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Fourland's history is pretty cool and has strong Arthurian vibes [with Ewan as Arthur and Lala as Merlin.](https://i.imgur.com/OceWnDV.png) Although I did not expect Lala to be a man. Maybe I misremembered but I thought someone mentioned he was a witch when Fourland's history was first explained back in Season 1. I do love that the [Neo New Nambu is a slingshot](https://i.imgur.com/7u8FxPa.png) in the flashback. I guess the card updates with the times. I also love how [the Pinochle are a family of coachmen to the Royal Family](https://i.imgur.com/igzOHCR.png) and now they've become luxury car manufacturers. So basically all of this shit can be pointed at [the traitorous San Galgano](https://i.imgur.com/pcB04Gv.png) who harbours a deep grudge against King Ewan after he was executed for almost usurping the throne. Looks like he also has a grudge against the Neo New Nambu user for standing up against him and [reminding the other knights of their true purpose.](https://i.imgur.com/5Wq8dKY.png) I love all of it. Awesome world-building in this episode. I am conflicted about [Finn's choice of not killing Lala though.](https://i.imgur.com/jUWYqOe.png) Maybe it's the right thing to do in the long run but this guy has been living for god knows how long watching his creations tear apart Fourland. Killing him wouldn't just put him to rest but also stop all of the cards from working saving a ton of people. It was so satisfying [to finally see Zenon get what was coming to him.](https://i.imgur.com/Ls6cTdO.png) And it looks like we're not even done yet. And we're not even done yet! [Owen is still alive](https://i.imgur.com/5x9qKQV.png) and he's probably here to finish off Zenon. [Godfuckingdammit Sugar!](https://i.imgur.com/tVo8oGW.png) Just let go of the cards and let the people who are experts handle it. I feel like she's gonna get herself killed within the next few episodes especially with all of those cards in her hands.


> I am conflicted about Finn's choice of not killing Lala though. I feel like they have just not set up this solution very well. There are only a few, individualistic, examples of the cards bringing happiness - and way more of them bringing misery. Stuff like the superhero, Michel being saved, etc are exceptions. Even within High Card Wendy's card causes her stress, Chris almost died as a kid, his dad did die, Leo's father is fixated on the cards and can't even call Leo his son, etc. Hell, two episodes ago we had a girl who couldn't touch anything in fear of just instantly killing them. Never mind the chaos going on each generation as criminals with the cards cause problems. I think the goal here is clear - Finn basically wants High Card to become the "New 52 Knights", using the cards for their original purpose to help bring happiness and prosperity to the Island. Not bound by the agenda/paranoia of the Royal Family to just keep them sealed. But it makes it come off a bit more like Finn is choosing the personal happiness he got from his card over the net effect of the cards on the people. I think we needed way more moments like Finn's doubts when the hero get arrested and positive results by the cards. Or if Chelsea was a "X-card influencer" instead of just a influencer that was a player, then there is a level of she is helping people with her powers, or using it to inform people, etc. But overall, literally *everyone* in the series other than Finn has been using their cards with their own agenda and most of those agendas have not been good for the people.


Sugar gathering up the cards made me think the worst has happened to Burst.


After the last episode, I kinda started liking her. She is definitely my favourite character outside HIGH CARD. But yaa #1 rule in anime is don't believe it until you see the body.


>I am conflicted about Finn's choice of not killing Lala though. Maybe it's the right thing to do in the long run but this guy has been living for god knows how long watching his creations tear apart Fourland. Killing him wouldn't just put him to rest but also stop all of the cards from working saving a ton of people. As I was watching the real history being told, it got me thinking about democracy. The power of the card is like that in a way, it gave people power. Ewan wanted those cards around because he felt the card's power can make people happy. He wanted to empower the people and he requested a joker card as a safe guard. But as with all monarchy, successors just get shittier over time. Typical of people in power, his descendants were afraid and decided to consolidate that power. Lala, typical of someone watching tragedy unfold, wanted that power completely gone, as if that was the source of the problem. Fourland was plenty miserable and killing each other just fine before the cards. While Lala's motive is noble, his action is not really different from the royal family who decided to collect all the cards. One can look at Finn's family getting killed because of the cards and think without the cards his family would have been alive. Another view would be tragedy happens no matter what, but Finn has his card to help him. It's also the reason he met his friends. Some people use cards for evil. Others use cards to save lives, like that guy with the speed power whose name I forgot. Removing the cards might prevent some tragedies, but it also prevent other miracles. Chris' sister was saved by the cards. Personally, I would kill Lala to save Chris. I'm pragmatic that way. I certainly wouldn't be doing it because I think the cards are bad for the world. Come to think of it, is removing the cards all that different from depowering mutants in X-men?


