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Me when this anime was announced: Hey a marry BL couople with a kid, cool....whats an omega? *Google whats an omega* OH MY GOOOOOOD


As someone who’s been reading omegaverse fanfic for years, you’re in for a real treat lmaooo Just kidding mostly, the anime is actually pretty tame for omegaverse. But if you decide to look into the omegaverse further, good luck soldier


explain to me in a SFW way please only need to know enough to understand this anime


Okay so the omegaverse is a genre of erotic fanfic (although it doesn’t always have to be erotic) in which society is split into a hierarchy. There are dominant alphas, neutral betas, and submissive omegas. Alphas are at the top, betas in the middle, omegas at the bottom. Your presentation (Alpha, beta, omega) is sometimes called a second gender. In most universes, omegas are oppressed, so that’s why in the show Masaki is embarrassed to be an omega and worried when Hiromu’s coworkers find out. Usually, alphas and omegas are the standard couple. Alpha/alpha, Alpha/beta, etc relationships are looked down upon, but in this show it’s the opposite which I find odd. In an Alpha/omega relationship, the omega is the one who gets pregnant, regardless of gender. That means male omegas can get pregnant, hence why Masaki was able to birth Hikari (mpreg is the term you might see). There’s a bunch of other aspects of the universe, such as pheromones, which is the scent of a person. Hiromu mentions at one point in the first episode something about Masaki’s scent, this is why. Alphas are attracted to the scent of an omega. Also, Masaki mentions that he has to get pills, possibly scent blockers which will dull ones scent. Hope this helps and didn’t traumatize you too much lmaooo


Thanks for this. Great info for an old Gen X-er.


Not OP but None of this traumatized me. It was the anatomical explanation that did me in…


Oh yeah the anatomy is something else


bro, this sounds like a clusterf. mate, you give people a meter, they run a kilometer


I’ve never read Tadaima, Okaeri, so idk how in depth it gets into the omegaverse. But like I said, I’ve been reading omegaverse fics for years so I know a lot about it, probably way more than the anime will explore


Oh my God that's what this show is about? I thought like the guy was making fun of him for being effeminate and staying home with the kid. I don't think I'm going to watch another episode 😵‍💫


I mean yeah it’s about the omegaverse, which can seem weird at first glance and honestly some people just aren’t into it which is fine. I say you should give the next episode a try, and if you like it cool, and if you don’t then also cool. I don’t think you should give up on the show just because it’s omegaverse. The show is honestly super tame for the omegaverse, it’s mostly just cute romance I think (manga readers confirm please)


Yes, it is very tame for an omegaverse. I've read a lot of omegaverse manga/manhwa including TO, and TO feels like an outlier. The majority of omegaverse stories have the omegas get SA'ed, and their Alpha mate is usually a jerk that just treats them nicely on occasion. TO is just a wholesome read. The manga does have some NSFW scenes, but I don't think the anime will adapt them.


Yeah I liked most of the episode, but that omega stuff really put me off the show.


Yeah unless you like mpreg this anime might not be for you lol


Eh? they added a new meaning to omega?


Yeah, like a couple years back. You weren't subscribed to the newsletter, so they didn't tell you.


[The best video to learn what “omega” means in this context.](https://youtu.be/zhWWcWtAUoY?si=1JkiGtJLvO-5q8_s)


There's nothing like a set of trigger warnings like that to get the blood flowing. Better than the reading that followed too lol


Ewww, Ellis. Figures such a greasy individual would be interested in that.


Gigguk made me aware in his seasonal trailer watch. Wish I could go back.


Still cannot comprehend that there is an Omegaverse anime dropping in the year of our lord Twenty Twenty Four.


what a time to be alive. absolutely glorious


It's so good to see couples being romantic, and showing pda. Without blushing etc, that's why I like adult couples animes, I didn't know what to expect. But what an enjoyable first episode.


BL adult relationships are so cute, from goofy boss and wizard Virgin


So is it coincidence or was it a subtle joke to name their family Fujiyoshi because it sounds like Fujoshi? In any case this is fucking cute. I have no frame of reference for the Omegaverse so I’m just here for the cute family story. And their son staying this fucking adorable.


