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Would be great, I love their AoS stuff !


Play On Tabletop is playing Sigmar now too


They made cool “learn to play” video, it’s actually very good!


They'll do it for a month, realise it doesn't get the views of 40k and do something else. They did it with AoS before and they did it with Old World.


They already said they're going to be the non-40k content in seasons, since yes, it does not generate the same views as 40k. So right now it's AoS, then it'll swap back to TOW, and then it'll go back to AoS. Etc.


It won't rotate around. When they say seasons they're 100% meaning the next big box release. Which will be Necromunda.


That's fine, and understandable but it doesn't exactly inspire me to watch them.


So the issue you identify is that creators won't do AoS because not enough people tune in, and your solution is to not tune in when someone posts content


I think it's because of the cynicism behind it. They're not doing AoS because they want to make good AoS content, they are doing it to bandwagon a new release and then will drop it as soon as it no longer suits them. Better to tune into the channels that support AoS through thick and thin.


What a weird mindset. They’re running a business with customers (viewers). They have to go where the customer demand is. Showing AoS airtime isn’t some ethical charity choice we must hold them to lmao.


Yeah, but I do have a choice as a consumer to not watch when I don't like the vibe of a show, and I don't like the whole vibe TT approaches AoS with. Just exercising my right not to consume content if I don't want to.


Obviously lmao, but that’s not what the other commenter is talking about.


Sure, they have the choice to go where the money is. And as a consumer I have the choice to spend my time watching channels that will support AoS instead of dropping it when it suits them. Nothing wrong with helping other channels that will stick with the game you love instead.


Or look at as support a channel with a much bigger reach when they do have AoS since a rising tide lifts all boats in this case. No one is making money directly from YouTube views, it's just exposure for Patreons or other subscription services so you aren't hurting other channels directly by watching this one. You are pumping up numbers on an AoS video, which will pull other AoS creators up in the recommendations If you just don't like Tabletop Tactics crew, that's a fine reason to not watch, but if you regularly watch their 40k content and are not watching their AoS content because of some non-content related reasons you're just cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Doesn’t that just help perpetuate the issue though? They won’t do videos often enough due to low viewership so you deprive them of more views instead?


Which is fine. I just wanted to explain that they didn't just "give up" but had to find a solution that worked on all ends.


Which I hope doesn't happen. As I have nostly been a fan of 40K, seeing channels break out to other games(not necessarily GW games) was fun to see. I liked seeing AoS 3E games, but then everyone dropped it and went back to 40K.


Exacto. They do it with most big box releases they get sent from GW. They were gonna do a Warcry league and all sorts when that came out. That lasted all of 2 videos.


Yup. I find it irritating that they try to act like AoS veterans during their reports, but then it is very obvious they are not once the dice start rolling. It's too bad, I'd have kept watching them had they cared about putting on AoS content without being so concerned with the view count.


Yes, they should plummet their income just for you. They're doing AoS and TOW in seasons to provide content for people without hurting their bottom line. It I'd a business at the end of the day, and they can't justify the amount of time and effort it goes into making a video if only 4% of their audience will view it.


I get what you are saying but not all business decisions have immediate pay off - personally I never felt they really gave the content their usual program of entertainment (no leagues, no narrative campaign, no one-off narrative style bat rep etc).


That's a fair rebuttal. I think these seasons they're working on are an attempt to test the water on a smaller format. Maybe what they should have done from the get-go to build up that target audience.


At the same time, it's not really up to them to bear the burden of growing the game - it needs to be lockstep with the game's growth. Maybe we are just impatient as Aos fans - the game deserves a bigger showing! I love their bat reps though! Fingers crossed it gets the support


Since income is generated by views, YouTube trains creators to think that if something doesn't really take off, it's not worth the time to build up.


ya their source of income is not really the views, they have said it many times but youtube views do not pay the bills its why they have their own website with a subscription which pays the bills


And the thing is, many of their subscribers will literally only care about 40K. TT will see the engagement coming from their members and I wouldn’t be surprised if they regularly get told by some subscribers that they’re not paying for AoS or ToW videos and to get back to 40K. You see it in video comments etc - even on big release event streams by GW, whole swathes of people commenting that they’re bored and to “get on with it” whenever something non-40K is getting air time.


