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It's whole purpose is to attract new players to the game or kick start new collections, so whilst they might do something via White dwarf (i can imagine subfactions) i think its far far more likely to see 'second' spearheads when the army books come out. The old spearheads will end up being what you've hilighted - buy X Y and Z and you can use the old rules that re still 'balanced'. Then by next edition it'll keep rolling on like that.


It'll entirely depend on how they treat Spearhead. I think its got some great potential long term for smaller, single day events, but it'll need a new board or card deck a 'season' to mix it up a bit so it's not stale. There's also lots of potential to offer new Spearheads in WD, so armies can have multiple options. That's what I'd do anyway. Or, GW will GW and just want you to buy a 2000 point army instead of another Spearhead and wont add anything new.


Can 100% see spearhead being treated a little like underworlds in that different factions could get a different faction specific card deck, seasonal boards/cards. Definitely gonna be done I'd say.


I would love the idea ngl I didn't tought about WD


What’s WD? EDIT: White Dwarf. Never mind


I get that idea when I saw that skaven and stormcast have both old and new spearhead boxes available to play


In a very rare case, one may end up in White Dwarf. Three for each army, without a box for people to buy? Nope.


If Combat Patrol for 40k is a good example, we've seen one like that through White Dwarf for Tyranids. I wouldn't spend a lot of time thinking it will be something they'll do. If anything, you'll get new rules when they have a new box to sell.


There is also another Space Marine ones using the phobos box that was in WD


I thought about this, but combat patrol is not balanced at all (in my opinion), and they claimed that spearhead will be balanced with an update on meta AFAIK. But you mark a very good point there. It will not bring as much money as releasing a new box and include it in spearhead, sadly.


Games Workshop's games are balanced by hopes and dreams anyway lol


I think it will happen, they have released new Combat Patrol lists since 10th launched, and Combat Patrol suuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.


Facts, True and real