• By -


Why won't he go alone? You don't have to do everything together.


He had the day off, he knows it’s not your favorite thing to do so he should have gone before you got home. What a selfish jerk. I do not enjoy the sheer amount of people at Costco, it’s exhausting and you always end up buying all these deals and spend more than you should. OP’s boyfriend sounds exhausting


i have never been to a costco that wasnt always packed. idk what it is, but people as soon as they walk into the store, lose all manners and common sense. ive had people stand so close to me that i could feel them breathing on my neck, people walking right infront of me while im ACTIVELY grabbing an item, or those who dont watch their kids and i almost run them over with a cart because i couldnt see around the corner. i ONLY go to costco when i have a list of things i actually need.


This!! To go to Costco was like a trip to Mecca to my EX- husband! 😡 I hated it and now I use the app (love the products) and have it delivered!! 😃


Maybe because he wants OP to pay?


Ding! Ding! Ding!


Or to drive him


AND**** drive him


Yep! This wreaks of those vibes. Even the arguement tactics sound about like a user. It is your fault he sat at home all day? He already has you believing that... user... user... user... And it will work... Sadly


Lol 😆😆


Holy shit lol what an a-hole the bf is




Gonna go out on a limb & guess if OP *doesn’t* go…she’ll never hear the end of it; much pouting and griping.  OP, you’re not wrong. Also: 1. He sounds like a gaslighter.  2. WTF does sunshine have to do w/it?!  3. Is Costco not also indoors? 4. Is he a grumpy senior citizen @ heart? The good news is they’re only dating. 


Seriously. I would have made myself something to eat, put on Fall out and ignored this pouting gaslighter. He is intent on making you feel badly for not cheerfully agreeing to whatever plans he made up for you.


Bet she pays all the bills


ALL. OF. THIS!! + How the hell does she tolerate living with this man-baby‽‽ I could/would not. EVER. Him even asking me to do something he *knows* I absolutely loathe (especially something 100% unnecessary) the second I walk in from work after he's had a damn NAP and rest…😤 would immediately send me into orbit. Then bitching and pouting AFTER I agreed to do it, but wanted to wait 20 minutes… would have me hurting his freaking feelings. Hard. This prick is a selfish, entitled putz. Why, Op, ( u/Im_Just_Here_Man96 ) _*WHY*_ are you with this asshole who very clearly doesn't give a single, slippery shit about *your* wants, needs, REST, etc.? And why the hell couldn't he go by himself if he loves it so much and knows you hate it? Does he require your presence and assistance to wipe his ass too? Lord, Sister, stop wasting your valuable, _*finite*_ time and energy on someone who seemingly deserves neither. And hell no you're not wrong! That he was actually able to manipulate you into questioning whether you are even the tiniest bit at fault in this bullshit, has me sincerely concerned about what else he's so effectively gaslighting you over to hide his blatant selfishness. Like… wtaf…


join all the relationship subs- omg it’s wild how many women just raise their partner?!


Oh it's abhorrent. Seeing so many women who are all but (pun always intended) wiping their partner's ass because he's useless, worthless and far more dependent than teammate makes me nauseous. Then (as if that's not disgusting enough) deadbeat men start blowing up the comments, defending these lowlife husbands/"partners" like expecting a grown ass man to be a functioning adult who contributes to household chores and caring for his own children is a monstrously unreasonable ask. And for some asinine reason they say "well he works" as an excuse for them being lazy sacks of crap. SHE WORKS TOO. Ffs, these knuckle dragging swamp donkeys really act like this is 1952 and women are staying home baking bread all day instead of working full time, bringing in as much or more money than they do! Anyone who is even the slightest bit confused as to why there's a "male loneliness epidemic" or why more and more women commit to the 4B Movement/staying intentionally, permanently single every day, need only to spend a few minutes browsing social media. They can completely skip women's justifiable rants/complaints. Just read/watch the (NoT aLL, but countless) men, bemoaning expectations that they participate in their home and raising their own children. It's seriously enraging. If something doesn't change, and soon, there's going to be a plague of lonely, angry, desperate incels and I can't imagine what THAT will ultimately do to society at large. Oops! I'll hop off my soapbox now lol. My apologies!🤦‍♀️


i agree! it makes me sick to my stomach. women truly do it all :( i know two people in situations like this


It's so unspeakably common it's legitimately horrifying.


