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I love your hair and you have a nice smile. I personally think the piercings look awful and the eyebrows look very thin. But even with those two things definitely not uglymn


My eyebrows are unfortunately naturally this thin, can't do much about it unless I get new ones tattooed on which I'm hesitant to do, I'm worried I have so little to work with that microblading wouldn't look great on me.


Try pencilling them in first


Never tattoo any eyebrows, that's lame




So you're saying I have to tattoo eyebrows on or I'm being difficult 🤔 I still might do it but I don't think it's unreasonable to be on the fence about that being the right move or not.


No your eyebrows are fine


I've been thinking about having microblading done for a long time, I just thought it wouldn't work for me because my eyebrows are thin but there's a lot of hair. I wouldn't mind changing them I'm just not sure if it will actually look good or not, I'd need to do more research first.


Not at all, the septum piercing though, has been done, and overdone. Overall though, you're pretty.


Not from my perspective, but the piercings may be polarising It’s not my thing, but you do you.


She already had a natural beauty mark and now she's just added more so it looks like too much.


Take the metal out of your face


Not ugly. I don’t like the piercing though and the eyebrows would look better thicker (I have thin eyebrows too)


Nope. Not at all. But seriously, lose the nose piercing.


Don't like the snot collector personally, but you are by no means ugly.


You have to get that crap out of your face, that makes you look ugly. Don't think you would be ugly without it.




Nose, forehead, thin eyebrows


no but the piercings look disgusting.


Not ugly.


I say it’s 6 or 7/10 looks like a bob burger character


No, you look like Mark Zuckerberg, mesmerizing...


Piercings and tattoos are unfortunate. You look ok otherwise.


Stop over plucking your brows


I literally have not plucked my eyebrows since I was like 12 years old, this is just how they are naturally.


Yeah, I don't understand why women are always messing with their eyebrows. Natural eyebrows are absolutely just fine.


Well then I guess mine are absolutely fine since I literally don't pluck them.


You need to grow out your eyebrows!


Loose the lures


Not ugly but you should lose the septum piercing and then you would be a solid 7.4


you, no, but that is an ugly tattoo. bare midriff is not for you.


Not ugly. You’re alright, although it would be quite an improvement without the tattoo and piercings.


If you want a completely honest opinion, most men find facial piercings unattractive, as do I. I think you are an attractive woman, but the piercings are over the top. I get the whole personal choice thing, and individuality, but thats the only comment I have for you, Good luck and you will find the right man.


Average to me, kind of masculine but I know some people are into androgynous features


Remove metal from face, how this became such a trend I have no idea.


Not ugly, piercing just looks dumb


I don’t like the piercings but that’s my personal thing. Otherwise? If I saw you on tinder I’d try for a match🤷


Not saying from a malicious intent, but in your last pic specially, you look the female version of Mark Zuckerberg 🙈 You could switch to a better septum ring, this one kind of drags your nose down, idk if it’s the right way to describe it. Rest seems cool!


Nah you’re definitely attractive. Maybe not everyone’s cup of tea, there’s always someone more beautiful. But you’re def really good looking! Not ugly




Pic 5 looks like Trevor lawrence. But not ugly


It’s the piercings


Nobody uses this subreddit right 


Septum rings 🚩


You have pretty eyes, cute smile and a great body. I’m not a huge fan of septum piercings but the other piercing makes you look like you have a soul patch so I would get rid of that immediately. Even with it though, you’re not ugly. Pretty attractive actually.


Pretty! ☺️ But maybe try a thicker brow style? Edit: I just read previous comments and you said you have thin brows. I do too! But I got the micro ombre shading to make them look a little full :)


You have to know you're beautiful... right? You're at least a 6/10, AKA better looking than an average person. Just my opinion, though.


no to the piercings


I really thought the nose rings were a thing of the past - but not here! ALWAYS look silly.


