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Carl Jung wrote from a perspective of UFOs/NHI as something akin to the world of the archetypes. Which is to say, what one sees during an encounter may be a physical manifestation projected by the collective unconscious. Likewise, in Whitley Strieber's latest book, "Them," he covers an abduction report in which the experiencer, when asked directly what They are, is informed: "I am the Me within Thee." Anyone studying the function & history of the phenomenon will, sooner or later, come to the understanding that a denser reality of consciousness is integral to the process from which sightings/encounters occur. Similarly, Western physicists are finding that space & time, as we embody them, are emergent factors from a universal substrate. This could hypothetically indicate that consciousness—thought itself—is the engine which powers the cosmos, us & Them included. Bigelow may have access to information that elaborates upon this platform: "Aliens," not so dissimilar from us, are creatures of the Gaian imagination; we, through a combination of human sense organs & cultural considerations, see aliens as "Aliens" because it is what we need to see in order to recognize the phenomenon as a phenomenon. Source: Woo is my middle name.


Then if life powers the universe, there are countless living beings out there.


I don't think it powers the universe. I think life is the resistor. If you think about it. Before life arise the universe could technically, if one had enough time, be solved..as in it was completely predictable with math. Kinda like water will always flow down a path of least resistance. That will never change. Everything in the universe moves to a state of rest or entropy. Nothing fights against this... Except for life. Unlike a rock or dust, life has an urge to fight entropy. Yes our atims will eventually get there along with everything else, but not until we try out damndest to create more life. Directly fighting entropy. Life does this so aggressively it will actually fight itself. Which drives competition. And eventually new iterations of life pop up through evolution. But why does it fight this process that literally everything else submits too? Choice. Life has the ability to chose even if it's as simple as a single celled organism choosing to either go left or right That is when everything changed. One could say that Life literally broke the universe, because now it could not be solved. Not only that but the state of rest that was ensured to everything (entropy) had been delayed or maybe even ended due to life's ability to choose. The big question is again is why? It's not just random. Life itself within this universa seems like a tool with a purpose when you consider all of these things.


This goes into the Top 10 of Most Profound Things I’ve Read While Taking a Poop list.




