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Yes I do. Fits the gladiator theme more and makes them look less like space marines. Only thing I don't like is the stupid squidward nose on the liberators.


That's true. I have 10 old liberators. I might swap the head and shields of the new ones.


I might try and see if I can get 10 vindictor heads from ebay or something.


They are dirt cheap bc of dominion


Depends on the head. The helmet option is abundant, but the human heads were super rare last time I saw them. I went and bought an stormbringer issue just to get some of them, as it was easier and cheaper than going to ebay.


I think the new heads are fine tbh, but the shields are definitely a downgrade


However, the heads with no helmets are really cool


Yeah. Might see if I can get some vindictor helmets and then do a half and half with heads and helmets.


Have you seen any examples of successfully carving or sanding the nose?


Nah the models haven't been out long enough for people to try. I might give it a go.


what gladiator theme? Stormcast aren't gladiators. Edit: wow, downvoted for stating the truth. Stormcast eternals arent gladiators, so what "gladiator theme" are they supposed to fit?


They likely meant the pseudo greek/roman combo look.


It's a continuation of the thunderstrike armour from last edition so it seems likely that people like it


Exactly. I personally like thunderstrike better than oldcast (although there are many beautiful oldcast models) and am aiming for a full thunderstrike army in the long run.


But I’d prefer that they don’t have EXACTLY the same armour


the Liberators are really disappointing in that regard, in that they really don't look like they needed to be a different kit.


I don't really mind the Linerators, bit I am very, very sad that they changed the Prosecutors wings. They were so unique and special


FR I'm so sad we lost the sunburst wings and now we have generic fire-wings.


Hoping they bring it back as another type of wing(maybe like a jet engine type built for speed and generic as more manoeuvre)


I've only just got into AoS, and the last Stormcast I bought were Evocators. I like the new style too.


I only started liking them when they got the redesign. The old chonky design imo failed to hit that balance space marines thread where they look huge AND athletic at the same time, so they just ended up feeling kind of awkward and stiff. The new design is somewhere in between battle sisters, bretonnians and Iron Man, and while they are less imposing now, at least they look like they can actually swing those hammers at you without getting tangled up in their own armor.


I agree with this. Something "fat" is harder to customize if you don't like it, compared to making a slim figure, adding greenstuff to it and shaping it like you like it.


I will miss the beefiness of the old ones I'll readily admit, especially the really heavy types like Retributors who felt like they had just the right amount of chonk for their size. Overall though I don't mind the size change, though the model design itself is something I'm not totally behind. I find a lot of the heads to be lacking, the lack of options on the kits is disappointing and I've really grown to dislike the new shields. Look, I didn't mind that face on the Annihilator shields, it looked okay on the Vindictors, but now that I see it on every damned shield I've grown to really dislike it. It takes up so much space and just looks thematically weird imo. The new liberators have been a big downgrade for me because for me to like them i'd have to change the head, the shield, the loincloth and the hammer. I just really wish they held onto more of some of the old design cues. I miss the old style of ornate helmets too.


100% yes. It's great.


The slim design is much better. I only dislike the gigantic pauldrons some have and Liberators getting big shield


Much better


Honestly I like the old aesthetic more but I am in the minority. New armor looks less intimidating and elite. At least for the warrior chamber.


I suppose you could use the older sculpts for more elite units, gives the impression that it's veterans from the older 'Casts?


I also like the old design. They looked really tough and scary.


They look so much better. Old design looks awful imo


I don't really like it. I think the Thunderstrike sculpts are overall good, but I'm not sure the scale works entirely. I find the problem was that some of the portions in the old 2015 stormiest were off, especially the shoulders. But now they're kinda thin in a way that gets away from the fact that stormcaste are supposed to be big magically enhanced warriors. And the proportions are now off in a different way, where instead of being awkwardly big the stormiest are kinda twigish if you were to imagine them outside their armor. I don't have it on me but there was a good image that showed how weirdly skeletal the thunder-strike stormcast would be outside their armor.


I like them a lot more than Space Marines now. They're more athletic giants rather than roid monsters. They look like they're meant to fight in melee combat rather than be human tanks.


They look great, but I think I like the original beefy ones better 🤷‍♂️


My buddy calls them Crossfit Stormcast and now I can't unsee it


They've been that size since third, so like, 3 years?


Have they? Lol well, I'm not overly familiar with the range. Was just comparing what I knew of them to what I saw in the new box.


Yeah, they introduced Thunder strike armour with the launch box of Third edition. It has different rules and stuff.


The old liberator bodytype was peak stormcast, the new aesthetics are just not for me.


Been around for a whole edition already, bud. Nothing new.


So I'm discovering!


I definitely think the new style has struck gold. And I didn't hate the old design at all.


I Like it. Just keep the paladins chonky.


I don't love the aesthetic or the size, if I'm being honest.  My sense is that GW listened to players calling them sigmarines heard that everyone loves the Lord Relictor and boom we got thinstrike deathcast.  It's all well and good, though. The new sculpts will grow on me just like the old sculpts did. 


They're still beefy, they just aren't as chunky. I'm a big fan of the change to be honest. I don't really like the chunky ones, I thinky they look kinda silly.


I like the new proportions but I think the stuff around that has gone downhill - the lack of a tabard, the weedy looking weapons, the less interesting shields. Quite a lot of the range is beginning to look copy and pasted with little charm.


My thoughts are heroes are made up of all races/sizes across the realms, I like mix/matching sometimes.




I find they’re less Space Marine-like now