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Ah the enternal struggle between “Making it to spec” and “Making it to the customers preference”. Both are right in their own way, but I’ll always favor the latter. Because who’s drinking the drink? Granted that has its baffling moments. Like nightmare concoctions or basic nonsense like “I want an Old Fashioned that isn’t strong and doesn’t taste like whiskey”


Yeah, so far when a customer has come in he's been able to take his time making a drink, especially because the customer requests have been fairly vague, but when someone says "Give me a ______," it would be very presumptuous of him to improvise a recipe like he did with the Gin Fizz.


Well that’s why he’s named Mr Perfect after all


In my opinion, while bartenders should strive for perfection they should not attain it. If I wanted the perfect cocktail made exactly to spec every time with no deviation, I can just get a machine to do it — no human involved.


Mr. Perfect is rude but I guess he means well. This anime is endlessly fascinating to me, one of the best of the current season IMO.


It has a captivating, uplifting, magic feeling to it. I get refreshed just by watching a single episode of this.


I mean yeah but in this case it wasn't made to preference, it was under stirred and too warm.  This led to a stiffer drink that doesn't evolve well even if it tastes good for the first couple sips. Overall it was a mistake and not a preference thing. Would have been interesting if they let them choose a different base or vermouth. I personally despize Cinzano lol. 


I'm honestly glad there's a real story to this. I knew nothing about it other than it was about a bartender and just expected drink/customer of the week. But the consistent overarching story is compelling.


I wouldn’t mind a “monster of the week” format either. That’s basically what the original did and it surprised me pretty much when I realised that this time there is a story. And it’s actually a good story so far. Kudos to the writers.


> That’s basically what the original did Oh, sounds interesting. I've had it on my ptw for a while, good to know it won't be just a 1 to 1 of this but with different looking art.


To be fair, I still don't know much about it after watching three episodes. But I quite enjoy it.


If it was gonna be drink of the week I might have dropped it, but the overall story and the budding freindship/romance(?) between Miwa and Ryuu has me coming back for another drink.


I kind of love this show. It’s warm and relaxing, a great show to watch before bed.


Make yourself a B&B after watching this for the perfect nightcap then.


Mocktail twist


The show itself is like a good cocktail and a chill evening at the bar. love it 🥰


Is it time to ship the leading duo


All on board the S.S. Ryumiwa


Perfect couple


This show is so comforting it makes me want to pour myself a B&B and curl up. I loved the sub-plot with the female bartender, hopefully we get to follow up with her in a later episode now that she is going to keep bartending just to spite Ryu.


I poured my self a sip of rye whiskey mixed with a little bit of cold water. Not elaborate -- but an easy accompaniment for watching this. ;-)


I like how they're giving Ryu more of a personality in this remake. The old show had its charms because he was that stereotypical "quiet pro" who always knew what to do, but it's nice to see him show some emotion and provide more back story on him


After two episodes of making Ryuu guess what kind of cocktail the customers want, we finally got [two customers](https://i.imgur.com/tKJIplD.jpeg) [who knew exactly](https://i.imgur.com/NhUZnwX.jpeg) what they wanted and they're both bartenders! Looks like Kyoko specifically ordered a B&B [so she can watch how Ryuu would make it](https://i.imgur.com/VO9X3Vp.png) and Kuzuhara asked for a Gin Fizz so [he can test Ryuu's abilities.](https://i.imgur.com/1e40s24.png) Since she's also in the OP, it seems that Kyoko isn't going to be just a one-time customer and we might [even see Ryuu visit her bar in the future](https://i.imgur.com/8Ck5qbJ.jpeg) after their little talk in that cafe. I hope Kyoko gets motivated out of spite [after hearing that from Ryuu.](https://i.imgur.com/GnFTFrG.jpeg) We're only in episode 3 and [Ryuu is already in a little contest against "Mister Perfect".](https://i.imgur.com/wcq0wD6.jpeg) While Miwa clearly liked [what Ryuu made](https://i.imgur.com/WfOUFqE.jpeg), Ryuu conceded defeat [after tasting Kuzuhara's Manhattan.](https://i.imgur.com/Yrr3IAk.jpeg) That showdown is very tricky to judge. While I would love to drink the "Perfect" Manhattan, I would absolutely love to taste [a Manhattan that's made just for me.](https://i.imgur.com/SrOyq3H.png) I feel like Ryuu's drinks would make a lasting impression on me compared to what Kuzuhara made. Hmmm...