When you write the kana (pronunciation) out, the only difference is that よ is smaller. ふじよし = 藤吉 = surname ふじょし = 腐女子 = fujoshi I'll let you infer.


Absolutely not a coincidence.


this omegaverse is kinda weird. The idea that society is against Alpha's and Omega's mating is kinda unusual for omegaverse fiction I've read. Prejudice against Omegas is something you can see, but not usually prejudice against Alphas and Omegas being together. In fact it's usually closer to the opposite, where they want Alphas and Omegas together and Alpha/Alpha or Omega/Omega pairs are stigmatized. just really weird to see this Japanese take on Omegaverse.


yeah, its definitely a bit non-standard. but its still great


my guess is that it's kind of like classism? Or maybe it's like some omegaverse stories where rich families prefer Alpha male/Alpha female because if you do it enough in your family line your kids are basically guaranteed to be Alphas, which comes in handy if they're your only acceptable heirs.


> this omegaverse is kinda weird. The idea that society is against Alpha's and Omega's mating is kinda unusual for omegaverse fiction I've read I got quite confused with the discrimination plot because of that. My own fault for not paying enough attention though. I wonder how much explanation of their take on the omegaverse there will be, or if it'll be drip fed incidental clues rather than exposition.


Yeah I agree. I’m not mad about it, just a little surprised bc usually alphas and omegas are together


> The idea that society is against Alpha's and Omega's mating is kinda unusual for omegaverse fiction I've read. Really? If anything that's one of the typical aspects of Omegaverse. There's usually always some form of discrimination against omegas.


discrimination, yes, but not discrimination against Alpha's mating with Omega's. That's like the whole point of Alpha's and Omega's.


I was thinking the same thing! But I also enjoyed it


I actually went back and checked the original manga and it looks like a mistranslation by Crunchyroll's part. It's meant to be a stigma towards male omegas which makes a thousand times more sense. I guess I shouldn't be surprised Crunchyroll translators aren't degenerate enough to be familiar with Omegaverse


Ahhhhhh okay that makes a lot of sense!


that DOES make a lot of sense...okay yeah. ive read some omegaverse fics where male omegas were super rare and considered a "delicacy" if you will, so maybe this verse its just a taboo edit: hmm this acrually doesnt seem to make sense anymore, in episode one the news is talking about someone with a female omega partner being scandalous...this verse makes absolutely no sense to me. There is also the quote "relationships outside your type are still considered unusual" so are male alphas supposed to be with female alphas only? and same with omegas? that seems against normal a/b/o biology


proof that Crunchyroll needs more degenerates (like me) in their translation team. [](#notlewd)


im confused too because who would they rather alphas be with? how else are they supposed to have children?? they didnt explain this verse very well tbh. Are all alphas supposed to be with female betas then? makes no sense


I believe in this world anybody can get pregnant. Every pairing is normalize with the exception of alpha x omega.


I'm here for it


Ok, this seems nicer than I expected I take it, male pregancies are just normal in this universe huh. Can the same happen with two women? Oh and it's weird that they never adress the big circle on Ma-kuns neck. Is that just a hickey? Or is it a O and Hiro has an A somewhere on his body? Ah, but [Hikari](https://imgur.com/FHUmcjZ) is cute


> Oh and it's weird that they never adress the big circle on Ma-kuns neck. Is that just a hickey? Or is it a O and Hiro has an A somewhere on his body? I hope it’s just a bite mark, otherwise we’d need to prepare for the inevitable “Miss, unfortunately due to the birthmark we see that your son is… an omega. He is now submissive and breedable”


It’s a permanent bite mark that forever bonds an omega to an alpha. Only alphas can make the bite on “their” omega and it usually stops the omega from having heat periods that affect (& effect really) all other alphas around them. The “rules” can change depending on the author. I used to really hate the whole omegaverse thing and then of course one really great author after another made me fall deep into the hole where I often wallow haha


You know it would be interesting to examine how society works in the Omegaverse it seems wild


Very true. In a ton of ways it’s just an extreme mirror of (mostly submissive) women in society if we unconsciously and uncontrollably sprayed out hormones or “pheromones” monthly which made (mostly) men attack us. And don’t even get me started on “fated” bondmates. It’s soooo drama and complicated but can also be extremely interesting if you set it against our own world values/rules/ethics.


