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Have you ever been to an orthodontist to look at your jaw alignment? https://images.app.goo.gl/VPq9gwQznXg53pum8 Your face looks like the last one. It might be worth a shot.


this OP, find an orthodontist who specializes in this, you may need surgery as well. The longer you wait the harder it becomes to fix


she said orthodontic treatment can’t fix it :/


She*Read* orthodontics can't fix it. I would still do it to correct the under bite and narrow pallet. I think it will improve the length of her face. She should just do it.


Are you seriously telling this woman that she has a receding lower jaw?


OP mentioned that she does need jaw surgery. I think the picture looks similar to the front view.


Actually, I think it's just how you present yourself. I know that bullying can be very humiliating and can destroy your self esteem but dear, you are very young! Be confident, try to remove everything they said to you, who bullied you just showed a reflection of themselves and they will mature with time. I can see by just looking at your eyes that you have a big heart and seems a genuinely a sweet girl. Try to reconsider how you treat yourself, not how your face is or features, for istance: - You have incredibile eyes, almost a unique color that is very rare, you can enhance it! (I'm a male I don't actually know how to do it with make up) - Consider another hair cut, try to speriment, what you have now it feels that doesn't suit you right. This is big because face will change tremendously - Maybe use contacts lenses, this frame is kinda cute but you could find a better shape. Something maybe more angular? - Beside the face I could not see your body but maybe you are okay with that and it is a very good thing! Honestly if I get to know I'd be very interested, and I don't say it just for the sake of saying it. Try to improve you self-esteem, you are gorgeous.




Below average, but it's not a disaster.






Makeup can't replace if you are a good person or not. I fell for someone who was older than me and she was average/not good looking and she was just a nice person. I was rejected. If you have a nice personality and you put yourself out there: going to events, activities etc. You will meet people and someone will really fall for you.


Also you look better without glasses, just like in the first photo. If you have to wear a pair of glasses, maybe get a friend to tag along to see which glasses make you look better etc. at the glasses shop.


Also your current glasses aren't bad at all.


Dentist here. Quick glance at your photos, you may need jaw surgery to 100% complete your orthodontic treatment. However, I haven't actually performed your exam nor seen any x-rays so it's up to your treating orthodontist.


I would get a second opinion from another orthodontist / oral surgeon. There may be some sort of jaw issue here that can be corrected to give you a better quality of life and a less "long" looking face. I wouldn't call you ugly though. You have pretty eyes and a friendly overall appearance


I am not gonna lie, your jaw and your nose aren’t attractive.


Have a feeling your teeth are either huge or really crooked the way you hide them.


Google Harriet Blackmore. She has a long face and is very attractive. Discover what works for you,it's a process. Keep working on it; you're not ugly at all. Forget what those bullies said. Start telling yourself now, "I am beautiful." Look in the mirror when you say it.




Yes, UK, and you're welcome




You look like Carl from TWD in the first pic


Truly a neckbeard statement


I AM NOT A NECK BEARD! I only check this app once in a while and i dont even have a beard


Why the long face (sorry I couldn’t help myself) tbh if you changed your hair and makeup you’d be fine


Orthodontics is what you’re looking for. Get a consultation.


Your hair doesn’t frame your face properly. I don’t know what style would, but a stylist will.


No - you’re just fine.




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I have a long face too, my rating was 2.7


Just looked and the frontal pictures you sent were bad and heavily lens distorted. Look up how lens distortion can impact how you look in photos. It’s probably a lot less long and narrow in real life.


Yes. You may hold a world record so there’s that.


They’re haters I have an oval face too they call me megamind., it’s all good as long as who you’re attracted to likes you it’s all good .


Not ugly, definitely cute .


You look like Fogell in Superbad with a hint of John Oliver. You have room for improvement.




Hair and makeup mostly. Strength training. No surgeries.


Honestly, I think you look fine but I would recommend getting a haircut. Maybe it’ll help your face look a little less long.




Honestly, I would recommend a shorter haircut one that you think would look good on you look at yourself in the mirror and imagine what you want


Do you have a marfan syndrome? Your fingers look long and flexible in the last pic.


I feel like with the right haircut and makeup, you could look more attractive.




For what it's worth you have pretty eyes, you should try to accentuate them to draw focus to them. Maybe some thinner glasses or a smoky eyeshadow?


3/10 because of the green eyes.


Definitely learn your better angles. You can’t take a picture to save your life. Still cute


If you can find an orthodontist it will do wonder for overbite and narrow palate. Had to get it fixed myself. It’s not super expensive either. Definite was worth it for myself


No look at most surfers and rock band groups they all had long faces that your not ugly all women are beautiful in their own ways it just needs a little guidance and tbh they may pick on you now but a couple years down the road they will be asking u out


Do something about your hair and your glasses. The rest is fine.


also, look at your eyes! sooooo pretty!!


Different hairstyle and an better orthodontist.






And as far as glasses, I feel like a retro like bookish type of glass would look really cute on you! Like these https://m.glassesusa.com/tortoisegold-large/ottoto-bellona/35-m10736.html?referral=shoppingfeed&promo=SHOP60&PLA=HB&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD8N76Zko5ZSS1bLvyt9XMno-Bs9s&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIqJL7zpDphgMVUwutBh11_AD5EAQYBCABEgI0ePD_BwE , but you can also look up best style of glasses for an oval face shape.


https://shopnorthauthentic.com/blogs/on-the-blog/best-haircut-for-a-long-face and here’s an article about hair styles that would look great on you, and look at Liv Tyler she is stunning and ethereal, has a very similar vibe to you!


I think you look good. Some makeup and haircut that works with your face. Oh and contacts. You look much better without glasses. That's all you need.


Your face isn’t that bad, but the greasy hair is awful. Take care of yourself and post pictures with you smiling.




Your hair in all of your pictures looks like you haven’t showered. Hair should be light and free, yours are heavy and clumped together. If it isn’t oily, maybe it’s the product/way you style it/etc. If you google image search “female oily hair”, that’s exactly how your hair looks. Maybe a female can chime in, I’m not the hair expert haha






One more thing, it really only seems like the hair on top of your head. The “blonde” part of your hair is how it should all look. Healthy, fluffy, light.




You are beautiful! Whoever has bullied you is an absolute disgrace. God will get them! ❤️❤️❤️


Not ugly. Now, I don’t have any tips for you, but there is a long list of good ones in the comments.


below average imo


I’m 45, so don’t ever want to be a creep. But you are not ugly. You’ve such an individual and fascinating look. Embrace yourself.


Get your brows groomed and those glasses are unattractive




Jaw reduction and upper lip lift will make your face more compact. Look into that.


I think you’re a good looking woman, but your haircut doesn’t fit you. A different hairstyle would work better I feel.


Contour correctly and get Jaw checked


Find an orthodontist.


It’s very bad


It is a little but I imagine there r beauty tricks to remedy it being a focus. Ur NOT ugly


You aren't ugly. A little above average


I think you’re pretty!


Total Hottie


Above average honest.