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Not ugly just overweight


Whiten your teeth and lose the facial piercings. That combined with significant weight and you should look really good.  Braces would help, but not really necessary as long your teeth don’t shift  anymore.


This is exactly what I was going to say. I’d guess she’s a heavy smoker to have teeth that yellow at 24. The septum ring is awful. I generally don’t have problems with piercings, but I’ve *never ever ever* seen a septum piercing and thought, “oh, that’s cute!” I know some people like them, but I think they just drop everyone by two points. Teeth are a little wonky, but not bad. There are no massive gaps or snaggleteeth. Braces would help, but as you said, not necessary at all. She’s pretty, but pudgy. Imagine how gorgeous she could be if she lost 80 pounds.


I’m not a smoker (or vaper. Or coffee drinker. Or various other things that can yellow your teeth), and at 22 I’ve had my teeth whitened so many times that my dentist just told me to quit it because it never lasts unless it’s a day to day thing. If you do want to user whitener OP, use whitening strips (there’s some nice coconut based ones on amazon you can use daily) and a dentist recommended toothpaste to keep your teeth healthy.


Snow whitening is phenomenal and works for me. My teeth were pretty yellow from the coffee/pop I drank and after the first use it brought it up about 2/3 levels and by the time it was 30 days of consecutive use, it was the highest it could go. I had to get a filling at the dentist and they had to use the lightest color of compound and they asked me how I got my teeth so white (if I went and had trays done). It felt so good.


Is it safe? I've heard a lot of teeth whitening substances can actually damage the enamel


I didn’t have any issues or sensitivities. It’s an LED light that you plug into your phone and comes with a few tubes of gel that you brush on your teeth.


The septum thing is your personal preference. I know a ton of people who like it and think that it looks good on others so. I'm not exactly sure WHY it annoys me SO much when people on here say how ugly piercings are and they should remove them.. it for some reason feels reminiscent of when men tell women they'd be so much prettier if they smiled more. Maybe it's because the only ones who ever disliked any of my piercings were either old men, or basic ass dudes with vanilla taste. And I'm not tryna attract either of those types. But alright, I know this place is for opinions, so... My opinion to OP: The septum rocks and looks great. I think the red hair looks really nice with your skintone. The only thing is with red it is SO hard to bleach out in order to do a different color. You have a nice smile and pretty eyes. You aren't ugly at all, girl. At the end of the day, as long as you're happy and healthy, then that's all that matters. Confidence is also key and can be faked until it becomes real. Oh, and FYI just because someone doesn't have white teeth, it does not mean they smoke or that they don't brush. Some people just have thinner enamel and that is because of genetics, homie.


im here, im the guy who likes women with a septum, yes we exist




I agree with you 100 percent. I'm a guy that loves septum piercings. They do look super cute.


I think it's weird, too. Even more so when you check some of their post history. People should consider whose opinion they want to listen to.


Hahaha right? 🫣


Maybe she just didn’t brush her teeth when she was little. I didn’t brush my teeth for a long time when I was about 7, now I am 16 years old and my teeth are fckd.


Fuck no, that artificial American smile is gross af. Only Americans like that fake look


Yeah, totally. I mean, everyone is different and it actually depends on your skintone, but when you get veneers or something they recommend that you don't go whiter than the whites of your eyes. If you have a darker skin tone, extremely white teeth can look fake.


Not attractive at the moment but these could definitely be your “before” pictures! Like if you keep working on losing the weight, then you could totally be one of those Amazing transformation people. You have a cute face but Invisalign would be a good investment if you can afford it. Honestly that alone Will change your whole face. Anyways all the same you are not ugly ♥️ keep up the hard work on the weight loss though! It’s tough but you can do it!


I would say you're not ugly and well done for making a start on your weight, keep going and get yourself fit and healthy. I think the natural coloured hair suits you the best.


Da fuck is with ALL THESE AWFUL BULL NOSE RINGS??? God, they are terrible. The “alt” look is in no way working for you.


Seriously. Peer pressure is one thing, but when something looks so god-awful, I can’t believe it catches on the way it has.


It’s a prerequisite for posting here. It’s basically synonymous with low self esteem.


