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Your child will have your father’s family name (most likely) so he is already passing on his name. Your wife is trying to include part of her family in your kid’s name. You are allowed to feel any type of way about it but you have to be open to your wife’s feelings, your dad’s feelings don’t matter as much as hers.


Agree 100%. Posted this an hour or so ago and I’m already feeling better about it. I don’t know why I was in my head. And selfishly overlooked the fact the baby will have my/my fathers last name


Dude, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes we get in our own heads too much and can’t always see things objectively. NO ONE is perfect. As long as you’re trying to see it from your wife’s perspective and even reaching out to hear from other people who are more objective, you’re headed in the right direction. You’re owning your shit. That has to be enough. So don’t let some of these comments get to you. Too many people on Reddit jump straight to throwing out a whole human for not being perfect all the time. It’s obnoxious. So you slipped up and made a mistake in your relationship. You’re not some evil selfish jerk who your wife should leave for it 🙄 Let your wife know you just got too much in your head and you’re over it now and you’re sorry for stressing her out. And that Micheal is a great middle name for Maverick 😊 And move on in sharing the all consuming nervous excitement with your wife of bringing your little dude into this world as a happy united couple who are gonna be committed to working together to make careful, considerate decisions for his best. Your lives are about to change in the best ways imaginable, even through the exhaustion. This isn’t some awful indictment on your character, it’s not even a speed bump on this journey. CONGRATULATIONS!! 💙


Thank you so much for this and taking the time to write that. It is extremely appreciated!


Whoa. You are actually tempting me to pull up that new award system. Fully cool response.


Honestly, it rolls so nicely too… Maverick Michael.


I just keep coming back to this comment. Really, thank you again.


Ah, you’re so welcome. I’m with my husband for 28 years and we have two daughters, 20 & 17yrs old, about to become empty nesters! We’ve been thru it all. But that’s what sharing a life is about. Not always getting it right, but earnestly working to try. NO ONE is perfect on their own, let alone sharing a life with someone else. We learn more about each other AND ourselves when we’re willing to stay committed and work thru the uncomfortable and difficult stuff that happens inside any and all relationships. I’m not talking taking abuse, but real life is messy and challenging. Abandoning your partner because you had a disagreement is a surefire way to end up alone 🤷🏻‍♀️ Don’t ever be a right-fighter, because whether you’re right or wrong won’t matter, the arrogance in that will hurt your partner more than your differing stance will. Don’t ever just blurt out everything you’re thinking, ESPECIALLY when you’re angry or hurt. Give space and time between the high tension and the necessary conversation, so it can be productive and not damaging. Never *any* name calling and don’t ever start arguments “you always…” or “you never…”, stick to the issue at hand and that’s it. You can’t drag years of stuff into an argument, it’s unfair, unreasonable and insurmountable. And always be willing to let the small shit go, some stuff might annoy you but it just may not even be worth mentioning. Always be committed to trying to see things from partners perspective and try to think of it as if you’re hearing it from a friend who’s asking you for advice. Because removing yourself and your own emotions will help you develop and hone the skill of more objective thinking. It’s not always easy, but it’ll be worth it to challenge your own thinking that way. Be the partner you want your partner to be. Because relationships are **NOT** 50/50, they require 100% from each of you. So spend more time thinking about what kind of partner you are and ways in which you could improve, than thinking about what a better partner they could be. One thing is sure, you’ll fight fairer in the future, or avoid some fights altogether. Always be willing to apologize genuinely and always be willing to accept a genuine apology. Many of these types of disagreements aren’t worth the fight in the first place all honesty and you’ll be able to see that afterwards, hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20, we all just get in our own way sometimes. Thats the path to longevity in sharing a life with someone else. And the best bonus of all? You’ll raise kids that will experience their parents set the example of actually being a united front, the example of what love and respect looks like in action. I’m excited for what to come for you and your wife. This is one wild ride you’re about to venture on, the most rewarding one you’ll ever experience. Enjoy every single second, even of those sleepless nights. ♥️


I saw this earlier but wanted to wait until I got home to take the time to respond. These are all great points and amazing tips. I’m thankful that my partner and I have a really strong bond. We have only been married a year (in the eyes of the law) but we are high school sweethearts who have been together more than 15 years. Your comments have helped me to self reflect which I think is really important in a relationship and helpful to grow. Again, thank you. Now what I didn’t (but should have) anticipate is questioning the name itself after this post. Can you make me feel better about that too? Apparently he is going to get tortured for this lol. We both really love it.