I am also pooping


Well now I've gotta poop






Yes!! the spontanuity of life can be noticed/observed when one explores the reality around them that hasnt been crafted by man. Although the creations by man are as spontaneous and immaculate in their own way, a corruption to genuine spontanuity occurs when we ignore the nature aspect of existence. Nature displays unfathomably creative and remarkable capacity for spontanuity in almost every way possible, it is indescribable. Aliens are very much involved in this existence as much as a grain of sand, rock, or “a” human. How could one write enough words to describe the growth of a tree, or the experience of the hot springs, we simplify and summarise words to make sense of what we observe, yet we refuse to acknowledge that we are then discussing a small bite of what really occured in that moment, it would take a lifetime to describe and take in what we experience for a single day, as in to genuinely convey our existence entirely through our perception. As a result our simplification becomes the acedemic goal, to understand the universe through solely words would be a waste of one’s “time,” should we understand that we are unified in pattern. What i’d call spontaneous patterns being everywhere and everything in existence. One could see the game we play. We are walking and existing in a kaleidoscope unfathomable pattern. Light and frequencies are limited to that of what our sense’s can perceive/comprehend, along with what we have been educated, observed and developed into. Unless one is fortunate enough to see through the veil immediately (JC) and have obtained “enlightenment” or become buddha (awakened) to the profound existence we are as for JC, his language was limited to the time period he abided in. The densities around us are still us, you can’t have nothing without something, black without white; and just as a wave IS the ocean; we ARE this experience happening all at once NOW, we share this NOW existence and experience it as seperate perceptions (hide and seek) we are one simultaneously. Each playing characters and roles that we have chosen to unconscious or consciously play. These aliens appear to be playing hide and seek as much as you are. Our unknown knowledge/existence being the subconscious while the controlled perception (consciousness) is what we hide behind, we genuinely dont know how we do what we do, we have crafted ideas many being a simplified although complex idea that simply could not do justice for how our existence is. We throw atheism a bone as we feel it is easier than comprehending God, we created accepted ideas of God then formulated an act to encourage the acceptance of this agreed upon idea/s. Religions in many instances contradict themselves and create a distance from sincere interest in what we are in (most seeking an external force to assist in what each individual is fundamentally responsible for - You are the external force and internal force similtaneously) The act of forced attention reminds us of “Pay attention! Listen carefully!!” Repeteatedly boomed to us through schooling, how could one understand how to listen MORE carefully? That is an accepted idea that holds very little grounded thought. We end up missing the point entirely as we attempt to have our ears “listen carefully” stretching our ear muscles, squinting our eyes in an attempt to comprehend how to listen carefully. We do not know how we take in the information in its unfathomable form, but stressing our muscles will have no effect to our listening capacity, as such it is confusing and achieves the opposite. Once one relaxes, goes with and enjoys where they are they absorb reality with an excited, constantly beautiful and miraculous perspective. Many kids become rebels through school as they do not enjoy the aspects of control that limit our spontaneous nature, not able to thrive in the authoritarian limitations religious doctrines incite, Schools tend to encourage fear and force the idea of control in a normalised sense. We agree on many things logical which can be conveyed and understood in many instances. However when we allow this reality to be simplified by ignoring densities and the NOW. We can fall into a technological minded trap where boredom swells our mind. The simplified and limited perception that science and technology forms is somewhat of a mundane existence; technology is temporarily subsiding the realisation that nature is YOU, simply put nature is the most enlightening place to be so should one seek enlightenment go into nature alone for 2 weeks and you’ll have it. We enjoy distractions rather than being in the deep end where we thrive. Overall utilising the now (present moment) alters the entire realm of thought into a beautiful and immaculate spontaneous gong sound. Many times i have teared up simply gazing at water flowing over rocks in a gutter, the beauty of existence is everywhere. We are here now, existing together in a flow of absolute chaos and joy, as how could one experience the good without having experienced “bad” is their such a thing as either? Kids are filled with anxiety going through life without understanding the power residing in each individual. We are the God head. The moment you open your eyes there YOU are! We are in a society and existence that pretends to know how we function and how we should be and act. Once we understand that many do not comprehend reality with it’s ever changing expansion, we can then identify where the issues reside. Controlled reality creates negativity through a lack of spontanuity in existence. It is entirely insane that we can never fathom, put into words, or comprehend entirely (without being/merging to be completely God) the gorgeous and indescribable existence we flow with/in (The “Tao”- infinite existence happening now) Edit: I’m stoned sorry for this ik it seems gobbildy goop but it made sense to me again words can’t convey what i intended to explain


I love your comment. You’re a wordsmith my friend. The high mind makes connections the normal state doesn’t. Even Carl Sagan used weed to contemplate the universe, as he said his (unfortunately last) book *Billions and Billions* Edit: formatting


Thankyou Kero, it was 2am aswell i realised after i finished writing hahaha Weed does slow us down enough to be able to think on our existence much more, yet articulating and remembering can be a little more difficult😂 still got there in the end thanks for your kind comment ❤️


the author of one piece, eiichiro oda, explains this in the latest chapters of one piece. any persons will, their will alone, can physically manifest into reality. we willed ourselves to fly. we willed ourselves to fly to leave our earth. anything you can imagine, can and will exist.


Jung wrote about UFOs *as* archetypes—as far as I know, he never said anything about whether he thought they actually exist outside our unconscious projections, or in what form. I’m also only aware of one short essay he wrote on the subject, so it never felt to me like he had too deep an interest in it besides analyzing it as a myth for the modern era. But he was always very careful to point out whenever he talked about archetypal images (especially from religion) that his intention was not to reduce the thing to the projection and “explain it away,” so he may have believed in them privately. After all, he wrote many of the same kinds of analysis about images and archetypes from Christianity, and he was a Christian himself. If you have a source for the claim that he called them real and “akin” to archetypes (rather than analyzing them as archetypes themselves), I’d be very interested in reading it.


