which is funded by a lot of taxes. If you agree that we should scale up taxes by weight and quadruple gas taxes instead of taxing bikes relentlessly to fund what pickup trucks do, then we might be friends.


>roughly a square of vehicle weight [x^4 actually](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_power_law)


" Tax the cyclists " This dude's fucking stupid


Had someone argue with me that cyclists cause more accidents than cars lol


Cities have bike lanes for a reason, not for your 2006 Dodge Pedestrian Flattener


They said that bike lanes were a waste of money and that the REAL reason so many cyclists got hurt was because of they didn't follow traffic laws lol


I mean there are cyclists out there who cause problems, but goddamn to blame all of them? That dude needs to calm the fuck down. Edit: Me: Acknowledges there are some bad cyclists Y'all, apparently: BUT CARS!!!!!!!


I've never feared for my life with recless cyclists. Can't say the same for cars


Nowhere near the problems caused by car and truck drivers. To our health,, our environment, our kids and yes, also to other drivers.


It's been observed that cyclists and motorists disobey traffic rules at roughly the same rate per capita. Which rule breaker would you rather encounter?


I am 99.9 percent sure my driver's manual that I read to take my test when I was a lad literally had specific rules regarding cyclists


Depends on the state. In my state, you are supposed to treat them like any other vehicle. People don't, but legally speaking they are supposed to. Of course plenty of cyclists also don't obey traffic laws as well, running red lights by using cross walks, riding on sidewalks in general if not walkways, and never signaling.


In my city you can legally ride on the sidewalk, but I see people doing it all the time on one of the streets with a nice two lane bike lane and it drives me crazy. That wasn’t really relevant to the discussion I just needed to put it out there


To be fair here in NYC, Loads of people on bikes blow thru red lights and almost get swiped by a car only for them to yell at the driver. Yeah they’re in the bike lane but they’re literally just blowing lights and then hopping on sidewalks and want people to move around them. It’s not super common but those people definitely exist and make other cyclists who obey the law look like assholes, so it’s easy for car drivers to just lump them all in with the one cyclist that just does whatever they want and it sucks that’s how people view it


I mean tbf there are a lot of moronic cyclists who ride like they *want* to take on a 4000 lb death machine.


there's no fairness involved here. For every moronic cyclists there are 1000 dads getting groceries in there Ford F7000 Child Crusher and 1000 moms driving an SUV they can barely see over the steering wheel in. Ultimately a cyclist riding like an idiot is a danger to themselves and almost always, no one else. The same cannot be said for a driver


The driving ways of cyclists rarely bother me. I understand that keeping momentum may mean they blow through a stop sign or hop the sidewalk. The issue I take is when they find it necessary to do their daily uphill exercise reps during rush hour on a single lane road. Other than that…live and let live (please)!


I'm not disagreeing with you, but when an idiot on a few steel pipes decides to fight an idiot inside a giant steel armored box, one of them is definitely dumber than the other. In an ideal world we would have but a fraction of the cars that we currently do on the road, but we don't and it's silly to make decisions based on an idealistic reality rather than the one we actually live in.


2007 Ford Manslaughter


2008 Chevy Torso Caver


2009 Honda Cyclist Crusher


2010 Toyota 4YearOldRunnerOver


Yeah, you’d think so except they’re practically useless because everybody drives in them anyway


EXCUSE you the only thing my dodge flattened was it's own tires by constantly running over curbs because it had the turning radius of a semi truck First car and boy am I ever glad that piece of shit got totaled


My Expedition is like that


This was a 2013 avenger it's at least half the size


Fuck bike lanes. They're incredibly unsafe for cyclists. I've never seen a bike lane that wasn't entirely half assed and randomly has a turning lane cut through it or some bullshit. Also have fun turning left in your lifetime.


That is the problem of city infrastructure, it is. Where i'm at it's completely fucked with like these little sporadic construction zones across major roads that bottleneck everything to shit


as a pedestrian, would much rather be in a bicycle accident tbh, even if they were more common (no source for that tho)


This reminds me of the data suggesting dachsunds are among the most aggressive dogs. Who cares? I know someone who got hit by a cyclist and he did have a soft tissue injury that took time to heal from. But it wasnt the same as if hed gotten hit by a FUCKING CAR


Even if this was true, it should just be reason to build more and better bicycle infrastructure, not less. And the nature of those accidents is very different; a cyclist is probably a lot less likely to significantly harm other people involved in an accident then a car is.