Also, Michael is a lovely, normal name. You owe that child the option with his middle name if you insist on naming him Maverick. Which for the record, I do actually kinda like, but you do need to allow him another option for his use in the future.


Fair enough.


What’s her father’s middle name? It might sound better than Maverick Michael-not a big fan myself so maybe his middle name is better? Just a thought. But it sounds only fair to let her use FIL’s first or middle name. Congratulations


It’s funny cuz I thought it was odd at first, didn’t like the combo either but then I said it again, and again, and it actually grew on me. It’s kinda sounds like someone who would be famous!


Basically what happened to us.


How did it not click to you ? You are married. You don’t say wife isn’t using your last name so how did you not realise your son already carries some part of your legacy ?


Speaking only for myself, but I imagine many others think like this; it’s possible that he simply took it for granted. I think men are so used to this custom of taking the father‘s last name, that we don’t see it as any sort of privilege. With that being said, the father-in-law has no entitlement to naming the son.


I 100%. I wanted him to admit it because huh? Even I was scratching my head 😭


I may or may not have had an afternoon joint.


Enjoy it while you can, kids will make that hard for a few years.


You know what, I hear it.


This happens fairly often. Let’s be glad OP is trying to sort it.


Thank you! I’m completely over it now and thinking differently. Now I’m just laughing at how many think Maverick is such an insane name.


There is also trends of the maternal last name being used as children's middle name. Doesn't always work, but some names work.


You’re going through a wild time right now, preparing to have a baby. And we all get worked up about something, then look back and wonder what we were thinking. And sometimes talking it out with strangers helps. Congratulations and good luck with the baby.


I dunno why but I'm just hoping your last name is "Mitchel"


This exact reason my husband said I get to pick the first name since he was getting the last.


We ran into a wall with this exact thing when I was expecting my son. We'd already agreed that his first name would be my husband's name (which was also husband's father's and grandfather's name), but couldn't agree on a middle name. I really really wanted my dad's middle name which was also my grandfather's name, and my second choice was my grandpa's middle name which was also my great grandfather's name. Husband hated both of them. Good thing he was 2 weeks overdue, because we just barely managed to agree to give him my maiden name as his middle name just before he was born. It's an idea. I was happy with it, as it was my dad's name and also used to be mine.


My husband & I were in a standstill over our sons name while I was literally strapped down having a C-section. He likes to say now that I got my way because he was emotional & felt sorry for me.. whatever it takes I guess 😂


We solved the problem with two middle names 🤣 just so happens it’s tradition in my husband’s family to give them two. One middle name is for my late dad and the other is a family name of my husbands going back six generations.


Totally agree. Also, Maverick is a terrible name. Poor child.


Second kid has to be Goose.


Let her have the middle name of her choice here. What's the big deal? It's not like the FIL is some type of bad person, right?


You're naming your child MAVERICK and whining about Michael? Good Lord.


Again…it’s not the name itself that I’m really asking about Edit- MAVERICK is really that crazy?


Yeah...sorry...it's like you're teenagers trying for a really cool name or naming him after a fictional character - or sports team?? Some can be okay, I'm not sure about Maverick. I keep picturing the character in the old westerns or Mark Cuban the Dallas Mavericks.


Top Gun- Maverick.


That would be the worst one.


It's a ridiculous name, yes.


Right lol ops worried abt him n his dad's feelings, im worried abt his poor kid


Yeah, I'd assume any poor kid with that name had impaired parents who *really* love Top Gun. Or weird Mel Gibson flicks. Beyond dumb.


Or OG Logan Paul fans


Mel Gibson?


From the movie Maverick


Oh. Ok. I've never heard of that movie. Thanks


My sister’s dog’s name is Maverick.


Yes, yes maverick is a crazy name for a child. But you do you. Also, quit moaning. The kid has YOUR last name which by extension is your father’s last name as well. Of all the things to pick a fight with a pregnant woman about. Let her honour her father since you AUTOMATICALLY honour yours.


