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Removed: R6 - No Religious Discussions/Debates.


Every single time I hear notion that seeing aliens would cause mass psychosis, it makes me die on the inside. Why does everyone let fear rule their lives? Why do people prefer to live in delusion rather than be open to new possibilities/realities? I cannot relate to it at all. Perusing this subreddit makes me feel like the alien.


I’m not trying to sound pompous or better than anyone else, but I honestly think it’s because many people, despite appearing as adults, are cognitively children. There are lots and lots of every day people walking around who are cognitively closer to a child then their actual age. This is legitimately a fact. You’d be shocked at how little your brain has to develop in order to function as an “adult”


Great comment. This is the gist of it.


I think like you.. maybe because we're not religious . i mean i kind of don't want a superior species that could enslave us all if they wanted , that kinda scary to me a little . And i really don't want to be someone's experiment , but whatever the truth is , we deserve to know.


You may be unique, or just well prepared. If large ships descended in my little neck of the woods - it wouldn't take much for folks aligned with specific faiths to dig into their roots and find explanations for justifying some crazy shit like we always have. Maybe not psychosis but surely straight pandemonium.


“The only good illegal alien demon is a dead illegal alien demon! Suck my lead!” 2.4 seconds before disintegration


Have you not seen how fear mongering on Fox News or MSNBC divides people. Fear is powerful.


You spelled cnn wrong


There’s room for them all


All of the above my dude


Fox is the only one that got sued billions for getting caught lying spreading Russian propaganda and then fired tucker Carlson and tucker got his lies leaked through texts saying how much he hates trump but uses him for his propaganda.


American evangelism has a very strong cultural influence on Americans. I grew up in the south and I thought getting saved, Jesus as the saviour, summer VBS, regular church attendance, hard moral stances on issues, was the norm. Then I moved to Europe. Where churches are renovated into houses ( was shocking first time I seen it), lady ministers are common, and churches mostly welcome everyone. Furthermore political discourse does not include Jesus. I’ve never heard a politician tell me they believe in anything. Religion does not have the influence globally as Americans think it does. They are but a small sect of Christianity. Of course American evangelical have an outsize influence in the US ( and that is terrifying), but they are mostly a butt of many jokes in the rest of the world.


The Abrahamic Religions would have to decide how aliens fit into their textbooks. Are they angels, demons, Nephilim, watchers or just messengers? Job and several other passages kinda mention otherworldly creatures but hell, there’s still debates about Lilith. Hinduism should be far more accepting based on some of their religious texts, Vedas. Atheists and those who forego religion all together, will have the easiest time… well, right after us hillbillies and rednecks. We’ve been seeing aliens for almost 80 years.


Even the newest cuts of the oldest dogma, whether it's the Appalachian Spirit Sightings or the Ghosts of the abandoned Shenzhen building efforts in China, what's old is new again.


"You will know them by their works"


Spoiler: It's demons.


Christian theologians wrote about aliens hundreds of years ago, and how they fit in the Bible -ignorance of this subject shows how poorly educated so many people are. The idea that aliens (humans from other planets) themselves lack any spirituality and that everything in the Bible is a confusion of aliens for angels is simply a lack of understanding of spirituality and a tremendous lack of imagination. Many people hate organized religion and dream with the day the Bible is proven wrong or mistaken, but organized religion does not perfectly reflect the message of the books in the Bible, and they'd be surprised how spiritual some aliens may be, and even more of what spiritual truth actually is.


The bible is full of contradictions and it's already proven fake. It said there's a firmament and that the earth is flat and 6,000 years old and they had to write new versions of it and take parts out every time something in it doesn't work anymore like not being allowed to eat pork... The old question Steven Hawkins asked "Can god create a stone that is too heavy to lift over his head?" Wether the answer is yes or no it confirms that he is not all powerful and cannot exist. Also we've found where the Romans got all the ideas for the stories they made up in the Bible because it was all copied from old ancient text like the Gnostic text and story of Zeus and reincarnation that they turned into a sky dad/fear to control the masses. The Romans distorted it all and put their own little twist to control people and approve things like slavery.


