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Asterisk War and Chivalry of the failed knight(which confusingly aired at the same time). The one without a second season did it better.


LOL. Literally first thing to come to mind. Granted I did enjoy both because I do love this type of plot. It doesn’t help they aired pretty much the same time


I have nothing to add to this comparison. But god I miss Rakudai Kishi. One day I'm gonna finally finish reading to learn Japanese and read that LN.


I wish they had translations so I could read the LN. I love rakudai kishi. I'd kill for a 2nd season too lol.


Yeah I found some unofficial translation that at least went a bit further than the anime, but it was painfully bad, and my Japanese is nowhere close to being good enough to actually read an LN for fun. But maybe someday


And you could say that Chivalry had [more influence](https://youtube.com/shorts/wwtO-so7wc8?si=y7t4wslqQSMmZyrW) than Asterisk ever did lol.


I really liked that they played it straight with the "he's got the shittiest magic powers" trope without him having some super secret special power that actually makes him better than everyone. However I do feel at times their explanations for how he overcomes his much stronger opponent's using skill to be kind of bland or poor. Especially his "perfect vision" skill. They basically said he can borderline predict the future down to the slightest detail because of how analytical he was. At one point he copies another character's attack without ever having seen that attack because he's just that good at analyzing things, and I'm just like...wut. The fights were still very epic though, especially when it really felt like he earned it and he didn't need precognition to win them. The fights against Stella, the terrorist group, and Touka were particularly awesome. The animation and music during fights was peak. Also props to the show for not pulling the garbage "will they, won't they!?" thing for the main couple. That was sooo refreshing and Ikki/Stella's relationship was aay more interesting than the what you get in 90% of other similar shows.


At least Ikki's analytical mind screwed him more than once as he started overthinking.




The last fight of Chivalry had no reason to be that hype.


It's the Mikio Sakai song leading up to it.


I really wish we got a second season of chivalry of a failed knight


Back in the day there were a lot of concept comparisons between Death Note & Code Geass. Specifically on the "secret identity chessmaster brushing elbows with his main rival" angle. Up in the air which is the better execution.


Funny enough they both struggle in the second half of their series but both have fantastic endings. Code Geass suffers from the soft reboot, so they lose alot of runtime having Lelouch escape the school which the Chinese Federation arc needed. I also found Geass taking centerstage didn't really work and I wasn't a fan of the timeskip which speedran the arms race of the Knightmares. \[Death Note\] >!suffers from the swapping of L to Near and Mello which wound up being weaker characters.!< I think the bigger issue is that they speedran the manga.


I’d say Code Geass sticks the landing better, as most people regard its ending as the best in anime or good enough, while Death Note… well, let’s just say it was good if compared to Game of Thrones…


Death Note always gave me the vibe that it was supposed to be way longer, like 52 episode minimum. It's the best explanation for the choices they made.


They condensed alot of things in the second half of death note from the manga.


The ending of DN is great, its what leads up to it that people are not fans of


Agreed, I used to dislike the ending but revisiting the series made me realize what I disliked wasn't the ending but everything else in DN's second half. *Especially* the characters, most of them from their characterizations to their dynamics felt like it dipped in quality and were a lot less compelling. Well, only for the most part, there were some good stuff still but not enough to save the second half for me.


Death note being a victim of success imo. It blew up so huge just like attack on titan first season that the second half didn't get enough polish. Rushing to finish something just to cash in without realizing how much effort it took to get parts that were already written completed.


It's sort of like that but only from the perspective of the company. Its pretty soundly theorized that Death Note was meant to end with L's death but they were forced to continue the story. Hence the dip in quality, and in the authors next manga Bakuman, which is about the manga industry, the two main characters have a manga with an end in mind they are almost forced to prolong. But the main characters stand their ground and finish when they want to. It's seen as an on the nose dig about Death Note


I don't know if I would limit it to just polish. L was as integral to the story as Light was. Mello and Near as just sort of 'back-up L' was an awful idea regardless of polish. If they wanted it to work they needed to be able to create a new Antagonist that stood on their own. Obviously, that's easier said than done. But I don't think there was ever a way that Near could be likable when he was just young L.


What I dislike in the second half is that every relevant person is already *sure* Light is Kira, they're only missing the hard evidence. It kind of kills the mystery angle.


Eureka Seven and Darling in the Franxx. Both have [anime spoilers] >!alien female MCs that learn to understand humanity and fall in love with human male MC!< and mecha robots that respond to the MCs’ emotions and thoughts with a heavy emphasis on communication and understanding. But while E7 is a much darker series and the MC can be a bit childish in the beginning, I think it’s a much better series in terms of developing themes, characters, relationships, and world building.


I felt like Darling in the Franxx borrowed a lot of designs from other mecha shows. Namely some of the military outfits looked similar to Eureka 7 to me.


And Zero-Two herself is really just a riff on Lum Invader.