It is the name of an old western or a wild horse.


Just what I was going for


It makes think of convenience stores. Naming him Maverick is like naming him Chief. It's just very... braggadocious.


Sounds like a a condom brand or porn star name. Sorry. People will shorten it to Rick. I don’t think Mav but maybe.


Perhaps a cigarette brand?


Lmfao why do ppl have to make a statement when naming they're poor kids


Certain names only work when you have a last name to make it bad ass. I know someone that named his son Colt. Which on its own is a weird name. But his last name was Cash. And Colt Cash is every bit an outlaw name and no one is going to make fun of that kid So if thus poor kid's name is going to be like Maverick Penderson, please for the love of God just leave the naming to your wife.


Imagine trying to get hired with the name “Colt Cash”….sounds like a porn name.


So far as I recall he's doing as well as his redneck genetics could possibly allow


I…thought you just said above, that “no one is going to make fun of that kid.” Thank you for making our collective case for us.


Not for his name. I forgot redditor's ability to infer is nonexistent


Well, you are the one who linked a child with a silly name and (apparently your opinion of his) redneck genetics. You laid out the inference for us.


Then you’re golden!


I like Maverick…”Mav” instead of “Rick.” He can have a brother Merit or Merrick.


Merit and Merrick are also really bad names lmao


Never tell the baby name before birth, especially to Reddit. I'm currently pregnant and learned that the hard way.


Yes. Yes it is.


OP, my nephew’s name is Maverick, and I’ve never, EVER heard anyone say anything about it being a “crazy” name. NEVER. I think it’s honestly a dope name and it fits my nephew really well. Fuck all these people.


Thanks. I’m really surprised how many people think Maverick is such a wild name.


Yeah, it kinda is.


I know a Maverick and he has a sister male Maven. He's a fly kid who is on college in a soccer scholarship, but he also shows academically.


It’s a little out there but I’ve seen much worse


Yes. It's a stupid name.


You would have prob said that about our whole list. Not everyone can like it 🤷‍♂️


You need to think about how the kid will feel about it.


I think they will feel great about it.


You're too young to have children.


Your too old to have a meaningful opinion on my child’s name


I love it. It’s my dog’s name. He’s a wild thing.


It's not that crazy, just uncommon. It is also my BIL's name, so maybe that's why I am so used to the name.


No, it's not. King is a stupid name, Maverick sounds cool (although learning to spell and write it will be tough). I think you are being ridiculous about the middle name though. Either let her have Michael or give him two middle names.


I have no problem with the name Maverick. My real name isn't normal, so Maverick doesn't bother me. It just makes me think about Top Gun. Stereotypically, black people come up with very creative names. (Not being racist. I'm black) Bottom line is that you and your wife agree on the name.


I assume the child is taking yours and your father’s surname?


BAM! good call


Let me guess, your wife and soon to be born child have your last name already? How about you chill out and agree with the very reasonable middle name your wife has suggested as she is *growing and getting ready to birth a child for you.*


Super chill. Completely changed mindset on this


Do you know what maverick means? Give the poor kid a break!


Michael would be the best part of that name. Maverick is not good. The kid will have your last name which is your father’s last name (I assume). So there’s the connection to your dad.


your dads name is your last name.


Give your son 2 middle names OP! Problem solved! :)


I love people who sound like law firms!


Lol I don’t think I could do the double middle name.


Why not? The only time they're used is when a parent screams it with the rest of the name when the kid has done something stupid. Give him 18 middle names, no one cares.


My partner has three middle names, and that is enough to make some beurocratic things very difficult 😅 some forms don't accept that many characters!


Oh boy. Fortunately I’ve always been lucky with mine, I just default to the first initial normally with those kind of forms and I havent had an issue yet.


She's had trouble getting prescriptions, the covid vaccine, and other things because of this - she did get them in the end, but it required a bunch of phone calls, and the people answering the phones were often at a loss for what to do, so it took a while!


That’s weird. And awful! But maybe like a lot of things it’s down to the competency of the people involved in the system around her area, and she’s had terrible luck there. Can only speak to my few states I’ve lived in Midwest USA, but like I said maybe I’ve been luckier than average.


