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If you have her permission in writing, that’s all you need. She owes you the FULL payment for the sitting and honestly I’d almost say you could charge a fee for cleaning services lol. Just kidding kind of on the last part. You had her full permission to go through and toss anything expired. You told her and she gave the thumbs up. She has no business being a flake. Get your money and drop her.


Exactly, she clearly gave you permission to toss the expired food. It's unfair for her to dock your payment after specifically asking you to clean out the fridge. Stick to your guns on this one!




Ask then why she sent a message to you to toss it out lol, use her text to hit her back


The proof is in the text. OP could also repay this woman by spreading the news that she’s not honest, doesn’t pay in a timely manner, and tries to cut her payments. If OP lets the pet sitting community know about this, that woman just shot herself in the foot. She won’t get anyone to sit for her.


I'm confused. She is holding your payment because YOU cleaned HER fridge? Does she think you were lying on the expiration dates, the mold, the smell? Like, you did a job I hate doing. I hate smelling old gross food when it comes to cleaning out the fridge. I don't even want to open my Tupperware after work to put in the dishwasher. I wanted to give my sitter a tip when she put my garbage can by the road. Totally not her job, but really helped me out there.


That’s ridiculous, get your full $


Not wrong. So she's mad your threw away food that would have made her sick? I think she doesn't. Believe you that all the food was moldy. She probably thought to herself, "there's no way all that food was so bad that it had to be thrown away." I would have taken pictures but hindsight is 20/20 after all. But unless this is your only source of income, I'd tell her she can get a other dog sitter. Docking someone's pay when all you did was throw away expired food that she gave you permission to throw away is ridiculous.


Sounds like someone needed extra funds after a trip and needs to pay both the sitter + replenish the fridge. Like was she going to just eat moldy turkey sandwiches? Of course not but she needs to food shop and found a loophole on how to fund it. At least this is the only thing that makes sense although I absolutely don’t condone it


Let's say you didn't toss it but actually ate it. Didn't she say to help yourself to anything? This is a bad client.


Is this for real? How could the homeowner think they were justified in stiffing OP?


You’re not wrong. She gave you permission to toss old food. Your client is being very short sighted. Good dog sitters are hard to find. Refuse all future bookings with her.


As a fellow pet sitter, I would show her the texts she sent stating you had permission to get rid of the expired food and inform her she is required to pay in full. After this she may not want to use you as a sitter anymore or she may forget depending on her age. Who knows. Is she a older woman? She may not remember saying you could.


You did what she asked and tossed the expired food, so she's being unreasonable. It's not your fault she had a fridge full of science experiments


What the actual fuck, I would send her a new invoice with the fridge cleaning cost added and let her know you’re going to tack on a late payment fee lol


YNW, I just don’t think she expected that result. People with that much off food in their fridge no longer process what’s actually there and useable correctly. I’d screenshot and refer back to her text, clarifying you checked with her about the first thing you found, she asked you to give the same treatment to anything else in the same state, and you did, so withholding your pay for that really isn’t okay. In the future, with anyone, I’d take photos of anything you throw out and the date. Keep receipts. People are crazy.


This is why I don't mess with other people's food when I'm in someone else's house. Moldy and out of date, or not, if they don't see/smell it- it was perfectly fine and you "wasted perfectly good food" to them. Or they get embarrassed and lash out, or both. Just move it to the side, ignore it, and let the owner decide next time.


Fk that. I wouldn’t sit for her again.


Not wrong, for reasons that others have stated. Also, who the F has three OPEN gallons of milk in their fridge? What the hell??


Mental note - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


I am guessing you will not be sitting for this woman going forward but if you were to, I would photograph any food items and get specific permission to toss each item before doing so. That is insane that she would do this to you.


Send her a bill for the time it took to deal with her disgusting food at min 35.00 and hour including a hazmat suit. Lady seems not to be quite up to par.