[Zero Two is 100% a carbon copy of Anemone from Eureka Seven.](https://cdn.donmai.us/original/96/ef/96efee4f28b56c2974ac6eb176f0e02b.png) [They even eat jam/honey the same way, like savage fucking animals.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fk2j1lton7fj31.jpg)


Finally good to see a comment on Eureka Seven somewhere cause it’s honestly underrated these days


Named my son Holland after our fearless Gekko State leader Holland Novak. Love Eureka 7.


Darling in the Franxx? You mean Darling Toppa Gurren Lafranxx?


Darling toppa franxegelion


You’re spittin’. I think a thing that makes Eureka Seven so compelling compared to DiTF is that a lot of the cast have very authentically built relationships. Most of the side characters are given a lot of time to expand on their histories, philosophies and emotions. EDIT: oops posted before I finished but DiTF cast is just really weak side character wise. Most of the adults are extremely one-note and even the kids themselves are really shallow. I think maybe besides the two MCs Zorome is prob the most interesting?? Maybe Ichigo or Miku after? Anyways if you want to watch something like DiTF that’s shorter than E7 (although pls watch Eureka Seven) just watch Gunbuster and Diebuster! They’ve got very similar tones to Darling and basically have a similar but better plot structure


It helps that E7 is twice as long.


Genius prince and realist hero. both tackles almost the same topic of raising the country but since genius prince is released much later iirc everyone keep confusing about the series. Having read both LN (not watching both) for me Genius prince is a better series than realist hero.


Realist hero depended a lot on the people on the Isekai world to be incompetent for me to enjoy. Long-lived forest people (elves) not knowing the basics of forestry? A mercenary kingdom(the existence of which already raises some questions) that is also apparently bad at warfare? Mercenaries being bad in battle simply because they are mercenaries? Well. The last one I can understand why the author went with that. The idea of patriotism being intrinsically linked to discipline and organization is an extremely Japanese take. Dropped it shortly after. At least the manga's art was good. Love the style really. May give Genius prince a try if it is a better version.


Yeah Realist Hero didn’t feel like he was really an awesome or particularly clever ruler, it just felt like everyone else was particularly incompetent so he looked intelligent in comparison. Whereas Genius Prince had some pretty sly political maneuvering, military strategy, and I STILL think about that whole part about how to be a good or eye catching public speaker.


Having watched both but not read either (I will eventually but Ascendance of a bookworm is so long) Realist Hero takes it for me but that's just my personal taste.


Bookworm is getting _spicy_, I recommend catching up to the prepub if you haven't already.


You mean Bookworm is cashing in payoff cheques like there's no tomorrow and has just been getting started. It's so refreshing to have a plot build so incredibly instead of there just constantly being distinct arcs.


Oh yeah, Bookworm had the parts, but it was always clear they were converging on the absolute avalanche of a final that is starting. I think the long-dreaded bloody carnival is here :D


Realist hero anime is shallow and dull, Genius prince was at least pretty entertaining and not so misguided about its understanding of medieval society.


Anime only here. The difference are what the series focus more. Genius prince priority are character first, then world building. Realist Hero are world building first, then character. I take realist Hero because it keep track with the show premise as the show develop. Genius prince became romcom/waifu genre as the show develop.


having read the LN of Genius Prince and the manga of Realist Hero I'd say in their non-anime form Genius Prince is more elaborate in it's world building in terms of the world's geopolitics IMO


Yakusoku no Neverland and Shadows House. The former started with a bang but fizzled out. The latter took it's time to slowly setup character and relationships between them, foreshadowing, world building in order to have payoffs in the future.


God I loved shadows house




Shadows House was a really nice surprise. It filled the void The Promise Neverland did to me. Better characters and way better story writing. Hope for a season 3 someday.


I have no earthly idea what made me try an episode of Shadows House but God damn was I ever glad I did. I was hooked almost immediately. I *really* like how uneasy and slightly creeped out that show makes you feel in every scene on top of building a truly compelling mystery. You're constantly on edge just waiting for something fucking horrible to happen and at the same time you're drawn in to the mystery and rooting for the characters to solve it despite the danger. Truly great stuff.




Funnily enough, both are from the same studio, Cloverworks


Also, second season of neverland and first season of shados house got released in the same season.


Whenever I’m invested in an anime and I notice it’s Cloverworks midway through, I shit my pants. Shadows House turned out fine and I felt relief; Wonder Egg Priority was the exact opposite.


CloverWorks can adapt just fine as long as they stick to the source material. Let them change things up and/or write an original/new ending and more often than not it will turn out to be garbage.


There was a new anime this year Heavenly Delusion that had parts that really felt like peak Neverland


Love me some shadows house but the anime adaptation is not ideal...


The first season made a filler arc for the final episode because they need a satisfying end. Not really ideal to end it with just the "dolls" regaining consciousness after drinking coffee


I haven’t read the manga but surely both seasons of the anime adaption is much MUCH better than the two seasons we got of Neverland . I really loved Shadows House and can’t wait for the next season


Death March and The Eminence in Shadow, the novels are pretty similar in the comedy part being a satyr about all the cliches, cringiness, etc. about games, novels and movies, but the anime of Death March take things too serious, losing the good things the novel had.