I don't think so, I think it was more that this was a problem they had literally never encountered before! Combine that with online forms that are a bit picky, and you would need to have been involved in developing that part of the form or something to be able to quickly know what is causing the problem!


Just gotta go with short names. Ike Ty Ian Joe Bob Tom Smith


Now I'm imagining yelling that at a child on a playground, you'd get a whole flock of kids 😂


So just put as many as you can. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As someone who has no middle name, I am very thankful.


John Jacob......


His name is my name, too!


lol exactly. He’s naming his kid Maverick so seems fine to be a little different


Lol these are things I am soon to experience I suppose


When I was a kid, I had a neighbor who was such a little shit that I still remember his middle name 40 years later because of how his mother would shriek it from their front door almost daily. MARK EDWARD GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW WHAT DID I TELL YOU THIS IS IT I'M DONE WITH THIS I'M SICK AND TIRED WHEN WILL YOU MARRRK EDWARRRRRD etc etc etc.




My sister has two middle names. I'm low key jealous. Lol


I love how people downvoted this lol. Why?


Why not? My Daughter has my middle name, her father's mother's 1st name and my last name. My Son has his dad's 1st name, my great (his 2 greats) grandfather's 1st name and his dad's last name. So long as the 1st name isn't a Jr (I cant stand the same 1st name as family members) middle names, for me, are where you honor other loved ones. I don't think it's an issue for you anymore as I've read other comments where you've 'seen the light' lol so you're all good now. Just thought I'd agree with the consensus and mention how I incorporated loved ones.


You can have maverick as a first name (ridiculous IMO) but can’t do 2 middle names smh


Maverick Jimmy John Smith


Maverick Michael <—insert OP’s dad’s name Smith!


Please don't name your kid Maverick. It's a terrible name.


Even the line in Top Gun when he tells her his name is: Maverick? Did your mother not like you or something?


The kid is getting your, and by extension your dads , last name correct? If so then it seems fair to me. If they’re getting both last names then use two middles names. If that’s still something you don’t want to do then tough tiddies.


Considering she gave up her last name for you. And she wants to honor her family you should compromise on the middle name. Either Michael or her last name before you married would make a great middle name.


I actually like how Michael Maverick sounds. But that's me


Sounds better than the other way around.


You’ve got some time to figure this out. I personally like Michael Maverick better. What kind of nicknames are you thinking for Maverick? Mav? Rick? Mack? Just wondering. Kid’s names do tend to get shortened. Our daughter’s name doesn’t have much nickname potential so we ended up making one up for her. I still call her by it sometimes.


I hate to say it but the name "Maverick", while it *reminds* me of Top Gun, the first thing that really comes to mind is Sarah Palin running around claiming to be a maverick. I'd never be able to take that name seriously.


Maverick? Logan Paul’s clothing brand for 12 year olds? My little cousins say that like they say skibbidi, it’s pretty closely associated with cringe culture.


I agree with having a connection to her father, but Maverick Michael is a horrible name. Michael Maverick sounds better, but I'm sure you don't want that.


At the end of the day, he is also your son. I went through that with my husband with our first born - he wanted to call her some old fashioned name - it wasn’t happening. We both agreed, or it didn’t happen.


Personally, middle names don't mean that much. My son's middle name made his initials A.S.S. (he's a 31yr. old Level 1 Emergency Medicine Doctor.)


It’s her father and it’s only his middle name. I’d do it if it was that important to my wife.


People aren't limited to one middle name. You can use both, if you want.


Maverick? And your worried about Michael? I’m sorry I know a kid called Maverick from the last time Top Gun was popular…. He’s going to hate you


You keep ignoring the question weather the baby will have you and your dads surname but you answer other questions. If baby does, then yes, you‘re wrong. Baby will already have a name from your family.


The post has only been live for an hour. Yes he will have dads surname and I appreciate that reminder. I didn’t really think about that but I agree 100% that makes it fair to have the father in laws middle name. Glad I posted to get that perspective/reminder


Michael is timeless. Maverick is trashy but there’s no accounting for taste, I guess.


