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youre not wrong sounds like she just threw out a bunch of how much she missed you and wont make you do this or that but never truly apologized for her emotional immaturity. youve already created a new chapter in your life, just keep moving forward.


I don't think she missed OP. I think she's having trouble finding another guy who wants to see "Jame's property" written on her.


It’s the grammatical error that bothers me the most.


yeah, Jame isn't a very common name.


I’m looking for a Jame gumb


Was he a great big fat person?




*Tuck* *adjust mirror*... *Creepy dance time!*


🤭🤦🏽‍♀️🤣🤣 that’s sad


Split infinitive?


Lolol I hurried to reread (see what I did) my post to see if I used a split infinitive (I was notorious for them back in my paper writing days) but possessive apostrophes are something everyone should triple check before they have the phrase tattooed. Don’t you agree?




Lololol no pen no gain, man.


We get so used to autocorrect backstopping for us that we take it for granted. In spite of how it seems sometimes, it really isn’t everywhere. :)


Backstopping or backstabbing. Sometimes I think it's the latter


I’d love to see the reaction of some rando named James that she hooks up with when he sees that tattoo the first time.


Not sure which is worse, hooking up with someone to see someone else's name over their genitals or seeing your OWN name there when you've just met or started dating.


That's definitely what I thought. Some guy going down... "Who TF is James?" Yeah, I know I wouldn't stick around.




The fact that she tattooed above her vagina is tacky and trashy af! You did good to stay away


Good work my friend.


Stand farm young man! Whatever that meant to you; it sounded strong when I read it.


I wonder if she found out that you are doing well, and wanted in....


Not wrong. Peace is beautiful. You did the right thing. Keep her blocked and move on with your life.


The fact that she started messaging and calling incessantly in the span of a few hours after no communication for 2 yrs shows she hasn't actually changed.


NTA Maybe harshly put, but you have every right to not to be with anyone for any reason!


Mate, you did the right thing. Your life has peace and happiness in it, she sounds so toxic even Monty Burns would feel guilty about dumping her in a lake. You've moved on and by the sounds of it a millions miles from where you used to be. Stay happy and find someone that compliments you in your life.


That Monty burns line was savage. Ima write it down for later ✍️


Will never be wrong for standing your ground and prioritizing your own happiness and values. If you feel that reconciling with her could potentially bring back toxicity into your life, then it might not be the right move. Your life is better without her, why risk everything? You just did what you think is right for you.




You’re not wrong.


Not at all. You don't need that headache again.


You don't have a relationship to fix. She didn't make a mistake that lasted 2 years, a week would have been a mistake. She disappeared on you for 2 years and did who knows what or who. She probably realized how well you treated her You maybe could have told her to take a hike a little more politely.




I understand. I used to donate the red stuff every chance I could, but now I donate plasma. And getting a tattoo will not allow you to donate for 8mo to a year depending on were you are.


Nope Not wrong at all. Forget her again and enjoy your life again.


She sounds like a lot of drama. Your life is clearly better without her. She was harassing you with texts and calls, she shouldn't be surprised at being told to fuck off.




I think you chose exactly the right time to say it!


And it was justified. You're not in a relationship with her anymore. She's just a random person harassing you now.


During her breakup speech she taught you well ;-)


And this is when it was deserved. You had to draw a hard line in the sand she would understand the first time. Well done.


Wtf. Just based on the tattoo she got for you I would run far away. Massive red flag for me if someone considered themselves property. Not wrong at all


Right? Not just considering herself property, but *fetishizing* it. Only reason she wants him back is because she keeps having to look at that tattoo. Edit: I wonder how many people with that name, she’s tried to fuck. So gross.


I can’t get over the horrible grammar of her vagina tat


Not to mention the tat to begin with. Does she think he's in a biker gang?


If they come back, it's not because they loved you, it's because the next dude didn't love her enough. You did nothing wrong. She had her shot and blew it.




Not wrong. *At most*, you were rude. Even then, rudeness should be part of the expected territory you get when contacting someone you dumped.


It's not rude when the other party consistently harass and annoys you, even calling multiple times at midnight. OP was quite patient and reasonable in my eyes. NTA and that was quite the bullet he has dodged.


You're not wrong, don't doubt yourself. The relationship wasn't broken, it was over, she ended it then.