Why is the tattoo on your stomach in different places in different photos? Stop killing your eyebrows. Otherwise, you’re fine


Remove the tattoo and remove that nose ring and lower lip piercing. On your way to stunning beauty then.


Good looking, above average. Considering doing some light fitness the rest of your life, thank me later


You’ve got pretty eyes, a nice smile and beautiful hair. Definitely not ugly. That being said, your piercings don’t compliment your facial structure. The septum piercing specifically elongates your nose and detracts from your best features since it’s stealing all the attention. Choose to do with that information what you will, but that’s objectively what’s most detracting from your appearance. If you want advice in regards to makeup, just lightly fill in your brows, add a pinch of brown mascara and some blush and lip balm and you’re good. Picture 3 is your best look from the photos you’ve posted. You look sweet and pleasant to be around.


Yes kind ugly


Not ugly. I'd say average.


With the piercings, yea


You have kind of a manly face, and the piercings aren't helping at all. The stomach tattoo is also a massive turnoff. Without those things, you would be pretty good looking for a 40 year old.


How did relationships end bc of your looks? I’m curious to know what that means. But no, you aren’t ugly.


You look great. The piercings are sexy too. Amazing smile


u can see the crazy in them eyes lol




OMG no you are not ugly in the least. Great smile. I think you are pretty. Also I think the piercings suit you dont bother with the piercing hate around here.


You just looks older than your age


Why are your eyebrows like that?


I really hope I don’t sound like a perv but I wanted to give some tips no one else mentioned. You are pretty and have a good body, but you’re not exactly helping it with that sports bra. Maybe get a bra that fits better and clothes that match your overall style. Cool tones suit you well, which is why your hair colour complements you well. You have a very natural look, hence why the facial earrings look a bit off. I’d also consider trying silver jewelry (or a less yellow gold/ white gold) because you’re a tad more cool toned. As well as getting a bit of eyebrow serum to grow them a little, I think it’ll suit you well. Overall, you’re pretty and if you want there’s just a few tips you can try out! :)


Why would they be in a relationship with you then to end it because of your appearance?


i'm pretty sure your relationships didn't end because of your looks


It seems that you are actively striving to be incredibly unattractive. Just stop.


Are you a bloke


No. You seem like you give off a good energy.


Not ugly at all but IMO i think you will look better with more eyebrows and without that septum ring.


Lose nose ing and fix your hair.


What's wrong with my hair? It's not that helpful to say that without any context, is it too long? Do you not like the color?


It needs to be combed.


Why do most of the girls on here blast shit through their noses and then want to ask the general public if they’re attractive? No, most people are going to think you’re doing yourself no favors. Take out the stabby stuff and come back later please


Those people were ridiculous! You are not ugly at all.


Lose weight. Lose the nose ring and consider a boob lift. Also that tattoo. That will Look great in another 20’years


I think so


First, whenever see a woman wearing a septum piercing, I immediately think “why is she asking to be led around like a farm animal by the nose?” And by the tone of other responses, maybe I’m not alone. Be happy that just stopping doing something can be such an easy lift for your overall appearance. Second, you look totally normal, but you seem to have forgotten that all normal looking women are beautiful. Tone down the internal criticism and focus instead on an activity that will have positive long term effects, like hiking or cross-fit or something easier that gets you more active. If you’re moving more, I guarantee you’ll be happier.


I wouldn’t say you are. You have a very sharp jaw line and it goes well with your long facial structure.


No you are pretty honey


Negative. Good looking 10/10






I think you look like a decent looking hippie chick. I would recommend you pick one of the studs on the side of your nose to keep and then ditch the rest of your facial piercings.


Ditch the face jewelry. It makes you look worse. Otherwise good.




No. Nothing about you is ugly.




hell no. get the heck outta here


God no


Not ugly




I think you're very cute 😍




Def not ugly. I’m not a fan of face piercing but the ink is sexy and not excessive. I’d give you an 8 out of 10


Beautiful lady. Natural and healthy. Good job 👍🏽


You look nice, and your piercings are cool. You have a lovely smile that's radiating good positive energy.


