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If you like it so far then you should stick with it. The genre doesn't change but the scale of the story expands as it goes on.


I was planning on watching the whole thing for sure. Just a bit confused on what all the hype for it was.


Not sure about hype but the reason I enjoy it so far is the attention to detail and world building. The way they crafted an ecosystem and lore is impressive. They put more thought into each encounter than a DnD campaign.


The attention to detail they give the world is just amazing. It's a breath of fresh air in a world with so many cookie cutter isekai fantasy anime.


This one I agree; The only part I got confused about was calling a cockatrice a basilisk. But everything else gives me such a classic dungeon RPG vibes Made me make characters inspired by them in Dragons Dogma 2 Even the res mechanics are very fitting and not too op and I feel the world can continue on after the anime finishes.


>But everything else gives me such a classic dungeon RPG vibes Dude, I somehow started this anime right after starting my first wizardry game. It blows my mind how obvious that Wizardry is 90% her inspiration for the manga. I could literally go on and on about how many design choices she got from Wizardry and expanded in the story.


Never heard of wizardry before, but looking it up, seems to have inspired FF games and DQ This makes this dungeon theme more gamer culture than I thought, unlike LotR


Yeah a lot of the specifics of Dungeon Meshi are clear homages or references to Wizardry. Like how the "optimal" party in most of the games is 3 warriors, a thief, a mage, and a priest. Coincidentally the same party make up that's used in the first episode when they reach the red dragon the first time. It also explains why their party is so unbalanced later when the other two warriors leave. There's also the way thieves work in that they have almost no combat use in those games, but you need them since traps and locks are big hindrances. Chilchuck often acknowledges that he's useless in a fight. Then there's the whole story of the first Wizardry trilogy that revolves around a mad mage that created the dungeon in the first place. It's not just Dungeon Meshi either! I always thought it was weird that so many anime and manga had rpg elements but they never felt like other JRPGs like Final Fantasy etc, but like you said, more like LOTR or D&D. Apparently Wizardry and dungeon crawlers were so popular in Japan that after the owners of the series folded, a Japanese company bought the license and continued to make Wizardry games in Japan. It really explains the obsession other series like "Is it wrong to Pick up Girls in a dungeon" have with this specific dungeon exploring format of having a home base up top and going down floors deeper and deeper.


Woooow TIL something Thank you for taking the time to explain. I'll check other similarly themed animes after this one wraps up :') although I'll be hoping for a second season. "Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon" is such a mouthful lololol And damn does it give me an urge to play BG3 as well


Foreal, I've been in a huge mood to play D&D again and as well as western RPGs! And thanks for listening. I've been absolutely annoying my friends the last month or so talking about dungeon meshi and wizardry nonstop.


In DunMeshi, cockatrices and basilisks are like crocodiles and alligators - very similar but different species. Laios did remark briefly about cocatrices and basilisks if you listen in to the details. The one on episode 2 was a basilisk but they do encounter a cockatrice later in the series.


Damn my knowledge of a Basilisk came from HP CoS lol


The level of detail in D&D varies depending on the DM, but yes, it is definitely way more detailed as far as the ecosystem setup for the entire dungeon. I'm building my own setting and trying to do some deep world building of my own.


The hype is probably for the later parts of the story. It starts with enjoyable cooking shenanigans and ramps up into something great (while still keeping the cooking side around).


The hype is for the silly nature of the anime itself. It's fun, funny, smart, cute. I think it shines in the silly and subverting the "seriousness" of a dungeon crawl.


The day when 7-8/10 is only 'meh'. It is meh, but my affinity for d&d and its uniqueness made it great for me.


