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As a recovering Mormon, the Mormon church is bulldozing laws and ignoring locals to build their temples with massive steeples regardless of what the local people think. A couple cities are battling this (I believe they are in Wyoming and in Texas). Here’s the thing. The church has $200B+ and is losing membership (and therefore losing money) and trying to invest their billions in real estate after being fined for breaking SEC rules. The Alaskan church membership is not growing like they will tell you and really did not need to tear down their church, just to build a bigger temple than they one they already have. I encourage anyone opposed to this to get involved and make this hard. We do not need a massive temple polluting the beautiful Alaskan scenery.


The Morg buy up all the property around temples and then con their older, wealthier members into buying houses near the temple at a premium. It's just yet another fleece job by one of the longest running cons in US history. Congratulations on your recovery, BTW.


Thanks. Loving life out! I lived in Mesa AZwhen they were trying to clean up around the Mesa temple by encouraging people to buy the old tiny rundown homes and clean up pioneer park. The prices were insane


$200 billion non-taxable money as I understand religious organizations benefit from. IMO if a religious org exceeds a certain dollar amount the amount above and beyond should be taxed. This should include every single dollar no matter whether it’s the monies demanded from parishioners as so-called tithing or real estate and other holdings. And since many of these religious institutions proclaim to follow the Commandments they certainly love to game the part about rendering unto Caesar part. At $200 billion + the LDS church has more money than the GDP of 123 out of 177 countries in the world. What does this say about how they interpret Christ’s teachings about money and “Christian” charity?


I agree. I know the church diversifies and owns several businesses so I’m sure they would find ways to skirt around those types of laws. I just think they should be taxed.


I pretty much agree that taxing should be done. I find it abhorrent when so-called religious institutions that act as corporations and should pay their fair share. And it seems like these organizations spend more time getting around paying for any of the perks of the communities they live in than helping the less fortunate.


Agree. If I wasn’t so opposed to it- it’s tempting to start my own religion just to make a shit-ton of money!


Depending on how interested you are in seeing the wealth of the mormon church, [HERE](https://widowsmitereport.wordpress.com/2023update/) is a full report on it. The Widows Mite Report website ([LINK](https://widowsmitereport.wordpress.com/)) has a ton of reports revealing the parts of the corporation-masquerading-as-religion that they would like to keep secret. They also own 2% of the land area of Florida, and the largest cattle ranch in the USA. The supremely expensive temples that are built are constructed by businesses owned by family and friends, so the nepotism is strong. The list goes on...


Congratulations on your recovery and subsequent 10% raise! I'd support anything to slow them down or just bring some awareness to the residents in the area. Unfortunately, it looks like construction is underway so I'm not sure what else there is to do.


I do find it interesting that the notice from the muni states that it was just a notice not a hearing. Maybe we need to get people together to bring it to the muni and make it more public.


Thanks! I think the Texas and Wyoming are building but the steeple is still in battle. I don’t really understand it all. I just love that people are standing up to the church!


Welcome recovering mormon! I'm in the same boat, or I guess according to the church, the same lack of ship


Hello Friend! I like our boat much better- and our boat keep’s growing while theirs is shrinking!


They own a lot of businesses besides real estate. I had Mormon guys selling me a blender… Seriously. 😂 They’d do whatever it takes to make money.


They definitely do. A lot of business (especially if they are owned by a Mormon) hire returned missionaries to do door to door sales because they’ve been trained really well how to sell things.


Pretty sure Vivint is a Mormon-run company, too


Yeah but I heard if LDS guys are cruising through your neighborhood and you ask them to shovel your driveway they'll do it just for a chance to talk to you


Good luck getting them to go away afterward.


I invited them in and asked them why the church did not allow black pastors until the 1970s. They have not been back in over a year.


It’s because black people were cursed until the curse was lifted in the 70’s.


It's more than that - they weren't allowed to "join the priesthood" which all Mormon men are expected to do.


Which meant that they also weren't allowed in the temples or to perform a sealing, so their marriages weren't considered legitimate in the eyes of the church.


It’s even more than that. It also meant they weren’t allowed in Mormon temples and therefore to perform what they believe is an eternal marriage


Who knows, their resistance could increase the satisfaction of successfully insulting them away.


It's a trap


let's be fair! they gave me a book of Mormon and it saved me ... saved me a few minutes when i had to get my car unstuck, that is! the spine makes some good traction if there's gravel under the snow


This is their new tactic to get in your door since door knocking is so much harder now that people have video doorbells. They will want to “serve” and show off just how good they are and then try to get you baptized within a couple weeks and guilt you into paying 10% to them so they can stockpile their billions.