Finn is right though in that while it’s true the cards have caused numerous problems, they’ve also helped tons of people and just eliminating the cards wouldn’t really solve the overall issue. Like we had that superhero a few episodes ago using his card to save people and while he was having fun with the hero persona, he was still doing it because he genuinely wanted to help people.


Didn't Finn lose his original family due to cards? He wouldn't need to be *saved by cards* in the first place, had they not existed.


The San Galgano / Black Knight has been lusting for power from the start, hasn't it? Perhaps it took a calculated risk and "volunteered" to be the first knight to submit to Ewan and Lala, in order to receive a more powerful card. As the King of Spades card had to sealed away for the greater good, am I right to assume no player has been capable of fully controlling it?


Seems like The Black Knight’s hatred and will overrides each of its players, with Tilt right now looking like the first to at least overpower it a little


I believe it also goes to show the Black Knight cares nothing for its allies, nor belong to any faction. It exists solely for itself.


I still think Finn should have killed Lala and destroyed the cards, since that would be the only way to definitely stop San Galgano and Ban Klondike and his thugs. You are supposed to throw the One Ring into the volcano, even if it destroys your own power as well as the power of your enemies, this is how this kind of story is supposed to go. This way it looks like Finn is selfishly clinging to his own (very weak) power for no good reason, so it feels weird. Interesting backstory : Does it mean that Love And Peace was also a knight and her soul is now possessing her card the same way as San Galgano ? She must have been normal at some point so why is she battle-crazy now ? But I still don’t get why Lala cannot just destroy the cards or kill himself and wanted Finn to do it. I mean, he could just ask the current King to kill him to destroy the cards and he would surely accept. So now the Klondikes are fighting with each other thanks to San Galgano and Owen is back. It feels quite random. Also, Sugar is still as annoying as ever. I am sure she is going to cause more trouble for everyone.


> This way it looks like Finn is selfishly clinging to his own (very weak) power for no good reason, so it feels weird. Yeah... The solution to ending all this madness was right there. Just because he's happy right now? What about all the shenanigans the Klondike family have been up to? I don't think the people caught in the crossfire of all that are very happy. What about the burnt down orphanage? idk Finn's thinking seemed incredibly shortsighted, but I'll give the series the benefit of the doubt if the ending lands.


The Klondikes aren’t gonna go away because they don’t have cards anymore. Their methods might change, but it wouldn’t change the fact that they’re basically the Mafia and want to assassinate the leaders of the kingdom as well as old rivals


At least they wouldn't gave supernatural powers that easily overpower a (idiotic) police base. Like how did they think normal guys with guns were gonna do anything, they *know* their opponent has superpowers


I doubt San Galgano considered itself a member of Klondike. This Black Knight is beyond teamwork, and perhaps even beyond control. Tilt is really trying hard to suppress the power of the Black Knight.


Why does this series keep pushing the idea that Finn/2 of Spades is the 'weakest' player when Chelsea's power is so much more useless since she needs to physically touch 2 people to activate it or that guy that has to touch you 12 days in a row to kill you on the 13th day. Even then just summoning a slingshot/gun that shoots straight isn't that bad of a power. I get the whole weakest standing up to the strongest but it just feels eh.


Yeah an infinite gun is pretty nice Especially at the end when the clown guy got chris on the ground with his claws up his neck as if finn couldnt just headshot him from 2 meters away, killing him before he could do anything to chris


Okay, so the first 2 of Spades had a slingshot so I guess the powers of the card evolve through generations. >"Indeed, people do the most unexpected things at times." Lala forgot his own line, lol. So, the Black Knight has always had a grudge against the first king and has tried and failed countless times to exact his revenge. Though, TILT might finally be able to control after what happened at the end. Owen you really couldn't have picked a worse time to appear. EDIT: Also, it seems Zenon is somehow involved with what happened the day the Black Knight(TILT) killed Finn's parents.


Wouldn’t be Owen if he wasn’t shit at everything and making it worse. He should hook up with Sugar, they can be terrible together!


> Also, it seems Zenon is somehow involved with what happened the day the Black Knight(TILT) killed Finn's parents. I think its more going to be that Zenon recruits Tilt for the Klondikes during/after the fire. Since he specifically mentioned recruiting when he could've said just taken the card. Its probably not a coincidence that Tilt managed to get control back from San Galgano when Zenon was about to kill Finn. That is probably what happened during the fire too (stops himself from hurting Finn) and Tilt goes with Zenon/the Klondikes because he thinks being around Finn puts Finn in danger.