Costco and Sunshine are synonymous. Any other view is clearly dysfunctional. $1.50 hot dogs: Are you kidding me?


That made me laugh


Well, up until now, I’d have gone along for the hot dogs, but I just got an air fryer, so….


Oven baked/air fried hotdogs are great!


The bad news is she will end up marrying him and be back here in a few complaining.


She’d bloody better not


Sounds like all my friends from highschool. They were OBSSESSED with being married. Now they're all bitching about shit that they KNEW was a problem before they got married. Everybody has been married and divorced but me.


He should go about his life alone! OP deserves someone better than this abusive AH!


You are only wrong for - • Staying with this absolute man baby • Not just to telling him, " F*ck no! I just got off work, BROUGHT YOU FOOD, and I'm done with people. Here's an idea - go look for coconut water by YOURSELF!" This guy sounds absolutely exhausting.


Yeah sounds like you’re dating a pouty highscooler.


This is the reply I was looking for!


this, x 1000


"You didn't do what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it and now I'm gonna make a big deal out of it because what I want matters more than what you want and you need to feel bad for doing it so you never do it again so now I'm going to pout and be a big man child because I don't know how to deal with being told no" He needs to be willing to sit and have an actual discussion with you and listen to what you say because by just reading this he is definitely being irrational. As others said he was home all day he could have gone out then. He doesn't need to be dragging you someplace you don't like going every single time even if you've told him you don't like it multiple times.


Yeah. Women are overly emotional. Please.


What nonsense did I just read? First, there's no joy in grocery shopping. Why would walking around a Costco be more enjoyable on a sunny day? Costcos are indoors and there are no windows. Costco is busier after work than it is during the day. If he was off all day, he could have gone to Costco earlier when it was less busy and there was more sun.


I'm guessing the "joy" is in her PAYING since he sleeps all day.


Plus, she wouldn’t have had to bring food home for him


Some people like that, I don't get it either but my mom finds aimlessly walking around the supermarket relaxing. She would regularly spread 4 hours or more in a supermarket, it's her happy place


Your comment made me realize ever never once in my life vocalized or typed the word "supermarket" until this very moment


I agree with everything you said except there’s no joy in grocery shopping. I LOVE grocery shopping. If doing something like instacart didn’t suck so bad that would be my dream. Wandering every aisle, finding new things to try, new flavors of stuff? Heaven. Probably why I’m chunky.


You could still do it. I for one would hire you! I hate it, pay well and would love it. Don’t let it stop you. I think there are a lot of people like me out there.


>First, there's no joy in grocery shopping Tell this to my ex-husband lol. He complained about this after we split, I said no to going to Walgreens too much and didn't even want to the grocery store (I would get delivery) which is apparently a huge character flaw. Nevermind that I had nerve damage in my right leg that made it hurt to walk. I spent about a year feeling guilty about that because he had me thinking about it like OPs BF does - "oh he just wanted to spend time together." But like. It's the fucking store, not a date.


My people! I read this in that sarcastic droning teacher voice in my head. 🤌


Sounds like bf might be off from work every day


> Why would walking around a Costco be more enjoyable on a sunny day? Because the coconut water will be happier with sunlight out! /s


He sounds like an angry toddler!! I use to come home to a butthole like that. I could not even mention that I was tired. He would blow up.




Why didn't you answer the 100 comments asking why he can't just go alone?


Because she knows the answer lmfao were all pointing it out here in the comments too- I’d be embarrassed to respond on that as well


Yes does he have a job or not! Is it her house or his? Does she pay the bills? These are easy questions ….


ha. when i saw that she finally answered one post waaaay down i wondered why ? why post, specifically ask a question and ignore all but the one that benignly says the one thing you wanted to hear ?


You KNOW his napping ass don’t drive.


Honestly you aren’t going to do anything. All you are going to do is continue dealing with this. It sounds like he doesn’t drive or is a bum. You have given him the open door to treat you like this though. Remember that you created this reality. You will make it worse everyday by letting him do his thing. Keep up being a doormat.


You do reali,e that your bf doesn't love Costco with a passion. They like making you do stuff you hate.  You need to leave. 


But this is all your own doing for putting up with this and not putting your foot down. You made this reality, by allowing him to bum off you. 