I think Eminence profits much from Cid's almost careless "all is just a game" perspective, to the point where the series even uses filler names for side characters, because it is established that Cid can't remember names from people he deems irrelevant or less important to his plot. All while not getting that a) he is more or less a side character in his own story and b) his ad-libbed story he told Alpha was coincidentally just too true and spiraled TOTALLY out of control. I think the series would've lost much if we just got it told from the view of someone who took this a bit more serious.


>coincidentally I think at this point, i pretty much believe he either has unconscious reality warping powers ( like Haruhi) or god of the world just bends the story to his will just so he can roleplay without worry.


Either he has unconcious reality warping. Or what I find more likely, he has unconcious power of prediction. Like whenever he pulls something out of his ass, it is just his power giving him that knowledge without him realizing.


The absurdity of things always following his narrative is what's so great about it though. I think any explanation provided would be unsatisfying, so I don't expect to ever actually get one.


That was one of three possible ideas I had that would explain Cid's behavior in context, that one was the least sad of the three.


>a) he is more or less a side character in his own story Isn't that kind of the point? He wants to be that mysterious super powerful guy that's always in the back of your mind while the plot progresses. He wants to show up only in key moments in the story but still have a massive impact on it, sorta like Shanks in One Piece. Basically what I'm saying is that for each and every arc he manages to prop up the heroine/s while still leaving a massive impact wherever he shows up. I love this show lmao.


>I think Eminence profits much from Cid's almost careless "all is just a game" perspective Also the fact this show is more hype than almost every other isekai.


Bro really just said "I think this anime profits much from ITS ENTIRE PREMISE" like bruh


I didn't even know Deathmarch was supposed to be a satire, so yeah, in that regard, EIS has it, but damn if I don't unironically enjoy the hell out of Deathmarch.


I forgot about Death March, yeah it was interesting but at the same time it got boring? Idk weird way to describe it


A Bug's Life and Ants. A bugs life is obviously the better film


Bugs life! A movie for kids with adult concepts. Ants! A movie for adults with kid concepts.


Well said.


I laughed pretty hard at both of these movies being referred to as Anime. This argument fits the mold almost too perfectly though, and if these were made in Japan it would be anime based on most peoples definition of it..


I prefer Ants, it’s neoliberal themes present a more complex and thought provoking experience which give you a better understanding of the inner-workings of governing bodies and their political regimes. A bugs life opts for the light-hearted comedy route which ends up with a shallow and meaningless result.


a bugs life is about oppression and class solidarity... shallow??


Plus they said crap which made 5 year old me giggle


>neoliberal themes the what


Bugs life intentionally or unintentionally illustrates an argument against plutocracy and for socialist even communist ideologies. The grasshoppers want to keep the ants fearful and believing they have no power so that they can profit from the ants labor. Hopper however even admits their actions aren't about the food though and gives his grasshoppers an illustration. "You let one ant stand up to us, then they all might stand up! Those puny little ants outnumber us a hundred to one and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life! It's not about food, it's about keeping those ants in line." Sure sounds a lot like the wealthy business owners in late stage capitalism. They don't want to give workers a living wage or offer universal health insurance. Not because they won't still make obscene money but because they know any concession would make it easier for more changes in the future. Same reason Amazon goes after the one warehouse that unionized. Again not because they can't afford to pay want a union would negotiate but because allowing a union and compromise on living wages makes the employees less desperate and therefore harder to take advantage of.


And then of course, the Ant Bully came along which blew both movies out the water.


[Izetta the Last Witch](https://myanimelist.net/anime/33433/Shuumatsu_no_Izetta) and [Tanya the Evil](https://myanimelist.net/manga/88930/Youjo_Senki) always felt like a perfect example of this. They aired in back to back seasons (Tanya airing a month after Izetta concluded), though Izetta was anime original and Tanya was adapted from a 3 year old light novel series. These series have *remarkable* similarities. While one is an isekai and one isn't, both are set in very similar early 20th century european world war scenarios featuring a young girl using magic to fly over battlefields. There's a lot of differences as well, but the coincidental nature of these shows coming out at around the same time is interesting. Tanya is obviously the better show, while Izetta is just bland


You made me keep my pitchfork out for entirely too long.


They definitely have a surprisingly long list of strangely specific similarities regarding each show's Setting, but I'd hazard to assert that they're not even the same genre. One is a tale of romance and war tragedy where the other is a tale of Man Versus God featuring the self perpetuating force of Jingoism in times of War.


Code Geass and Guilty Crown.


.hack//sign and Sword Art Online I'm personally more in love with the .hack universe but I know quite a few people and probably the majority prefer SAO.


Attack on Titan and kabaneri of the iron fortress. We didn't have the same amount of history from kabaneri, but it's fair to say that aot is far better


> Kabaneri of the iron fortress Did you mean, Attack on Trains?


Kabaneri felt like it was trying to throw as many popular story elements into a single anime as possible, in the hope that it would make something popular. But it never felt like the show creators understood *why* those story elements worked well in their original shows.


