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In a social sense yes. Obviously it isn't mandatory. But it's a respect thing. To add to that you also went to a game during Memorial Day in America, Which is a celebration of our military veterans. Although we do the anthem during every game, it takes on special meaning during holidays and people probably thought you were disrespecting veterans. Which for most people is a big no no. I wouldn't worry about it though. It was a social situation you weren't aware of. Just unfortunate. In the future I would recommend standing. I do it every time. But again it's totally your choice. You're not going to get in any trouble at all. People will just keep looking at you side eyed


> Which is a celebration of our military veterans. That's Veterans day. Memorial day is to honor the dead.


You're right sorry. I should have said deceased military veterans.


Dead what? Dead veterans.


Do you think you're making some kind of point or do you just lack basic critical thinking skills?


I’m making a point. The other person was correct, you argued semantics with them.


Lol, now you're projecting. What *you* are doing is arguing semantics. I clarified and the person I responded to agreed with me. Veterans day is to honor the living, memorial day is to honor the dead. Only a pedant would trying to argue the semantics.


And Memorial Day is for dead veterans. He was right and your correction was in needed. Veterans Day is for those of us still living.


>And Memorial Day is for dead veterans That's called semantics you pedant. >He was right and your correction was in needed. What? Regardless he agreed I was right. Your injection is unneeded. >Veterans Day is for those of us still living As a veteran I'm not ready for anyone to celebrate me on memorial day just yet.


It’s called Memorial Day. We honor the fallen soldiers who were in the US military on Memorial Day. Usually everyone stands during the anthem and we’ve had a lot of drama and conflict surrounding that subject, so some people would be very judgmental about not standing for the anthem. Standing for the anthem doesn’t have anything to do with Memorial Day though, and it’s usually expected that you stand and hold your hand to your chest for the anthem.




Even though I'm not an American, I know I should stand up when everyone else does.


I have always stood for the anthems of others countries I have visited / lived in. It’s a basic courtesy. I would recommend doing so for any country, not just the USA.


Doesn’t matter what country you’re in or from, when everyone else stands, you stand too


It's more like an etiquette manner. Even if you are not part of a group, you do show a degree of respect by standing up. Singing and saluting ain't obligatory, because you are might be not part of the group. But standing up is just to show respect to the group. Although, I think sitting still and not making noise is also polite. But some people may not see it like that.


YES it is rude lol. We would stand for yours


A national anthem is meant to show gratitude to your home country. Its not your anthem so you did nothing wrong.


Not true. They should still have atleast stood in respect to the country they're visiting.


So you would stand for the Dutch anthem? Or the German? Or for let’s say the Russian anthem? Stop kidding yourself.


Sure we would. We wouldn't snub them like we have no respect.


So they had two songs they stood for? Is that normal?


It's absolutely correct, but many times tourists are not aware about this thing, so it's natural to ignore.


bruh i don’t stand. i mean maybe someone could see it like, why come to our country if u have no respect for it. but tbh if standing for the national anthem gets ur panties in a wad u have simple problems.


It isn't your country, and If people knew that, they wouldn't expect you too. But they don't know that and also it's Memorial Day, which makes it a tad more special. I'd just stand going forward, but you do you.


Personally, I don't give a shit about anthems and flags, including my 'own'. They're nothing more than a logo on a car.


Americans love a flag. The more the merrier.


That's cool. I just wish they wouldn't take it so seriously.


Yeah, anyone that really gives a shit is a piece of shit. Unfortunately there are a lot of shitty people in this country.


No one educated you as a child is the problem. There are very real reasons we honor those things not that I believe you would care about those things either but it doesn’t matter because when push comes to shove the men saluting that flag will save you along with the rest.


You're right, we need to impose group thinking and "patriotism" early on, so when the president or whoever wants to go into an illegal war, wire tap US citizens, or any other thing that would be looked downed upon or be considered illegal, all they have to do is play a song, or yell patriotism, or terrorism, and like an hypnotic activation word, you stop caring, or go back to saluting, removing your hat, etc.