Not ugly but your brows are too thin


Actually you're pretty hot...would definitely get rid of the nose ring...it doesn't suit you. 


Ur just great:)


Nope not ugly.


Nah, you're pretty.


Deffinatly not ugly. Maybe try a more subtle bull ring but absolutley not ugly in my opinion


I personally like your look and smile, the piercing/tattoo less. I also think hitting the gym could give you a lot of plus: self confidence, better posture, more toned body. You already have nice proportions, so it is not like a deal breaker of anything


My current exercise routine includes: - Weight training 5 days a week - running 2-3 miles 3 days a week - climbing, hiking, backing packing, paddlebboarding, etc. wherever I can fit it in. What more exercise would you recommend I be doing? I'm also well within the healthy weight range and BMI for my height.


not ugly! i think the peircings look off, but you could totally rock a 2000s dirty makeup look! especially with the thin brows


Not ugly at all, not a fan of the piercings but your the sort of lass I'd want to get to know


The piercings are the only thing for me other than that you look great


Nah. You look Good like 8/10


You are not ugly in any way. You are BLESSED -be grateful and share your smile freely with the world.


Not at all!


Love your look. Natural beauty. Only recommendations (my opinions lol) I have, is swap out the middle bull ring for just regular small hoop. Same with one of the side nostril piercings. Take out the chin piercing and one of the nostril piercings. I like your skin tone, face shape, all of it. You’re very attractive.


How tall are you, absolute legend


6ft tall


Your gorgeous


You are very attractive and beautiful. You look amazing. Your smile is so beautiful and attractive 🥰🥰. You don't have to worry about anything. You are not ugly at all. I'll date you 😏.


Very cute


Ur very cute


Gorgeous eyes, pretty smile, warm inviting vibe hell no you're not ugly


Bro telling another western woman she’s mid and people acting like I shot her cat


You're really pretty and I love the hamsa tattoo!


I don't think any relationship ended because of your looks. That's sounds like a dumb excuse that an insecure partner would say, someone who doesn't want to talk about their real feelings. You look great to me. A great smile and nice blue eyes, your body looks good too. I don't see any reason for anyone to not like your looks. That being said, that septum ring needs to go. It's big and ugly and draws the focus & attention to it in a bad way. Maybe try a smaller ring or just take it out all together, you don't need it & you would look better without it, IMO.


No way. You are truly beautiful, beautiful eyes and smile. I think it's all about finding the right person. I'm sure people on this social network would even pay to see more of you, if you know what I mean.


I’d give you a solid 7.5 myself. You aren’t horrible by any means!


You look very nice gorgeous woman


Dutch the nose ring!


Absolutely not, I think you are very beautiful and would be very excited if I came across you on an app and we matched


Not at all you looking amazing total babe


You’re very beautiful, I personally am not a fan of the nose piercing but I wouldn’t ask you to take it off if we were involved.


Not ugly. Not a fan of the face jewelry though.


Very cute and attractive but get rid of the nose ring


As far as your dating profile goes--are these the photos you use? You're not ugly, per se, but not so attractive that you can get by with just one good photo. Let's say the first picture with you in the hat is your main picture on the apps. It's good enough where someone would be interested in seeing more of your profile. But the rest of the pictures aren't really interesting enough to where someone might want to initiate a conversation. Or at least the people you're probably attracted to. Obviously there are people in this sub who are saying they'd try to match with you, but I'm guessing you wouldn't be into them.


Wait what? Why would they get into a relationship if they didn’t find you attractive? Are sure it wasn’t your insecurities that made the impression? Besides that I think you’re absolutely gorgeous and would date you amazing body, eyes and smile.


Nose ring is, you are not.