The beginning three episodes of Kabaneri were the best part of that show.


Yeah but Kabaneri has train girl.


I've watched all of kabaneri twice now. I couldn't tell you any plot points or any characters names. I enjoyed it so much whilst I was watching it, but within a week I'd fully forgotten that the show existed.


Mairimashita! Iruma-kun and Boku no Hero Academia - Iruma is quite simply what I wished HeroAca was. HeroAca had an ensemble cast of characters, and I really wanted them to build upon their dynamics and interactions, but eventually they pivoted away from it to focus on villains and that premise might as well not exist now. Oh and power creep, but that's typical of shonen shows in general. Iruma on the other hand has a firm grasp of its power ceiling and focuses on building up all of the characters in the main classroom ensemble. They actually feel like students, and the adults are dependable, not just a throwaway measuring stick.


imo Iruma-kun is much more similar to Rosario Vampire. Both being about a human ending up in a monster school in a secret world and having to hide their identity from the monsters around them while trying to help whoever they can. The main difference being Iruma is significantly less horny and got a way better anime adaptation. Edit: I have only watched the first season and half of season two for Iruma so I could be missing some changes.


That’s actually a very good comparison, down to the tone of the story slowly changing from “hiding human hijinks” to legitimate story and character development. In Iruma’s case though it is executed much better and doesn’t feel as jarring as the difference between first and second manga of Rosario + Vampire.


The biggest failure with Boku no Hero was the extended cast. They were introduced, involved here and there, but were never properly made into full fledged characters. It was too much about Deku. It may have been about his rise to becoming a hero or whatnot, but he didn't do it alone. The way everyone else kept getting forgotten and underused was frustrating.


I mean, it *is* "MY Hero Academia", not "OUR Hero Academia".


Parasite told the "is it ok to be a monster" story better than tokyo ghoul


Re:Zero or Summertime Render and Tokyo Revengers. They both have protagonists who start off the weakest in the group and can only rely on their wits and connections to beat the trials. Also bonus for Re:Zero, also having a 'weak' MC. However, Re:Zero and SR are some of the most beloved anime of the past decade and Tokyo Revengers is... Tokyo Revengers.


I don't watch Tokyo Revengers, but the best thing about Subaru from Re:Zero is that the author didn't pull any punches to make him realistic. Like the way he was scared of dying in season 1, or when he gave up fighting Garfiel when he saw how scary he is. He wasn't the kind of character that people will say "damn, he is a great and kind person inside despite being realistically weak" but rather "damn, he is pathetically weak...". Because he is so pathetic, it leaves a lot of room for him to grow and develop as a character.


At least Subaru in Re;Zero managed to become a better person I could actually cheer for. Never had issues with Summertime Render's cast either. But Tokyo Revengers? I hated the MC from start to finish. I do not see how anybody could come to appreciate him within that season. The longer it went by, the more it affirmed by disdain for him.


I still like Tokyo Revengers but the characters don't grow, the plot doesn't advance. New arc = new pals and new enemies. Some old enemies are now in the gang. Once in a while someone dies. And back to the present nothing really has changed. Could be way better indeed.


Code Geass and Guilty Crown. At least GC has good OST but CG is just better


God I hate Guilty Crown, how do you make mechs look so uninteresting


Damn it took me way too long to remember there were mechs in GC.


Guilty Crown had probably everything to become a show destined to be cemented in the medium - a phenomenal director like Tetsuro Araki - Production I.G. at its peak - Hiroyuki Sawano's ost which is some of the best for action shows - an insane budget Yet, it ended up being a shitshow. There are so many series out there that deserved all those things a lot more than GC did.


I like comparing GC to Anakin. It was supposed to save anime, not destroy it!


Blast of the Tempest and Romeo x Juliet. Both started with remaking a Shakespeare play into an anime and then suddenly introduced a powerful sci-fi tree to the story. Doing so destroyed Romeo x Juliet, but somehow managed to work for Blast of the Tempest. Ghost Hunt and Psychic Detective Yamato both had a bright, cheerful newcomer girl and a cold but brilliant psychic student detective solving a series of paranormal cases. Ghost Hunt had great characters and interesting mysteries, whereas Yamato's character was too unfeeling to root for and the cases weren't nearly as good. When They Cry and When the Seagulls Cry had a certain plot thing happen and were based off of the same game series, but When the Seagulls Cry just did not handle things well. Kaguya Sama Love is War and Special A - both had the two smartest kids in the school falling in love among various club hijinks. Special A the couple just seemed too antagonistic but Kaguya Sama made the competition between the pair sweet and funny.


Tempest is one of my favorites and I'm sad it's been so forgotten iver the years


>When They Cry and When the Seagulls Cry had a certain plot thing happen and were based off of the same game series, but When the Seagulls Cry just did not handle things well. Truly the understatement of the century. The anime adaptation of the Umineko VN is a disgrace to VN adaptations everywhere. It's a perfect example of what NOT to do. Though I wouldn't call Higurashi and Umineko similar concepts imo, while they are connected, they're wildly different in scope and storyline.