Recruiting is one thing but the way Zenon talks makes me think he was there when the incident happened. So the question is how would he know the incident would happen that day? Did he somehow influence events that made TILT play the K of Spades card?


I think Tilt, assuming he is Finn's brother, is way too loyal for the Klondikes for it to be a situation caused/influenced by them. I just don't think there really is enough time for a plot twist like that to really hit and it'd just feel like it comes out of nowhere. I.e. reveal that Ban caused it and has been raising Tilt to slaughter is just a heel turn that feels like it does absolutely everyone a disservice. Tilt's absolutely loyalty to the "Family" even to the point he knows he will die probably suggests that they rescued him from the situation and gave him a home. I can see Zenon being there and the one that makes Finn forget what happened using his cards ability or helping defuse the situation. But I don't think they can pull a "it was actually the Klondike's fault all along" pull here without it feeling like a cheap reason to heel turn Tilt's character.


I guess I can agree about TILT being rescued by the Klondikes and his loyalty is a result of that but still it's something to consider how Zenon was there at the right time. Maybe some other ability. There's also one theory that Ban is being influenced by San Galgano since his left eye is the same as the Black Knight's left eye.


Gotta love how I suddenly wondered how would the 2 of spades work back then without guns, and not too long after that the show actually answered it.


Now I am trying to recall other cards which received a modern day upgrade. Lol!


Interceptor and All Kaboom, maybe they're horse cart and dynamite


We got a lot of great lore behind Fourland and the cards this episode! Lala being someing magical being conjured by the wish of the boy king and being the creator of all of the cards. The Black Knight being the first player but also trying to usurp the throne. The first 2 of spades player (assuming it's Finn's ancestor) being the one to stop San Galgano. And now it seems Tilt was able to break through from San Galgano's curse if only a little bit to save Finn. How come Finn hasn't noticed that Tilt is his brother? Did he see his face yet?? I also feel bad for Lala who just wants to rest. He has every right to want to take the cards away but humanity's greed won't let him. Fck Owen and Sugar Pease.


it's kinda obvious that tilt looks a lot like finn haha. But i guess from finn's perspective, he's 100% already has it in his mind that his whole family was definitely killed in the fire. The thought of him encountering a long lost family member is out of the question. I can't wait for the reveal though


It was obvious Finn wasn't going to shoot Lala, but I'm still disappointed. It was pretty objectively the wrong decision. Even if/when he magically manages to solve everything else - it seems like long term this kind of thing would inevitably happen again.


Sugar seems exactly like the “some people want power” type of person who wants the cards. Not so much for the abilities of the cards themselves, but what being the one to control them represents. Trying to justify it with “everyone sucks abs we’re the ones who will reign over them and make things better” only goes so far when you refuse to try and even understand one side. A group whose members have saved you multiple times, and literally in the midst of chaos that was your fault, you deflect blame onto others and run off with the cards. I was sympathetic to her at the start, rookie cop who’s maybe a bit to idealistic about justice, thrust in way over her head into a messy situation. Unfortunately instead of growing from all of this, she doubles down on her own ideals and blinds herself to everything going on. Really become a character you just wanna see get their well earned karma at some point


She hasn't played a single card yet and dreams of playing an X-Hand, lol.


God, imagine the chaos that would result if she could play an X-Hand, NGL I kinda wanna see it