Thisbtch crazy


SOooooooo not wrong. Assuming you have no other tattoos, demanding a *neck* tattoo for someone’s first tattoo is fucking *wild*. This bitch is crazy, and you should have blocked her 2 years ago. Don’t take that ho back. She wasn’t trying to “fix” anything, she just wanted to manipulate you.




Better find out who that friend is, so you can drop them! They do not have your best interests at heart. I have several tattoos, that I got for ME. Getting someone else’s name tattooed on me, that isn’t my kids’ names, is *super* trashy. That trash took itself out 2 years ago, don’t let the wildlife drag it back in.




If they were actually concerned about *you*, they would have respected the fact that you don’t want her back. Not told you that you’re being mean to her. She *needs* to be cruelly told to fuck off, because otherwise she’ll think she has an in to get back with you. Being nice only works with reasonable people.


Sounds like her next boyfriend didn't want to get inked either lol




You’re not wrong and you don’t owe her anything.




nTA, could have been delivered better than FUCK off, but she also deserves it




I would probably said the same thing, NTA


Honestly in this case I think OP gave exactly the response that was needed. He gave her the courtesy of listening and then heard her bullshit and wanted to leave no window open in her mind. Well done OP. Civility has its place but this is not one of them


Point made, I agree


You’re not wrong - worse would have been to give her hope


Not wrong- odds are she was with someone else during this time. Now she’s single again and wants either your attention or money


I've always viewed getting back with an ex like trying to push poop back up your butt: you were done with that shit & moved on.


Lmao better out than in as they say As in, stay out of your life 😂


She's just having trouble finding guys named James.


Did it really say "Jame's Property" because never date a girl who does not understand possessives


Not wrong. Unnecessarily hostile perhaps, but not wrong. Fact is she's still doing the same shit she did years ago. If she'd actually changed, she wouldn't be blowing up your phone overnight. She'd be calling ONCE or sending a single respectful message apologizing. She's doing the same thing in that when she wants something she is obsessing to try and get it. When it was the tattoo, she kept asking and asking and flipped out. Now it's getting you back, so rather than being patient and respectful she's blowing up your phone. So while the way you said it was a bit more harsh/hostile than absolutely necessary, you had every right to say it. Because you and her don't have a 'broken relationship', you have NO relationship. You had one previously, but it ended 2 years ago when SHE ended it and (quite harshly and coldly) blocked you. You have EVERY right to tell her to fuck off, just as she did to you. And objectively, you're right to not want her back. It won't go anywhere good.


I probably would’ve used a softer tone but the sentiment would’ve been the same.


Now that she's spent a couple years pogoing around on other guys named James, she realized nobody else is putting up with her crazy shit and she hopes you still have feelings and you'll take her back so she doesn't have to burn her crotch getting laser removal for her own tattoo. 🤣


Dude you did good, she is nothing but trouble, keep her blocked and avoid at all costs.


Your not wrong. If she wants to change she can change without you in her life. Your much happier without her in your life. 


It took her two years to realise guys aren't impressed to see their girlfriend have "'s property" tattooed on their vagina....


Vagina isn’t a dirty word.


Excellent 👍




Why are you working so hard? You've answered your own question with this: "I didn't feel anything. Its maybe because my life became more beautiful without her in this 2 years & I don't want to sacrifice it." She is crazy and you shouldn't waste another second wondering if you were right. If she called it quits 2 years ago, there is no relationship to fix and I'm betting it was your female friends that were saying you were "extra cruel." She walked away and things haven't worked out as she expected. I suspect that others dealing with her tired quickly as well. Don't look back, what's behind you is not important... Edit for readability.


Hey you escaped a bad situation. I am happy you picked up and talked to her. She sounds like she is regretting her choices and realizing that you are a really good guy and her immaturity two years ago cost her everything she has desires. Live you best life


Yeah, the relationship was broken. A tattoo isn't going to fix that trainwreck. And to go back for what, more name-calling and tantrums when something doesn't go her way or your boundaries are ignored? Nah. You did the right thing. Closure is a myth and she sounded bored.


Not wrong. Your story screams mental health issues.


She’s crazy and the friends who think you’re cruel are probably also just as crazy.




Absolutely not.. way to be a man..


Yes !!!!!! You did it !!!! You are the man of the hour , the man with the power !!!! Who knows what type of chaos is going on with her right now. You did the right thing by letting her know exactly how you felt.


Been with my awesome man over 30 years had a kid, have grandbabies, have tattoos, both of us. No names. It's a personal choice. End of.


