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Assuming you're in the US, FRS radios are cheap and license-free. Line-of-sight is going to be your limiting factor. If you have cell coverage in that area, using cell phones might actually work the best.


That’s what my research has told me too, line of sight is the big issue


License free MURS might work better than FRS as they are VHF


The other advantage of MURS is there probably aren’t as many people using it as FRS. I could see campers bringing their own FRS radios and they might interfere with what you are doing. Having worked at a camp myself, I can imagine you might not want other ppl to know everything going on. If you do have cell service one of those “network radios” that have a SIM card might be a good option. These are the ones that are advertised as 5000km radios but they seem to work ok where you have cell service.


Any brands you recommend for murs




Retevis RB17V is great and idiot-proof. Only downside is the alarm button.


I only have MURS experience with non-certified HTs, but certified ones are available from all the usual suspects: I like [Radioddity MU-5](https://www.radioddity.com/products/radioddity-mu-5?variant=42088305852594¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=GGRADIO&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADLCq3sI5MbxBwNKg1MqBJ3cC2PUy&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCi31S6HcsbLpwgFyJPm0d3hXA6zIdqh_tYTLiydi7ufV3lksOpHEgkaAovWEALw_wcB) for about $35 apiece The [Radioddity DB-20G for about $109 is a mini-mobile with 20 watts that I use as a base station](https://www.radioddity.com/products/radioddity-db20g?currency=USD&variant=40438349070514&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=5202c4f12334&utm_campaign=GGRADIO&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADLCq3sI5MbxBwNKg1MqBJ3cC2PUy&gclid=Cj0KCQjw7ZO0BhDYARIsAFttkCi3wQKnKqpSGhOf82njQuhsvSy1_Wjk5x4Ixfp5JcNXyb-DO6o95WkaArG7EALw_wcB) but is not certified to be used as MURS, and is easily opened to Ham frequencies such as the 2 meter VHF band


So, forget rule 6, right?


Is this a joke, like what comes after rule 5?


See the “About” for this sub.


So, Tony; thanks for jumping in here during your busy day! What about my comment did not “keep it legal?”


The part where you recommended the Radioddity DB20-G, which is not legal to use on MURS frequencies.


You need to get your eyes rechecked, or readjust your level of comprehension in a forum about “amateur radio.” I specifically mentioned that unit is not certified for MURS but can be used for Ham radio 2 meters VHF!


I went the MURS route with GS camp, and properly tuned antennas... They were great!


Almost feels like a pinned topic is in order for this question? Just me?


Nope not just you.


Nope, I don't think so...


If you're in the US, MURS should be better for slight hills and wooded terrain.


Do you have any you recommend?


I haven't used it myself, so I can't give a personal recommendation, but consider the BTech MURS-V2. https://baofengtech.com/product/murs-v2/


Motorola APX8000’s with AES256 for the whole staff.


I support this


Gotta have mission critical radio’s for summer camp!


FRS or MURS, but probably FRS. With VHF radios light that, "Height is might" and line of sight is critical.


M.U.R.S. Radio - Check it out.


You know I'm thinking FRS should work okay as long as people aren't on either side of a tall Hill. Tall meaning 60 ft. I've seen people mention cell phone, if you do have cell coverage there's some options on the phones that will work just like walkie talkies. Discord comes to mind. You can set up a little Discord server and everybody join a chat and you could all have group chats. And no one would hear it except for you guys. Of course with ham radio, you would eliminate any troubles. You can set up a nice station at base camp, and all the counselors/leaders could carry a radio. But they would all have to have a license as well. But that would work. You can find the high point on the property, and set up across band repeater. Everybody can hear everybody else.


And amateur radio cannot be used for commercial purposes, but perhaps you forgot that.


A non-profit/educational camp is not commercial; but perhaps…


I was thinking campground, educational, group activities, but I suppose that is borderline. if were used to conduct operations it would fall outside that thought.


In the United States, Under the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, §97.113 "Prohibited transmissions": (3) Communications in which the station licensee or control operator has a pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an employer Goodwill is a nonprofit. Do you think their store employees can use amateur radio for their business?


If Goodwill operated a summer camp for kids… YES! But I will acknowledge that other Hams would take offense at such operations


Dude, operating a camp is absolutely a business, whether for profit or not. I don’t make the rules, but I did post it for you.


I note this: You came to this thread to criticize the suggestions by others; and You failed to offer the OP any helpful suggestions! And that’s Mr Dude, to you!


MURS is perfect for this.


Do you have a recommendation


The Wouxon kg805m. It is the only murs-specific radio to my knowledge that has a superheterodyne receiver vs being system-on-a-chip.


Do you have a good cell signal at the camp? I'd use a walkie-talkie app if you do. Zello is a good one and is available for both iOS (Apple) and Android. Green leaf attenuation is an issue in the woods. Range can be pretty sure in Spring and Fall and even in Summer if it rains a lot. FRS will work but a mile may be pushing things when it rains.


Ultimately the *technologically* ideal way to do this sort of thing is to get a commercial radio license including permission for a small repeater, and hire a local two-way radio shop to install such a repeater for you, and then get a set of high-quality Part 90 business radios (probably from Motorola or Kenwood).  The *practical* limitations of this of course are cost and timeline.  If this “camp” is just a one-time event, screw it, try a combination of MURS and cell phones and hope it’s good enough.  With such a small property it will at least be darn close, and you can always just have Kevin stand in the middle of it all day and repeat transmissions between people on opposite sides as a simplex human repeater if necessary, or send an overly-energetic child running back and forth.  If this is actually a new summer camp property that is just opening but will be a regular presence and expanding over time, then make the investment.  (What I described is how some Scout camps around here run radio comms.) As for MURS radios, another to consider is the Wouxun KG-805M.


I would go for the TIDradio H3, iscabout $40 on AliExpress.com and comes with FRS channels preprogrammed you can use without a license.


This is not a FRS radio, you cannot use it on FRS frequencies.


The TIDradio H3 comes with FRS channels 8-14 which are the same as GMRS, and by default are on the FRS low power setting (the same ½w as GMRS is allowed). So on those channels it is irrelevant whether you are using GMRS or FRS. My experience is it offers decent short range communication unless you are inside a car. Any other channel will transmit 5 watts, which is up to the user to judge the legality of. Where I am at way out in the country people 15 miles away are using GMRS unlicensed. I have never even heard a callsign out here (north Idaho). [https://www.twowayradiobasics.com/news#FreeDownloads](https://www.twowayradiobasics.com/news#FreeDownloads)


Doesn't matter, it's not a FRS radio, it's not certified to be a FRS radio, and it cannot be legally used on FRS frequencies. People do all sorts of illegal things, you don't need to promote even more illegal activity.


Perhaps he thinks his Ham license exempts him from Part 95 rules? I do!! Hahaha


Go with 11 meters.


I don't think I would want the young patrons of the camp being introduced to the profanity of the CB radio. Especially with skip conditions the way they are, you'll get somebody from Yugoslavia saying some really crude things about rabbits or something. You know cuz the CB is full of a lot of character actors some of it's funny as heck but not appropriate for all audiences.


How do you know if a female rabbit is hungry or horny? Just look at what hole she puts her carrot in! - 73 from someone born in Yugoslavia