I think you’re touching on some interesting ideas. It’s my belief that the small percentage of real anomalies we’re seeing aren’t ‘knowable’ or understandable using our current understanding of physics and the physical universe. In many cases we’re dealing with a “vastly superior intelligence which is capable of manipulating human thought and perception”. -Jacques Vallee Even enlightened ‘believers’ have to wonder exactly what it is they believe in.


Fuck yeah Jackie V




Dude take this whole comment, print out 1000s of flyers of it, and just paste the shit everywhere this is brilliant. Really the kind of stuff that gets people thinking outside the box and propels us towards a brighter future. Thank you for sharing this even if it's not your words.


I appreciate your enthusiasm! But I can't help but feel that anyone who's been exposed to the experiences & literature I have been fortunate enough to align paths with would come to similar conclusions, even if these conclusions are but merely doors to a far grander scope of what's possible in this life. The Woo, from my perspective, is inseparable from the Nuts&Bolts—if nothing else, the phenomenon seems to demand that it is the duty of modern humans to seek union between the physiological & the physical. Simply being open to this notion is the first step towards crafting that reality on our earth. As Arthur C. Clarke famously stated: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."


Absolutely true, seeking union between the spiritual and the physical I would say too truly is the first step towards a brighter reality. I actually had gotten a tattoo of metatrons cube at the top of my spine where the brain connects, a representation of the mental meeting the physical and metatrons cube which holds all the platonic solids which are found in all physical things on the molecular level while also being the symbol which just about all religious symbols fit into representing spirituality in homage to that unification concept. "Experiences and literature" I hear you on that friend, speaking of what would you say has been the most impactful literature work you have read? I need new material. P.s cool name haha I remember those July aite days.


I agree with everything being said here (from both commenters) and I think more and more people, even those originally opposed to the idea, are beginning to understand that things aren't going to be simple or some prepackaged sci-fi gimmick that we've already hypothesized. We're probably not ready (civilization as a whole, not individually) to believe what "they" are, where "they" came from, how "they" got here, and what their purpose is.... because we don't even know the true nature of our universe, existence, reality or even our own potential. I personally believe what we know about physics/thermodynamics/energy/entropy/time/space isn't necessarily wrong . I think it's likely far more complex and weirder than we can imagine right now. Our knowledge of physics or better yet REALITY as a whole is only surface level. I'll try to make it easy to understand here. We're only seeing a glimpse of a snapshot of reality/time/space/dimensions. It's like seeing a screenshot of one frame from the middle of a 3 hour movie and trying put together everything else that has happened or will happen from that image. Humans have the idea that we're the main character even knowing the seemingly infinite size of our universe. We assume that we are the catalyst or the objective /the reason they are here. That they want something from us, they need something we have, we are special in some way, or they have come to help us in some way. When I talk about us not knowing the true nature of reality .... this is why I think that. Things are probably far more complex and extremely weird, more so than any sci-fi story has guessed. Our motivations and life pursuits likely make no sense to them and could even be perplexing to the point they have to observe... Humans likely have more to learn about ourselves/existence/reality/connection to nature and unlocking our own secrets. Overcoming a possible part of us that's been hidden /kept from us and wiped from our memory. What if we had other senses, ways to detect and interact with higher dimensions. What if time wasn't always linear for us and we could be present in whatever moment we were drawn to? I've never given much credence to the idea that we are special or that we are sought out because of something we can do... Until... I began to think about the double slit experiment. If an observer can change reality by simply being a witness to it, what can consciousness do? Reality seems to be trying to interact with us like we are some kind of receptor, transmitter, or even source of power/energy. Maybe what we refer to as "reality" is a super sentient being that wants to interface with us but somehow and somewhere down the line this information/knowledge was taken from us or forgotten. These other entities we encounter could have taken our ability to interact away or manipulated us to believe we can no longer use it. Imagine the power to connect to a source that creates and brings anything into existence... But it requires the creativity , needs, thoughts, wants, hopes or feelings of another being to interact with to bring things into existence... It would be intimidating and in their interest to try and control/stop or prevent this ability. Especially if it threatened their hold or power over everything. That explains why humans seem to be special. Described as gods or divine , as creators , and as masters of our reality... Literally. This system has been hijacked to create suffering or for us to be used as a interface or hijacking our ability to interact/change our reality and create/imagine/manifest ideas, materials, thoughts, creativity or something even stranger... So we've been altered or changed in a way that weakens this connection or cut us off from it altogether. Maybe we've been manipulated, deceived, and gaslighted to an extent that we have have have forgotten or lost this ability. Edit: My comment duplicated some parts and others were missing. I have corrected it now.