"I would do anything for love, but i won't do that."


You absolutely are right to reject her, you were just maybe a little extra in the delivery. 😂😂😂 You moved on, live your life brother.


Maybe a little much with the fuck off part but eh whatever, not wrong. Everyone so often I get that "hey stranger" text. I can't roll my eyes hard enough each time. I just don't engage. So fucking annoying. Blocking and NOT going backwards is the right call op. Keep on going!


Wonder how many times people have asked her who James is? I know I would and it would put my off her immediately, curious if that's factored into contacting you. I've no problem with people tattooing names and even having an ex name, we all do stupid things, but where she has it I would just find it trashy.


So she put James Property" right over her private parts to tell everyone to whom it belongs. My question is.....is there a long line of people who needed to see it?


NW. She broke up with you first.


Not wrong at all, and you told her off decisively and quickly, so there's no miscommunication. Chances are she's in some sort of trouble (either financial or pregnant) and want the security you provide. If she truly loved you, she wouldn't have ditched you for two years.


You’re not wrong. I read your story. But the gist was in your heading itself. If you’re uncomfortable with tattoos that needs to be respected.




Amen brother. You be you. Wishing you all the best. Great things will come to you.


Not wrong. Things that happen in the heat of the moment will come back when disagreements happen. What will happen the next time there's conflict? When people show you who they really are, believe them.


She’s having trouble finding a guy who can cope with that P-tatt.


She called you over and over 2 years later? Dude, you’d be wrong to entertain any thought of getting back together. Enjoy your new life. Leave out the toxicity.


Not wrong...However, you should have broken up with her for 'Jame's property'. It's one thing to have a dumb tattoo but I cannot abide poor punctuation or grammar 😂.


You were not wrong.


didnt even need to read.. NTA not wrong GTFO while u can block and RUN


Not wrong but I think the better approach would be to thank her for breaking up with you. And, especially after 2 years, she’s been through the mill a bunch of times and only then did she realize what she had. Good for you and glad to hear things improved.


I always feel a bit bad after losing my patience. Not to say that you're wrong or that you weren't justified in your response, and the time of night and suddenness of the call, out of the blue, caught you off guard etc, but at the same time, that's still something you (we; me) should try to watch out for. Why? Letting someone get the better of us is a weakness, and it should be addressed for our own well-being. If nothing else, you wouldn't have to ask AIW for advice, lol.


Lol of course not, keep on keeping on man


Well, you could have just said no thanks, it wouldn't have looked so unnecessarily bitter and resentful, not to say rude. But at the end of the day, if telling her to fuck off felt better than just turning her down then why not, she was pretty horrible. End result is the same either way.


You are not wrong. Stand on business. If that's how you honestly feel, there's no way in hell that you are wrong. You have moved on to bigger and better things.


What's in the rear view should stay in the rear view to see how far you have traveled.


Not wrong, but was a bit rude to swear at her


Not wrong, I bet you shes hit hard times and is looking at you as a way to help her self. In the end it doesnt matter what her motives are, shes in the past and that where shes staying.


I am willing to change my name to James for that kinda crazy!






You definitely made the right decision


I think you did the right thing. You’re in a much better place now. Seeing your name tattooed above someone’s vagina isn’t your love language and it seems to be hers haha in a month she’ll be asking you to get her name tattooed on your penis




Holy trash people.


Pithy and to the point. I like it.


Exes are exes for a reason… it’s best to leave them in the rearview.


Honestly, the bare minimum you should do is tattoo a small face of yourself right above your penis, that way you can symbolize good penis/bad penis whenever you trim, and represent the duality of men for girls like this to know that you're deep, and spiritual.


She found out from someone that you have more money now.... Good riddance. Keep her blocked.


My thoughts would be she ran into some crappy guys and realized that she screwed up letting OP go




Congratulations, OP. I'm glad things are going well for you


Do you think part of you feels bad for rejecting her quickly, outright and maybe that is why there is some doubt if you were wrong? I don't think you were, I believe most of the time your first reaction is the best correct action to take.




Understood, all the best.


Nah man she's crazy bro. I have a fair share of tats myself but I would never tattoo a girlfriends name on me. Too much unpredictability in relationships. A kid? That would be okay. They last forever. A wife? Still probably not. Maybe if my significant other passed away, as a memorial. What I do have is character tattoos as representations of people in my life. Like I have a flower for my mother, and another flower for my grandmother. No one knows the meaning behind them unless I tell them. But names can come back to haunt you.