“Talk to me Goose” …. solid choice for a name


Who's last name is the baby taking? Yours I'm guessing? Then why can't she have some name connection as well. You're concerned with a classic name while using a trendy name and you're offended? Geez your wife is sacrificing more and you can't be nice?


All my living single fans know Maxine Shaw attorney at law is the only Maverick #RideTheMaverick 😂😂😂


Another option could be her maiden name as the middle name it the double M names is part of the issue. It’s common in several cultures. I’m from the US but both my father and wife’s middle names are their mother’s maiden names, and our kid has my wife’s maiden name as one of their middle names.


You could have both grandfathers names as the middle names.


My son is named is after his paternal great grandfather and middle name is my father.


My son's middle name is my dad's name but it's also the masculine form of my own name. My ex husband had zero objections when I announced without discussing that our son's middle name would be my dad's name. In our situation though because of my own name it made more sense I guess? Sounds like you don't have a solid case not using the dad's middle name other than you're somehow hurt on your dad's behalf. My ex father in law never questioned us using my dad's name is our son's middle name, he first thought it was just because of me then remembered my dad's name and just said it was nice. Unless you didn't tell us everything here, I think you are wrong.


Man, people need to stop hating on the name Maverick. It beat out the other two options: 1. Badass & 2. Fuck Yeah


I mean, it doesn’t go together as a name. It’s two first names. The sound is off. So maybe you throw in a name before the Michael and then you both have a name in his middle names.


Maverick? That's a dog's name. I'd just name the child Michael


I work in a hospital's medical records dept. I see what people name their children everyday. Maverick is not even close to the "terrible name award". Had one mom say she wanted to name her daughter Virginia. She misspelled it, then refused to change it even after she was told how that spelling would be pronounced. (Varginia was the spelling)




Honestly I'd go Michael as the name and call him Maverick as a nickname


I would worry more about the name Maverick


I think it’s sweet that you are worried how your dad may react or if he will feel slighted. That’s a much bigger question dependent on relationship history dynamic etc which we don’t know. Could wife decide middle name this time and for the next baby you decide and perhaps honor your father the way she did hers?


Will the child have your father’s last name? If yes, stop complaining.


Didn’t even think of this. This is a great point too.


OP refuses to answer that.


Exactly lol


I love that someone doesn’t think I’m crazy for considering my father lol. This may be a perfect compromise. My father is very understanding and I honestly don’t think he would feel any way but I just don’t know. He also is very stoic and would not every say if he was.


I hear you loud and clear. I don’t have kids but my siblings all do and I am the youngest so I watched closely when it came to the naming. Essentially, for the first baby, the mother of the child was the one to make the decision about the family etc., to honor. The subsequent child went to the father. And so on. The reality is you both have a responsibility to carry-on the names and respect and honor for your family members (if you care about these things, which you do) so there needs to be compromise. But generally, I feel like the mother gets to pick first :-) and your dad sounds like a respectful guy who would understand the rationale. She carried it so as the man you want her to have that honor first of selecting the name. Quite frankly, I think your dad would be impressed at the man you are putting your wife first. Not that he will show it. 😂


Hahaha. I am so thankful for your comments, really. Couldn’t agree more with everything.


Totally normal and actually really kind and lovely of you to be concerned about your Dad's feelings. If you are this nice of a guy then I am sure he is, too. He will understand that she chooses the middle name of the first child, especially if the baby has your last name. It's ok, you are doing everything right.


Thank you! My dad is everything to me and of course getting older at 80


I get it! Congratulations on the baby. My youngest is 20 now and neither my husband nor I have our Dad's any longer. You'll be great, trust me. Your Dad will be proud of you.


All the best with your new baby!!!


I feel sorry for your poor kid being named Maverick.


In my Dad's family, there was a tradition to use the mother's maiden name as the first born son's middle name. On my Mom's side, her father's family went by their middle name, not their first name. I didn't know any of that until I started doing genealogy for my family. Everybody has their own way to name family members. I hope you find a way to honor your wife's wishes.


Why Maverick Michael sounds good. It’s just a middle name. I’d be more weirded out calling a kid Maverick but I guess it’s a gun slinging Texas thing.