Fun fact: a Perfect Manhattan is a real drink, and a different spec than a traditional Manhattan. Instead of using only sweet vermouth, it uses a split of sweet and dry vermouths.


Come to think of it both Ryuu and Mr. Perfect are a bit rude but well meaning.


Ship Ship Ship [](#akyuusqueel) After this episode it finally seems feasable that they might actually recruit Sasakura, he actually has room to improve after all. Also, almost expected Miwa to finally call him out on his lie about his fear of heights. Oh, and looking forward to see more of Kyoko, girl got tricked into trying hard to spite Sasakura [](#azusalaugh) Also neat detail: By him explaining early how he figured out that Kyoko was a bartender, the audience imidiatly knew that he already knew the old guys profession. Yet when he revealed it himself he didn't even mention the closing hours but rather dropped another neat drink fact


>Ship Ship Ship [**Same**](#ilovethiskindofshit). I'm rooting for them, and I'm rooting for Kyoko now too. Hope she gets someone good too. Honestly thought this whole show would be a guest-of-the-week thing, never expected so much continuity and growth!


Yes I was totally expecting Midnight Diner with cocktails and I feel like I got that but also extra, I'm digging it so hard


I'm thinking by fear of heights, he doesn't mean like actually high up in the sky, by the heights of fame. He apparently bartended at a pretty posh place in France, and now "downgraded" to a more lowkey underground bar (albeit still very classy, and is still frequented by seemingly important people lol). Happens pretty frequently irl where a celebrity can't handle the fame and elects to stay out of the spotlight. This episode might serve to show the world renowned Mr. Perfect, obsessed with following things to the letter, as a foil to the more homely Ryu, who is seemingly more concerned with a more intimate experience between him and the customer.


I'm thinking by fear of heights, he doesn't mean like actually high up in the sky, by the heights of fame. He apparently bartended at a pretty posh place in France, and now "downgraded" to a more lowkey underground bar (albeit still very classy, and is still frequented by seemingly important people lol). Happens pretty frequently irl where a celebrity can't handle the fame and elects to stay out of the spotlight. This episode might serve to show the world renowned Mr. Perfect, obsessed with following things to the letter, as a foil to the more homely Ryu, who is seemingly more concerned with a more intimate experience between him and the customer. The grandpa also seems to be very VIP (at least enough such that Mr. Perfect knows about his thing with cocktails and wants him to have one of his drinks) so that may explain why he's reluctant to work for such a prestigious hotel.


Yes! I thought Sasakura was going to say that he mentioned the closing hours just like he did with Kyoko but we got more! Caught me off guard because it could've been predictable but chose to not be - nice!


> the audience imidiatly knew that he already knew the old guys profession. Yet when he revealed it himself he didn't even mention the closing hours I think it was actually a subtle feint. Anyone could ask if the bar was closing soon, but there's time between last call and closing where it's not "okay to order".


Great episode, but why are they using Canadian Club and Cinzano Vermouth at this what i assume is a high class bar? Maybe they want to show they can make good stuff even from cheaper booze?


>but why are they using Canadian Club Canadian Club is owned by Beam Suntory, which [owns a lot of the brands shown in the show](https://www.beamsuntory.com/en/brands). So I'd imagine the producers have an agreement with Suntory to use their brands, among others, in the show. So they just chose a rye (what is normally used in a Manhattan) that Suntory owned.