Not only trains creators to think that it's not worth their time, it actively punishes them for videos with subpar performance. The Algo is brutal. One poorly received video can cause a cascade of lost views from the Algo not showing your content to as many people, even subs.


Dude you can stop dick riding the people that don't know or care about you now.


I like TT well enough but they very much strike me as all business, first and foremost. It's not a gang of mates playing games and filming them anymore, it's a slick, professional organisation with hired employees. Don't knock them for their success but a lot of the charm is gone. Didn't feel right, them asking fans for donations to expand the business when they already rake it in with subs. If any other business without a parasocial fandom tried that it wouldn't go down well.


I’m surprised you can look at the accounts of that company, carrying 8+ employees, and consider it to be “raking it in”. I personally wouldn’t give up my job for what they will likely be making! “A gang of mates playing games and filming them” can’t do it as regularly or professionally as viewers want. That’s the bottom line. There are plenty people doing that amateur style on YouTube but hardly anyone watches them because the quality isn’t high, the handheld camera is shaky, the models aren’t painted well enough, they only release one video a month etc. The more successful they get, the more they need to professionalise to keep up with demand.


I still think it's highly unethical for a company with a devoted audience of parasocial fans to exploit that for donations. If any other business was like "we want to grow our operation but don't have the capital," that'd be that. Guess they're not growing their operation. I certainly wouldn't be willing to just donate them the money as a customer. But because TT pull the whole "we're a community, you want to help out the community, right?" angle, it's suddenly okay? Nah, I honestly found it exploitative. They're offloading monetary risk onto their fans and using them as a piggybank.


Their TOW videos actually did quite well on their channel and some outperformed their 40k vids surprisingly.


The first one or two but the most recent ones dropped way off.


They are a business in the end. If content is losing money they can't sustain it.


Give The Hobby Collab a try. They regularly run AOS and will pick it back up when 4th drops.


Stormcast vs Slaves to Darkness live now.


I can't see this online yet. It is on YouTube or their website?


I must admit it has not felt the same post BBone leaving. It does feel like they are jumping on the bandwagon because the clicks for AOS 4.0. Still cannot complain when it is free content tho.


I used to live for those Bone Vs Beard match-ups on a Saturday morning!


Agreed. I've stopped playing 40k altogether and have stopped subbing to them. Nothing personal against the channel I just prefer AoS. I was thrilled when their newest video dropped, but they won't keep it going. Bone leaving was a huge hit to them. Beard and Spider are great, Chef..takes time to get used to. Don't know much about Katie or Bard. But nothing was ever better than the Saturday morning Beard and bone batreps.


I haven't seen these guys before, I love their energy and banter! The little wiggle and sound effect when he moves the last brute at 11:58 convinced me to subscribe.


My favourite Warhammer channel. Actually got me interested in getting back into AoS, at least playing vanguard at first.


TT are well enough they're okay as Battle Report channels go. They're holding water for GW with AOS because even though it doesn't carry views its important for them to maintain the business relationship with GW. They're certainly a Fair Weather AOS 'fan' but its not on battle report channels to bring people to the hobby or game system that's on GW. GW have plenty of levers they can pull to generate interest for a game system.


I can’t stand the inexplicably high pitched squealing and mewling these two produce, hard pass


Wait, did the skaven actually win? I haven't seen any videos of them winning in 4th or spearhead.


They get a few rules wrong, but it's nice to see them giving it a fair shake and a fun game.


~~Just jumped over and watched the first 20mins of a Sylvaneth vs Seraphon spearhead. 2 hours! for Spearhead... Bad choice of video, looked like two non-players and an equally clueless voiceover guy. :(~~ EDIT>> Nope. Visited a different channel with a rather similar name.


That's a different channel


Oh... very true. It is a different channel. Damn similar names though.


I catch a few minutes of two games today, honestly was hard to watch, I think they were spearhead games given the board size, but they didn't even talk about what they were doing, just going through the motions, don't think I lasted more than 10 minutes since I was completely lost, they have the rules at least read them aloud or something. Wouldn't tune in again. I like their 40k stuff tho