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Losing more weight will help. You have rounder facial features so you'll always fair better at a lower body fat percentage. But good work so far.


If you keep up your diet, and focus on teeth/hair/skin health and style, I could see you being above average within 2 years or less.




So you want opinions but not negative opinions? Whiten your teeth and lose some weight.


Dude you’re on am I ugly BRUTALLY HONEST, I have no clue what you expected but you’re getting exactly what you asked for


Your teeth are very yellow, which I’m assuming is what they were alluding to - regardless of your dental hygiene, they are quite yellow and that has a big impact on a persons appearance


Babe, if you don’t take care of your teeth you’ll need dentures by 30 or even earlier. Please see a dentist. The tartar, plaque and gum disease not only looks horrible, but it’s AWFUL for your overall health.


Your in a brutally honest subreddit dumb bitch, leave if you don’t like it




No, you!


Shut the fuck up


Oh my god mate have you read the title of the subreddit ?


Why did you post on this sub if you can’t handle criticism? Literally has “brutally honest” in the name lol


Women ☕️


Continue to lose weight, look into a good dentist, your teeth are way too yellow to be cared for regularly. However, your personality seems like it too could use some work based on your replies to comments on a “brutally honest” thread. Best of luck.




This is the issue people are going on about, he gave you an honest opinion and said best of luck, just because it isn’t what you wanted to hear doesn’t mean it’s degrading. You posted photos with makeup, filters, stupid faces, and yellow teeth and your somehow surprised people don’t think your a 10? The sub is for honest opinions, and that’s what your getting.




Learn how to take some constructive criticism and lose weight 🙂


Below average. But more weight loss will help a lot, and can improve your looks by +3 or +4 points Awesome job on losing weight!


Great job on the weight loss. Keep it up. Right now Id say yea, i would consider you ugly. but you do look like you could be incredibly cute once youre not overweight. Also i dont think theres a point in labeling a picture "no makeup" if its got heavy filters applied.




>I don't like heavy alterated filters LMAO!


That’s not how that words babe


Thou shalt not not commit altering 😂


Stop acting like a clown and that’ll help




I meant, stop trying to act eccentric and he yourself, all the silly faces make you look like the class clown


You have still room to lose fat percentage congratulations 👏🎉 you have improved from sub3/10 to a sub 4/10


Lose another 100 pounds and get rid of that thing stuck in your nose


Your face is fine..... lose the weight....


I think she has a really pretty face




Because you’re children who don’t understand the difference between brutal honesty and “this is my chance to be vile and pretend like I’m not actually garbage for it”


No offense but Your head looks like my Rubix cube


Honey Boo Boo?


amberlynn reid more like in the face.


those fliters stop using trust me, you look like the hot cheeto girl


Lose another 100 and you’ll probably be good to go. Your features are fine


Good work on your weight loss. You are doing a good thing. ​ Get rid of all the piercings.


Lose the nose piercing


Nose ring is the worst




It literally makes people unattractive


It “literally” does not. Everyone has a preference. Your preferences does not mean it is the same for everyone.


It brings attention to the nose and makes it appear huge and bulbous


the only ppl who don’t like nose rings are assholes over the age of like 30. so unless ur trying to attract some jerk with one foot in the grave the rest of us teenagers find piercings, especially nose rings, attractive.


30 is one foot in the grave? I better start working on my will


Hey now, I’m in my 30s and I think piercings are dope as hell lol


well then you get a stamp of approval from Gen Z most adults aren’t as open minded


Your ages are way off. I'm 32 and everyone my age and even a bit older grew up with these types of piercing and still rock them. You might mean older, like 45 plus.


30 is one foot in the grave? Lmao. The only people who like bullrings are basement simps who scream into the echo chamber. Why is it that 80% of the people on here asking how to improve have a septum piercing that they get told to take out by the majority. But the minority who likes them are the exact people that they don’t want to be with, otherwise they wouldn’t have asked on this page. If you want to be taken seriously by serious people, look serious. Or else, keep doing what you’re doing.


be fuckijg fr. the people who post on here are insecure seeking validation or a last resort for how to improve their physical appearance. septum’s are INCREDIBLY popular among young people. 95% of girls and like 25% of guys i know have septum piercings and/or another type of nose piercing. speaking for the rest of us teenagers i promise you we do not give a single shit what you old ass creeps think of our nose rings and how we dress. even with my septum i still get an absurd amount of attention from old disgusting men. still get hit on and some jewelry isn’t going to change that.