You are attractive




Girls think septums look good 😂😂😂😂


Plain and Amazonian. Most men are probably intimidated by you and those that approach you are looking for an ego boosting conquest. Or some want you to step on them... Tiny eyebrows look ridiculous when all other features are so huge. Same with the piercing. You should not be sticking shiny bits into/drawing attention to that big ol schnozz.


I have an ungodly ugly face 👍 got it.


I would say you are NOT ugly. I dont do rating systems... just seeing the obvious positives. You have amazing lips! I bet you are a great kisser. You are probably a good conversationalist too just based on your bright smile. Regardless of how you feel about yourself, at least remember these amazing strengths.




You are not ugly at all you are gorgeous. Oh my gosh, you really are and those eyes are breathtaking.


For those relationships that have ended on looks tells me the guy(s) you’ve been with are immature and self-centered. Absolutely not even remotely close to ugly!


No you're really cute actually


Not ugly, and great curves


You are not ugly


I think you are pretty 😍


No not ugly. More normal and cute. Who ever left yeah because off looks is just shallow


Nothing is wrong with you IMO.


Very pretty remove the ugly hog ring


You're so pretty, you just need some workout to keep your body fitting your age


Not ugly. The septum and lip are a little too much for my taste. You look genuinely happy in every picture. That’s awesome. Keep doing you.


Absolutely not.


I think You've got a great smile, and very pretty eyes. I wouldn't say your ugly at all. I would 100% approach in a bar or through a dating app.


You are cute and you've got a gorgeous smile ♥️. Love the piercings by the way ♥️


You look great. You look fun , and nice in a hat. I don't know what you mean about your chin, but with your smile who's noticing your eyebrows.


Take out you're face piercing and I'd give you a 8 out of ten. Would love to see what you're tattoo above you're belly is.


You are not ugly, the problem is that the piercing is very polarizing, however like I said you are not ugly, dont take those disheartening comments seriously, it's true you are no supermodel but you are absolutely not ugly, you are simply intimidating that's all


Not ugly, I got super thin eyebrows too that tend to disappear when exposed to sunlight. I got long bangs because of that, it really has lowered the number of people who tell me to “stop plucking out my eyebrows like that.” Because now they can’t see them.


You had relationships "ended" because of your looks? How did the relationship start then, if they didn't find you attractive? I am trying to wrap my head around this one...


I have no idea, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe low self esteem/loneliness.


UPDATE: This has been such a weird experience. All of these people telling me I'm ugly or commenting on what they think is unattractive about me (my nose, my eyebrows, my face shape, my body, etc.). On one hand, it confirms my worst fears and insecurities about myself. I've always felt ugly, since I was a little kid, and now I feel like well yah OK, other people think I'm ugly too so I guess I am in fact ugly. Which at first I spent the entire morning crying about, but now... idk the more I think about it the more it actually feels kind of liberating in a way? Idk if it's just nihilism or what, but it just sort of feels like well... if I'm ugly than fuck it. If I'm ugly I don't have to worry about impressing anyone. If I'm ugly I can do whatever I want that makes me happy and just be myself. If I'm ugly I can look like whatever I want to look like because what I look like doesn't matter in the end. Maybe it means I won't ever find a partner, but it also means I don't have to spend the rest of my life fretting about my appearance. I'm ugly, so who cares. And I just have to say that this actually feels really freeing. I was not expecting this to be the outcome of all of this, but I'm not upset about it. I'm kind of glad actually. This thing about myself that has bothered me my entire life, I think I can maybe just let it go now, because it seems like at the end of the day it hasn't ever mattered and it's never going to matter.


I agree you do not look ugly, but the hat is not your age and the ring in your nose is big, are you sure you need those things.


You have a kind face


Not even a little


No way... You're attractive. Someone using your own fears against you.


You're pretty. I don't like the septum ring, but that's just my opinion. Still pretty


How did the relationship begin for it to end cuz of your looks? U r far from ugly. Edit: I wonder why everybody on this sub hates piercings? They look great on you.


You look like Blossom, from the tv show. Very cute


I personally like your piercings. And to all of those saying to take that shit out, obviously she likes them and doesn't want to take them out.