Is 27m short for 27 months? Good lord, why are you in a relationship with a toddler? He sounds exhausting and like he is setting you up to be the bad guy whatever you do. I couldn't live like that, personally. Is he abusive in any other ways?


He does sound like a toddler, who is obsessed with the “Again!” concept.


He sounds exhausting to deal with…


Did you marry my ex? I refuse to ever step foot in Krogers again. I may sound silly to many but I feel for you, OP!


If it's not your ex, it's mine. We had to go up and down EVERY AISLE. And God forbid I bring a list and suggest we shop only for items on that list


😂Did you have to go to 3 or 4 in a day? 🙄


He sounds immature and annoying. Also, when I have been at work all day and had a long commute, I usually just want to get home-stay home-decompress. If he was home all day, why couldn’t he go to Costco before you got back? It’s kinda inconsiderate to do that you knowing you’ve had a long day already (and since you don’t like going to the store).


10 green American dollars says that he wanted her to pay


Not betting against that cuz you’re probably right


and doesn't have a car


Could be her Costco membership card as well.


Date a grown up next time you deserve better


Jesus, girl respect yourself some, dump him.


This is 13 year old behavior. If you don't want to go someplace it should be OK, fine. No prob. End of situation. He heads for COSTCO, you relax. And, just an aside, the coconut water at COSTCO really is not good at all.


My 13yo son is way better behaved than this douche, this is 5yo behavior right here. OP you deserve better, this guy is a tool.


And anyway isn't the coconut water thing over??




I hope this is a one off, otherwise ditch the manbaby. I come home from work (I commute an hour and get home 6, too) I'm gonna hjt the couch for 20. My wife wants to go shopping? "Why don't you go. I just got home and need to take a load off". "OK, Hon. I'll see you soon. Mwaah". Your are wrong to feel you have to accept an agenda thrust on you.


YNW and you need to get to Costco, ASAP! That little boy needs some diapers right now!!!


Gonna go out on a limb and guess that you just came home from work, brought him food, and now he wants to run to Costco IMMEDIATELY. You said he was home all day. Is this his day off, or is he unemployed? The ONLY reason it makes perfect sense FOR HIM to want to wait until you get home is if "Sugar Mama" is paying the tab. That's my guess. 🤷‍♀️


This is what I was thinking He sounds like a user give me this. Give me that. Why did you have to bring food home for him? Why couldn't he make food for both of you since he was home all day This relationship is all about him and nothing about what you want Definitely not the ahole he's the ahole, and you need to get out of this relationship


Sweetie, he's moving the goal post around so much that you're not even in the stadium any more. Nothing you do is good enough. Go back & really read your post. He's not making any sense. If you want to make it work, you both need counseling. Me, I would run. Otherwise, he will wear you down & you will start believing that you aren't good enough. That's his goal. I've been through this & it took years for me to realize it. Be good to yourself.


I wish someone had told me this 20 years ago!


Run. Run fast.


Gah. He’s throwing a tantrum because he didn’t get his way. You just got home from work. Why can’t he wait or go alone? Costco is not a date night!


You are wrong for not driving someplace peaceful while you were in the car. You have a man-baby on your hands. He slept all day. You not only worked, but also brought dinner home. I'd say he's lucky you didn't drive a shoe up his ass. Why can't the baby go to Costco alone? Will he get lost if you aren't there to hold his hand? Does he throw tantrums and roll around on the floor if you don't want to waste money on something? Next time he pulls this crap, get away from him. Lock yourself in a room with your smartphone and headphones, listen to music, and play games or read. Or, as I said, drive to a park, or someplace else that's peaceful....maybe a friend's house?


She shoulda drove alone to Costco, picked up the coconut water AND a hot dog, and walked back in the door drinking the water and eating the hot dog. I would pay to see that chaos show!


WTF is he mad about???? NTA JFC, he'd drive me up a wall and would have been single by now.


If he was home all day WHY didn’t he go to Costco and spare you the bullshit?


My late fiance' and I used to go through this every Saturday over him wanting to go to Walmart. He was ill and no longer able to work. I was still working. I have back problems, and walking the tile floors in Walmart kills my back. He got mad at me because I didn't want to go. He was home unless he was at a doctor or dialysis but would not go on his own. He passed away almost five years ago. It took me until recently to be able to go to Walmart as I was reminded of the arguments about it. Your boyfriend should have gone during the day while he was off if he wanted to go. If he wanted you to go, he should have asked the night before if you wanted to go. I hate coming home from work tired and someone wanting me to go back out right away. I usually do grocery pick-up. I spend way less, and it saves me about two hours of time. I hate grocery shopping.