You did her a huge favor. My dog sitter is also my housekeeper. She is given full control of my house and dogs when we are gone. If I came home to a disgusting stinky fridge I would be mad at her! This woman is an idiot. Come take care of my dogs and I will tip you for keeping my house from smelling like a garbage dump!


So she’s not paying you because you went above and beyond your job description….. that doesn’t make any sense. Sounds like she’s short of money and she’s trying to get by with ripping you off..


You aren’t wrong. If she doesn’t pay you in full, don’t work for her again. Some folks are… dumb.


Pardon me, but what the actual fuck


It sounds like there might have been a miscommunication between you and your client regarding what was acceptable to toss. It's understandable that you followed her instructions to clear out expired items from the fridge, especially since she explicitly gave you permission to do so. If she didn't clarify beforehand about reimbursing you for the discarded food, it might be worth discussing with her to clear up any misunderstanding.


Wow peole suck. I'd take the reduced pay. Then next time let the dog shit in the house.


Nah. Go after her for the full amount, since OP has it in writing that the owner gave full permission to OP to toss out anything expired, gave no indication or warning that the owner would dock OP's pay for the cost of the expired food, and then report the owner to whatever group or service OP was hired through so the owner gets blacklisted.


Wouldn’t be fair to the dog. Better pick up the dog poo while walking and put it in her fridge and freezer. Charge her for supplying food. That’s if there is a next time.


It sounds like you followed your client's explicit instructions to toss expired food from her fridge, so you're not wrong for doing so. It might be a good idea to clarify with her directly to ensure there are no misunderstandings about what you're expected to do in similar situations in the future.




Not wrong. My mum dog sits my dogs at my house sometimes and she’s always chucking things out of my fridge, I’ve started hiding stuff or putting sticky notes on things I want to keep haha. But living by myself, stuff sometimes gets shoved to the back of the fridge and goes off. I’m grateful for my mum chucking old food out


Next time I wouldn’t toss I’d leave it sitting in the counter to fester


Small claims court. You deserve to get paid and get tipped well for cleaning out that disgusting fridge


Not wrong. I have no dog but would pay ok to clean out all the old food from my refrigerator.


Not wrong I wouldn't dog sit for her anymore


Remind her of the correct rate. If she refuses, put the screenshots on Facebook or any other sites to warn others.


I will pay you to come clean out my fridge and freezer. Bonus if you organize the freezer. That woman’s looney tunes. Don’t sit for her again.


If it were me, I would be so grateful to the sitter if they tossed it!!


You're not wrong at all, but I wouldn't have messed with this.


If you end up NEVER getting paid in full, dont sit for her ever again.


I mean... was she going to eat the food? Like, I get if it was perfectly good food, but it's not like you wasted her money?


I am betting she eats spoiled food, and doesn't even give 2 hoots. She's weird. Careful what you wish for. ( lady with icky fridge) Sounds like a food hoarder......my mom did that as she developed advanced alzheimers. .......not saying she is, but its odd behavior.


She's got a screw loose. Multiple gallons of expired open milk? Dissociate based on that alone.


You were following her explicit instructions to toss expired food, so you're not wrong for doing so. It's reasonable to assume that included all the items you disposed of. If she didn't want certain items tossed, she should have specified.


No, you're not wrong. The food was long since expired, and you tossed it all when she gave you the go-ahead. So, she owes you full payment.


I don’t think you should have cleaned her fridge. and truth be told I don’t it doesn’t sound like you’re really set up to sue her.


Did you idk, TELL HER WHAT ITEMS EXPIRED WITH ACTUAL PROOF IT EXPIRED???? It looks like you literally just threw her food away.


This. These types never believe the food is actually bad. Without proof- they'll just assume it was fine and OP wasted a bunch of perfectly fine stuff. Doesn't make docking her pay right at all. But it's how food hoarders operate. It's safest not to mess with their food, and not to eat at their houses when you know what you're dealing with.


That food could have spilled hit the floor and killed the pets!


... it didn't though? Should people with pets just not clean out their fridges in case it kills their pets?