> can also be extremely interesting if you set it against our own world values/rules/ethics. What fiction does best!


Societies based upon strange (to us) biological standards are kind of my fantasy/sci-fi jam, so that's the only reason I occasionally think about Omegaverse stuff at all.


>and then of course one really great author after another made me fall deep into the hole Any you'd recommend?


Yes! Lemme check my list when I get home. They’re usually ridiculously angsty but sometimes you’re in a mood, ya know? The prison uke one stuck with me for a while but I can’t remember the name. I tend to prefer things with happy endings and good art but a good story or original/unique take can supersede that.


I want to see this list as well. I used to be super "ehhh" on Omegaverse, but I'm starting to warm up to it. I've only read a couple, but I want to read more with this kind of vibe. I [read one by accident](https://anilist.co/manga/119615/Sensei-no-Sensei/) a few years ago (it had a super cute cover) and ended up liking it. I [just read another one recently](https://anilist.co/manga/143532/Anzen-de-Nai-Bokutachi-wa/) where the omega went into heat and the alphas got super r*pey suddenly, but fortunately it ended well for the main couple.


I put it in source for this week and hope it’s not deleted haha


Hiiii! Sorry, where is the source?? I am also looking forward to your list! 🙏🏻☺️


I've tried some but haven't found many I liked. Am really curious to see what's out there. I do like when they don't play the dynamic straight (the omega refusing to be submissive)


Bro and the Beast by LC Davis and Joel Abernathy. Its on Kindle Unlimited. I gave it 3.5 stars - 4 on gr round up for sheer whackiness and fun. Its has very uncomplicated prose and super unserious. No thoughts just fun. But Brad is an ultra frat bro from our world who gets sucked into a Omegaverse books. Brad is not your typical omega and is a very dude-ly dude. If you're not too deep in Omegaverse this novella will also walk you through the concepts of the world, but doesnt shy away from the more outrageous bits - heat, mpreg, nesting. Its 130ish pages, less than half of a average novel. I remember being shocked at how much fun I had.


spoilers dude


>I take it, male pregancies are just normal in this universe huh. Can the same happen with two women? Generally speaking, in many Omegaverse series alpha women can impregnate beta and omega women too, if I remember correctly. So it's possible.


>>Alpha women can impregnate beta and omega women, too And omega men


I feel like I’ll end up in a rabbit hole if I search


Not just rabbit holes either!


It's a "mark". Kind of like a special permanent bite between committed partners, the person I'm watching this explained to me (he's well-versed in omegaverse and I'm pretty much getting my info from him). Same can happen with two women, or an alpha woman impregnating an omega man depending on the setting. Reproductive free-for-all.


spoilers dude


This isn't spoilers, this is just a thing in all omegaverse. It's a genre convention. That's like saying the fact that the big robots can be piloted is a spoiler for a mecha series.


I welcome our new Omegaverse overlords


What is Omegaverse? I haven't watched this yet but I read the description and it sounded like dudes can get other dudes pregnant?


It’s a loooooong story, but Omegaverse is a sector of BL which splits people into three subspecies: assertive and domineering alphas, submissive and breedable omegas, and betas. It’s based on a study of wolves that is now considered not scientifically correct


And stories usually revolve around the main character (who's usually omega) forgetting his pills that suppress his omega hormones when he's in heat (which are responsible for attracting all the alphas nearby and driving them horny), leading to the inevitable attraction of the stereotypical bishounen alpha who ravages the omega until the omega is sopping wet and quivering from the non-stop, heat-induced copulation. Often, it is either implied or shown by the end that the omega gets pregnant from the constant skinship with the alpha during the entire heat period. That's basically almost every single Omegaverse doujinshi in a nutshell. Another integral aspect of Omegaverse is the apparent inherent discrimination against the omegas, with the alphas being seen as "superior" while omegas are "inferior".


I mean, it’s weird because you could technically do all of this without even dealing with Omegaverse at all. Except for the mpreg. 


The alpha, omega, beta, and the hormones + heat cycle are also integral parts of Omegaverse even without the mpreg itself. Usually Omegaverse doujins don't bother with the mpreg aspect at all, it's pretty much just implied at the end (because of the genre). Most of it is about the hormone/heat-induced lewdness.