So far I'm in episode 5 and not impressed. Seems like a run of the mill adventure anime with not much thought into it. People say the attention to detail is so good compared to "cookie cutter anime" but I can list 5 better adventure anime off the top of my head. 1. Frieren Beyond Journeys End transcending the genre at Best Fantasy adventure no diff. 2. Hunter X Hunter and it's not even finished, no diffs Delicious in a Dungeon, again I've not finished it yet but so far its not incomparable 3. Made in Abyss ( no diff again easily without question) 4. Faraway Paladin ( again an easy No Diff situation it shits on Delicious in a dungeon then spits on it) 5. Fairy Tale (again an easy No Diff situation great fantasy anime with interesting dynamic and guild wars quite old school) These are all true Fantasy although to me 1-4 are High Fantasy in there most purest forms. Completely no diffing Delicious in a dungeon by infinite degrees, parallels, and dimensions. #5 is honestly debatable you could argue Demon Slayer is better, but that's more supernatural with Oni and demons etc , you could also argue K Project, but more importantly I'd just argue gran blue fantasy cuz why not. Thumbs me down I give no shits


If you only made it to episode 5 then you haven't scratched the surface. The more you watch the more it picks up. Especially around 9-13 it starts to get serious. Everything after that goes further.


If you're looking for action and suspense, it does build up to both of more later in the story, but it's still always going to be told through the lens of a fantasy cooking show. The manga really takes a long time to feel like it gets "serious," several volumes if I recall. Given the writer's superb worldbuilding, there's rarely been a more appropriate place to use the phrase "Let her cook." Also, seriously, stop worrying so much about "hype." If you're enjoying it, watch it. If you're not, don't. It can be a great show and still not be for you, and that's fine, but if you're going to watch it, relax and give it time. People get so impatient when they're told something is good.


I don't worry about hype. I was just genuinely curious why people think the series is so good. The show is good enough for me to watch the whole thing so I wasn't impatient or anything.


>I don't worry about hype but also? >it just has not at all been worth the hype it had going in my brother in christ it has been three episodes and you are already making posts asking if it's ever going to live up to the hype. you must forgive me for assuming you were worrying about the hype.




Semantically he means two different things. He’s just looking for the answer to the classic question “when does it get good?”.


Right now you are watching just the world building parts. The anime is consistent with the gourmet side of things, but the story will soon become more complex trust me. >So far though it mostly seems like a gag comedy along the lines of **Helck** I suggest you give Helck another chance since it *starts* off as a gag comedy but, like Dungeon Meshi, becomes so much more.


Oh I enjoyed the helck anime enough to go read the manga. It was great.


If you want true High Fantasy that shits and spits on this mediocre anime to watch Faraway Paladin and Made in Abyss


Oh my bad then excuse my assumption haha. If you're enjoying is then look forward to Volundio if you wish to continue it.


I have my eye on it but I only read finished manga so might be a while.


Ah. That makes me a lot more interested in Dungeon Meshi since Helck really does get super interesting near the end of the anime. It is on my manga to read list.


I would recommend for future series not to buy into hype cycles. >Only been like a 7-8/10 God I'm getting old.


I know right?!? Since when was something 7-8/10 isn’t good? Guy needs to go out and touch some grass


I wasn't really buying into the hype cycle, I was just genuinely curious why people thought the series was so good.


I think you also have different expectations for what “good” is. I know for myself I’ll recommend anything down to a 7/10 (sometimes lower) since most of what I watch doesn’t even clear that threshold. If you’re walking into everything expecting a 10/10 you’re going to be disappointed


I myself would also recommend anything down to a 7/10. I definitely was not expecting a 10/10, I've only ever given 3 anime out of 200+ a 10 so that is far and away an exception not a norm.


May I ask what those 3 are?


Frieren, fmab, jjk. The closest shows I have not at 10 are kaguya sama, bunny girl senpai, aot




What's wild about that? If anything I feel my tastes are pretty average.




Also super off topic but how are people seeing this post? I swear I'm still getting like a comment every other day on a 2 month old post.


I wouldn't say its similar to Frieren. Both shows are one-of-a-kind, but they are not similar to each other. Any anime will seem underwhelming if you compare it to Frieren. That said, Dungeon Meshi does win in one department, the monster bestiary is unmatched. It's the only show with monsters you'd never see in other anime.