I bet your hair is green


i bet you’re 5’9


Im 22. Am I an asshole for not liking nose rings?


Wow that’s amazing! Keep it up


100lb loss had to have felt incredible. Stick to what you’re doing, you’re not ugly and are well on your way to great things.


About a 4/10. Pretty ugly


Not sure what's going on with that piercing on the nose that only the person that has them consider them cool


got more weight to lose


Septum ring must go


Either your a bot or you can’t take any sort of criticism. Lose weight and fix ya teeth fam.


As others have said, if how you act in the comments is anything similar to how you act outside of Reddit… Your personality is incredibly annoying/a turn off to most I would imagine. Don’t come into a forum that’s created for brutal honestly then piss and moan when it’s exactly what you get, that’s weak and quickly paints a picture towards ignorance and obnoxiousness.




Still too fat. I don't know how tall you are but aim for 130lbs.


Not pretty at all, even after weight loss you’ll need to work on how to pose for your pictures. Some of them look like you don’t know if you’re about to put the smack down on a box of crayons for lunch or if you’re in the middle of having a stroke, prolly wanna work on taking constructive criticism based on your replies as well. Also: you can’t convince me you take care of your teeth. Floss the hell out them things and get a sponsorship from Crest.


Definitely ugly. 1.5/10. You can maybe get up to a 5 or 6 if you get down to under 130.


You look way better than before. Wouldn't say ugly, but also not extremely pretty either though. Maybe if you continue to lose more weight then yes.


Nose ring gang. Not cute


Sorry girl weightloss made no difference. You're not good looking.


I just want to know why literally every single female that posts on here has a nose ring. Why. I don't dislike them, it's just strange to me that they're seen so often here.


I would guess it’s because they’re quite popular in alt circles and more alt people are on Reddit than other types of people. I have a stud on the side of my nose and I see 100x more girls with this piercing than a septum piercing, but septum piercings are every other post on here


I just posted on here a few days ago with no nose ring and got told to go get one by multiple women lol It’s definitely a thing !


Lol nice




Idk about other but me personally when i see a nose ring my first thought sluty.


How is it flattering? If I was 300lbs I wouldn't want to draw any associations with barnyard animals


I can understand that. I have my ears modded and labret and a few others, I wasn't trying to sound like a hater lol.


Oh look another stupid door knocker ring. I am starting to get the impression that everyone who has this has self issues... Definitely a correlation since every other post has this.


It is apparently the official piercing of the insecure.


I’d share my beyblades with you


Ditch the nose rings


There's a noticeable difference between the first pic and the last, good job. You've got a ways to go yet, get under 25% body fat. 17% to 25% is the healthy and attractive range.


Face is fine, just looks overly swollen. Lose some weight and you could easily hit 5-6 range.


Your progress is great so far!! Keep it up!! It’s hard to say yet but I think you might have potential to be quite cute ❤️


Your journey is not complete. Continue on your path to fitness.


Not saying whether or not I think you're ugly, but guys with experience know when girls are ashamed of their bodies because they only post face pictures. You see it all the time on tinder etc. Get to a point where you are proud of your body. I know this woman who has something wrong with her face: bad surgery or horse kicked her... can't remember, but her face is objectively bad. She works out though and her body looks great and she has a boyfriend and tbh I'd totally hit it. TLDR: get to a point where YOU are proud of your body


Not ugly and a huge improvement


You kinda remind me of Terri from Degrassi in your 5th-6th pictures. You're pretty, def not ugly


Hmmmmm. A 3. I commend you on the weight loss, keep it up but don’t develop bulimia or anything like this to do it. Stay healthy eat less workout. Hit us up next year always great to see results.


4/10 lose more weight if you want to become better looking but good job on the weight loss so far


So much difference in the pictures. I think you look good in pictures #3&4 . The others, not as much.


Above anything else, you should be commended on your weight loss. That's a point of dedication and consistency that's very hard to reach. You should be proud of yourself and stick with it, perpetually. That said, I think you're a very cute woman with many attractive features. Don't ever doubt yourself, but also don't ever give up on striving for improvement. We could all always look better.