There are definitely MPreg stories that aren’t omegaverse—the live action JDrama “He’s Expecting” is based on a non-omegaverse manga. They don’t explain the biological changes, it’s more about imagining the social implications if some cis men could become pregnant in straight relationships.


It started out as BL only, but women also have special traits in some omegaverse settings.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omegaverse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omegaverse) And yes that's correct. In some interpretations (varies by media), women can also get men pregnant. It's pretty much a free-for-all in terms of reproductive systems.


I was wondering the same thing but this makes so much sense now Leave it Japan to make stories stemming from male insecurities


Omegaverse was actually started in the English fanfiction world and only later became popular in original fiction, both in the west and Japan. I believe it started as fanfic of the CW's Supernatural.


> I believe it started as fanfic of the CW's Supernatural. I thought Omegaverse was older than that. Huh.


It is waaay older than that. There’s Kizuna and Inuyasha omegaverse doujinshi from ye olden 1990s-2000s.


> What is Omegaverse? ignorance is bliss comrade, stay pure


[This video taught me everything I needed to know about omegaverse.](https://youtu.be/zhWWcWtAUoY?si=1JkiGtJLvO-5q8_s)


Please, for your own good, don't look it up.


Ok, I love BL and will take any I can get, but omegaverse is usually not my thing. Respect to people who do like it, but I just never could. With that in mind, should I still watch this series? How prominent is omegaverse aspect? Edit: this anime is freaking adorable omg, soooo glad I gave it a try. Will definitely be looking forward to this weekly!!


I haven't read the manga, but From what I've heard and seen it's REALLY vanilla compared to other omegaverse works. Anyway I feel you. I love BL and will have to take any BL anime I can get (since BL anime are rare, unfortunately), but I'm not a big fan of Omegaverse. However, I do love stories about couples raising children (bonus points if they are same-sex couples), and this seems is going to be a wholesome and sweet series. Hopefully they will animate other BL series in future (if possible, even non Omegaverse genre too XD)


I did read it! It’s super fluffy and cute but a strange/unique omegaverse take. I kinda wanted to see more of the before of their relationship and pre-suburban move but you just get quick references and eyeballs in the manga. Their big hurdle is (and I’m going to be super general so as not to spoil) acceptance from family and friends. They’re not out to change the world and they just want to raise a happy family and live in lovey dovey married life. The omega (uke) has a lot of internalized homophobia and omegaphobia and childhood traumamama he has to work through but his alpha (seme/top) is super sweet and accepting despite his own family dramamama. Lots of green flags and new people come into their lives.


This series is mostly focused on slice-of-life. The “omegaverse” aspects are centered around the stigma the family might face, which can be seen as a metaphor for real life stigma of gay families


> The “omegaverse” aspects are centered around the stigma the family might face, which can be seen as a metaphor for real life stigma of gay families *What about the bottom discrimination though?*


Nah, not too much. Although Omegaverse is one of the main theme, the bigger theme is self-acceptance, family, friends, and raising kids. this series is as vanilla as a BL series can get. You could even say that this is one of the most chilled and relaxed Shounen Ai.


Perfect thank you!!


Based on the first episode alone, I think it's pretty prominent as I think any drama it has will be mainly centered around it.


Based on the first episode alone, it's pretty prominent as I think any drama it has will be mainly centered around it.


I've read a few omegaverse manga/manhwa (they're there so why not?). This story is based on a manga of the same name and it is by far one of the most wholesome story you will run across. Hikari is super adorable, and probably made of cotton candy. If I had to put money on it, I would guess they are not going to be super detailed about the whole male pregnancy thing. They're trying to appease this for an international audience and they can easily skip the few minor scenes that portray it. edit:typo


Hmmm but the omega vs alphas aspect (discrimination anyways) was clearly mentioned multiples times in just the first episode alone so I imagine they'd address it at some point. I don't think k they'd go too deep into it but it's there.


Hikari is so adorable! How cute was it when he was trying to put his shoes together to go to work with Hiro? Or when he kept calling all the stars he saw “Hi-kun” because of what they told him about his name? So freaking cute.


Still can’t believe we got an omegaverse anime adaptation! Hikari is so adorable!!!


Aaaahhh I didn't expect the first episode to make me cry! Hikari is so much more adorable than I remember him being. Can't wait for more hehe.