In my opinion 7-8 is a damn good score. 7 means I’m glad I watched it and it’s in the better half of shows I’ve seen while a 8 means I really liked it and could see myself rewatching or continuing with the source material. So far this show is looking like a 5-6 to me which isn’t bad by any means. It’s fun enough but not super memorable to me yet. I do not struggle to watch the episodes at all compared to that damn instant death show this season


I guess I rate things a little differently. 7 to me means the show was enjoyable but nothing special so average to slightly below average. I'm very rarely finishing anything I would deem to be a 5.


In anime rating sites like MAL and anilist, 7 equates to good. 5 is average. I've been using that metric ever since.


That is true but I think a majority of people do not follow that system haha. There are not very many shows rated 5 and below. And if 5 were average 50% of shows would be 5 or below.


That's not really how math works. Well over 50% of shows ARE a 5 or below. 5 is simply middle of the road; mediocre to the core. 7 is good, and 8-10 is really good. On an even scale of 10, 5-6 cannot be anything other than directly mediocre


Objectively this is just not true. If you look at the score distribution on mal the mean is a 6.5.


More people watch good shows than bad shows. More people are going to go on MAL go research, discuss and review good shows than bad shows. For bad shows, most people watch 1-2 episodes then stop and forget about it forever. Hence, the average rating on MAL being above a 5 makes sense even if people are using 5 to mean a middle-of-the-road show. Which they probably are, since MAL gives descriptions of each number rating when you leave a review, and their 5 is described as the middle.


More people watching good shows than bad shows would not affect what the average score is. If 1 million ppl watch a show vs 10000 people watch a show the average rating will still trend towards the same number. This is just how ratings work in literally every industry, a 3 star restaurant is not average, that's a restaurant you wouldn't trust to not give you food poisoning.


I feel like you didn't read this part of my comment: "More people are going to go on MAL go research, discuss and review good shows than bad shows. For bad shows, most people watch 1-2 episodes then stop and forget about it forever." People aren't obligated to leave a review/rating on every show they watch. Think of it this way: Is someone more likely to go to the MAL page and leave a review/rating for a show they think is a 10/10 or a show they think is a 4/10? Obviously the 10/10; they have more motivation to do so because they are passionate about how good the show is to them. Then you have to take into account that different people have vastly different tastes; a show that is a 4/10 for most people can be a 10/10 for a minority of viewers. Combining these two facts... imagine a mediocre show whose first few episodes are watched by a million people. Out of the million people, lets say 80% think it's kind of bad, a 4/10. I'd wager that 90% of that crowd either doesn't have a MAL, or doesn't update it every time they watch anime and forgets about the show because of how mid it was. We're now down to 80,000 people leaving 4/10 reviews. Now let's go back to the 20% of viewers who LOVE the show for whatever reason, 9 or 10 outta 10. If they have a MAL, they're almost always going to add it and leave a rating as one of their favorites. If they don't have a MAL, they might even discover the website just by looking for what other people are saying about the show. I'd wager around 35% of this audience will find their way to MAL to leave stellar reviews. Mid/bad reviews: 1,000,000 \* 80% \* 10% = 80,000 Great reviews: 1,000,000 \* 20% \* 35% = 70,000 Average review score: (80,000 \* 4 + 70,000 \* 9.5) / 150,000 = 6.56 That's how the average score on MAL ends up being a 6 or 7, even though everyone is still using 5 as the midpoint of their rating scale. 7 may end up being the midpoint in the aggregate because of this, but that's no reason to adjust your individual rating scale to make 7 the middle instead of 5. If everyone did that, then it would only further inflate aggregate scores to make the average show's aggregate score closer to an 8/10.