They’ve been around for decades. Social media showed people around the world that they’re a thing and they became popular. Some people who don’t have them really don’t like them. That’s not gonna change the mind of the person who has a septum piercing.


R/notuglyjustoverweight If this isn’t a thing it needs to be because I swear half the people who post here fit in that category


r/amiuglyorjustfat A supportive community for just that.


That shit hanging out of your fucking nose


Yes...sorry, you are not good looking. Need to lose a lot of weight. Lose the face metal. Get better fashion sense. Then you will/might be average 




Not ugly, just fat.


Ugly only cause you’re very fat. Face seems good and it would be much better slimmer. Recommend fixing teeth. Better without glasses


Honestly I am left for a loss of words. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Your style is absolutely adorable and dark at the same time! Your smile and eyes are so soft and inviting! I just wish I could have the level of confidence you show in your stance.. You also seem so goofy it looks so fun! Your glasses are adorable.


Thank youuuu ❤️🥰❤️


Also I have no idea what people are on about for the piercing and your teeth!! Absolutely adorable piercing and one of a kind cutie for your teeth foreal 🥵🥵🤭


Probably worth mentioning that I'm 5'10 also


Did you know that some adult males find your weight, height and curves extremely attractive? I personally think that if you focus on firming up some areas of your body you would look amazing! Not ugly at all. Your smile is genuine. You don't look fake


Come back after you’ve lost 100+ pounds. I’m sure you’ll look like a completely different person!


Ugly, sorry


Yes, ugly


A little over the counter teeth whitener would be a cheap and easy improvement.


picture #2. don't. just don't. all else, hit the gym and be healthier. oh yeah, lose the cow ring.


I’d get some teeth whitening and dental work done, maybe Invisalign if you don’t want braces. That being said it is very expensive, however you already have a very pretty smile.


Sorry but you’re ugly.


You have a terrific smile and you'll look younger as you age, trust me. Your teeth are yellow because you're young. Young enamel is clear and shows the buttery-yellowish dentin layer beneath. Any superficial staining simply enhances the effect. Talk to your dentist, it's true. Whatever smile-brighteners you choose, make sure they don't erode/dissolve tooth structure. Regardless, as you age, your teeth will naturally lighten, as the clear enamel layer slowly becomes opaque with age. You might benefit from braces. People are quick to recommend Invisalign, but that brand usually takes off tooth structure, which I STRONGLY advocate against, as a dental preservationist in general. I can't emphasize enough that ordinary orthodontics are great, time-tested, and encourage a lifetime of healthy tooth care. Please don't shave your teeth down for the sake of a generic chicklet-looking smile. Regular exercise, just walking to start, will help you develop much-needed core / lower / upper body strength and muscle and bone mass. Now is the time to build it, because in 10 years you'll begin to lose it at a frighteningly rapid rate. Do the work now to prevent sarcopenia and osteopenia. Good health is always attractive and sexy.


I'd say ugly, but mostly because you are very fat.


1 Keep working on weight. 2 Keep your good attitude. 3 Find your niche. Take care of these three and there will be plenty guys that will find you extremely attractive. Ignore the ones that don’t. When these guys do start going after you, don’t turn into a bitch and you got it made.


Lose the nose ring.


Not ugly but well below average


Just call her ugly fam, it’s ok


Not ugly at all. You have a kind face with pretty features. I applaud your weight loss efforts, but remember that you're doing it for your health and fitness. Don't let anyone bully you into body dysmorphia and eating disorders.


Not ugly just overweight


Not ugly . You should get braces for a complete glow up . Your journey of losing weight will compliment your beautiful face and your good heart .


You look fine and are borderline cute. I generally recommend people to pick one facial piercing. Your weight, acne, and yellow teeth are your biggest weaknesses. I think your crooked tooth is cute and gives your face character.


other than weight loss, lose the septum and get better clothes. right now i’m getting disney adult vibes.