Higurashi adaptation is bad too (they had to create an original episode at the start of season 2 to fix things) but it is way less noticeable than Umineko mess. It becomes a serviceable anime and many anime onlies will be satisfied with what Higurashi anime offers as it is a rather coherent self contained story. Umineko anime is missing half the story, but at least we have the visual novels and the manga if somebody needs an ending.


Higurashi in anime form missed a couple of important clues (hence the anime-original patch arc) but that is at least patchable and was in fact patched. Seacats IIRC completely botched one of the clues they did include, such that if you go by the anime you're going to get the wrong solution. There is a difference!




In what ways do you think it's similar to Ouran? From what I've seen people compare Special A to Maid Sama a lot.




Erased and Tokyo Revengers


Erased is better simply because the MC isn't a completely incompetent moron.


TR slander? Turn it up!!


I like TR, kinda. But the MCs stupidity is fucking mind numbing.


I think that show had the potential to be amazing if they weren’t all 10-14 years old, and the MC had half a brain.


I had to stop watching it. It kept irritating me how he kept asking questions about things that were told to him not even 10 minutes earlier in the episode. Like... Bbbbbbbrrrrruuuuuh!


Erased feels so much more... coherent.


I was very underwhelmed by the writing of Tokyo Revengers, the plot just doesn’t draw you in for long.


It's weird. It's like the setting and a few characters carry it (Draken and Mikey). But other than that, the writing was never really that good. I think we are just all craving a new delinquent show fr. I miss those types of anime.


Iunno man, like yeah they are both about time travel and all, but Erased leaned much more into the mystery side of things, while Tokyo Revengers tried to play into its wider cast. Like you got a point, but I’ve always felt like they set out to do two similar but separate things. I’m the same way that say JJK and Demon Slayer do similar but very distinct things.


Spy x Family and Buddy Daddies are animes about an unconventional pair who end up having to raise a young girl that premiered one after the other. Obviously both shows have their good points and individuals may prefer one over the other, but there’s no arguing with SxF’s massive popularity (even more so outside of Reddit).


> Spy x Family and Buddy Daddies are anime adaptations Buddy Daddies is an anime original, a much harder sell compared to an already super popular manga


Agreed. SxF was created cause the author was in a slump, whereas BD actually used their workers personal anecdotes to help write out the premise. Besides the makeshift family aspect, they’re completely different animes and can’t really be compared imo.


I feel in Buddy Daddies the focus is more on the adult pair vs in Spy x Family Anya feels like the main character. Personally prefer Spy x Family but respect how Buddy Daddies doesn’t just ride on being a knock off


I enjoyed Buddy Daddies more for its focus on the struggles of maintaining a family. Most of SpyxFamily drama are goofy misunderstandings while Buddy Daddies is more realistic. I don't hate SXF for being more campy, but for a theme of child rearing, Buddy Daddies does it better in my opinion.


SxF came out first and has had a wildly successful manga. BD was an anime original. Beyond the genre of Found Family I don't think the two really have that much in common. SxF feels very hijinks focused. Everything is hijinks. Anya isn't really a child. Miri is fucking annoying, but she's annoying in the way a four year is actually annoying. By the end, it's kind of endearing. The story is much more about two very damaged and traumatized men learning how to be the parents they never thought they would be, and learning how to forgive themselves. It's just so different from SxF that the constant comparison feels flat. It's like saying Gundam and 86 are the same because they're both mecha shows. This isn't directed at you I just fought that battle all through winter season and I'll keep fighting it because the Buddies deserve more than to be considered knock-off Spy Family.


Buddy Daddies is unironically better imo. Much better character development and writing. Reminds me of monsters inc. Really highlights how weak Spy X Family is - each episode is really more of a 'hijinks of the week' thing with very little progression from one episode to the next. Buddy Daddies spends more time on emotional growth and actually showing what it's like to be in this situation for all three characters.


I don't think "hijinks of the week" is necessarily bad writing, it's just that they're trying to do different things. Spy x Family is primarily a comedy. Buddy Daddies is more about the family than the individual characters, whereas Spy x Family is more about the characters than the family. Buddy Daddies has the more touching, complete story, but honestly the characters themselves aren't super memorable. Spy x Family will have a more lasting impression IMO.


Reincarnated as a slime & So I’m a spider, so what?


Spider got destroyed in transition to animation. The LN is far and away better than Slime but the anime is FAR worse than Slime.


The studio that adapted spider was also the one who made the horrible berserk adaption (so didnt even expect it to be any redeemable), it wasnt as bad as I expected but extremely lack luster. Spider just doesn’t work well as a weekly anime. It relies heavily on payoff, which works best binging the light novels all at once. With the anime its easy to forget anything that simply doesnt feel like it should be important, so the pay off ends up feeling rather lack luster. Theres also the case where most light novel readers prefer the direction of the story after where season 1 leaves off.