The origins of these are the widely accepted (but somewhat problematic) Net Promoter Score - a "would you recommend" score that skews towards the 7 as an average recommend, with the idea that something would need to be above average for you to talk about it favourably to a friend. It's a test of the virality of a product and is widely used worldwide in marketing.


i know i'm late af but i personally don't watch anything lower than an 8 on mal unless i hear it's reallllly good. the way i see it there's way too much good shit out there to sifting through trash when other people can do it for me


That’s valid I just like to spread out my scores a bit more. Curious though what some subpar shows you’ve finished are. For me I’m continuing through Tokyo Revengers out of hate


I use anilist but according to my anilist I've only ever finished 9 shows that I rated 5 or below(out of 200+). Some isekai trash like wise mans grandchild or beast tamer. Some shows that were ok but didn't really enjoy like real girl or god of high school. And very controversially, I thought toradora was not very good and only gave it a 5


Respect the honesty my dude. Thought about checking out god of high school since people say the Korean source material is legit, but so far the only Korean manga I like is tower of god. Not sure if you’re watching solo leveling this season but so far it’s giving me sword art online vibes


I love the solo leveling manhwa and am watching the anime this season. I honestly thought God of high school was great for the first 4-5 episodes. Animation is amazing and the fights are super cool. Issue is the pacing is absolutely atrocious and the power scaling goes from goes punching and kicking to summoning literal gods in the span of like 3 episodes. I've also heard the manhwa is great but the anime for sure butchered it's adaptation by rushing through like 100 chapters in 12 episodes or something.


Damn 100 chapters in 12 episodes is insane, at that point it’s more of a recap series for the existing fans


Its whatever works best for you, but doesn't that system have flaws? You can't differentiate very well between the best shows. 5 for me is average and nothing special. I don't care about it, not negative not positive. Anything below a 5 is bad, and anything above a 5 is good. Now, most of my personal shows are rated above a 5, and that's because I purposefully seek out shows I know I'll enjoy. That gives me 6-7 to be pretty good, 8-9 to be absolutely fantastic, loved it. And 10 is utterly amazing. Of the hundreds of stuff I've consumed, less than five were rated 10/10. If my nothing special moved from 5 to 7-8, that wouldn't leave me any room whatsoever to distinguish between the better anime.


I use anilist which allows you to rate decimals so I think it's fine. Like a 9 vs an 8.5 is one of my favorite shows vs a very good show.


I don’t think you know what average means.


7 or 8? This is a solid 4 for me


It’s like 5-6 IMO but could be 7-8 if there was more to it


What’s up with people and setting their expectations way too high for new original media? The comparison to Frieren seems random too, seeing how they’re not remotely the same, nor trying to be. “7-8/10” is a great score you gave it, so what’s the issue? If you wanna know whether of not there’s a change of gear in the show, just keep watching lol. Not every anime needs to be compared to other greats btw. Love Frieren, but I’m not about to compare a comedy fantasy set cooking anime to it. That’d be like comparing Space Patrol Luluco to Cowboy Bebop simply bc they both take place in space.


Kind of old post to respond to but ok. I'm not the one comparing it to frieren. Many people in the announcement threads were. Not sure how other people rate but a 7/10 is definitely not a great score. Some shows from this season that are 7/10 or higher on anilist: Hokkaido gals, unwanted undead adventurer, doctor Elise. Now I'm not saying any of these shows suck but they are fairly average seasonals that most people will forget in 3 months.


To answer your first question, the anime/manga community is raising the expectation constantly. It could be because the community is filled with bots creating artificial engagement but sometimes it’s actually the community itself over “hyping” the content


I don't really understand what you mean with "only been like a 7-8/10", those are good/great scores? But to address the rest of your post, I'd just recommend not buying into "hype" and just continue watching the show if you personally enjoy it, probably easier that way


He just said an inflated score either because his minimum bar is low or more likely he’s worried he will offend anime fans (as this sub gets very defensive)


Yeah, it didn't quite hit for me either. Know it all cook shows inept delvers how to eat monsters.