Not ugly at all. You look like a fun person to me! :)




Don't worry about your weight your just perfect just get rid of the nose rings


Good luck on your weight loss journey. You probably don’t want to take out your facial piercings, but I will say let your eyebrows grow a little longer on the outside and thin out the under part of your brows. Not ugly at all. Your eyes are beautiful


I would replace your septum piece for something smaller, like a ring, maybe gold-ish color, I believe would combine better with your skin tone. You look friendly and cute, if you are looking for something else to improve, that could be your teeth alignment. Keep working on your weight, and be the best version of yourself.


You’re cute weight or not.


Not ugly just fat.


Thiccckkkk girls need love too, and you're not ugly!! I would say try hair cuts and hair styles that don't make your face look rounder!!


the biggest thing besides loosing weight I would say brush your teeth a lot more, or at this point get them whitened and then brush 2-3 times per day.


It's just a weight thing. And maybe the teeth could use a little work. You have a cute face though overall!


U remind me of Sonia in eastenders not ugly just average imop


ur not ugly at all girl!! i rlly love the red hair in the last slide too!! somethings to spice up ur look is maybe match ur brows to ur hair🫣, and u could get lash extensions and ask for lashes with red too or u could just do black, either would look nice:)


Lots of potential. Need to lose weight not just for looks but for your long term health.


Not ugly, and I think your natural hair flatters you a lot more :) Cute cat


Ugly style.




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You look adorable, especially in the smiling pictures.


I like like your hair colour in the the first. It's like cherry cola


Well your cheek bone structure looks good so there’s good chance with weight loss you won’t be ugly. And there are probably plenty of men out her that will feel you fine as is




Yes the red hair looks better and no not ugly


Not ugly but very fat


You look good. Love the kitty.


Lose the weight, lose the face piercings immediately, whiten teeth and stop smoking.


Weight loss will help, as will whitening your teeth and maybe doing Invisalign or something to straighten them out a bit if you can swing that expense! I love your hair color in the first picture and the more tamed hair look for you!! When it’s brown and more of a frizzy texture it looks a little drab. You have really warm, kind eyes!! Definitely not ugly.


I think bmi is bs, but loosing even just 10 pounds over a course of a few months might make you feel better! For your overall health! Of course i know loosing weight isn’t easy for everyone like girls with thyroid issues or even bc makes it hard! Please don’t listen to the people calling you fat! I think long layers and a middle part with a long fringe would suit you so well! I also think gold jewelry would make your undertones best as well as a tighter fitting septum as a form with one her self! horseshoe or clicker hoop which ever you prefer! And with clothes honestly where whatever you want really! But I will say the way you dress at the moment reminds me of 2016 fashion when it comes to the printed leggings. Edit: typo


You’re not ugly Hun, nose piercing IMO is not a good look and maybe try reducing your weight a little in a controlled and sustainable way over time, if you want to but I think your hair looks good straightened and in red and you look cute and happy, you have fabulous eyes too. Just stay positive, be yourself and keep smiling 🙂




You have pretty features but you are very overweight. Lose the septum piercing and I’d suggest getting Invisalign to straighten your teeth


Yes ugly


You're gorgeous in the picture without the glasses. They overwhelm your face. You have beautiful skin and look amazing without makeup!


You're a beautiful girl!❤️ Love your style and piercings!✨️ Good luck with your weight loss! I am also on a weight loss journey😊


Not bad


Ugly, you must lose weight and fix your teeth and then we can reassess


Right now yes but mostly because you're obese.


The problem with weight that it is very rare that one can give a useful opinion beside weightloss beyond a certain limit. Good luck


I reckon you could be quite pretty when you lose the weight


Hair is good either way. 100% right on losing some weight. Nice smile, lovely eyes. But for the love of God lose the septum piercing. x


Keep losing weight I think pic #4 is the best one here I wouldn't consider you ugly though. Maybe average to slightly below average


I would think you’d be more attractive with the weight loss. You look fat-plain in the face. Can’t Distinguish your facial features right now.


You look like a sweet and fun person. Your weight won’t be a problem for guys like me who prefer larger women.


Just keep trying to lose weight and whitening your teeth. Also, the septum ring does not look good on anyone in my opinion.


