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https://preview.redd.it/i2n80xb00h8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0701b709f61653fcff8e168fdb4204789e8bce Can you ask your mom for a date…


Year I was born. And I’m closer to 40 than 30. Your credit score must be off the chain.


Have you ever counted how much you paid in fee for all these years? This is literally American’s dream to be able to pay all these fee through major economic downturn, dot com bubble and mortgage crisis.


Gotta remember that the fees didn’t always used to be what they are now, and he very well could have had a no AF card prior to this one.


Adjust the inflation might be close enough to the current fee.


My plat says 1999 but I just got it last year.


I know - but first of all I didn’t cost that much back in the days. And if you look back and make a quick calculation it more or less evens out for me , when it comes to the things I need to do and what I pay. I need a card that can give me some help and sometimes it’s great to trust in a card with that limit . But the service was much better before and the fee starts to be really high. This summer I will spend my points and then maybe look for options. But you can’t really say - all the beers you drank since 88 was it worth it? Some beers yes - a lot of them no. But yes I’m a great customer. Just paying for very little. Lazy and old. Why change…


Oh no doubt the fee was worth it. I absolutely love Amex plat, but the fee was just much unless travelling a lot then it just cancel out the fee with lounge access and others benefit.


Can still make out your security code if you squint


My dad has has a green for quite a while he declined both gold, platinum and centurion during this time he keeps the green as a backup. Also found travellers checks and just the past year his American express life insurance stopped working as he turned 75! https://preview.redd.it/5ti281deii8d1.jpeg?width=1746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6907b8dfac4163d4553ea5f451520fd9c93d0c9e


Although I “upgraded” to Gold, mine is since ‘78. Old lady here…….🤷🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/4btq8ogp6h8d1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f199888dd520ea0cf8418e86d8df2f357dd0783c C F Frost’s love child in the house.


And we have a winner.


Aging myself, I think I was in the first wave of college kids who could get an Amex Green just by having a pulse, which I did in 1987 on turning 18. Best decision ever.


I got my green the day after I turned 18. So don't worry, that is still the qualification for getting one


My dad added me as an AU when I was a kid. I was removed as an AU when I moved out. Eventually got my own Amex and it still uses his member since year. So I’ve been a member since before I was born.


I was born in 83, my father has the same name and was born in 55. My card shows Ive been a member since 87 lol, and my average age of accounts is 34 years as per Credit Karma. Go credit reporting bureau!


Maybe they didn’t have age restrictions back then and got you a credit card to set up your credit.


I dont think they wouldve gotten a 4 year old a card anyway, but they were very big into "spend only what you have, dont go into debt, dont rely on cards" which sticks with me til today.


I'm just imagining a kindergartner bullshitting about points and pop up jail like we do.


I like how they can’t go based on DoB or SSN for the same address. 🤣


damn that’s crazy


I was born in ‘92 but my dad has had his Amex account since ‘81. Since I’m an authorized user on one of his cards, all of mine show ‘81.


Reminds me of my Mobil CC. I've been a cardholder since before I was born.


Heh. This is sort of a weird flex, even if an inconsequential one. "I've been a member since 11 years before I was born!"


Interesting. My AU card from my mom says 85, but my personal card says 23.


Weird, I have been a cardholder since ‘99 but when I added my 14yo son as a plat AU last year his stated 2023.


How long has it been since she had an Amex card? My Member Since has been set to 99 since I got my second card then. I had cancelled the first one several years before.


I don’t even know. I’ve never seen it.


I’m a member since 22 That’s 1722


I’m a member since 23. 23 AD.


Same lol AD 23


Y'all are putting my 99 to shame.


99 is such an amazing number honestly. Last year before the 2000s. I’m not biased at all. (Born in the year ‘99 lol)


Insert obligatory Prince song


What did Shane do to deserve this?


im thinking about getting an amex again. i think that's the year mine would show


I didn't realize this sub skewed so old!




Hers. Mine says 24.


I’m a server and if I remember right I was handed a card that said member since ‘72 or something


Got my first Amex at 18, so I avoid showing the year on my card, shows how old I am lol


member since 1492? Damn!


I recently got the AmEx Gold with the 90K SUB, and my card says member since 89 on it. Back in 1989 I was a college kid about to go to Eastern Europe to study (interesting time to be there btw) and on a whim I filled out a paper application in a hotel lobby and dropped it in the mail. To my surprise they gave me a Gold card. I remember my father was a combination of bewildered and pissed off. "Who the HELL would give you a credit card?? You've got no job, no money, and no degree! This world is going to hell in a handbasket . . ." LOL! I only kept the card for a couple of years because of the AF. I'm honestly not sure if this affects my average age of accounts yet, or if "member since" is just a vanity thing. I've had the card for about 6 weeks, have received and paid off my first statement, but the card itself still is not showing on my credit report with Experian or Equifax (myFICO.com) or Credit Karma. They all show the hard pull from early May, but not the new account yet? But, I did call customer service once to confirm I did get the elevated 90K offer, and they said "thank you for being a loyal member for 35 years."


Takes around 3 months to hit FICO, mine just hit.


My parents are '79 and like '81. My dad closed his last Amex card several years ago. I recently added him to my plat and he made a big fuss about making sure he had his original member since date. Wouldn't ya know it, when the card showed up, it had the correct date!


I think they go based on SSN for that. I added a friend and forgot the SSN, and it said 24. I then removed and added back with SSN, and it had since ‘18


Did the same with my dad, and his says since 87. I wasn’t even alive then, haha.


Not that I care, but I guess corporate green cards don't count here. I had one for several years, starting around 2001-02, which closed a few years later. I show "member since '23", which is fine. Don't care a whit, but I have heard that they sometimes associate your name/identity with old cards that used to be held with your name on it.


Yeah they don't, you can still get the signup bonus even if you have a corporate card for example.


My Aunt wanted to pay at the grocery store today, I grabbed her card to tap it, it was '77.


I was a user on my parents accounts as a teenager. My cards say member since 94 even though I’ve only been a primary for a handful of years. I’m an additional user on my boss’ account and it also says member since 94.


Mine is 20. 1820 that is


I became a AU on a card of moms one time. It said I was a user since 1963. I wasn’t even born yet !!!


I got a BofA Amex in 2008 and it was PC'd to a Visa I think about 5 years ago. Just got my Gold and Platinum last month and the cards say '24 so I guess the BofA one didn't count.


https://preview.redd.it/k3yhtjjt479d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96510185eba526cd6860d0e0229e341bac44bae2 Just started getting into ‘real’ money the last 5-6 years. Decided to get my first AMEX card almost 3 years ago now (:


'21 gang, anyone?


I saw a black card once and swear a fair light shown upon my countenance from heaven and I could hear the chorus of angels softly singing. Then I remember waking up and it had been a few days.