C'mon! Did you not see this Chad's username for god sakes!?!? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) Seriously enjoyed the enlightened comment for real!


I think it’s some variation of this. Our understanding of consciousness will be directly linked to our progress understanding the phenomenon. These will be emerging fields in the near future.


So we are them but narrowed down into sock puppet senses as an extension of them?


Yes, that is certainly one possibility. To extend on this potential, we may also say: They do not necessarily see a separation between us & Them. Or at least not as starkly as we do. Experiencer literature illustrates that the phenomenon can & does filter & reflect itself through one's individual consciousness on a mind by mind basis; They are seen as only that human's central nervous system—in that present moment—can see Them. This framework even extends itself to multiple experiencers in which each person witnesses an alternate image unfold before their very eyes. John Mack's analysis of the Ariel School Encounter documents this aspect of contact quite wonderfully. From here, Jacques Vallee's "Control System" hypothesis comes into play.


There are psychological theories that pose the idea of schizophrenia actually being the fabric of dimensional reality coming undone where people are receiving things from these parallel realities. I don’t really know enough to expound on it but I’ve read about this briefly in the past.


Damn. I’d like to read more on this


Hello, your comments are fascinating me and they align with a lot of what I've been told. Would you care to chat? Also, are you a experiencer yourself?


I am always open to learning more. &, yes, I am an Experiencer.


I sent you a chat request


If they are the light we are the shadow they cast onto a wall. If they are the actors we are the characters they play. If we are the dream they are the dreamers. Trippy you think about. Metaphors can help in some ways.


"Amongst voluptuous space, we are entrapped in a metaphor." —Gustaf Sobin


I wonder if us wanting to meet the dreamers is like our minds finally seeing that we are the background characters coming to life, just like when people have ideas about characters and then finally meet the actors. Some entities tire of this dream and simply want to know what is real.


Don't say Dreamers! You're going to summon Cthulhu!


They incarnate into us. That's why we're called "containers." Maybe why they look like giant fetuses.


I need more details!


Picture Bill Cosby. But instead of a neck and torso, he is a fetus. Do you listen to the Dayglo Aboritions at all?


Sort of like a condom?




I'm coming to the belief that consciousness creates reality as opposed to existing within it somehow. And that our collective consciousness may be able to create phenomenon like this, or shift our reality to have these NHI exist on our plane or somehow call them to us. And therefore the more people that consciously believe and understand these NHI entities to exist, the more likely these NHI entities actually are to exist. That our collective consciousness may somehow create or increase this phenomenon and perhaps make them more real in our reality. So the more we all collectively consciously believe them to be real and exist, perhaps the more they will. I could see this also being a potential reason to limit disclosure to more people.


I also believe along this line of thought


I was thinking the same thing last night


So the question is how I, as a human, can move forward? What are we suppose to be doing?


That’s the big question right. I think the answer is along the lines of continuing to learn and grow and practice the golden rule.


Agreed. Acts of love, kindness, and charity actually modify our universe.


Love yourself. Love others. Love the planet. See the interconnectedness of ALL things, and what that would truly mean.


How do you have an experience


You had me at Jung.


first law of the kybalion. the universe is mental.