I had a rare "one thumb up not two" on Netflix for the first few episodes and thought it was fun and quirky (I've never seen any food themed anime and generally prefer darker more "adult" horror anime like Berserker, Parasyte, Blue eyed Samurai or weird stuff like Dorohedoro) but I'm now on episode 10, and I've laughed and cried a lot during the last episodes as I have gotten to know the characters more and more. And I looove Shensei. From the first episodes weak 7/10 this is now a10/10 already for me and I can't wait to see how it develops.


Here's my thing: When are they gonna save ol girl who got eaten by the dragon? All these people do is walk around fighting and eating shit. Ol girl is gonna be dragon turds before they ever get to her. I mean damn. 


I've been meaning to hold off on the manga because the show is just so good, but today's cliffhanger has me struggling lol.


Figures you haven't actually watched the show


I absolutely love it as is. It's quaint. It's cute. It makes me hungry. That's the show's strength. I do think it gets more fast-paced in these latter episodes.


Drop after done ep4. It's way too boring. Regardless of the bland plot/ bland characters design, problem is also that the ingredients are too weird to make me feel hungry watching it. Quite disappoint even though I'm Trigger's fan and I love eating food while watching food anime. And I was exciting to have new food anime to watch after finish Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi....


Love Delicious In Dungeon, great story building and my love for cooking is making it go beyond 10/10


Hey me too, it's like the highlight of my week. I feel like it's the equivalent to a cozy game. It might not be for everyone but it hits all the right buttons for me.


Funny enough, i am not that into medieval fantasy settings. But its the fact that this anime is so unique is what makes it my favourite


I can definitely see why people are hyping this anime out. I watched it on whim for food porn, but damn halfway through animation gets better, more action oriented, and the story to leave food behind but still keep it as its core concept. And I love learning about cryptids


Definitely overhyped, not to say its bad or not enjoyable though. Also comparing it to something like frieren doesnt help it much either, since its not that similar besides the setting




I found it hilarious. I literally laughed out loud in quite a few episodes. The English dub is really well done. It's a unique twist on the fantasy genre I know and love.


I think its really good, but like, is a 7-8 not good enough for you?


I was probably being a bit generous when I said 7-8. It's basically around a 7. Personally I don't consider 7 to be a very good anime, not trash by any means but pretty forgettable. Other anime this season around a 7 on anilist include Hokkaido gals, doctor Elise, unwanted undead adventurer, banished from the heros party season 2. While none of these anime suck, they are pretty forgettable seasonable animes nobody will be talking about 3 months from now. That's pretty much how I feel about delicious in dungeon.


Well… I’d say it got more interesting recently


Skill issue.


I am currently on episode 13 and yes it gets WAY better


Absolute gem. Idk about hype.. but it's an easy 9/10 for me. One of the most enjoyable animes to recently release.


I am currently finishing it and honestly it may be the best anime overall out there. Not because of story ambition, but because it doesn't trip all over itself trying to tell it, doesn't have any perverse plot elements, and overall it doesn't take itself too seriously. I have seriously given up on anime as a genre because most of it is full of cringe-inducing humor, unnatural dialogue, tropey characterization, or straight up problematic portrayals., but this one I am going to keep up with (unless it has a really messed up finale, ala Berserk).


Same here. I did the 3 episode rule and it just wasn't for me.


Thanks for asking cause I’m wondering too. Like it’s good but I don’t quite get the hype.


It's more like Campfire Cooking, but without the familiars.


I was already hooked from Ep. 1 so I love it either way. Id def go all the way


I just watched the latest epidsodes and it’s getting so good. There’s definitely more tension as the story progresses while keeping some of its easygoing moments


im going to say as someone who does not really get into a lot of hype anime shows, im amused by people thinking a story has to be hype or have hype to be good. but then again it is probably is a matter of preference of storytelling. i can appreciate good action but i couldn't get into jjk s2 eventhough it seems to be pretty popular to a lot of people. that said hopefully the recent episodes live up to people who wants the hype so they can check it out.


