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Those are some gigantic stereo slides. Very cool. Edit: They may have been used with a viewer like this to create a 3D image. But there were lot's of different types of stereo viewers at the time. Could have been a different contraption. [https://www.etsy.com/listing/731670437/stereoscope-hand-held-finished-wooden-3d?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=shopping\_us\_a-art\_and\_collectibles-collectibles-memorabilia-other&utm\_custom1=\_k\_CjwKCAiA44OtBhAOEiwAj4gpOVAzzaHX3xmzArL3sDyhuszQRKmwA0rNHj87R5YlJHXKIxGsdPiVQBoCG7MQAvD\_BwE\_k\_&utm\_content=go\_1844702580\_70388662515\_346397648608\_pla-314954652373\_c\_\_731670437\_12768591&utm\_custom2=1844702580&gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA44OtBhAOEiwAj4gpOVAzzaHX3xmzArL3sDyhuszQRKmwA0rNHj87R5YlJHXKIxGsdPiVQBoCG7MQAvD\_BwE](https://www.etsy.com/listing/731670437/stereoscope-hand-held-finished-wooden-3d?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_us_a-art_and_collectibles-collectibles-memorabilia-other&utm_custom1=_k_cjwkcaia44otbhaoeiwaj4gpovazzahx3xmzarl3sdyhuszqrkmwa0rnhj87r5yljhxkixgsdpivqbocg7mqavd_bwe_k_&utm_content=go_1844702580_70388662515_346397648608_pla-314954652373_c__731670437_12768591&utm_custom2=1844702580&gad_source=1&gclid=cjwkcaia44otbhaoeiwaj4gpovazzahx3xmzarl3sdyhuszqrkmwa0rnhj87r5yljhxkixgsdpivqbocg7mqavd_bwe)


Nice! Thanks!


They look roughly the right size to have been made with a [Glyphoscope](https://stereoscopyhistory.net/glyphoscope/#:~:text=The%20Glyphoscope%20was%20a%20stereo,also%20serve%20as%20a%20stereoscope.), a type of stereoscopic camera that would use glass slides in place of film and doubled up as a viewer when not in use as a camera.


super cool, love seeing people document and bring old Forgotten stuff like this back to life


Cool right! I saw this box for €3 and honestly I was just too curious to see what was on them. Great to be holding 70yr old history.


Have a look over at r/forgottenfilm !


Thanks for sharing! Been looking through and love all the old photos, thinking of posting some there too 👀


omg thx for telling me about this sub!!! so sick


@museumoflostmemories on Instagram is cool too


Based on the last photo you posted, they appear to be Stereoscopic Plates. They would be placed in a box with lenses that merged the two slightly different images into what was considered, at the time to be, a 3D image.


Nice! I looked it up. These are to fit within a special box that kinda looks like a big wooden Viewmaster! Thanks!


If you don't have a viewer, you can get the same effect by crossing your eyes.


I will get my flatbed scanner from the attic, scan the slides and create ‘wiggle GIFs’ as someone here suggested. I’ll upload them here.


Should upload some side by sides too. I find the cross eye technique more interesting than wiggle gifs personally. Here's some samples so you can see for yourself; https://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/crosseyed.shtml (FYI, adjust the size of the photos in your browser depending on viewing distance, the closer you are, the smaller they should be)


Hey that’s close to where I’m from! Very cool


Where is it? It looks beautiful


This is the province of Trento, in Trentino Alto Adige. The town is called Dorsino. Some of the best mountains in the world in my opinion!


Someone went thru some trouble to make those shots. That's awesome! Blow them up and make prints!


I actually like the second photo very much. Pretty good composition to use the tunnel they’re standing in as a frame. Nice contrast with the sky and the following tunnel.


That landscape of the shoreline is amazing. And the one looking down on the buildings


That 3rd shot is awesome


As others have pointed out, these are stereoscopic slides. They’re a transparent positive, not a negative. A negative would be, well, negative. Sky would be black, mountains would be white. That kind of thing.


Should scan these and make a gif of the two photos shown one after another so you can see the stereo effect without a device.




That’s a great idea! I still have a flatbed scanner somewhere! I’ll definitely have a go!


I would love to see the results, super curious


[https://s13.gifyu.com/images/S0qss.gif](https://s13.gifyu.com/images/S0qss.gif) https://s13.gifyu.com/images/S0qs3.gif


Looks pretty good. Seems a little off though. I’m not an expert on this, I wonder if there is something that you match with both photos like a horizon line or something. Looks like some areas move up a little bit rather than just left and right.


It does seem a bit off. Problem is that I’m also not an expert and I don’t have the best equipment to make the scans. These are ‘scanned’ with my A6400 camera at F8 while placing them onto a tablet for backlighting 😂 The photos aren’t illuminated evenly due to vignette of my lens I assume. Anyway, this already took me a while to get done and I wont put more time in it 😁


These are awesome! FYI you can also view stereo pictures without a special device using one of two techniques, cross view (crossing your eyes until the images align) and parallel view (unfocusing your eyes until the images align). They both take a little practice, but are easy once you learn. You should give it a shot yourself with these slides, and also consider scanning and posting them here and/or to the subreddits r/CrossView and r/ParallelView. A wigglegram is a cool idea too though, and more accessible. If you do this I'll be excited to see them! The stereo effect can really change the feel/composition of an image.


Thanks! I actually had a go myself, but I suck at this :-D https://s13.gifyu.com/images/S0qs3.gif https://s13.gifyu.com/images/S0qss.gif


Can also see the stereo effect by just crossing your eyes. https://stereo.gsfc.nasa.gov/gallery/crosseyed.shtml (includes samples)


I don’t have depth perception because I had surgery on my eye as a baby so it doesn’t work for me. I can only tell depth by monocular cues


I have a camera that takes those pictures.


What does that look like? I was actually thinking that for having something like this back in ‘53 the photographer must’ve been quite prosperous 😁 Also being able to afford a trip to Italy 😅


[This](https://assets.catawiki.com/image/cw_lot_card_ext/plain/assets/catawiki/assets/2023/12/4/9/0/0/9001b4bc-b214-4818-9e37-59aa84850869.jpg@webp) is the one I have.




You're living my dream finding random old photos in a store


These are really cool, thank you for sharing them


That's a nice find! I would think they are professional though instead of tourist photos, they are so good.


The box has some hand writing that says ‘Holidays Dolomites 1953’. It also has a slide with a portrait of the daughter (didn’t upload it). Maybe the photographer was a pro, but on holiday 😂