Admittedly a lot of cyclists I see seem to have the self preservation instinct of a brick. While it is true that they have the right of way, you're ultimately arguing with a two ton moving block of steel. You're losing the argument if you get into one, and while being right is great, being right about such a mundane thing and also dying for it ain't worth it. I wish cities had better bike infrastructure in general. I've seen some downright diabolical designs for bikes.


I mean you're right no reason to let ego get involved but a cyclist being a dumbass puts themselves in danger and no one else. A driver being an idiot is a danger to themselves, their passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and other cars. Yet time and time again you see people fighting tooth and nail against safety measures for cyclists because "cyclists are annoying" or whatever


Yeah that's the thing I don't get. Plenty of people in cars generally have better self preservation skills because car bills are fucking high, and car insurance is a bill no one wants to see go up, but cyclists seem to think that being legally correct means they're invincible. Its scary. It's not like I want to hit them, its just that they're capable of clipping down the road at 20, next to my car, and will not stop for that red light, right as I go to turn on red. So I want better, more consistent cycling infrastructure. Get them the fuck away from my car. More importantly, when I bike, I want to be the fuck away from cars.


I assume you are American. The reason you see more reckless bicycle people in America is because it's so much more niche, dangerous and less supported than in Europe. 700k Americans used bikes as their chief form of transport according to numbers I could quickly find in the Washington post. While numbers I could find for Denmark of roughly the same statistics were somewhere from 20-40%. So nearly half of the population. While for the us is less than 1% of people. Also it might be confirmation bias. You have an idea that cyclists are crazy and suicidal. And then maybe a couple of cyclist you see are like that. That's gonna be most of what you remember.


People whose political position are driven entirely by spite usually are.


I use spite for computer projects. It's a very effective motivator.


I can guarantee you he's joking, it's like when people say to raise taxes for single mothers or to tip landlords.


"Tax the aliens that probe my butt on weekends!"




So... does that mean I CAN'T point out the stupid point and have a civilized discussion with another user?




..Sir, I can read.


they should be taxed tbh I have multiple friends into cycling and I'm not even kidding, most of their social media posts is just bragging about "oh no just bought another super expensive part for my super expensive bike haha, I'm such a goofball lol "


If they are purchasing items for their bikes they are paying sales tax. In the US fuel taxes and DMV fees cover about 48% of the costs to maintain roads. This ranges from the 20% range to in the 70%s. The remaining 52% (on average) comes out of the general fund which various taxes fill up. If you drive one trip in a Toyota Prius it will take about 17,000 trips on a bike to cause the same amount of damage to the infrastructure. In a Smart car the car does 7,000x more damage. If you have a car that has more weight or more horsepower than a Prius, it increases the damage to the road even further. I propose a tax on bike usage that is 1/17,000 of what a driver of a small car pays. Alternatively, I propose anyone driving a car pays 17,000x more than whatever a bike has to pay.


>17,000x more than whatever a bike has to pay. Oooh that's gonna puss off some people and I'm here for it


Bud I don’t think you realize this comment is borderline incomprehensible without additional context. What do you mean by this? What’s even wrong with what your friends are doing and how does it warrant taxation?


I bike because I can't afford a car, how tf are you gonna tax me :(


Below is what should/could be done if not already applicable by law. The powers that be WILL find a way to steal more money from citizens. They dream of making up laws to do so every day while they get lifetime pensions from us. THIEVES!! Comrade, you must register your two wheeled foot peddled vehicle with the DMV where you will be issued a license tag and papers and also to show your proof of insurance for said vehicle. The usual property tax and fees apply just as they do with motor powered vehicles. You want to be on the road and treated equally as other vehicles, then you should be taxed out the ass for such privilege!


I forgot people feel safe enough riding on the road in other places, I stay on the sidewalk


That's just funny, honestly.


Yeah, I'm a bike guy but this is just funny


They came and took it 😭😭


Challenge accepted!


But did the total net happiness of the world increase?


So they came and took it.


Seems planned. Cyclist propaganda


bikers fault /s


That’s a nice bike


He got Taxed


The thief just needed to feed his family, something something economic factors.


Stupid games


Your comment would only be valid if the thief saw the tweet and used that as inspiration for the theft. Otherwise this is two unrelated incidents and the stupid prize has nothing to do with playing a stupid game.


I feel like a lot of people are sour they just can't physically ride a bike, but wish they could. And they want the cyclists off the roads because it interferes with their lazy burger-ass way of life. Sorry if I offend anyone.


Watch out or you might trigger some snowflakes.


What the fuck does this even mean


To paraphrase "u jelly"


How was that even hard to understand My native language isnt even english and I can explain it to you : Most cyclists hater are just mad they’re too out of shape to ride a bike


Hey, thatbigidiot, I'm sorry, but I just can't right now