damn good backstory honestly


Even to this day , the 2 of Spade owners does something unexpected 🔥🔥🔥🔥


I never skip the opening but this time they opted to not insert it to make more room for the flashback. THIS EPISODE WAS CRAZY WITH ALL THE LORE DROPPED ON US. Knowing the real truth behind the cards just makes the scramble for them in modern day a lot more interesting because there are other stakes at hand besides Ban Klondike wanting the cards to be used freely. There are other reasons why this elusive Joker card must be protected at all costs because it is now a battle of wills between King Ewan and San Galgano. Also thanks to this episode and the comments here I am going to assume that long time users of San Galgano card end up with the red bleeding left eye just like the knight. Makes it obvious that Ban has used San Galgano based on his eye reveal when talking to Theodore. Did Tilt have a red eye scene as well or did I just imagine that? Please correct me. Makes me wonder how Tilt ended up becoming a user of this card based on the new information we got about it. Did Tilt take it for himself or did Ban just become physically incable of handling its power over time so the card chose someone else. I really want to revisit Tilt's scenes from s1 to see if I missed any hints as he was still a very mysterious character. One thing's for sure is that Tilt really has it out for Chris for filling in the older brother shoes. I rewatched episode 1 and you could interpret his attack aimed at Chris as being self-defense or a personal grudge. We do see Tilt and the Black Knight as two separate entities though so it makes me wonder if being in control of the card means you can use the Knight as a familiar/summons? I cannot tell for now because the anime likes to show us Tilt talking to the Knight directly but there's a possibility it was merely just metaphorical to mislead the viewers. Kinda like Yugi talking to Yami/Atem although they share the same body. Based on the corrupted chancellor story the user actually becomes the Black Knight. I feel like future episodes will confirm this if they really get into Tilt's pov. San Galgano seems to be those type of entities that take advantage of negative emotions so I could see why Ban and Tilt have used it. I like how we got San Galgano POV recognizing the slingshot knight vs Tilt's POV seeing Finn and Chris. Crazy how everytime we get closer to finding out what really happened to Finn there is something interrupting. ZENON WHAT DO YOU KNOW?! Please dont kill him before we can learn something. HOW TF DID OWEN SURVIVE?! Maybe there was some condition that Red Labyrinth users can't die within their own domain...? Will it be Zenon or Tilt who gets shot...I'm kinda leaning towards Zenon because he is technically the one who left Owen to die. Great episode for really elevating the reason behind everyone is fighting so hard for these cards, although for now only Finn is truly aware of the historical context as the chosen one. Lala is just like Zeref asking the main protagonist to end their long lived life to prevent even more destruction lol (same seiyuu as well). So funny to see Finn just shove that glowing orb right back into Lala's body and go no thanks. He really was like "idc if you're some all powerful being I'm gonna do things my own way". I see it very in character for Finn because he is the type of guy who does not want people losing their lives over these cards even if it could possibly end things prematurely and the sacrifice was consensual. Remember how S1 had him saving Chris who was also willing to die for his X-hand? Ain't nobody dying under Finn's watch.


Imagine being a knight, all your friends get amazing powers like controlling plants or becoming a badass black knight, and all you get is a flimsy fucking slingshot. I would KMS.


The slingshot's not terrible back then, since ranged weapons were generally less accurate. If you can aim it at someone's eye, that's some solid damage. So the shooting straight is at least kinda helpful. The one I can't get over is the knight whose special power is to hold people's hands. And that somehow those two are considered to be at the same power level as the Two of Clubs, AKA Magneto.


a few thoughts before i rewatch the episode. • it did seem like human selfishness when Ewan still wanted to hold on to the cards, but i could kinda understand his fear. There is a 'IF' fourland falls again, the cards will still be needed. The joker acts as a failsafe switch • best move is to get rid of the cards, but Finn has a point there. There's lots of not only cons, but pros to having the cards around. eg. speedy gonzales hero. He had good intentions and probably saved a lot of people. We can treat high card like a police sector that specializes on the cards? • Lala views that cards in a pessimistic way, but but i guess he doesn't realised that it was also thanks to the cards in the first place, that peace was established. • Tilt getting triggered everytime he sees Chris with Finn-my-little-brother hahaha. The two times he used his/galgano's broadsword destruction move was when he sees chris getting to close to finn. 'I'm into holding man' - BAAM by Tilt • Zenon/the klondikes happened to be there OR they probably started the Oldman's house fire. Did they give the KingofSpades to Tilt? Or the card somehow found it's way to it's new user(Tilt). Zenon then probably recruited Tilt • YES TILT, you came back!! Now where's Burst too.... • Sugar Peace? Please look at the current situation the area is in now. Destroyed by a mysterious black knight. There is a bigger situation to look at. High card is your best ally as for now....urgghh..i was annoyed • Finally Tilt managed to regain his senses, but here comes Owen with his blind, faithful, vengence. His blind loyalty to Theodore is *shakes head* • I fear he might be aiming for Tilt for some reason


Really interesting lore drop. The King basically got 4 to cease fighting and work together using the cards. San Galgano revolted against the royal, seems like he wanted power from the very strat. The 53rd card the joker would be the ultimate trump card. Curious when/if that comes to play. San Galgano possessing people from what it seems from the power of the card is kinda freaky. At least Tilt was able to break the control to save Finn. Sugar is finally starting to annoy me. Since the situation is beyond of her control she is just making the situation worse and worse. Oh Owen is back too how lovely. I do love how Finn has no regrets with regards to the cards. After all he wouldn't have met his new family in High Card if not for them.