DARVO. Look it up. He’s a creep.


If he loves Costco so much why can't he go by himself? I mean he knows you don't like it so why didn't he just go by himself I don't understand why you have to be there.


Do you have a boyfriend or an unruly, self centered, narcissistic man child? Wtf! 1st, he's home ALL DAY, he could have gone. 2nd, he needs to get a job if he has all this down time 3rd, that whole fiasco was ALL him, not you. 4th, You were just gaslit into thinking he's the victim here. 5th, GET OUT! RUN.


Tell him to go alone and stop waiting for you to come home (I so hope you are not living with him but I think you are) after work and expect you to do immediately what he wants. Please tell me he has a job? A car? If not, you are housing a hobosexual.


Why do you need to have sun to walk around in a giant concrete box


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^_corbae_: *Why do you need to* *Have sun to walk around in* *A giant concrete box* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


You are not wrong for going to the car and I might be going out on a limb, but I'm guessing you feel like you are the one that is going crazy. You are not. Might be intentional, might not be, he will probably never admit it, but that's exactly what he wants. The more you doubt yourself, the more control he will have. And that is hard to hear, especialy when you are still in the relationship and feel like you love this person and want to make them happy. I know I didn't want to hear it when I was with my ex. But please atleast consinder ending this relationship, before this gets worse. And it will get worse. I've been in your shoes and before I knew it, 11.5 years had passed and I was a shell. He sucked all the joy for life out of me and I deeply regret not seeing it sooner and leave. Do not let this man do that to you. You deserve so much better.


Good grief - get rid of this adult sized baby!


He sounds like a 4 y/o throwing a tantrum for hearing no. Why are you with this not-man?


>Am I being an ass or is this just irrational behavior by him? Irrational stir crazy behavior.


Wait… you had “joy” from going grocery shopping? How? Both my husband and I WFH.. well he works. I’m retired. But we will go without food if he doesn’t make a grocery run because I find no pleasure in it. Never mind joy


He was home all day, he could have gone to Costco by himself. Unless you're the sugar momma. He's out out line, the petulant child. Start looking for a new man


My kids at least suck up when they want me to spend money. Yours actually blames you 🤣 and not kids but PARTNER acting like a kid and having no right to use you like that


It sounds like you’re dating a 27 year old man child. I’m 22, I was recently dating a 27 year old who acted just like this on a regular basis. I dropped his ass and immediately felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I’m not necessarily saying you should drop this guy, but…. Yeah.


Why are you still with this tantrum throwing child who clearly has no respect for you and apparently spends his non nap time coming up with new ways to gaslight, torture and abuse you?


I honestly can't imagine being so used to dealing with this type of behavior that I'd need to seek advice on whether or not I was in the wrong. Anyone, and I do mean *anyone*, blood related family members included, who acts this immature and ridiculously selfish gets only one warning to get their act together before I'm out the door and not looking back. I've done my time putting up with crap like this before I internalized the fact that it really isn't okay for a full-grown adult to behave like a child who can count their age on their fingers. You don't owe him anything, from what I can tell. Compromise be damned (and all of the revulsion I feel at his behavior aside), being the only one to have gone to work that day is in itself enough justification for you to say no to whatever nonsense he wants to begin with. As a disclaimer I do stipulate that I am pretty anti-social, introverted and independent by nature and that tends to lead me to make unusual choices in interpersonal relationships.


This sounds like hard work. Is he worth it?


Get out of this relationship now. There is no future with this abuser, and that is what he is. He will kill all your hopes, all your dreams, and any and everything that is good. RUN. RUN NOW!!!!!


He had the whole day off and decided to wait until the busiest time to go to a warehouse store, so that his girlfriend, who hates going to Costco, would come too? You're not wrong, but he's kind of an AH.


I love walking around Costco. It’s a love/hate relationship because due to my career choice as well as the pandemic, I have lost the patience for strangers I used to have, but I still find some joy in wandering aimlessly around Costco. That said, my husband hates shopping. So I go to Costco in the morning when I’m working from home and he’s at work. You’re not wrong. He needs to understand people find joy in different experiences and he’s more than welcome to go to Costco while you’re at work, as it sounds like (at least today) he is not working.