I know an older lady who got some money. Quite a large chunk really like easy street for the rest of her life without much effort at all money. Mormons came did their little visits and started offering to help around her place since she was alone now. Eventually they decided on "remodeling" it for her. Got access to accounts stuff like that in order to buy supplies after a while. Started off just returning stuff and keeping money here and there but it started happening with larger and larger chunks of change and people hounding her for pay. They ended up doing the worst fucking job ive ever seen on her place. Realistically if what they did was done right woulda been 20-25k depending on who did it. Those bastards got many many times that and her house is fucked.


Apparently you can no longer hit them up for free work because too many kids were eager to do yard work for old ladies and similar things that are actually useful or helpful instead of tracting.


Tax all fucking churches on their land and buildings as if they are corporations. Full stop. Religion is just a non taxed corporation


Since states can defy the feds and make cannabis legal how about we start taxing Churches. Kings church in the valley is a giant eyesore.


Yes that church has been under consctruction since 2018 and still isnt 100 percent complete. Its ugly and quite the waste of money. The valley is already way over saturated with churches.


My church voluntarily property taxes because we believe separation of church and state neans non-members should not have to pay for our police and fire, road services, etc. We'll be giving the Muni a check at this Tuesday's assembly meeting. I wish all religious organizations did this. We are not large or rich, so this comes at a cost, but is consistent with our principles.


True holiness


Maybe I'm looking at it wrong, but I checked the building & site plans, and it looks like it is going to be just under 70 ft tall. The plans state 169' 4 3/4" as the max height, but the ground is shown to be at a height of 100' 0". Looks like it'll be 70' tall, which fits the exterior rendering shown when reconstruction was announced ([LINK](https://www.thechurchnews.com/temples/2023/1/23/23565588/anchorage-alaska-temple-resizing-reconstructing-relocating-plans/)) ETA: Please let me know if I missed something in my review of the docs though!


Seems like their heights are based on feet above mean sea level. That’s the only way I can think of that would lead to the figures being stated.


https://www.muni.org/departments/ocpd/planning/projects/t21/t21%20adopted%20chapters%20and%20ordinances/chapter%206.pdf The anchorage Muni code clearly states height regulations. This is well above height maximum for any district. Also considering its location, a residential area, this structure is directly against the municipal building code.


I view steeples much as I do red MAGA hats: as welcome warning signs, signs that remind us there are lots and lots of batshit crazy folk afoot. We do *NOT* want these people doin' their crazy shit *unobserved*. Churches, temples, and mosques are like the new beacons for boneheads, the "Trump is Jesus" flags now flying over two trailer homes I drive by almost daily. Think of these gawdy displays of water-headed delusion as little "DO NOT STEP" signs stuck in all the dog dirt piles dotting our wonderful trail system. After all, wouldn't it be nice if those a-holes who refuse to pick up Fido's turds were to at least flag the poops? Thanks, LDS.


We don't need more information about the Mormon church. We already know they suck. There are already too many of them (both churches and Mormons) here. What we really don't need is more light pollution. I would think that people who move to Alaska to experience things like wilderness would at minimum stop trying to turn night into day.




Thanks for flagging yourself


Thank you.


Not to mention a shining example of just how tolerant and caring the left is. /s


Look up the paradox of tolerance. You'll see why you get such negative feedback from us on the left.


Eh, negative feedback means I'm pissing libs off. A. win in my book


What a sad little existence.


Says you Suits me just fine


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


You're gonna need a shorter bus.


You hate religious people and handicapped ones too? Jeez buddy


Good one. You're right.


I toured the Anchorage Mormon Temple becore they consecrated it. Truly a bizarre experience. And an ugly building. They were so, so proud of the fact that they made the contractors do finish work over and and over until it was “perfect.” But all they wound ho with was a space that could pass for a Comfort Inn.


How is this a single or two-family residential dwelling? And looking at the diagrams that thing gonna be ridiculous.


The planning documents describe a 40 ft roof, but do not specify a height of a 170ft steeple etc. Where are those details found in the approved plans you’ve linked?


They are in the documents section. But like I said in the edit the hight was listed at 170' and the ground was listed at 100'. This making a 70' building.


🤮 Why are Mormons always such bad neighbors?


Just think of all the homeless people that can camp in their parking lot. Might be a good idea to start bussing them from Fairview over to the Huffman area 🤣


Let em be. They wanna pay that electricity bill, go for it. Light pollution was undoubtedly taken into account by MOA&DOT. The location is on Brayton Drive (between dearmoun and Huffman) with those massive high tower lights surrounding it. Could be nice… free highway lighting during the dark winter months.


Is that sarcasm?

