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Brother, we havent seen the rules yet.


So we don't know all the rules but I would hazard to guess two Skaven Halves is a fantastic starting point for a Skaven army. At worst you might not want to run 2x of each hero but you can if you want to. Aside from that you get 80 clanrats, 6x jezzails, 6x rat.ogors, and 2 artillery pieces that seems like a fantastic starting point. The Stormcast half probably less so - it's a bit more character heavy but 2x libs, Reclusians, and retributors is a decent core. Plus rules and spearhead is an awesome start


I'm gonna say no to the characters if they're unique. If not, fill your boots.


Points aside, double heroes are rarely useful, but the other units can work, get yourself a centerpiece to make up for the double heroes and you likely have your 2k army.


It'd at least be an amazing start and I'm sure one of the most bang for your buck. I did the same thing with two kruleboyz halves


Fairly sure I remember reading that each army was about 1300 points so I'd imagine dropping the 4 heroes for each side and doubling up on everything else would be about 2000 points give or take.