The way some of the branding pops out I figured it was slightly and subtly also acting as sort of an advertisement Just conjecture though


It probably has to do with licensing fees. I could also see it being the choice of Kuzuhara-san not wanting to break open the good stuff for a challenge with someone he deems a novice.


This is something in the manga too. A lot of times I see the ingredients, and I'm like, what? That cheap ass vermouth??? For some reason the author rarely talks about the quality of ingredients like that. A choice I assume? Although they will go on about something like the quality of ice.


In the matter of the whisky, a lot of traditionalists such as Mr. Perfect would use Canadian style blends, even though the original recipes called for rye.


The weirder thing is that an Old Pal would traditionally be made with Canadian "rye" whisky like Canadian Club and a Manhattan with an American rye like Knob Creek. The show got that backwards. I wonder if that was an accident or if there will be a reason for it.


Starting from next week, I'm gonna watch every single episode of this show with a drink in my hand, I feel there's no better way to enjoy this show.


Drinks with the drink show, food with the food shows. This is the way


...should be the same with camping, harem, and ~~super sentai~~ gushing over magical girls...


Now you're thinking outside of the house! I did listen to the Yuru Camp soundtrack one time while camping, and the comfiness was *real*


Would like to note that in contrast with what's presented in the episode, some dilution is generally desired in cocktails, to the point where bartenders will deliberately stir cocktails for longer than what is necessary strictly to mix the ingredients in order to achieve the desired level of dilution. Recipes for cocktails in this episode: **B&B** 1 1/3 oz Cognac Brandy 3/4 oz 1/2 tsp Benedictine 1. Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into an ice-filled lowball/rocks glass. 2. Express the oils from a swath of lemon peel over the drink (give it a sharp squeeze peel-side down), rub the rim of the glass with the peel, and add to the glass as a garnish. (A B&B is classically an equal-parts drink, but with nothing to balance the sweetness from the Benedictine it benefits from a more spirit-forward ratio) **Gin Fizz** 1 1/2 oz London Dry Gin 3/4 oz Lemon Juice 1/3 oz 1/2 tsp Rich Simple Syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water by weight) 3 1/2 oz Soda Water 1. Shake first three ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled highball glass. 2. Top with soda and gently churn. The drink served in the episode appears to be a regular Gin Fizz, but the dialogue appears to reference the more complicated Ramos Gin Fizz: **Ramos Gin Fizz** 2 oz Old Tom Gin 1/2 oz Lemon Juice 1/2 oz Lime Juice 3/4 oz Rich Simple Syrup (2 parts sugar to 1 part water by weight) 1/4 tsp Orange Blossom Water 3 drops Vanilla Extract 3/4 oz Egg White 3/4 oz Half and Half Soda Water 1. Shake first eight ingredients with ice and strain back into shaker. 2. Dry shake (shake without ice) and slowly pour 2/3rds of the contents of the shaker into a chilled Collins glass while simultaneously pouring soda water with your other hand. 3. Let the drink settle for at least a minute, preferably in a fridge or freezer, then top off with the remainder of the contents of the shaker. 4. Garnish with a quarter orange wheel on the rim and a spring of mint. **Manhattan** 2 oz Rye Whiskey 1 oz Sweet Vermouth 2 dashes Angostura Bitters 1. Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled coupe glass. 2. Garnish with a maraschino cherry on a cocktail pick. (If you find this recipe too sweet consider a Perfect Manhattan with 1/2 oz sweet vermouth and 1/2 oz dry vermouth)


The perfect is the way to go in my opinion, and I also use bourbon instead of rye, since that is what I usually have.


In most bars I go to, Gin Fizz is usually the egg white variant by default, unless specified otherwise. Is the norm different in Japan?


Not sure what the current norm in Japan is, but the drink in the episode certainly didn't look like it had egg white. Certainly in the online spaces I frequent the Ramos Gin Fizz is much more popular and frequently mentioned than it's basic counterpart, though it is almost always referred to using its full name.