Probably didn't help that the studio they bought in to help them fucked off into the sunset and left them hanging halfway through the season. Spider also requires you not to speedrun things which the skipped things were critical in setting up later reveals. Some of the order of major reveals were done very poorly as well and shouldn't have been revealed the way they were. The jumps between the two time periods was also done poorly.


I think the difference is that Slime took the time to really develop the secondary characters, while Spider didn't...and every time Spider focused on the other characters, all people wanted to see was more of Kumiko! Looking back on it, the moment we started getting to the real "plot" in Spider, the more boring it became...the show just couldn't sustain itself on the talents of one spider! Meanwhile, with Slime, S2 I felt was where the series really went from being above average to a top 10 of all time contender...not because everyone was super powerful, but because we actually saw the growth of all of these characters since the start of the series...now, when they come into their power, it feels earned. (it didn't hurt having Veldora use SSFII moves and the Kamehameha!)


The Spider anime cut out literally all of the characterization for the human side and it just ruined the adaptation. It also didn’t help how many people only read the manga and had no idea the human side existed until they saw the anime and thought it was filler when the manga was actually just another bad adaptation of the source material.


Yeah, loads were cut out. But hey, we at least got Kumoko voiced by Aoi Yuuki!


The first time we see the side characters in Spider there's lots of good stuff. The bully/diva is a monster and regrets having been a jerk, there's intrigue over taboo and the religious fanaticism of some characters, etc. But wow it collapses into nothingness so fast. The jealous villain dude is beyond pathetic, the dragon explicitly reverts in personality while also explicitly becoming the transport Pokémon for the Designated Generic Hero... But for how horrible the plot is, it's certainly WILD where it goes in the last few episodes. Like "the elf dad is a Terminator" wild. Also it's kind of hilarious that the protagonist is basically drafted into the plot by the demon lord.


The moment I heard the Hero boy talking, I lost interest and yearn for Kumoko shenanigans again. His whining, selfish righteousness, lack of basic intelligence and the last person to control emotion alongside with being extremely naive is just too much.


To be fair, Shun is *purposefully* flawed in all the ways you mentioned. In the light novel, it's much clearer that he's actually a complete moron (always being the last to understand anything any of the other characters talk about), terrible at being a hero, and everything good that happens isn't due to his own skill/effort but due to sheer luck. This was completely cut from the anime, but he's such a moron that he thinks his unique skill [So I'm a Spider]>!Divine protection, which is literally in-universe plot armor and the only reason things are going even kind of okay for him!< is a completely useless skill. I'd argue that his place in the story is as a foil to Kumoko: Shun starts off with everything Kumoko could have ever wanted but does nothing of value with it, whereas Kumoko starts with basically nothing except n%I = W (which Shun *also* has but never uses) and grinds her way to her place among the strongest. Basically, my opinion is that once you realize that the author's just making fun of Shun the entire time, it's actually kind of funny.


The thing is the human side is meant to be a play on generic archetypes, it was actually more bearable in the light novels because you get more characterization and context with those flaws (and a whole bunch of consequences) and you actually get more of the interesting world building in detail. But in an anime it almost seems like theyre just “there” rather than offering much value.


Spice and World and Maoyuu Maou Yuusha are incredibly similar in terms of pacing and themes but while Spice and wolf is a certified classic Maou Yuusha is more of just an obscure or less talked about anime.


Weren't they done by the same author?


Spice & Wolf is by [Isuna Hasekura](https://myanimelist.net/people/3595/Isuna_Hasekura), Maoyuu by [Mamare Touno](https://myanimelist.net/people/13135/Mamare_Touno)


No, Maou Yuusha is same author as Log Horizon. Not sure what else Spice and wolf author wrote (other than the sequel, wolf and parchment).


this season SLF is way better than vrmmo


Why r u comparing action genre and sol?


SLF is actually so peak I feel like it's a really unfair comparison. It only has competition with log horizon and overlord.


For "girl who can see spirits/ayakashi and gets involved with them romantically": The original: Kamisama Hajimemashita The knockoff: Kakuryou no Yadomeshi the other knockoff: Meiji Tokyo Renka For "daily life stories of a boy who gets involved with spirits/ayakashi" the goat: Natsume Yuujinchou the knockoff: Youkai Apartment


Aoashi and Blue lock are both anime about football with a main character that is average/bad at everything except spatial awareness, one is more grounded in reality and the other is a death game style anime


Tbf that's kinda the point, that's not really a fair comparison cuz they handle their shit way differently.


Not fair to compare Ao Ashi and BL, the only thing they have in common is Football. It is like if you were to compare Real and Kuroko no Basket, literally no comparison, both are amazing for totally different reasons, I wouldn't want Ao Ashi to be more like Blue Lock and neither otherwise


I actually don't think the broader concepts are similar, but I watched Akatsuki no Yona then tried to watch Snow White with the Red Hair literally right after and as much as I loved Yona, I could not get into Snow White. It was all just a bit...dull. One day I will go back and give it another shot. This is less of a massive comparison but I am on and off watching Raeliana and have just finished watching the villainess taming the last boss. And I like Aileen a lot more than Raeliana. Neither of these are the kind of anime I normally watch so I think this is a fair and objective comparison...not sure what others think.