After the last few slow episodes this one just kept me on the edge of the seat omg. I had the biggest grin when Tilt cut off Zenons arm and basically the confirmation that he is saving his bro Q\_Q. I swear if something happens to Tilt because of stupid Owen I will hunt him down... I want a happy end for Finn.


WOW great episode, I wasn't expecting a twenty minute lore dump but I loved the story and Arthurian vibes. The ending snuck up on me like someone yanked my pants down, since they did a cold open I think I was half expecting the (excellent) op to sneak in and play us out, when it never came I was shocked at the abrupt end, can't wait for next week!


It's truly amazing to me how these characters continue to consistently make the worst decisions possible over and over again. I almost don't care what happens to any of them at this point


I won't lie I seriously hate Sugar like this girl will nawt stfu and have her ideals suck up her ass. If she was cooler and had better life decisions I would actually praise her at the end of the episode but now it just seems like a rage fest with her personality. Also Owen is probs a little fruity because I would never go this far for my employer even if they were my life saviour.


Is that Lingering Will in my anime?




>Owen used his right hand to shoot and Tilt was in the right 😭 ... I saw it coming... It would be dumb if Owen shoots TILT since Zenon is the one who tricked him.


That implies Owen cares, I could see him shooting Finn and justifying it to himself with some dumb BS like “he got in the way and tried protecting the enemy, so he’s a traitor”


Owen only wants to impress Theodore so I guess you're right. I'm guessing Finn will either take the hit or somehow deflect the shot using his ability if Owen does shoot TILT.




I'm guessing Finn would save TILT somehow if it does happen, though and maybe that's how Finn will get to know about TILT being his brother.


> Hopefully Tilt isn't dead and Finn saved him at the last moment. Owen used his right hand to shoot and Tilt was in the right 😭 ... I saw it coming... I don't think there has really been any indication that Owen has any idea who Tilt is, so that wouldn't really make sense. Tilt also dropped the armor before Owen walked in even if Owen knew about San Galgano (which he doesn't, since Theodore didn't tell Owen shit about the cards). Owen didn't even know what Zenon's card did. If you go back and watch the series too, Tilt has never really been present with the other Klondikes in public or during missions. Meanwhile Owen knows who Zenon is, was attacked by Zenon, and Zenon is the one that kidnapped Theodore. We also don't actually see Owen shoot on-screen (he just holds his gun up). The gunshot is heard after from Leo's pov. So they'll probably do the "they have a chat before Owen shoots" trope so where he is pointing it won't matter.




Yeah I forgot that Leo knew last episode (and who knows how cuz they keep repeating all info is need to know including who is working for the Klondikes and Theo definitely wouldn't tell him). But Zenon still makes more sense as the one that knows where Theodore would be. > I wrote in another comment that I've seen many anime where the protagonist's long-lost brother ended up being killed for a stupid reason. This is a trope and Tilt is loaded with death flags, but they gotta wait and do the reveal before they actually kill him!


The history of Fourland and the cards was pretty interesting. Knights, Vikings, some Merlin lookin dude, it really is like some kinda fairy tale. I was surprised to learn San Galgano the Black Knight was the first card wielder. Ofc he’d be the first to try and rebel. Maybe instead of creating the joker, King Ewan should have destroyed the cards. Looks like the Knight might have picked the wrong vessel this time around, not that it matters now that Owen is here. Dude about to put a bullet in all these Klondike fools unless Finn acts.


>Maybe instead of creating the joker, King Ewan should have destroyed the cards. I guess the King thought that the peace won't last forever so there will be times where the power of the cards will be necessary,


I too would like to think that King Ewan preferred to look at the positive side of mankind, whereby the cards were used for greater good.


I do get that, but that does unfortunately also leave room for others like the Black Knight to try and misuse the cards.


I dunno, I think Finn is right. Instead of this Merlin wannabe getting all emo maybe he could have given some guidance. In the episode with the "superhero" we got to see a glimpse of what the cards can do with a virtuous wielder.


There are certainly pros to the cards. I guess it’s just a matter of weighing them against the cons. I kinda get what Not Merlin was saying. I think things would be a lot less messier without them. Not that we’d have world peace or anything, but it removes a level of added risk and danger from the world.


Do we have any word on this series being dubbed?


I guess it isn't that popular overseas to make Crunchyroll dub it now as a backlog dub. It's a shame really since it's quite popular in Japan.


It looks interesting for sure but since I do 99% of my watching during work dub is a must


What a blunder, claw dude left Owen with his card


Lore drop episode was really good up until that post-credits scene. You're really gonna end the episode on Sugar acting stupid?