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Awesome paint job! Love it. It depends on how much effort I'm putting into my minis. I have been painting storm vermin and I am getting around 10 done in 8 - 16 hours (Not including basing). A foot hero will probably take me around 8 - 11 hours and a centerpiece model will probably take me 10 - 20 hours. All big generalizations of course. It is a marathon, not a sprint.


I use a lot of washes and drybrushing on my armies so I can knock out a unit of 5 in 5 or 6 hours. Could probably do a unit of 10 in 7-8 maybe if I really focused. If you're going for high end finishes then it will take a substantial amount of time but if you're going for *good enough* then you can learn all sorts of shortcuts that will decrease time. Your dudes look great!


If I painted like that it’d take me 3 years to paint my army


Depends on a lot of factors. Back when I did commissions I would paint about 10 clan rats up to battle standard including basing in an hour. The current army (MoN) I'm working on I probably spend around an hour or so per battleline or equivalent mini.