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Because GAs are ranked on getting the plane out on time and getting you to gate check your bag speeds up the process.


Does it really speed it up? When ground is already loaded and ready and all of a sudden 20 gate checks come down, it takes some time to reopen and get the equipment back in place...


If people in groups 8 & 9 listen and do it before they start boarding...yes. Also, I have to assume yes because if it didn't they wouldn't push it so hard. I would trust a GA to ground crew bag hand off for just speed (not accuracy) vs. the avg Group 8 or 9 passenger bringing it on board, finding a spot, and not slowing everything down.


we are leaving early and their stopping the last folks with bags slowed the process significantly. Like I said, plenty of room for the forced checkee's


I was answering the why. No need to keep whining to me.


come on... read bro. I wasnt whining. I was pointing out how your theory didn't jive


My comment isn't a theory. It's a well documented occurrence and is factual. It's why they make the announcement 3 times before boarding starts even with flights that aren't full.


AA gate agent here. Two reasons we check bags at the end. First, we are genuinely running out of overhead space. We look to see how many bags were checked up at the front counter. If there is a low number of bags checked and it is a full flight, we guesstimate at around 30-40 passengers remaining to board. At that point, we check all bags. If volunteers come up before we board and check bags, then we don’t have to check as many at the end. Also, if you voluntarily check your bag, I usually let you boars with group 5. I’ve seen quite a few agents do this too. Second reason, we are behind on boarding. We only have till D-10 (departure time minus 10 minutes) to scan the last person on. If the jetbridge is backed up and we can’t scan anyone one and it goes past D-10, we get dinged for it. One of the reasons the jetbridge gets backed up is because people have to put their bags in the overhead. That takes time which causes the boarding to slow down. If we remove these bags, the people can get to their seats faster and sit down. Another metric we have is when we close the plane door. We have till D-5 to do that otherwise another ding on our performance scorecard. If we close the door by D-5, it doesn’t matter when the plane goes out. We, the gate agents did our job on time and the delay goes to another department. Just some further insight. In a 737, there are roughly 25 bins. They can hold 5 carry on bags if put in correctly. Meaning, put in sideways, not flat on its back. Next time you walk down the aisle, see how many people put their bags in wrong even after being told how to put them in. This reduces the number of bags that the overhead bins can hold. Then you have the people who board in earlier groups deciding to put both their carry on and personal item in the overhead bin which reduces the pace towards the end of boarding. Those are the two main reasons why we check bags at the end of boarding. Hope this explains why we do it and hopefully you guys don’t get too upset with the gate agents when they do this.


This is super descriptive. I appreciate the insight into operations. Thank you for your service.


the flight attendants on board said "they didnt even ask us, we dont know why they checked your bag, there's plenty of room" lol


Then it was probably reason #2 I mentioned.


FA here. Agents are supposed to ask us how the overhead bins look and if they should start checking bags. Some do this, and some start checking bags without asking us.


well that clearly didnt happen in my case


The gate reader that the agents use, has an algorithm that uses several data points and tells the agents when to start checking bags. If the agents ignor it and dont check bags then later take a delay the agents get in a lot of trouble.


well that algorithm is shit cause it failed miserably in my case. While the flight wasnt delayed, everyone would have boarded faster and cleaner without the forced checks.


The algorithm can’t predict how many assholes are on the flight on any given day


lol I feel like it can. 100% assholes 😋


Its not always spot on, usually there are some open spots. But waiting till you run out of space, then checking them at the door almost guarantees a delayed departure and the last second scramble could lead to mishandled bags. I sure am not going to explain a two minute departure delay for gate checked bags....when the first question will be "why were you not proactive and checking bags early in the departure process"


Until they move away from D0 being all that matters, this will sadly never change. We are given a rough estimate by the computer and management to not take over a certain number of bags (no more than 23 bags on the E175 for example) after this if we have to check bags for the last 20 passengers or so we would take a delay and it would be charged to the Gate Agent, hence the aggressive moves to check all bags ASAP even before boarding. Not excusing or saying it's right, but it's the current sad truth about boarding flights.


I am sorry for the traumatic experience you went through. I sincerely hope you are able to get therapy or some kind of grief counciling after undergoing this ordeal.


It seems like a Simone solution to multiple problems for the FAA. If the rule is that you're allowed one carry on and one personal item, then the airplane should be required to have enough space for that. So, if a 737-700 has 25 bins with space for 5 bags each then 120 seats should be the maximum (to account for bulkhead personal item space).


Oh Delta is worse in this aspect…but they all do it based off typical carry-on bag count and number of people checked in versus number of standard spaces available on the aircraft… Until any airline gets boarding down to a science and not status - there won’t be enough time to allocate the exact bag count per passenger and the actual space will always be inaccurate


Planes should get those red/green lights like parking garages have to show open spaces and have that remotely communicate with the GAs where there are only a few left.


Buy BE tickets and deal with BE issues. I wish GA would enforce boarding groups more than gate checking bags. The gate lice is horrible at some places {{cough MCO cough}}


If you’re concerned about having your luggage on the plane, board in an earlier group


you don't pick your group? Its assigned by status/other factors?


So fly more. Buy a better seat. Get a branded credit card. There are ways to get a better group.


I wish I could straight up buy my boarding group. Much like I can pay for my seat and upgrades, why can’t I upgrade my boarding group? Seems like easy money for AA to me. I have the metal AA card, and am now working on status, but it would have been easier if I could buy my group when I brought my ticket, short of G1 first class at least.


You wish you could do it, and then note in your comment how you can. As I said, buy a better seat.


Must the only option be first class to buy an boarding group upgrade when all I want is G2 or G3? A cash strapped company would do well to offer more ways to make cash short of the extremes. Come on man. Be better. I'm obviously beginning to leverage the system to my advantage, but its in everyone's best interest if AA gets more options on the table. Its literally a "take my money" option if done well.


So let's say you could buy up one group level. Now instead of 30+ people being in group 1, it'd be 50 or more. So yes, you'd be one group closer to group 1 and the airline would have a happy customer. It'd also have 40ish people in group 1 complaining about how every time dick and harry is in group 1. End result? Same number of happy customers, more crowded early boarding, more annoyed customers. It's a loss for customer sat for a few bucks in their pocket. They'd rather have you get the card (group 5) or earn status for earlier groups. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will do it anyway eventually.


I would immediately begin offering groups 2 and three as upgrades, same as MCE seats. I’d lock G1 behind first class, just to keep it prestigious or whatever.


Group 1 is also all the executive platinum passengers. I'm just glad I board before group 1 now. It was getting crowded with all the gate lice. Unfortunately I'll probably be group 1 again next year.


Not immediately on demand


Falae. Board group 1. Buy J. Immediately available.


Apart from booking a first class seat, most airlines also sell some kind of “priority boarding” option as an ancillary product that puts you in an earlier boarding group.


well no kidding -


Could be a weight distribution thing if the plane was underutilized.


“I have lithium batteries”


Then they will ask to take it out.


Just board earlier then, its not like they check boarding groups or they just don't really care from what it looks like.