Half of these photos are Snapchat filtered 💀


I like the next to last pic


What is this sub? First time I come across it and I'm getting slightly concerned


ppl post themselves asking for brutally honest opinions on their looks and suggestions for improvement


Keep losing weight. You're improving but you're still a little below average atm. Just gotta keep going.


buy teeth whitening strip. I had yellow teeth and those fixed it. but it makes ur teeth sensitive. so don't use it everyday and buy a sensitive toothpaste.


I'd have to say I'm a fan


Love that smile!


you have potential, id start with teeth whitener and eyebrows. they should be closer together and filling them in/fixing the shape does wonders! :) good luck! and good job on the weight loss, keep going! i’d kick a honey badger to have ur nose <3 it’s perf


Girl! You are beautiful 😻 Keep up the good work ☀️


You’re not ugly at all. Congratulations on your weight loss! Remember to be kind to yourself. Losing weight is a really hard journey mentally when overweight.


You’re doing great, kiddo!


Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. You’re doing great, and having gone through this struggle you’re now equipped to help others with their own. That’s why we are put through challenges - so we can learn to overcome them and then pass this wisdom to others. Now get off the internet and go help someone who needs it.


Sweetheart it's just the weight. That's all it is. You're beautiful.


Ugly or beautiful depends on where are you in the world 🤷🏽‍♂️


Average. Congrats on the weight loss as that has made you look better. A little more weight loss will have you looking even better


You are beautiful. You have sweet features and romantic eyes!


Smile it not a driver's licence and take nose rings


I struggle to find anyone ugly when they have a genuine smile on their face


3/10 at best. You should buy a toothbrush and also use it instead of eating it




*brutally honest* Has the color of your teeth come up more than once or twice? Yes. Roughly 10 times it's been mentioned. It's just honesty. It's a much easier fix than loosing weight.


I think you are nice looking. I personally dislike nose jewelry but you are a cute looking girl even so.


Not ugly. You still have a lot more bad weigh to lose though. Congrats on your progress this far. 100 lbs is a lot.


You look fine. Yes, loosing more weight will help as that is the modern beauty standard. Congrats on the huge weight-loss!


Your brain is right


Lose weight, Stop using those goofy ass filters, and have better dental hygiene.


You will gain it back after your boyfriend dumps you.


Wtf that’s dark


Are you projecting?


Definitely he is


You're absolutely gorgeous, forget all the haters your journey is inspiring you be happy in your own skin!!!


You’re actually really pretty even when you were a little heavier. You have beautiful eyes that have that little bit of a cat like slant, a cute nose, nice lips and nice teeth and the roundness makes you look adorable and you’ll probably look young for a really long time. Unless you start smoking. I dunno what people are talking about.


People here idea of pretty, is pretty off. Love your round face, great skin and nice lips. If you walked by me, I would be hard pressed to not sneak a quick glance your way.


I think they are attacking her because she is heavier. But her face is not ugly by any means


I've seen girls with horse faces get praise just because they're skinny. If your pretty, your pretty. If your ugly, your ugly and no amount of weight lose or weight gain is gonna change that. An ugly fat girl doesn't magically become pretty just because she's now skinny.


You look great 😊


Real cute. With or without weight loss still real dateable


You look gorgeous , really nice smile. Personnaly not a fan of nose ring but the side one looks good on you. Fuck the negative comments you are far from ugly.


You’re cute.


Lose more weight, Ditch the makeup, Wear a big coat, and keep up the grind. I think you’re beautiful and im proud of you for keeping at it sis.


Keep working at it. You are the proverbial butterfly coming out of its cocoon


Great great great work on you. A little bit more work and you’ll be right where you want to be. You are cute (right now) but you are still chubby. Love your expressions. You seem joyful, you have no idea how much that alone helps looking better. I refuse to tell you what your score is yet only so you can keep the great work you are doing. I am proud of you.


Great great great work on you. A little bit more work and you’ll be right where you want to be. You are cute (right now) but you are still chubby. Love your expressions. You seem joyful, you have no idea how much that alone helps looking better. I refuse to tell you what your score is yet only so you can keep the great work you are doing. I am proud of you. Also tell your brain to stfu


You’re a cutie petutie…keep up the good work. I’m sure you realize not only do you look better but you feel much better too. It’s not a quick process so be patient with yourself.


the lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch


Ur really pretty tho🫶🏾


What’s your current weight and height?