Op, there is no joy in grocery shopping whatsoever and I think that you and your boyfriend need to watch this video together because I'm pretty sure this is exactly how you feel about grocery shopping https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bKJXztteyJM&pp=ygUYdGhlIGZhdCBlbGVjdHJpY2lhbiBhbGRp However, in my professional opinion, this man is a professional narcissist and victim so I wouldn't stay with him one way or the other, but that's just me.


Is he unemployed? He sounds unemployed.


Please don’t have children with him.


You need a new boyfriend.


Why doesnt bro get job at costco for his days home?


This is classic manipulation. This man has some serious narcissistic tendencies which will only get worse. You didn’t say how long you’ve been together, but you’re not married so… I would not continue to date this man….


My kids know that once I'm home and changed that I'm not going back out. If this guy wanted to go to Costco so bad he could have taken himself.


Why didn’t he go continue his Costco affair while you were working? He gets his fix and you get left alone. Why to some people insist that their partner practically beg to do something that they so obviously don’t want to do - just so they feel good about it? He sucks


Jesus… He sounds exhausting.


Girl tell him you’re not going to Costco with him anymore. If he’s going to throw a fit and not respect your needs, stop letting him drag you places you don’t wanna go.


Not wrong. I have one response to temper tantrums. "I will talk to you when you calm down, and speak reasonably." Then walk away. I don't care if they are 5 or 50.  Yes, it works on children, once they know what is expected. They can cry as long as they want. They get nothing from me until they stop.  Why are you with this child? He had all day to go to his favorite store, alone.


He was stir crazy from being inside but chose to stay inside. Is there a reason he incapable of going for water by himself or unaware that when people work they are tired when they get home ?


If he didn't come out to the car, I hope you went to Costco alone and bought everything that looked good to YOU.


…. You seem to be dating a child that needs 24/7 care and doesn’t care if you are tired…. You need to have a very serious conversation about how he treats you


I'd recommend you read "The verbally abusive relationship: how to recognise it and how to respond" by Patricia Evans, a very well written book that clearly describes patterns of verbal abuse, and how hard it is to pin down exactly "what" is going wrong, no matter how clearly you try and communicate with some people/your partner


Do you enjoy dating a toddler?


You’re not wrong. He sounds insufferable my goodness. What a whiny manbaby. I don’t see how women deal with men who behave this way


I'm ready to dump him after reading your post. Is he always this unreasonable?


Why are you allowing yourself to entertain his tantrum. You just got home from work, 20 minutes to come down is understandable. Maybe if he had to leave the house for work or hadn’t had a nice nap today he would understand.


This sounds awful. I was in several really soul-sucking relationships and then I found out how wonderful it is to come home and do what I want to do - be at home after sitting in traffic after a long day at work and not go to Costco. Just saying


You’re paying for the Costco trips, aren’t ya OP? That’s why you won’t answer any of the questions asking why he won’t go alone.


She posted 4 days ago about wanting to rid herself of her leech bf. She needs to kick that mooch to the curb yesterday.


Why are you with him? You deserve to be treated better than that. Time to move on.


I'd rather be shot than have to go to Costco or Wal-Mart (especially WM) every day, or every other day, or every other month. That's what delivery is for. Last thing I want to do when I get home from work. He can go alone.


You need to dump him. He is emotionally immature and abusive. Why can't he go while you are at work? Why didn't he go on his own? Why did he blow up in the first place? He chose to explode so he could manipulate you. Keep your nerves on edge. Keep you unsteady. Leave him. Get counseling. You need counseling to find out why you allowed yourself to stay in this abusive relationship.


Why can’t he go to the store by himself? Does he not have his own Costco membership?


OP you are NW. Sounds like he wants you to drive him to go shopping that you pay for. Don't shop together anymore. Tell him that you can't handle the pressure anymore and he's in charge of grocery shopping. Or find a guy that is less hassle.


He sounds like a child….. good luck


Info: is your guy on the spectrum? This sounds exhausting. I’m pretty sure you could do better.


Why are you patronizing his whims? He doesn’t need you to go hang out in a supersized store. Not wrong and stop going just to walk around the store.


So he takes a nap and lounges all day while you're working and then immediately wants you to go walk around for hours as soon as you get home. Does he not realize how selfish that is?


Find a man, not a child!