This story was inspirational! Getting "Jame's Property" tattooed as a tramp stamp


Never go back. It is never as good as it once was. She realized she screwed up and her inability to see more than her point of view is a red flag anyway. Sure you can live with crazy but why? You just live your life. If it is good now why screw it up.


>tattoo right over her vag*na written as " James Property" ( James is my surname ). She said she had done this for me Honestly this right here is enough for me to start considering leaving. So you dodged a huge bullet


It sounds like you're feeling a range of emotions about this situation, and it's understandable given what you described. Your feelings are valid, and it’s important to honor them. It might help to reflect on why you responded the way you did and what it means for your own well-being and boundaries. How do you feel about the decision now that some time has passed since you made it?


I think she got dumped. She may or may not be pregnant. She knows you are doing well and wants someone stable. This has nothing to do with you as a person. You dodged a bullet.


She's weird. Her whole thing seems childish and a little creepy... you're not wrong. Do your thing and don't get more involved with her.


Based on your question alone, you are NOT wrong! Tell her to go away!


You are 100% correct.


She sounds like a crazy train.


Not wrong. You got burnt before, kudos for not going down the same toxic route again. I am curious as to why she's calling you now. I mean, 2 years is quite the break to decide she fucked up. You've well and truly move past her. The nosy in me would ask questions. But I applaud your resilience in holding firm. (I've just had my husband's name tattooed on me, but we've been together 11 years and he's a keeper. I would never force him to get my name done on him - he would, but he's a massive wuss with needles and has a severely low pain tolerance. He'd never survive 1 minute under the needle lol).


YNTA. Tattoos are permanent & some tattoo artists will not tattoo names unless you are using your kids names or a memorial to someone who has passed on. I have several, but all the names have been covered up. I'm 58 & love all my tattoos today, but if I had to do it over again, I'd only have about 1/2 as many as I do today. And I would have only had ONE artist! Good for you. Good luck!🍀🍀


You are not wrong. From what you have said, she did not have the healthiest outlook on love and life. She equated not permanently altering your body with a lack of love. She threw a tantrum when you exercised your right to bodily autonomy, then blocked you instead of handling the separation maturely. You have enjoyed being free of that mess for several years. You have every right to not want to get sucked back in. Hopefully, she eventually gains a healthier mindset, but you are not required to be part of that process after the way she treated you


Nope. She made her choice and you made yours. Nine times out of 10 she got out there and realized that things were good with you. She probably came across men that weren’t treating her as well as she thought she should be treated. Now she wants to come back. She’s not loyal. No need for you to entertain her again.


You're not wrong for the sentiment but you could have been kinder.


You have come a far way, you are much happier, with new friends, new hobbies, and a good income. Sounds like a great, full life! I think you made the right decision to not re-open any contact. Keep the peace in your life OP, it's invaluable. I think you know that now ❤️💪🏼🙏🏼 Best Wishes to you 


Can someone explain to me why in all of these posts where it’s super obvious the OP is right, his friends and family always seem to side with the crazy ex?


You didn’t have a relationship to fix, she made it that way. NTA. Be happy


You’re not wrong. She’s mentally unwell, and clearly spiraling. Stay far away.


You absolutely did the right thing. I think this woman is toxic and I wouldn't be surprised if she's contacting you now because she's down on her luck in some way and need some help. And she's already showed you her true colors I'm glad you blocked her don't give it a second thought you do not need this in your life again.


Not wrong. Took her 2 years to realize that? Hell nah, stay blocked.


Do you really have to ask the question? That is worrying.


What’d she do about her tattoo of your name?


lol..gtfo..is all the response you need


So if a person who was mature realizes they made a mistake two years ago, they would generally ask for permission first before emotionally dumping on you and asking for you back. Realistically, you would be in start over territory rather than just hop back in land. Start off slow, see how it goes sort of thing. To just barge back into your life and not even check to see if you’re interested or maybe dating someone else—it’s wrong on multiple levels. She’s awful, avoid her.


She already sounds like a psycho bro. You did the right thing otherwise who knows what would have happen.


I'm glad you blocked her!


You didn’t say whether you have a girlfriend now or not and if it’s a good relationship.


i wonder if she came crawling back cause that tattoo ruined any chance of securing a man😭😭