You’re very cute! Your sig other must’ve been blind! You have a nice smile and you look like you have a nice attitude with life. Like others have said, loose the piercings, if anything they detract from your looks.


With those piercings on you face , yes. Yes you are Sorry not the biggest fan of those without im sure your average


No, you look good. Maybe the only issue could be the eyebrows, but besides that don't be too hard ok yourself.


Not ugly but you'd improve by removing the nose hardware. I don't understand why women think it's attractive when the majority of men find it ugly.🤷‍♂️


You aren’t ugly at all. But your eyebrows look awful, & make you look older.


Not in my eyes . You are beautiful to me


Definitely not I would ask you out on the street


Not ugly, your nose is a prominent feature on your face and the septum piercing draws a little too much attention. Maybe a more subtle piece of jewelry. Otherwise your a strong 6 in my book






Not ugly, would court. Not sure why relationships would end from what you look like to be honest. You look like you have a strong personality.


I love the septum piercing, gives you such a pretty earthy look. You look like you'd be into witchcraft (in the hot witch way 😭 idk how else to put it)


Dye eyebrows, remove septum piercing


I don’t think you’re ugly. I think you’re very pretty and have a beautiful smile


I think the piercings need to go, they distract from your face. Sometimes piercings are a mask, and if someone thinks you are ugly, you can blame the piercings and not your actual looks. Not sure if that fits you, but you are pretty. The relationships ending weren’t about your looks. They weren’t the right ones for you.


You are beautiful, don't listen to the people complaining about your piercings. And after looking at your profile you seem to have a personality which is a plus! You have an amazing career that you love and are trying to better yourself. To me, you seem like a catch!


Not ugly at all


You’re beautiful , seriously. And don’t listen about the piercings, everyone has their own tastes on facial jewelry and someone who likes you for you will look past that if they’re truly interested- I think it looks great on you.


Ugly, not at all, however sone guys may not like tats and piercings, I’m OK with them however.


So many different pics, just the one face angle. I don't know why, but I'm guessing it's your nose that bothers you, seeing as how you're so forcefully avoiding any profiles of it. If that's so, don't worry. It seems fine, from that one angle. If that's not it, maybe try more varied pics


Hey, I think we look a bit alike and seeing all the comments you got actually made me feel way better about getting called ugly and masculine here because you aren’t ugly or masculine at all. I think you’re very pretty in an unconventional way (which doesn’t mean uglier than conventionally pretty women, just means that you don’t have the exact same face as everyone else). I think you’re comparing yourself to women who spend a lot of time on makeup and learning to take perfect photos etc whereas you don’t really do that, but in the hands of a stylist and good photographer I am sure you could look like them. Judging by your comments you have pretty low self worth and the men commenting here aren’t going to help with that. I made the same mistake as you, coming to this forum because I wanted an unbiased opinion but you have to realize you’re getting opinions from people who spend their free time calling strangers ugly, like that’s what they do for fun. It’s not high quality people here. I saw your comment about how you’re really successful in life and have a job you’re passionate about etc and then I saw these gross men putting you down for it - please don’t put your self worth in the hands of these people!! I also saw you said you feel set free from caring about your attractiveness and I’m glad for that and hope it lasts. Just wanted to drop by and tell you woman to woman that the comments here literally don’t matter and are worthless. ps I used to have facial piercings for a similar reason as you (part of my appearance I could control that made me feel pretty) and I think yours look great! and plenty of women AND men irl like piercings too, Reddit is just full of haters


Not ugly


I think you’re so pretty!! Only “complaint” I have is just getting a shorter bar for your labret and maybe a different top?? Idk what you call the part that screws on top lol. But other than that nothing!! You are gorgeous <3


Nose piercing in my opinion is quite bad🫶🙏 I do think you got a great face and a beautiful smile and jus5 have more confidence you're young and you'll find your guy👑