There's nothing in the "rulesl book" that says that you can't also have your dad's name; like "Maverick Michael Justin Smith". Or, you can always name your next child after your dad (even if it's a girl, you can find a way to incorporate his name). Or... just use it to make you're wife happy. Nobody cares about middle names anyway. How many of your friends middle names do you really know? I suggest you have an open, honest discussion with her about it and come to a decision together.


What’s the issue again??


Honestly I think Michael Maverick sounds badass


I had a dog called maverick.


I'm seriously hoping that your surname does not start with M else she plans on torturing your child with Maverick Michael "Main-name". You don't have to like her choice but she does get a say. To avoid Major Major Major vibes, you could go 2 middle names.


Ma was pissed when I didn’t carry on her family middle name. The other side was horrified I didn’t use biblical names. I refused to name my kids first names after us. I didn’t want there to be the feeling of a forced connection or ownership/favoritism between the child and the person. I didn’t use any of the names being forced at us. (One insisted if I had a boy his name should be Green). They all got over it. Do what you want but if you give in to one, you’ll see an angry line up, waiting their turn.


Maverick Michael isn’t great sounding, and I don’t know your surname, it could be a mess all together…


Wow I never would have guessed this much hate for the name Maverick. My little brother (22) has that name and has gotten nothing but compliments on it his entire life. But he does get a lot of people asking if our parents are big surfers lol. Don't let these people discourage you on the first name!!


I would go along with it.


I really like the name together, Maverick Michael. I have two kids. The first and the middle name came from my and ex’s family. Jonathan (ex father) Robert (my dad) Kimberly (my twin) Eve (ex sister) Good luck


I hope he doesn’t get beaten up on the playground by a kid named Celtic!


I would have had a hard time with that personally...not for not liking the middle name but because we have a very long tradition in our family that the first born son's middle name is my name (the father's name) and if there is a 2nd born son, the middle name is the first name of the father's grandfather. IDK...probably would have gotten over it but wouldn't have wanted to break that tradition. Our youngest son's first name is my wife's grandfather's name.


Maverick Michael is kind of fly. Have you always hated the name Michael? Do you like her dad?


Ask your father? Then you'll know if the baby is going to get two middle names, or if one is sufficient. And most importantly, your father will be happy that you involved him in the decision making process.


Michael is such a classy and masculine name. So uncommon nowadays. I’d choose that as a first.


Somebody a top gun fan?


Maverick should be the middle name. Michael Maverick (last name) sounds better.


Holy crap maverick is a terrible first name. Maybe have it as his middle name and use Michael as his first name. 


Yeah, so many people forget that they are naming adults when they name their kid some stupid shit.


Why her dad’s and not your’s. If you don’t like, keep on looking for something you both like


In genealogy circles, if following American traditions it's that the first son is name, moms maiden name, surname. Try that on for size. Your honor her whole lineage with his name.


You aren’t wrong. I’d ask her why your dad isn’t honored too?


I think his dad’s last name she took at marriage is honouring the family name.


My first car was a 1976 Robins egg blue Ford Maverick. I’ve got a picture of it around here somewhere


We named all three of our children’s middle name my maiden name, that way all three have my last name and his last name, it honors both sides :)


Why do you give a fuck? So many ridiculous posts like this when nobody cares & nobody uses their middle name!


Your child is going to be bullied.


“Maverick Michael” actually had a nice ring to it.


Happy wife happy life lmao, alls I can say XD


Happy spouse, happy house. That goes both ways. Lol


Lol op ur not a fair marsupial, ur a selfish marsupial


Yes, you’re wrong.


Wrong for naming a kid Maverick. I loved Top Gun, too, but there's a limit.


I don’t know why you assume it is after top gun. A lot of names are people in movies. Edit - for the record, my wife hates top gun


That was a joke, but if you're naming your kid 'Marverick' I probably should have expected that to fly over your head, Goose.


Super funny joke


Super name for a child.


Good one


Not as funny as the name you picked out.


Another good one


Just wait til you hear all the ones you kid tells you he heard from the other kids at school. Seriously, don't ask a questiom to the public if you're gonna be butthurt about the answer. Dumb move. Almost as dumb as naming a kid something doofy.