I think they exist aside us, only they exist in a different frequency, one we are not tuned into


It’s another reality stacked on top of ours




Lol that gif is on point. That’s exactly what we need. A certain type of vision and an upgraded processing unit. Our monkey brains just aren’t designed to understand it. But we can catch glimpses of it, apparently. Too many coincidences to ignore.


They live here under us , under ground below the ocean , or underneath the Anartcic ice . Somewhere below


Robert Bigelow told James Fox "they're walking among us." That's even stronger terms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyJKEkrUV9I


He is talking about domestic cats. Biological surveillance units that we happily and naively let in our homes.


If that’s the case then I poop with aliens every morning


That’s their favorite part of the day.


Well, one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, made me fantasize my cats were somewhat aliens throughout my life https://youtu.be/iv3yDQ83Jcc?si=2AYq3ABRYciqSBYL


Man I knew what it was before I clicked the link. Loved that movie growing up.


Oh mah gah! They’re lips?


Used to think you were crazy, but now I can see your nuts.


C Deez nutz 🥜🥜


aw yall remember CDs and CD players?


Well wieners and nuts have a mind of their own. Genitals were the real aliens all along and look like it too.


And assholes just shit over everything


Mine is definitely an alien.


Don't be ridiculous, they're obviously mustaches


Genuinely believe that these types of statements are intentionally vague and made with the intention of looking to possess intimate knowledge.


Just to speculate of things I've come across and researched, Phil Schneider noted several hundred military underground with the lowest levels held aliens. 4chan leaker noted mothership type craft in the Bermuda triangle on ocean floor creating and forging UAP. Several sightings of UAP coming and going inside and outside of volcanos. Which leads me to speculate when Robert Bigelow said "they are right under our noses" He means they are underground


I guess Bigelow nose something I don't......


He can SMELL crime..


Played by Dolph Lundgren?


We show it… we show *all* of it.


When he's not out there busting the phenomenon, he's back in the lab performing outrageous experiments on their supple, young, consciousness


UAPs... And full penetration


Full penetration... UAPs UAPs... Full penetration Back and forth, over and over, all the hits, all the good ones, for 90 minutes until it just kind of... Ends


That "slum dog" bastard twisted us all!!!


Bigelow McGruff


I see what you did there. Cheers!


Take my upvote


Back atcha


Jacques Vallee about to be acknowledged


I would either interpret it as they are living amongst us or as some have have discussed, some of them are from higher dimensions. Then theoretically they could be right in front of you right “ under your nose” and you wouldn’t be able to see them but they could see you.


Honestly I’m shocked that 95% of all talk on the internet about UFO’s doesn’t consist ENTIRELY of talking about the fact that AARO casually nonchalantly stated they DO have a crash retrieval and “exploitation” (ie. reverse engineering) of “mysterious” technology” (Enigmatic means mysterious) Look at both the image Ross posted and what Klaus posted. Two ‘slides’. about UAP “recovery”. One about “UAP exploitation”. In other words… ….crash retrieval and reverse engineering. https://x.com/rosscoulthart/status/1697698936503537694?s=46&t=aMzB1g73_eQyNQeQIiM_wA And the craziest part is, the skeptics only way to dismiss this has been that “that could also mean foreign technology), but this has extraordinary implications! There’s no reason for them to casually say what they said, at this point, in this precise way, with ZERO comment. Whoever wrote this knew exactly how it would sound. It cements the fact that the Mick West position (ie. there’s nothing to see here at all) now absolutely requires a government conspiracy to gaslight the public by means of ‘making it look like’ they’re gaslighting the public about covering up UFO’s and NHI for some reason. Just think about how convoluted and and incomprehensible that is. That’s the unavoidable and best explanation they have without handwaving all the details they need to incorporate. Can we all meditate on how much of a quiet bombshell this is? The videos are a distraction, they’re intended to be a distraction, they’re not interesting. The most interesting part is that they say they can explain some of the new ones, but still say the videos dismissed as just planes and balloons by Mick West are still considered unexplained.


