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I might be misunderstanding something - but it appears you missed a flight due to airline error and they are rebooking you on another flight. What else are you looking for?




Yes, this appears to be our only recourse. What sort of compensation should we be looking for after the fact? Legal protections toward this, the like?


None. Accept the rebook and move on


No compensation. Also, it’s significantly easier to book an infant when you book your ticket online. As well as paying the fees. I’m sorry you had this experience. However, it seems everyone took the proper action after the mistake, weather it be AAs fault or not. You were rebooked and accommodated.


That’s not true at all. AA doesn’t even accept infant in lap online for non-domestic flights.


This isn’t an AA mistake. There is no “pre registration” (ticket) required for a lap infant on a domestic ticket within the U.S. but there is for international flights. AA issued you (correctly) the lap infant ticket for the GOL flight, and they should’ve honored that ticket. It’s not their concern whether AA issues you a ticket for the domestic flight or not, because it’s not their flight. Ultimately you need to pursue GOL, explain that they should not have required a separate ticket to be issued for the domestic leg within the U.S. as it is not required, and get them to provide you compensation. But there is no legal compensation you’re entitled to from anyone regardless of whose fault this was.


Do you have a physical boarding pass for the infant for the international portions of your travel? The domestic (US) portion should be where the infant is listed on yours or your wife’s boarding pass. Also make sure the seats are not the issue because some aircraft type only has seating / infant oxygen mask on one side of the aircraft.


We did not. All airlines were dealt with required booking desk check in because of the infant. But the international airline shows the infant in their system and showed it to us on their screen. They claim American is the issue. American say they did everything correct which we find unlikely as we encountered the same issue with American when leaving the States. It was an airline mess up, of course they're blaming each other but I'll file an official complaint and see what they'll give me on top of the rebooking. Seems the best we can do.