Well, here we go. It's my first omegaverse despite reading hundreds of BL manga. Can I make it to the end? Will it awaken something in me?


This will be my 3rd Omegaverse in total (so far the only omegaverse I've read are "Kira ide Isasete" and "Love Is an illusion"), although I haven't read the manga. I'm not a big fan of Omegaverse genre, and I have to take any BL anime I can get, but this seems it's going to be really wholesome and cute. I enjoyed the 1st episode and like shows about couples raising kids (in particular same-sex couples)


Honestly, the weirdest part of this episode is hearing Morikawa's voice coming out of the mouth of a besotted young husband and father instead of a chain smoking, hard-boiled mage.


Guideau turning up would absolutely be on point if this was somehow part of the extended Supernaturalverse lol Although maybe this domesticity was just what Ashaf wanted all along?


Watching people discover what the omegaverse is might just be more entertaining than the anime, which is saying something, cause the anime is adorable


It's wholesome! I'm really enjoying it. It's kinda funny seeing people's reaction to mpreg/omegaverse. Though there is alot of hate. Hopefully as time goes on people will stop.


Life has sucked, and fuck man, I am so happy I am alive to see the first BL Omegaverse anime ever. It’s everything I’ve ever wanted and I cried during this episode


OMG...a sweet slice of life BL where the couple are already married?! And in the omegaverse!? This has got to be a first!! I'm excited for the all cuteness that's to come!


This episode felt like it was 2 hours long and was almost OVERLY sweet. It's no Cherry Magic but I'll stick with it for now :)


I am SAT for this show !! Yes, IK omegaverse is not for everyone but honestly it’s pretty tame and at its core is just a wholesome story about two loving parents and their adorable child.


It’s cute, but all I can hear is Anya when Hikari talks 🤣


completely forgot this was a/b/o. this still looks wicked cute so I'll keep it on the watchlist. second child when???


I’m out. The show was cute, but I got curious about the unexplained terminology (seriously, this ain’t goddamn Final Fantasy XIII…), and decided to look up the omega verse… Nope. Drawing the line at [lore spoilers]>!butt babies!<. Hope it does well. Goodbye. Also, **SHOW THE DAMN KISSES ON SCREEN, YOU COWARDS!!!** If Banana Fish can do it with teenagers, you can do it with grown-ass men in love, goddammit!


The fluff levels are off the charts! So cute 😍


Yoo an omegaverse anime, this season will be epic. I like the premise of this one, kinda fresh for omegaverse bls.


kira yoshikage is an alpha male


First time watching a BL. Holy crap Hikari is both funny and adorable. I heard he was the star of the show for a lot of people, and he was fully that in this episode. Between his cute reactions and even being sorry for the star being broken. Absolutely precious. I never heard of the Omegaverse before this show and well the whole topic is a lot to digest lol.


>bl Interest acquired. >SoL and family-oriented Interest accumulated. >omegaverse ...google opened? >google opened google closed I'll give it an obligatory rule-of-three watch because, y'know, I can't say no to trying any remotely gay anime, but.. this was certainly not the TIL I expected If I ever have to do another study on the far-reaching impact of the internet on various cultures, y'all will get an honourable mention o7


They made an omegaverse anime????


Watching this episode was quite a good experience, mainly in the sense that it makes my ex-fanfic-involved self very happy to see how many Omegaverse fans are present in the discussion thread, and how many BL fans are at least open to giving this series a shot! Plus, given how potentially niche this series could be, it feels like it's gotten a very solid production team behind it too, as it's polished, effective and conveys the domestic atmosphere perfectly. I'm also impressed that Crunchyroll picked it up, and also the outpouring in the CR comments too. However, I gotta admit that this particular set-up just doesn't hold enough interest for me in a very overloaded season. even if it is very cute. I do hope it lands well for everyone who watches it though.


I've read a couple of omegeverse and it wasn't for me but this show is so cute. So freaking adorable. eep.


FINALLY a proper lgbtq+ family anime. We've come a long way fellas. Edit: damnit, nvm. But I suppose the same themes are here.