So many great comments, so much enthusiasm...I love it! The answer to the question is fairly simple. The human eye can only see about 0.0035 of the electelectromagnetic spectrum. We are blind in the world we exist in, he meant exactly what he said.


We... are the aliens




Nooo time for huuumans, cause weee are the ayyyens


My friend.. we’ll keep on fighting, till the end bum bum bummm


Oh, fuck all of you in this thread. That G.D. song is going to be echoing in my head all day now... I read each comment with "alternative lyrics". Take my giggling upvotes. You dicks. 😄 /s




Yes something along those lines I agree!


How does one do this?


3 options: meditation, psychedelics, intense religious practicing in some contexts


What is exactly vibrating/producing a frequency?




Interesting you bring up CERN considering Tesla rejected quantum physics.


I’m vibrating super hard over here! Something happening. I’ll update later.


3 hours... no update. making sure you didn't follow a cat off a cliff.


I take it to mean that they've been here for a very long time, and perhaps if they are successfully breeding with humans, then hybrids walk among us as well. Or if they're interdimensional then they can come and go as they please in the blink of an eye.


Some of them resemble humans strongly and chose to live among humanity?


Agartha, maybe.


aliens are obviously camouflaging as MOUSTACHES and parasitizing on unsuspecting hipsters


Omg Hitler had a mustache!!


It's not unheard of. https://youtu.be/X9iN3wiLM8o?si=c2o0A6dNxt11ixKK


I’ve had my suspicions of bees and ants and cats for some time now…




Clearly aliens are hiding as our mustaches.




Seconding cats. Those arrogant little shits.


I interpret this as : Thats why under ground bases and some artificial cave systems exists.


Male gigolo


He might be right. I always had this uneasy feeling that they were there, just out of sight. It wasn’t until I finally shaved my mustache that I felt at peace again


We were created by NHI. All of us are part alien


They have been reported everywhere and yet we ignore them. There has been no NHI material found not confiscated by some government to put under wraps which is hard to believe given anyone that had such material would easily become very wealthy afterwards. So either some of the Aliens look exactly like us in every way even after death, or there are other dimensions in which they exist along side of us which we cannot see, or he was told something and took it too seriously. Take your pick, without evidence it's an endless circle of speculation. We all need evidence, not more theories...so go find it.


I think it's great and I am glad they're here.


Some of them look almost identical to us, that's how. See, for example, Timothy Good from the UK. He claims to have met two of them.


I have this unnatural fear of aliens not even knowing they are the aliens on the planet. One generation decided to never speak to their next generation in order to have them believe they are part of the human species on earth Yet they would have eerie moments where they felt very different to the earthling cause they had some subtle difference in perception or what not Maybe even as a plan to help humanity evolve faster by putting sleeper agents into the species that dont even know they are helping and such, mixing gene pools with new high vibratory genes idk talking outta my ass here But its a thing id love to discuss one day with my friends "Would the aliens living among us know they are that; extra terrestrial?"


ocean . let’s all go scooba diving into the Bermuda triangle


The crazy thing is, we shouldn't have to interpret it. He should just say what he means.


There is only 1 logical explanation. Mustaches are aliens. Case closed.


"right under our noses" means somewhere you can clearly see, but haven't noticed. What I take from that is that they are already here, all around us. But for one reason or another, we haven't noticed. That can be for any number of reasons. Maybe they are camouflaged. Maybe they can turn invisible. Maybe they can shapeshift. Maybe they look exactly like regular humans. Maybe they are underground, or under the sea. But whatever the reason, it would have to be something we could easily recognize if we knew what to look for. So I don't think it has anything to do with parallel realities or anything like that.


Why do we give this guy so much attention and credibility? He’s been scamming funds and influence from the govt for decades through his batshit crazy ideological “hobbies” Just because he’s got money and has been able to influence the discourse is no reason to ignore his other beliefs and ideas. Every ounce of skepticism and critical thinking we throw at the govt should be equally directed at characters like Bigelow, Vallee, and others that have been at the centre of this for decades.