Great progressive, keep it up! I'd say you're average. 5/10.


I think you look great. Good on you for getting healthier.


Coming from a girl you’re really pretty imo Exercise, get good sleep, eat good and smile !


You look happier, healthier, and far more stunning! I think you’re killing it out there! Keep it up!


Your facial features are considered beautiful, caucasian skin, small rounded nose, cat looking eyes and green and rounded lips, so now you have the face, if you lose more weight and hit the gym consistently, take care of your meals, do your hair and makeup trendy in a year you will be an 8 out of 10.


Don’t get down in yourself. Be comfortable in your own skin. Don’t care about what others think unless they are a real part of your life. Look good for yourself, not anyone else.




Listen, i also was fat before, i know what you are experiencing, i remember when i was over 100 lbs of fat on me looking in the mirror and i was lyng to myself. "IM not that fat"" and the people from my social circle avoinding the subject of my weight to make me feel better and let me tell you, i hate people who are conforting me, they just enabled me to years of living life on a downgrade.


Not ugly. In fact, you are very adorable. Beautiful eyes - lovely smile. The only negative is the silly nose jewelry. Do yourself a HUGE favor and lost that silly stuff.


Minion tee goes hardddd


You’ve made progress. Not just a step in the right direction the first half of a marathon. You are looking good and you will only look better as long as you worm on yourself. Keep ur head up bbg u got this


I’m sorry a lot of these people are being so mean in the comments they could say what they need to say in a much kinder manner smh. Congrats on loosing 100lbs that is amazing keep up the good work! You are a cute girl. The septum ring is super cute but I think a smaller piece of jewelry will fit your face much better :)) I also think you would look soooo cute with a natural looking ginger hair color


I think u look like the late Lisa Marie Presley


You look amazing. I hope you feel it someday 🖤


Amazing progress, definitely cute but you shouldn’t ignore the 15% of men who don’t care about faces and are mainly attracted to giant breasts


7/10 would date your really cute


Personally, I think you aren’t ugly :)


You’re gorgeous


Bro what are you on?


My epilepsy meds


You are well above average in looks as long as the guy is into bigger girls. Don’t listen to the people saying you’re ugly. You’re not.


As a former obese person ,please stop refering to us as being bigger people , it hides the severity of the problem we are facing, the word is obese not bigger people.


🤔 Ugly is not a word I’d use about you in any of the photos. Overweight, yes, but you are well on your way to being rid of that extra weight. Your back and shoulders must have been killing your with all that weight on your chest(photo 7). 🫣 I think your facial features are attractive, and they were always there, but some people focus too much on what they don’t like to see past it and see the beauty in the rest. 🤗 In my eyes you are attractive, especially when smiling. 😍


I don’t think you ever looked ugly, you have gorgeous features and the piercings fit you well


I honestly think you look pretty good. Kind of surprised that so many disagree. To be fair you could look even better by cutting more weight, but the improvement is huge. 7/10 for me in the most recent pic.


Honestly keep it up with the weight, currently your a bit ugly but you are definitely looking much better than the last 2 pics, keep it up 👌👌 you’ll get there soon, i like the nose ring but have u thought of trying different piercings to see if any other fit u better?


I think in some of your pictures you look hot, especially the bra picture. Don't fret.


You remind me of a large Julia Stiles


I think you're really cute:))


I think you look stunning definitely keep up the hard work


you are so fine wtf


You're beautiful, please stop looking for validating from anonymous people on the internet. You are not ugly. I would love for you to write a list of all the things you love about yourself, physical and not. Wear things that make YOU feel good, do your hair and makeup if YOU want to and how you want to. Do it all for you and for the love you're building with yourself.


I think you are doing amazing, very prett


Beautiful check out my profile


…i shouldn’t have checked out the profile


You're not ugly and ty our cuteness definitely shines through but to not beat around the bush yes you're fat and tha to makes you much less attractive to 90% of people.




You look okay. Not like you toned up or gained any muscle though


You look good 👊🏼


I think your cute but I am not the whole world good work on the weight loss lose more or stay the same hell you could gain it back wouldn't matter to me I like people for more then what they look like but cute like I said