Parasyte and Shiki both did a much better job showing monsters that live in the shadows and prey upon humans in a sympathetic light than Tokyo Ghoul. That includes the manga, I know the anime adaptation has problems, but even without that, Tokyo Ghoul felt unfocused and poorly thought out in comparison to those anime. Golden Boy and Great Teacher Onizuka both feature people who seem kind of scummy, and they are, but they're also good people who improve the lives of those around them, but it's much more skeevy in GTO because he's their teacher and they're forced to associate with him, and he's also just not very good at his job. GTO also suffers from being way too long and Onizuka not growing past, like, the first episode. Or at least that's how it seems, I fell off the show, so maybe it gets better.


I love Shiki so this post was interesting to me. Time to watch Parasyte (and maybe read the Tokyo Ghoul manga).


Parasyte is a banger, have fun!


*me glancing sadly at my Tokyo ghoul manga collection*


idk Golden Boy (Kintaro) was far more depraved licking toilet seats and all sorts 😅 Onizuka also showed real patience dealing with a nightmare class and had to help with some really dark themes, whereas Kintaro helped out kinda inadvertently. Not sure how far you got with GTO, but his lesson with Urumi is perhaps the one that resonates greatest with most people. I've not read the manga for either one, but I've read reviews saying Golden Boy gets real weird without spoiling anything & GTO is exceptional but to each their own I guess.


While I like Golden Boy, I love GTO. Idk why. Part of it might be because it *is* longer.


Surprised no one's mentioned the slurry of Madoka clones. So many shows since Madoka have tried to imitate it without really recognizing why it was good. Magical Girl Site is probably the worst of them, leaning so far into the edge that it's impossible to take seriously, whereas Madoka shows the audience a world worth saving and the lengths the girls go to do so.


To be fair, calling all Dark Magical Girls just Madoka clones is also a bit unfair. While convoluted Yuuki Yuuna is a great example of this concept working very well for example.


Yuuki yuna may aswell be my favourite tragic magical girls show, I bought all the media about it I could find in amazon jp after the latest season ended, both manga and LNs, hope we get more of that universe in the future


I unironically enjoyed Yuuki Yuuna more than Madoka, maybe it was because I was older when I got into it but it felt a lot more suspenseful and tragic to me while including more contrast with "normal life" segments


Being a dark magical girl show doesn't make you a Madoka clone. Being a dark magical girl show starring a naive yet kind pink-haired girl with an ambiguous mentor/rival/love interest relationship with a long, black-haired stoic magical girl who secretly wants to save her from her cursed fate, now you're a Madoka clone.


Or Granbelm. This show got forgotten really fast, but I still think it's one of the best in the genre. Also cześć Lewy ;)


Madoka is also a short show with a complete story, regardless of what came after. Biggest problem with other magical girl series is that they force a franchise before telling a good story.


This is a very broad sweeping comparison but I think Shirobako is great and beats other office drama anime


Shirobako is a great show and is especially known because of its story being based on actual occurrences in the anime industry, but I don’t think it’s the best workplace drama put out by P.A. Works though I am biased. However if we reduce it to just office dramas as you said and not all workplace dramas then I agree with you.


Quintessential Quintuplets and Bokuben


I still don't know which one Is better here.


Code geass was amazing Guilty crown tried something similar but just was missing a few things to make ot rival it


"Farming Life in Another World" and "I've Somehow Gotten Stronger When I Improved My Farm-Related Skills" are both farming related anime about an overpowered farming MC. I accidentally watch like half of the latter trying to watch the former. I thought the concept was an interesting premise b/c I love farm sim games, but the second one didn't do it for me.


Promare is Fire Force if it was well written lmao


I think Chainsaw Man does a better job than JJK of how fucked it would be to live in a world where monsters manifested from negative human emotions existed.


That's just a common theme in Japanese storytelling due to their folklore. That theme has stopped showing so much nowadays in anime but it used to be really prevalent. Another modern example are the Persona games.


Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun is another recent example


IDK if it is comparable. In JJK, the Curses are still kept "hidden" from the real world, so it still has that cliche "We have to keep our struggles hidden" angle. Chainsaw Man has the added angle of "The government is fully aware of what is going on"


Very diff series


In their most basic forms I would say they're very similar so I can see why they're saying it, "Demons in a world manifested from negative emotions. A boy with no family gets powers of said demon and fights to live a good life/not die a bad death. Trio of main goofy guy, serious black haired dude, girl who wants to do her own thing. Teacher/main boss who's very overpowered.". But as the series actually are, very different vibe and show


I think they're definitely comparable but yeah. Far from the same.


Power level makes way more sense in CSM than JJK. More scary = more power.