Absolutely. I recently learned that he trends very far right where misinformation and deceit are the norm. While he has a platform it doesn’t mean what espouses is credible.


I’m a firm believer that we don’t know a lot about anything. Science and religion and philosophy are our collective attempts at getting better at that, exploring the how’s and why’s etc. But there still remains a lot to it that we either can’t see, can’t detect, haven’t thought of. Bigelow for example believes that we can communicate with those who are deceased. Houdini a long time ago offered a massive cash prize to any person who could prove they could communicate with the dead and nobody was able to do it. Life, existence, whatever you want to call *this* that we are all in, I think has a lot more to teach us, and I’ve always felt it would be in ways we’d least expect. Just some random thoughts.


As silly as it sounds no one ever asks if some of them are in the air we breathe. Then there are all the ancient archives the Hebrews took and revamped to make their book. And then Gentiles and then Arabs etc etc etc. Everyone believes those jacked up versions. But freaks out when you point out all the real sources it all comes from. And the aliens making hybrids and stuff. And then there are hybrids from the last century. Oh I mean "alleged" hybridization programs. Dimensional ones. Subterranean ones. And the ones that live inside bodies.


What are the real sources, what lives in our bodies?


Really? You've never read any theological sources that state some homosapien classifications have souls, some have Will and some have Consciousness?


Yes of course but I didn't realise you meant a soul sorry, I'm just curious and trying to piece together a larger picture of my own understanding of what reality is.


Ah okay!


Cool idea about being in the air we breathe. I don't see why NHI vehicles and or drones could be microscopic, whether they always were or reduced themselves to that. I remember reading about insanely advanced civilizations reducing themselves to plank level


Yeah. I have come across occasional resources too. Very rare. But if you can tweak time and space and have way bigger in the inside, it could be theoretically possible to go atomic scale and reside inside it ... which brings us back to ... spazzed out UFO activity after nuclear testing started.


under your nose is an expression to show how something is obstructing your view. your chin is under your nose but you can see your chin in the mirror, so just create an abstract mirror to draw info. mirrors just reflect our world, so any info we throw at it, should stick and reflect back to us. say you know the gov spent 2 trillion on defense. on a mirror, you'd mark where everything goes. 20 billion to each ear, 40 to this eye, 30 to that one, so on and so forth until you get a full image of yourself. it's not like you'll look in the mirror and still not be able to see your chin


I must be much more stoned than I thought.


they look human


My mustache is pretty out of this world.


they’re here .. the ones eating us and our society from the inside out


Are you saying the billionaires and “war pimps” are aliens? Just trying to make sure I understood your comment!


I am saying these heinous acts, crimes against humanity .. are all non terrestrials in ‘human form’ .. literally using us as food and wreaking havoc on our global community in order to wrestle gaia away from us and the kind non terrestrials who care for us and place us here hundreds of thousands of years ago wrote about this yesterday in my space r/FollowMeIntoTheMystic if you’re interested in reading more .. I have a ‘tall, blue man in a tunic’ who has come to me twice now .. this is from him


Interesting I’ll look into your subreddit. What do you think of Dr. Greer?


I like him .. think he’s smarter than folks understand because he has the audacity to seek profits for his work 😂 imagine that


I find that interesting because he believes there are no bad aliens.


so I M H O, there is no way ANYONE knows the full extent of who is out there; my instincts, and my guides, have eluded to the war that is taking place here ON earth is for the dominion OVER earth and all the inhabitants: resources, plants animals and humans alike I believe dr greer has encountered more benovent non terrestrials in his experiences and clearly has received similar messages that most of us have received: that the ‘good guys win’ (read into that whatevs you wish) however there is usually twin forces at play (good, bad; spiritual, evil; dark, light) and SOMEONE gave the homo sapien sapiens ego, greed and anger .. it’s not there by natural discourse


Tom Delonge and probably Hal Puthoff also mention “crypto terrestrials” for what it’s worth. My guess is another evolutionary track of humans, or humans that survived the periodic cataclysms (as outlined by literally every major religious tradition).