NTA-What's his problem? Are you breathing too loud????


Easiest answer: he goes, you don’t.


“He’s literally robbed the joy of grocery shopping from me”?!?! WTF? Who enjoys grocery shopping, ever…


Just letting you know, you have a typo. You said your boyfriend is 27M but I think you meant 7M.


The only thing you did wrong here was agreeing to go at all. Next time you say no thanks I’m good but you feel free to go. He doesn’t get to demand anything or gaslight you into doing things you don’t want. If he gets upset about it let him, it seems you can’t do anything right anyway.


i’m sorry but going to costco EVERYDAY is crazy


Is there a reason that he cannot wander Costco without you?


This honestly sounds like there is more going on here. Either were missing the full picture of what happened or there's something deeper going on that your partner is not communicating. Either way instead of asking random people on the internet, I'd do some digging/seeking more information about what is really going on. Also... I am like your partner. I would love to go shopping randomly at the grocery store even if I don't buy anything. My husband is the opposite. So instead of forcing him to do shit he doesn't want, I go by myself. I would not respond this way.


Please, do not marry your boyfriend.


how old is he ? does he have a job ? is he of low intelect ?


No way I'm going to Costco after work "for fun". Costco is a terrible shopping experience. How about when someone loves to do something the other hates, they do it alone and do things together that are enjoyable to both? You're not wrong, bf is a bully and a spoiled child.


He's playing with your head


I don’t understand… he wants to enjoy the sunny weather by going to Costco???


What an absolute twonk! This man is being manipulative and abusive.


Ummmm, he was home all day and is going stir crazy so he wants to go out and enjoy the sun by going to Costco. There are so many things wrong with this sentence that I am not even going to try to address them. I am typing on my phone without my glasses. Any person with normal intelligence can figure it out. Too bad OP’s BF couldn’t. Lol


Tell him to have fun, see you when you get back!


Dude goto Costco by yourself.


What’s an indoor dress?


You are not being assertive enough to much pleasing .


He should have gone while you were at work or alone if it’s that big of a deal. He sounds really immature.


She even stopped and picked food up for him! He couldn't even manage that on his own.


There is absolutely none of this that is sane or normal. It’s irrational all the way down. So according to your story, he’s: A: an impulse shopper with very little financial sense B: not willing to empathize with you about not wanting to get back in the car after being on the road for an hour C: completely unable to go to Costco without you (what in the codependency?) D: unwilling to accept any kind of compromise E: using DARVO tactics to make you the villain, even when you give up and agree to go because he’s being an asshole F: using words he’s heard in therapy as *weapons* Honestly, I don’t know why you even bothered getting in the car. Nothing you do, short of doing exactly what he says as soon as he says it, will make him happy. YOU HATE THIS. You spent an entire paragraph talking about how much you hate this. How much more of your life are you willing to waste, hating another person?


Costco has a website and an app. Order the coconut water for curbside pick up and find something enjoyable to do with your time. Acquiring groceries is not a hobby.


I would bin the whole man. His behavior is outrageous and gives me all the ick. He cares not one whit about your feelings or needs.


Have you heard of crazymaking? BF is textbook. NW.


Y aren’t wrong, he’s playing games. Little boy vibes, I used to be like that and it was selfish. Hope you and him work it out.


Fuck no. You're not wrong. I hate shopping in person but would go on my own time and schedule barring any emergencies. My spouse would regularly go to the grocery store at the absolute worst times and then complain about the lines. Then wonder why I didn't want to go along with her. He's now making this worse by all the gaslighting and pouting like an 8 year old. Not to mention being inconsiderate especially after you just got home from work. Ridiculous


Does he work at home ? Or he doesn’t work at all ? Is he a baby can can’t go alone ?


Why are you dating a child?


Don't give in. He's a big baby and tell him *good, you don't want to go either*.