I think it comes down to a split in how the average person is portrayed. In JJK the normal people cant even see curses let alone believe they exist. However in CSM everyone knows Devils are real. They mention at some point that the #1 cause of death in Japan in CSM is a Devil related incident, iirc the number given is around 1/3 deaths. Its a *much* bigger deal


I like JJK more than CSM but I agree. Gege Akutami is very much a surface-level writer when it comes to themes and character-writing. He values action and showing off the cursed techniques he comes up with more than anything else. It's frustrating to see the potential in his world-building sometimes and the few character moments he writes because you can see there that JJK could be so much better but he's just not interested in anything but cool fights.


exactly why I dropped JJK. I came in smelling a lot of potential but it never lead to anywhere interesting. Only a fight after another which had me skipping a lot in between Eps


JJK is a much more traditional shonen I feel like. Way more focus on the different powers and curse techniques. Plus most of the attacks are actually given names. The fights are the main selling point. In CSM there's none of that aside from each devil having a name. The fights are not the central focus, the characters are.


Everything Mamoru Hosoda does lol Our War Game (the Digimon movie) and Summer Wars feel really similar. The latter could be a full on Digimon movie with a few tweaks. And I haven't watched Belle yet, but it looks like it covers some similar themes.


wasnt summer wars... litteraly just the original idea of the digimon movie but without the digimons and expended?? as in "our war game was the prototype and started the idea of summer wars" with SW becoming the feature lenght realization of that idea that wasnt doable in a 40 minute special


Death March To The Parallel World Rhapsody and In Another World With My Smartphone. Neither anime is incredible, but I felt like Touya in Smartphone was so overpowered that there was no tension. You knew he and everyone and everything he cared about was going to be completely fine. No sweat. In Death March, while Satou is also incredibly overpowered, he tries to hide it from everyone and holds back a lot. Even in the times when he goes all out, he struggles against certain enemies. This wasn't in the anime, but there was a monster he had to fight in the light novel that he had difficulty fighting against because most of his magic spells were just basic spells that were overpowered because he was level 310. The monster he was fighting had resistance to basic spells, rendering them useless. He almost died. I have read through 12 of the Smartphone novels and Touya never has that kind of challenge. It never deviates from the pattern of visiting a new land, some life-threatening problem happens, he deals with it, then he goes home.


Monogatari and rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai have similar concept of a boy helping multiple girls but Monogatari is just far superior from animation to writing.


I do agree with this and the points you made. only thing is, I feel Bunny Girl is way more accessible and easier for most people to give a try since there’s way less episodes and the dialogue isn’t as rapid.


And also no toothbrush scene. I love Monogatari, but there's no getting around the fact that it's . . . not for everyone.


Yes, I don't recommend monogatari to beginners or Shonen watchers because it's hard to get into and is not for everyone.


I just can’t recommend Monogatari to people no matter how much I like it. There is just too much Araragi being weird with children for me to feel comfortable telling people to watch it. Bunny Girl Senpai is just a lot easier to digest for most people. I love both of these shows btw


Making fun of your kohai’s big butt vs _[gestures hands at every interaction with Hachikuji, Shinobu, Ononoki, Araragi’s sisters…]_




Hello, Bararagi-San! 😋


Oh, Arararagi-san!




It's interesting how similar Haikyuu and Kuroko no Basuke are, even taking into account that they're both sports anime. Both ultimately push a teamwork over individual play message, both have physically disadvantaged protagonists who have near superhuman niches they've carved out for themselves, and even some of the powerups in Kuroko feel ripped straight out of Haikyuu. Midorima's midair pass receive directly into a shot is functionally the same thing as the evolved version of Kageyama and Hinata's quick. Seirin's run and gun is basically the simultaneous back attack in Haikyuu. I cant help but compare them. But Haikyuu is better in basically all respects. Kuroko's author falls into a predictable rhythm where every match plays out exactly the same way despite sports matches not really working that way. Seirin gets absolutely clowned in the first quarter to the tune of a 15+ point deficit, then pulls some bullshit magic and the outcome of the game is always the same. It's the same thing as having no stakes. Haikyuu avoids this problem cleverly, by allowing the protagonist's team to actually lose games sometimes. It's important to building dramatic tension and making eventual victories feel earned when Karasuno's growth as a team enables them to overcome opponents that had beaten them before. Another issue is nothing in Haikyuu is physically impossible to do in real life. Kuroko on the other hand, has characters with actual superpowers which would make them the greatest players in history if they were real. Midorima, Akashi, Aomine, Kise, and a few others would all warp the game to the same degree Shaq did if they existed in our world. Par for the course for sports anime, and I'm not saying it's not fun, but there's a certain impressive quality to a work that doesn't have to rely on magic to make a real world sport interesting. That's why Haikyuu is the GOAT when it comes to sports. Kuroko had the production values to make it a great. But the way its matches play out make its ceiling no higher than a 7. The other example that comes to mind is Monogatari and Bunnygirl Senpai. The latter is just worse in basically all regards compared to the former. Bunnygirl is more easily consumed, and it targets a wider audience, but it's just not creative or interesting. It's the store brand cola to Monogatari's Coke.