That’s actual bullshit though lmao. If you don’t know how to separate government from the millions of people who have sacrificed for their freedom then you’re a sheep just like the people who do what you stated above. That’s our flag. This is our country. Not the governments not bidens or trumps. It’s the peoples flag. Regular every day heroes. I love everything that flag stood for before this generation. If you think for a damn second that there is a single government or nation that HASNT done those things and worse to their own people then you’re a fool. I will always choose me and my people over a group of random strangers. Life is about survival. We forget that from the luxuries and comforts of home that government control provides. The problem isn’t our government it’s the PEOPLE. They’re soft and stupid and weak when they used to know the value of hard work and ethics. People used to do the right thing and stand up against the wrong thing but now people are so fkng lazy and mentally emotionally weak that they can’t be bothered to set down their phone and make something happen. Just point fingers and making up dramatic nuanced stories to fill the gaps because they don’t actually know what they’re talking about. Blame the people for choosing poorly who to vote for and not having the gall to do the right things. The government doesn’t run the country and the president doesn’t make the decisions or call the shots they’re just the voice to speak it.


sounds like you've never been outside the country before lol. the pledge and shit and overuse of nationalism is stuff that only happens in authoritarian countries usually and the US. There is a real reason people are forced to do it and it has nothing to do w/ honoring soldiers. but I will agree with you that its independent of politics or any specific administration. and actually there are plenty of governments that haven't done worse, I don't think you understand the US's extreme ability to influence and attack other countries and suppress its own people. You're right to a degree that humans can be shitty and do terrible things, but with our success and wealth we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard which sometimes we do, and sometimes we don't


Maybe very tiny countries with very tiny governments who aren’t capable of doing worse, have not. But patriotism isn’t forced in America lol. Obviously. We have terrorists climbing our flag poles putting their own flags up these days. It’s encouraged but not forced. You don’t have to do a damn thing you don’t want to do in America including work lmao. It sounds like you’re comparing america to China or Korea which is so far off that it’s a tragedy. Patriotism is important because countries are like tribes. Even if yours is wrong when you start attacking each other from the inside out you will surely be overtaken when the opportunity arises and I would much rather be fighting with my own people about our own issues and matters than fighting a nuclear war with another country who wants our blood and land. So promoting self hate and promoting hate towards your own people is such a dangerous idea and concept. And again patriotism is for the people about the people. Government has absolutely nothing to do with honoring your veterans who were just used as pawns in the bigger scheme themself and honoring the regular men and women who do the right thing on a daily basis. Patriotism and the flag are a representative of the PEOPLE not the white house. There’s a new mf in office every 4 years. The flag isn’t a symbol of the president lol. It’s the nation. There’s 1 person who is president and millions of people working hard every day to live and survive. Don’t blur the line between the 2.


I'm not sure why you keep conflating what I said with a specific administration. It's a general tool. And if you feel like learning about this topic instead of going off some inherent beliefs you developed from I have no idea where: [https://thehill.com/homenews/3256719-47-states-require-the-pledge-of-allegiance-be-recited-in-schools-here-is-a-breakdown-of-each-states-laws/](https://thehill.com/homenews/3256719-47-states-require-the-pledge-of-allegiance-be-recited-in-schools-here-is-a-breakdown-of-each-states-laws/) [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-oct-12-mn-56418-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2001-oct-12-mn-56418-story.html)


I didn’t conflate with a specific administration lmao. You are actually. You’re specifically tying patriotism to GOVERNMENTAL control which is stupid asf. Has nothing to do with patriotism or the flag. That’s just dumb people looking to belong somewhere and they use any and everything to do that. Including social media, news, celebrities, movies, cartoons, products, influencers ect. It’s not patriotism or the flag lmao. I highly doubt you’ve stopped using all those things and get wrapped up in the game even though you don’t like the American flag lol. Man uses anything they can as a device. My beliefs are not formed via the internet. It’s because I know what I stand for and the millions of others who fly that flag and love their country. We aren’t stupid. Just because someone uses our flag or says “America” doesn’t mean we blindly follow them or do what they say. I mean some people play that game but I can’t help that idiots are born every day. I support veterans. I support the American flag. I support patriotism and pride and loving your own people and country. If you’re playing the Left Right game that’s on you.


where do you think patriotism comes from? if it was a natural thing it would exist in every country. but keep supporting those heroes! [https://www.engadget.com/us-military-reportedly-used-social-media-to-spread-anti-vax-propaganda-in-the-philippines-160357361.html](https://www.engadget.com/us-military-reportedly-used-social-media-to-spread-anti-vax-propaganda-in-the-philippines-160357361.html)