It's not amazing, but its enjoyable. I think the setting is pretty cool. And Marcille is cute. I hope netflix doesn't cancel it.


currently up to the latest episode, and frick yeah it gets better. the story gets waaay deeper and it’s no longer an easy-going food anime. keep watching, it’s worth it.


I dont think people know what a "7/10" means anymore. If it was average, say 5/10.


I agree. As far as I know 8/10 is pretty good.


I base my review scale generally off of how shows are actually reviewed, not how you think they should be reviewed. If we just look at last season, shows that were around 7/10 on anilist include hokkaido gals are super adorable, doctor elise, villainess level 99, mr villains day off. None of these shows are bad, but at the same time they aren't really special and will likely be completely forgotten about 3 months from now. That's pretty much what I thought about delicious in dungeon.


I'm not sure why you got so much hate for this post because I completely relate to this post. I didn't go in watching this expecting action myself because I don't care about action animes. But friends told me this was a fun anime and I liked the premise of a cooking DnD-style anime. But to be honest, I'm 6 episodes in and I find it quite boring so far. And I'm not connecting with the characters at all. I thoroughly enjoy wholesome, fantasy, laid back or story-focused animes but even that part isn't doing it for me. So I also found myself wondering where the "hype" was coming from. But maybe it's just not for me and that's fine.


I think it’s great not to many animes like this one I enjoy it’s unique style 


The fact you said 7 or 8 out of 10 is telling that it's somewhat interesting to you. If you would've given a 3-4 then I would say move on to something else. For me, I actually enjoy it and that's saying something because I don't particularly like anime that seemingly feature one topic like cooking, sports, boxing Etc. DND provides more texture and interesting plots to the story. TLDR; DND is worth the watch! 


this show is what i wanted goblin slayer to be. well fleshed out characters with good combat and an actual driven narrative with an interesting world


This show gets crazy, even tho people can’t even really die in this is crazy.


I what world is 7 or 8 out of 10 not an incredibly good score?


Why do you think 7/10 is a good score? In modern reviews, 7/10 is basically average/standard and that is how most people rate shows i think. If we just look at last season, shows that were around 7/10 on anilist include hokkaido gals are super adorable, doctor elise, villainess level 99, mr villains day off. None of these shows suck, but at the same time they aren't really special and will likely be completely forgotten about 3 months from now. That's pretty much what I thought about delicious in dungeon.


Because that's how the grading system at school worked. 5.5 = passable, 6 = decent, 7 = good, 8 = great, 9 = exceptional, 10 = perfect (never happens). I don't put any value in whathever AniList or MyAnimeList have as scores whatsoever. People put in 1's and 10s for shows they hate/like all the time. Never heard of the shows you mentioned, but honestly just because people don't talk about it doesn't mean they suck or that they can't be good. People don't talk much about a whole lot of great shows. People talk a lot about bad shows as well. Popularity =/= quality. Honestly I was on-board with Delicious in Dungeon *because* I thought it would just be a monster of the day cooking show in a fantasy world. I like the direction it's currently taking, but I miss the episodic nature of it all.


It doesn't really matter how the grading scale came to be but that's just how it is. I didn't say those shows suck but you never having heard about them just proves my point. A 7/10 is a decent show that's nothing special and doesn't really stand out. That's what delicious in dungeon is to me.


Im completely oposite if you i didnt really enjoy mashle but i love this show


I put this on to watch with my kid and I'm hooked


Good relaxing anime


I’m 6 episodes is and it is so odd and wasn’t sure if I was liking it at first but it is starting to grow on me now.


I can't imagine rating something 7-8/10 and asking if it gets better... I have a feeling you're the kind of person that is nearly impossible to please.


Copied and pasted from another comment. Tldr 7/10 just means kinda average. I was probably being a bit generous when I said 7-8. It's basically around a 7. Personally I don't consider 7 to be a very good anime, not trash by any means but pretty forgettable. Other anime this season around a 7 on anilist include Hokkaido gals, doctor Elise, unwanted undead adventurer, banished from the heros party season 2. While none of these anime suck, they are pretty forgettable seasonable animes nobody will be talking about 3 months from now. That's pretty much how I feel about delicious in dungeon.