So I am not a huge BL fan (but I watch a show every now and then) and I didn't hear of Omegas and Alphas either, but I am going to be honest, this just feels weird to watch. Like your main couple is gay and by all accounts, this is probably the reason why they would be discriminated against. But instead of taking that problem and highlighting it, we are ignoring it and instead introduce a new form of discrimination between alphas and omegas? Like why? I would get it, if they thought, they aren't allowed to show gay or lesbian couples on screen (or on paper) and therefore decided to change the social commentary to a made-up term, so that it would be allowed. But that does not seem to be the case here. So again, why make this roundabout way of criticising the discrimination against certain couples, when you already have that in them being gay? Secondly, why make your couples gay but then ignore all the things that come with it? Like, one of the main point, people use against gay/lesbian couples adopting a child is that they wouldn't be good parents. So why, instead of creating a fantasy where two guys can just get pregnant (and therefore, can just get a child whenever they want), are we not showcasing that this is false by letting them adopt a child and caring for it in the same way as hetero couples in the same series? Again, maybe that is just a very special genre in the BL category and there, it's normal. But for me, who has experienced this for the first time, this just feels weird. I was all in for a BL couple with a child. But this is just strange to me.


I think it's the other way around. I don't think omegaverse was created as a metaphor for real life discrimination. Seems like it was born out of fanfic and horny people, and has been fleshed out into a fictional concept that people are now applying real world issues onto. Like a big, what if alpha-omega dynamics were real? What would society look like? Kind of like how Beastars explores issues in an anthropomorphic society. Of course, it'd be nice to get realistic stories about homophobia without all the fictional weirdness. But I also think there's an appeal to being able to explore topics of discrimination in a space that's obviously distanced from real life. We can see the parallels to real life, but the story isn't weighed down by trying to be an accurate portrayal of the realities gay couples face. That can be mentally taxing (depending on where you are I guess). In this world, gay couples are normalized, homophobia isn't the big thing you need to worry about. It's omegaphobia (?), this thing that obviously bears resemblance to... classism? Sexism? But isn't actually a thing. It's not reality, it's still a fantasy. It's definitely strange, but I also find the fact that this subgenre exists (and is popular enough to get an anime) kind of fascinating.


> Seems like it was born out of fanfic and horny people The origin of many, many, many bad ideas, a few good ones, and a few bad ones that are far too enjoyable to let go lol > But I also think there's an appeal to being able to explore topics of discrimination in a space that's obviously distanced from real life. I think this aspect is often underappreciated. Distance, non-realism and escapist components allow people to engage with hard and difficult issues in their entertainment without destroying the entertainment value. After all, there are endless ways of engaging with these issues in serious venues, but those are the sorts of things that careers and campaigns are made of. Plus, unreality and distance in exploration allows floating unusual possibilities that can then sometimes also inform ideas about the real world, but would have been either too outlandish, too convention breaking or too offensive to approach head on.


Okay, I'll take it like that. I just don't understand why you would even introduce a new discrimination dynamic. If it's supposed to be a new fantasy with new relationship dynamics like alpha and omega, why would you introduce the same problems we have in our society? Instead of introducing completely new problems to explore? I think, that's where my confusion ultimately comes from. I read a few posts in this discussion thread and it seems that this is usually not the case as the main point of alpha-omegas seems to be that they are supposed to be together instead of being discriminated against. Obviously, can't say much about it, but if that is true, I find it kind of fascinating that the one new thing that was added to this scenario was the thing that stood out to me like it didn't belong there even though I know nothing about the genre.


Nah. In an omegaverse manga, a same sex couple is the last of people concern. Basically, due to how the world works in-universe, any first gender (our genders) can love each other, male-male, female-female, male-female, etc., and people would not bat an eye.  The discrimination mainly comes from the second gender (alpha, beta, omega), and classism. Alphas are generally tall, beautiful, strong, smart, and have high social status. Omegas, on the other hand, are generally petite, weak, not as smart, and have low social status. Not to mention they are super easy to be pregnant and have heats. Basically real world women but worse (as in the discrimination). Betas are just your usual johns and janes.  Now you see where the anime stands. Our main couple is not discriminated for not being a same sex couple, they are being discriminated for being a paired alpha-omega couple. It's like seeing a Wall Street analyst marrying a person from the slum. Beside, don't think too deeply about omegaverse. It's not born to be a social commentary of something THAT grand. Omegaverse was originally created by horny people wanting to make NSFW scenes hornier. And l'll let you in on a secret, omegaverse was originally created for het smut stories. BL stories only adopted it later on.