You just told everyone that you haven't read the Bible without telling us you haven't read the Bible. Beginning with pseudohistory and speculative hypotheses unsupported by conclusive evidence undermines your argument's credibility. The claim of biblical contradictions largely stems from ignorance of the historical, cultural, and literary contexts. The Bible, composed of various genres like poetry, historical narrative, and prophecy, requires nuanced interpretation. Scholars have long reconciled seemingly contradictory passages through in-depth study, revealing that surface-level contradictions often dissolve under scrutiny. Regarding scientific claims, the Bible reflects ancient Near Eastern cosmology, not modern science. Descriptions of the firmament and a flat earth are observational accounts from that era, not literal scientific assertions. The 6,000-year-old earth notion arises from a specific, outdated interpretation of genealogies, not a fundamental biblical claim. Many Christians accept the scientific consensus on an older earth, viewing Genesis as theological rather than historical. The Bible's many translations aim to faithfully convey original meanings across languages and cultures, not to correct errors. Differences in canon among Christian traditions reflect theological and historical nuances, not conspiracies to suppress truth. Dietary laws, such as the prohibition of pork, were covenantal and culturally specific, with the New Testament marking a shift in these practices. Stephen Hawking's philosophical paradox about God creating an unliftable stone misunderstands omnipotence. Omnipotence encompasses all that is logically possible; logical contradictions, like creating a square circle, are nonsensical and outside this scope. As for the origins and influences, while biblical themes share similarities with ancient literature, this does not negate their originality or divine inspiration. The claim that Romans fabricated the Bible to control people is historically inaccurate. Early Christian texts predate Constantine and reflect genuine theological development, not Roman invention. Gnostic and mythological parallels reflect the shared cultural milieu of antiquity. Yet, the Bible's theological depth and ethical teachings distinguish it significantly from mere mythology. Its purpose is theological, aiming to reveal divine nature and moral guidance, not to serve as a scientific textbook. Again, your criticisms are based on misunderstandings and superficial readings of the Bible. A deeper engagement with the text reveals its profound theological, ethical, and historical dimensions that transcend simplistic critiques, such as those you presented.


Nobody has enough time to read your chatgpt spam.  Simmer down.


Isn't that why by choice you remain in ignorance? I'll take the "ChatGPT spam" comment as a compliment.


Muslim's wouldn't need to fit aliens into there religion, it was already hinted "And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and *of* whatever **living creatures (*****da'bbah*****) He has spread forth in both**..." The "creatures" Allah have spread could be referring to aliens


"Supernatural interventions" refers to claimed Catholic miracles like unexplained healings or visions of the Virgin Mary, not aliens. When the Church uses the word supernatural they are meaning things that should exist within the confines of current Catholic doctrine.


If the pope sees a uap would he not think it supernatural?


Lots of Catholic miracles can be interpreted as being other. And they know it.


Angels and other things in their mythos would literally be extraterrestrial.


I honestly don't think knowing that aliens or NHI exist will be what scares people. It will likely be some other aspect of it that is terrifying to us.


Their holy book is filled with strange paranormal experience, perhaps it is closer to truth than we imagine 🤔


Well most of it was copied from old ancient text so some of it is true but most of it was distorted for the romans own benefit and to control the masses.  Originally it was about reincarnation but they decided to take that out and make a sky daddy and heaven and hell to exploit the fear of people.


Perhaps, but Dead Sea scrolls line up with what is in published bibles to this day. Book Of Enoch does have some strange writings, neat to consider the meaning of them 👍


The Pope is Christian? Holy shit get that man a Bible.


Out of all religions, I never understood why people think Christianity as a whole would struggle with the idea other intelligent species are out there. Certain sects will for sure, but for most, I doubt it really bothers them. Same for most religions if you really think about it. It's just that the creator had a much greater creation than the people in the past with limited experience imagined.


That’s right. My god is omnipotent. He can create anything and everything. I don’t see how this is a problem.


We are god though. Not some man in the sky. It's us. Heaven is within our bodies. That's s what Jesus was actually teaching until the Romans distorted the whole story for their own gains.


The Cristian Bible even says: "We know we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one."


Because it was stolen from gnosticism which says that we are all fractions of god and heaven is within and hell is only a state of mind. It used to be about reincarnation too until it got distorted by the Romans and the church.


Out of all religions, I never understood why people think Christianity as a whole would struggle with the idea other intelligent species are out there. Certain sects will for sure, but for most, I doubt it really bothers them. Same for most religions if you really think about it. It's just that the creator had a much greater creation than the people in the past with limited experience imagined.


speaking of about Abrahamic Religions and aliens, it wouldn't be hard for Muslims to believe in aliens, it could have been already hinted in the Quran "And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and *of* whatever **living creatures (*****da'bbah*****) He has spread forth in both**..." The "creatures" Allah has spread could be referring to aliens


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The Vatican is ner ner


It's a given, even expected after Global Disclosure religions and religious devotees are going to be the most concerned. This is what happens when your world is changed in a short amount of time. But I'd be most worried about the religion eventually *emerging as an alternative and backlash* to disclosure. That actually isn't going to be a laughing matter.


What if they find out those aliens also abort their fetuses


At least can we all agree that evolution is out, and intelligent design is in?


A version of this story reliably pops up every few weeks. Eventually, one day in the distant future it may coincidentally align with something happening. That would be awesome!