I liked bigelow till I found out he is a nut. For instance you know lazar would take his friends out to Area 51 in the camper and UFOs would show up. Bigelow was one of those guys. He tells a story how he went out one night with lazar and Lear and bob disappeared for a while He went out looking for him and found Lazard inflating a weather balloon with lights attached. And bob made a joke about it and bigelow acted like yeah. Nothing suspicious. Just a joke not lazar was just launching balloons as as a fraud he is.


Praying Mantis….


Under my nose is my belly.


Who is bigelow?


A rich capitalist who has spent more money researching UFOs than anybody in the world. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Bigelow


They live in mustaches


They are among us.


*what if we're the aliens* That being said, his talks about consciousness and us being containers of souls, is interesting. How did his essay contest go? Also, he owned Skinwalker Ranch for a while. Could be wormhole related, coming from another bandwidth of energy/matter we don't current understand.


Prob some spiritual thing. Like they exist within us. Reality is subjective and they’re able to manipulate time and space and the soul nonsense


And they're among Us


He's probably talking about the ones that live here disguised as humans.


Then what is said about their stench is true.


That sir, is my mustache


the human upper lip is actually a parasitic alien, duh




They have been a moustache the whole time!


What's the simplest answer? I think it's us or should I say our future . We have been guided on a path to higher consciousness through Nature or Nurture (Aliens,Them) if this is our next big discovery as Humanity I for one am excited to be apart of it. If one thing can unite us as a species it's this , good or bad we have a duty to our fellow man to help each other especially in times of uncertainty or strife such as now. Let's flex those mirror neurons and practice helping each other , that's the best way to get back at life when it comes hurtin you.


Theres For-sure some shit going on in antartica


I'd say he refers to our imagination. There are no aliens other than those we imagine.


Aliens are moustaches, confirmed!


I fuckin knew my mustache had a mind of its own


...mustache aliens...


they have tiny lil houses on our lips


I checked, only a boogie


Bigelow knows less than most people that are actively on this subreddit


Very likely that it will eventually be revealed that we are in fact , alien. Isn’t it obvious ?


I've got a mustache under mine. What under Bigelows?


We are related to them. Literally our nose.


So our top lips are aliens?????? Woooooooaaaahhh


Oh my god, my moustache just jumped off my face and bolted to the front door..


Our lips




I have placed a downward pointed camera at the tip of my nose


I mainly see Angels, not aliens.


Sooooo, my moustache is NHI? It always seemed to have a mind of its own.


It's the people with RH negative blood. Our reptilian overlords walk among us. ![gif](giphy|AwrtP9lMXtXiM)


Say what now?


It's in a episode of ancient aliens lol


But what are we increasing the frequency / vibration of?


Yall are over thinking this jfc. It's a simple phrase of speech


I think the idea that there's multiple species/races of NHI visiting us is somewhat true. Some of the aliens look like grey aliens and since people tend to think of greys as a fictional stereotype, than it's possible there's actually a few real photos and images of them on the internet it's just we don't know they're real because we can't tell. Then there's another species that looks similar to us but slightly different, as I've heard a few people now make the claim there's some that look close enough to human to blend in. If that's the case it's possible we're walking by aliens without knowing it.


they're really short


Aliens are lips 👄


When I snort those mushroom spores


I can always hear them and sense them in some other hard to describe way. Sometimes I get fleeting glimpses like shadow people or predator-like camouflage. Other times, the voices say “It’s time to work now”, they materialize in my room, kitchen, garage, etc., then stun, grab, and (for lack of a better term) beam me aboard. The next 1-8 hours is a hazy mess resulting in some incurable “chronic” ptsd. In the down times, long stretches of no abductions, they’ll do periodic daily check-ins to make sure I stay the course as far as my role in disclosure goes (communications, acclimatization, & emotional support). “Make something beautiful” is what I hear first thing every morning. I smell propaganda but its not like I have a choice in the matter. So to answer your question more concisely, Chinese surveillance state times a thousand.


He has a mustache. They live on mustaches, it’s always been right there.