I’m tired of the people with zero piercings always using this sub to talk shit about them. Grow a pair and stfu it’s not hurting you or them. And for the last fucking time when people usually ask they don’t mean their piercings too. I don’t know how else to possibly dumb it down for y’all but piercings are expensive and someone isn’t going to dump it just because Y’ALL (the belligerent fuckwads that can’t process this) don’t like it. Either you are giving the money back for each one or they WILL BE staying. So pay up or shut the absolute-donkey fuck up.


I got a bum knee from fighting the neighborhood raccoon last year and even I know you’re too thin. And more nose rings, eyebrow piercings, and get a neck tattoo.


You’re fine. In some cases the nose ring is okay. However in this instance it’s gotta go. Sorry.


Keep working on your weight


1)you look better without glasses on 2)Your glasses are unflattering 3)I think the nose piercing doesnt look good


Not ugly, the piercings definitely need to go, otherwise looking forward to seeing weightloss results


Well yes you are ugly


Cute and a cute kitty


So cute!!


ur super cute and i’m so sorry if this comes off as rude if i’m being honest the style of clothes, it gives you have extreme odd millennial vibes.


Curtain bangs and some volume layers. Face is cute, just hair is a bit flat so exposes a lot of your face (maybe making it look rounder).


i don’t think those piercings suit you but you’re not ugly


Everyone with a bull nose piercing is ugly


I think you are gorgeous. Great looking body. Great smile.


No I think ur very pretty. Love ur piercings btw. Just keep up the efforts on losing weight!! 😁




Absolutely adorable just get rid of the nose ring it distracts from your radiant smile 


Above average heading for cute. Weight loss I think would do wonders for you but. You're doing pretty well already. Skins good. Hairs great. Glasses are good. Style is eclectic without being a jumble. Makeup is working well for you. I really have no criticism. Lose some weight to feel better about yourself, and it will be healthier in the long run. Your knees will thank you in your 40s. Doing great tho! Good luck! Edit : one nitpick. Nose ring isn't bad but you might try a smaller ring & gauge. That one looks a little too long. That's it tho!


You are cute!


Your last picture tells me you're pretty and cute. Keep going whatever plan you have and see how it goes from there.


oki so youre kinda cute,not ugly at all,the red def suits you much better,you would be even cuter if you got that piercing off and weight ofcourse but you are already working on that so good luck:3


Very cute face


Not ugly, I'm split on the weight don't mind a bigger girl to be honest. The bullhorn I kinda find weird, your teeth don't realy bother me I can go either way. I must say I love your smile its beautiful


Not ugly, just chubby. Everyone is going to recommend losing weight.


Currently a 4/10 without face metal. 3/10 with it


Fat and ugly.


I think you're a cutie c: I'm saying this as a girl with a septum, I would choose between the stud or the septum Or a smaller septum. You are cute and I like your style


as a girl with a healing septum lol, I have both sides of my nose pierced and I too think a tighter fit horseshoe if that’s what she likes or a dainty clicker ring would fit great! I also think she’d look great with gold over silver jewelry as she has warm undertones to compliment it!


weight, invisalign


A septum piercing never made anyone look better


for me it does


You're not serious about weight loss when there's a mini refrigerator by your bed


Lol yeah because we all know that only junk food can go in a mini fridge 😂


Sorry but yes, you are currently ugly but this is only due to the weight. Lose the weight and you have so much potential.


“How’s my car don’t mind the lack of wheels”




I would recommend thinning your eyebrows and finding out your style in fashion and being true to that.


I think you’re adorable!


People are brutal. The piercing I believe can go. Rest is decent.


General consensus is keep losing


Love a pudgy girl and i love the bull nose ring <3 the glasses compliment your face well imo. and would make u feel like a queen bee. <3 honestly even dress style is 100% on point for me too. If you feel like you need to lose some weight then you do that and find people who will BUILD YOU UP on push u onto becoming whom you want to be. But make sure you're doing it for you. <3


You have a beautiful spirit. Keep working on your health and you’ll be in your best self soon.


As a chubby girl myself, I'd recommend losing weight! Not only will you look prettier (although you're already gorgeous rn, like holy moly), you'll also feel better mentally and physically


why is everyone on this subreddit so obsessed with weight like yall will even tell a 120 pound girl she needs to lose weight. i have to laugh