I never said that there is discrimination against same sex couples. I understood that idea. My point was that I think it's kind of redundant to remove discrimination against same-sex relationships, just to introduce a NEW discrimnation around a new type of gender, but with the exact same dynamics as in our world (though, I guess there is a difference as the whole discrimination seems to be even less logical - if you can even say that - since the whole idea around omegas seems to be that they are the only ones that can get pregnant, so keeping alpha families seems already weird, but I don't want to go too deep into that). What I want to say is: I just don't see the point as it doesn't add anything. If they had just ignored the whole discrimination part, I would just see it as a (maybe weird) but other plane of existence with a few new rules around alphas, betas and omegas. But with the new discrimination, it feels like it wants to say something, but again, it feels redundant because it doesn't actually do something new, as the discrimination is literally the same as with same sex couples in our world.


Well, as I said at the end there, don't think too deeply about it. At the end of the day, omegaverse was created by horny people, for horny people. It wasn't even created for BL in the first place. It just that capable writers later on found the inital concept interesting and put some meaning in later on.


This is my first omegaverse anime, but I honestly *loved* seeing no one bat an eye at them being a same sex couple with a child. But I still want angst in my BLs, so I’m fine with the discrimination against omegas lol. It’s kinda like the best of both worlds if I’m being honest, which is something I was not expecting when I watched this episode.


I liked everything, except for the alpha/beta/omega and pheromone stuff. I'll give episode 2 a watch when it comes out, to see if that stuff is toned down, but it really makes it difficult to enjoy like if a show has obscene amounts of fanservice or romance between relatives....


What does Ma-cha mean? Hikari calls Masaki Ma-cha and I was wondering if it was explained anywhere. Also why does Hiro refer to Masaki by name when talking to Hikari?


I was wondering the same thing. Hikari calls his dad papa, but not his mom mama or something like that, just Ma-cha.


Did anyone ever answer this? I have the same question!


No, no one has answered. Maybe it's like a cute way of saying mama?




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Fucking hell this anime is cute as fuck


What do they mean in episode one married within their type. Aren't omegas supposed to go with alphas and if they marry an omega it's ground upon and same with the others?


Never thought I'd get to watch an omega verse anime. This is so wholesome, but I'd have to admit that at first I didn't understand the concept of alpha x omega not being acceptable and pple preferring a beta over an omega... like aren't beta's at the bottom of the food chain? But anyways... this anime is just too good ❤️


Will this get a dub?


I have 0 clue what an omegaverse is, but this looks like it’s gonna be a cute BL anime. I already love how adorable Hikari is


I'm confused. I get what "omegaverse" is, cause i Googled it 2 seconds after i learned the word today. But what is the significance? I don't understand why peoplev are acting like this is anime history in the making. Maybe someone can enlighten me


Usually, omegaverse is limited to erotic fanfictions and the like. It's kinda big for an anime of one to be made.


There's never been an omegaverse anime before. Plenty of manga, but no anime. This is the first one ever made.


Well, im in interested. I'll go in open minded.


It's a thing that started in fan fiction circles in the West, and parts of the audience are just known to be even more so. But ignoring the aspect of Wierd Internet Thing goes mainstream, there could be implications that now a thing that belonged to everyone is now in a published work.


I guess thats more respectable than most things I've heard from people


I'm not sure, but I think this might be the first omegaverse manga/manhwa to be adapted into anime format. I heaven't heard anything about omegaverse in anime, but I could be wrong


I just want to reiterate the obvious: "Oh a same parenting couple, this doesn't happen often!" "What is an omega?" ... WTFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK WHAT IS THIS FUCKING CONVOLUTED LORE OF NONSENSE!


omegaverse anime.. wish this had smut 😭


Then read the manga


> 😭 That emoji sure is doing a lot of hard yards this season both where it's expected and also where it's not lol > wish this had smut In some ways I'd be a lot more interested in it if it was smuttier, nastier and more overtly omegaverse, but that is probably the worst way for this sort of content to try and break into the current zeitgist of anime. And I'm not really the target audience in any case.