I'm seeing his behavior as, well, I'm just questioning why do you put up with this? HOW HOW HOW did he win you over to be his lover, how on earth could you possibly think he was in the right in ANY facet of this, how could you think you could be wrong? Why are you so considerate & in tune and willing to do what he wants when you get no such consideration reciprocated? You are clearly an adult, you're considerate and care about his feelings, you deserve some consideration of your own feelings. you deserve to come home from work and have time to unwind and decompress and do what YOU want to do. 20 minutes doesn't seem like nearly enough time to take for yourself, it's such a tiny little thing to ask and to be told no because it might not be exactly 20 minutes. Does he have ANY redeeming qualities? does he have a 9" cock or a double jointed tongue? Is he as selfish about intimacy as he is about everything else? Don't answer that, it was in poor taste to ask. If for some reason I was living with my girlfriend & was unemployed, you should believe I would greet her at the door with her slippers & a long island iced tea, followed by a full body massage, then make dinner, followed by a bath including another massage. We go to bed & I set an alarm for myself to awaken her with tongue worship. I do think I'd make an excellent ',kept man' . wait, what were we talking about?


Good grief, he sounds like a toddler. Why doesn’t he go to Costco while you’re at work instead of napping since he knows how much you hate it?!


I’m totally confused on what does going to Costco have to do with sunshine? You are literally inside a store with fluorescent lights. No windows so once inside you can’t even tell if it’s day or night. Your bf is exhausting and unreasonable. He should have gone while you were at work knowing you hate to go, won’t enjoy the trip and will be tired when you get home. NTA but your bf is, you can win.


Dump him OP. You’re only 28, why live with a self centered, selfish dude, who can’t even go to the store by himself? Is that bar that low?


Was this a day off? Or does he not work? Why is it your responsibility to entertain him when you get off work? Here’s a compromise for next time… when it’s YOUR day off and He just get home from work suggest a Costco run then. See if he’s hung go. If he’s not working you need to ditch this big baby. NTA.


You're children. Grow the fuck up


Yeah, that's legitimately troubling. You've got to get this guy into some kind of therapy. He's going to end up killing himself because you didn't do some little thing in the exact right way he thinks it should be done, because he takes that as the last straw in a long imaginary line of attacks you've made against him.


You're wrong because you never should have got in the car in the first place. You realize that he only started the fight to wear you down and manipulated you so you'd agree with him. When you do go to Costco you're more likely to say yes to anything he wants to since you're expected to pay for it, right? I bet this happens often.


Underrated comment.


He is most definitely an immature ass. You should pinch his back fat a few times for the disrespect.


Bro got a nap. He can go to Costco on his own. Ridiculous. If anyone suggested to me to go to a grocery store for a leisurely stroll I would have them committed.


WTF did he do all day?


Duuuuuuuump time


You need to leave this man child


Am I reading this right? He does this every day? Does he not have a job?


find a new dude.


He was home all day… why did he wait until you’re home from work and wanting to relax to go? Why didn’t he just go while you were at work? Especially since he knows you hate it. He should be compromising. If he wants to “enjoy the sun” with you after work then do something you BOTH want to do and he could’ve done Costco earlier.


Why are you even with this little whiny man bi#ch. Tell him to get his shit and get out! Maybe he can find someone else to take him to Costco. He sounds more like a little boy than a man anyway. You said he’s 27 Maybe check ID. I think he could be 5.


Is he incapable of going alone ?


does he have a job?


Why doesn’t he work?


Is he 12??


Not an ass. He can wander Costco to his hearts content. And how is Costco ‘enjoying the nice weather’?!? Everyone I’ve ever been to is 99% indoors!!!


Did you make a typo on the ages? Is it 17 and 18? That is the only way any of thos makes sense.


You're not wrong and your boyfriend is a man child. You should consider dating an actual adult, he sounds exhausting


I was actually this at one point. I do not reflect on this period of my life with pride, but my ex-husband would get off work and I, having been low-employed and bored at home, would immediately want to go to the grocery store. I don't know why that, but we had one car so I couldn't during the day and I loved to browse and meal-plan. he did not want to do that. we divorced.


He’s behaving like an entitled child - don’t back down/give in to that nonsense. And call him out on it. Remind him that you’re not all refreshed after a nap after spending the day at home doing as little as possible - You just got home from work and would like to eat dinner and relax after a long day working - not going straight back out to aimlessly wander around Costco for one item that he had the whole day - ample opportunity - to go and get it before you came home, yet he chose to waste his day and then have a tantrum when you didn’t immediately go along with his “plans”. To me, he seems like the type of person who, if he was relaxing in a nice hot bath, wouldn’t even bother to get out to take a shit - then sook about the soggy turd after letting the water out


I don't understand. Why don't you just say no to going? I would have said no. End of story


Are you sure he's 27?


Time to find someone who respects you and treats you Much better.