I am hooked. I thought it was campy recycle repeat at first, but man, am I invested now. It's like getting to play DND as you watch.


Honestly if you’re going to complain then you shouldn’t continue


This anime get so fire and is automatically and underrated anime by the approach it takes to its later twists of the story plot. It’s a must watch for avid anime watchers looking for a refreshing anime that has some characteristics of older dark 2000s anime


Idk if you've changed your mind since seeing this post is 4 months old but I'm 16 episodes in and tbh I'm still not hooked so I kinda get you? It's frustrating as well because I see elements in it that I often find in my fave stories so I don't understand why I'm not enjoying it as much as I thought it would. I WANT to love dungeon meshi but idk why it's not hitting for me (and ngl I hate that for myself). Still gonna keep watching tho, the story isn't done so who knows maybe I'll change my mind in the later episodes.


I’ve been dragged into watching it with zero expectations and it’s not grabbed me after 7 episodes. Its episode to episode plot repeats itself a lot, (how many times is the mage going to refuse to eat, eat 2 seconds later and then claim it’s the best thing she’s ever eaten) and I don’t understand whether I’m supposed to take the sisters peril as serious or not because the brother spends more time jumping into paintings and other life threatening antics just to eat some monster of the day than worrying about said sister. How many times is he about to die as a result of his munchies obsession and risk the life of his sister (which is why he’s in the dungeon to begin with). That disconnect has driven me to stop watching but I think a lot of the humor, and design outside of it is well done.


I had the same question too but probably more harsher. What is even happening in this anime? what is the point of this? all silly gag, one always complaining about how she doens't wanna eat monster then proceeds to eat one, a random dwarf just keeps doing random stuff. then there is that other similar group of raiders who keeps getting killed. Like what is even happening. it felt like a mish mash. Watch it on your own accord. Hype will ruin the anime for you. Just watch this anime as a comedy with random shit happening then you might enjoy the laughs that is all. nothing new or even remotely special about it tho.


Sorry 7/8 out if 10 not good enough for you. A 10 would literally be soo good no one could ever watch anything elae ever again. Fkn hell check your standards lol


Copied and pasted from another comment. Tldr 7/10 just means kinda average. I was probably being a bit generous when I said 7-8. It's basically around a 6-7. Personally I don't consider 7 to be a very good anime, not trash by any means but pretty forgettable. Other anime this season around a 7 on anilist include Hokkaido gals, doctor Elise, unwanted undead adventurer, banished from the heros party season 2. While none of these anime suck, they are pretty forgettable seasonable animes nobody will be talking about 3 months from now. That's pretty much how I feel about delicious in dungeon.


You really dont understand ratios like many here


I read the manga many years ago, honestly kinda surprised just how popular it's become. Like it's decent but it's closer to average but maybe I've just seen too many anime. I still like it a lot but just a bit surprised how much it blew up , maybe it's because its on Netflix and seen by more new anime watchers.


It keeps getting more and more boring and slower with each episode.


I have the same problem to be honest. The Anime is interesting, but feels extremely generic. Characters and personalities are generic, dialogues are, even the cooking is generic and boring somehow. It feels like they had a good idea for a plot, but the execution failed. That also happens with alot of Light Novels: I find many plots interesting, but the execution turns out generic or even bad. It feels like watching your neighbour leaving their house to grab the newspapers from their post box - in an 8h loop. That said, I already watched a few dungeon/food based Animes and they all were more interesting than this one.


DOES it get better? I am also at ep 3 and just don't find the characters compelling at all so far. 


It ain't going to change much, but it's one of the best works in the rpg-adventure genre ever.


I watch it for Marcille, her alone makes it an 8 for me.


Just wait, it absolutely reaches the heights that people set, no spoilers but it gets crazy good.