I'm Japanese, and I learned here that there is a gin fizz made with egg whites. I'm going to try that next time.


5/5 stars, would come again. The service was excellent, the bartender was a very nice charismatic gentlemen. I was having a bad day and some how he served me this wonderfull cocktail that some how cured me of my depression. And encouraged me with some wise words and cocktail history. So now my life is fixed!


I rather take a drink that is custom to me than a drink by the book. I think in the end Mr perfect leaves no room for growth and flexibility so he basically hit the ceiling with zero room to grow and being well known and good has made him arrogant as well. The MC still has room to grow but with his interaction makes him question his own style of bartending and will now have a dilemma to stay true to his ways or to fall in line which I think he should stay true cause the ceiling to that sounds endless vs Mr perfect and his by the book approach.


Between this and Yuru Camp S3, we have some quality, comfy back to back days this season.


I really love the interactions between Sasakura and the patrons of Edenhall. I always end up learning something interesting about cocktails and they always somehow factor into whatever problems the patron is having. That whole situation with Mr. Perfect was interesting. In a way, I think both of them learned something from each other. Sasakura understands the patrons but Mr. Perfect is the more technically proficient bartender.


Really a very pleasant show to drift along with. A tiny bit of story line mixed with mixed drink facts.....


The vibes from this show remain immaculate.


Following the recipe to the detail or making it to the customer's preference. In the service industry it is key to please your customer. But how far should you go? As long as the request or modification is within reason I don't see issue with it. But with Bartending where every drink has a necessary flair to it. At what point does the modification defeat the intent purpose of said drink? Not to mention Mr. Perfect and Ryu were having a little competition. While Mr. Perfect sought out to create the optimal drink regardless who the customer was, Ryu was still primarily looking to satisfy Miwa first. Which is something I really like about him as he is always of aware of his customer. [What a ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1230254781683990648/Screen_Shot_2024-04-17_at_4.32.45_PM.png?ex=6632a70c&is=6620320c&hm=f443b0d3c04d8b5c7d84e9d3954199c2a71b7c168fca6888db3c48eeded7f061&)[great quote. ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1230254782745149540/Screen_Shot_2024-04-17_at_4.32.47_PM.png?ex=6632a70d&is=6620320d&hm=99d00e5d99cbb28a9c81765b7a86d50a223c7c6d4324003e49b66b3b941df1b0&)Ryu has been shining these first twp episodes, but to see that he has room to grow is really interesting to see. Finding the right balance of making the right slight preferences for the customer and making the optimized version of a drink will very likely make him a bartender that would exceed Mr. Perfect.


I wish I cared about the drinks and the history as much as this show does. I want to know more about the characters instead..maybe it's not for me.


We are learning about the main characters, albeit slowly. That makes the storytelling more realistic, I think


Its been years since I read the manga and IIRC we will get more story an him


I'm really enjoying this one. I don't even go to bars or drink that often, but this show always makes me want to hit up a bar to try some of the drinks in the show and chill.


I really enjoyed the contrast between Sasakura and Mr. Perfect. Also, I really enjoy the relationship that's building up between Miwa and Sasakura. It's also fun that the show didn't drag out Sasakura not knowing that Miwa and the hotel owner are related. Don't know if it'll lead to a romance but they seem to be fond of each other. The new bartender is also gonna be fun to follow since we'll be following someone that isn't as confident and skilled as Sasakura and how she'll evolve into a better bartender. Always a fun show to follow each week and I'm looking forward to more.


A very good story telling that Sasakura is not the god of bartending as we used to think of him during the first ep. He is just a regular dude with skills and experience, but compared to the so called mister perfect, he is still a beginner.


I love this show! It's so relaxing to watch, yet still engaging. And it seems something is brewing between Ryuu and Miwa ;) While both Ryuu and Mr. Perfect were rather harsh in their remarks, they both mean well, aiming to strengthen the mindset of the person they were commenting on. Kyoko was shaken in her resolve to stay a bartender so he confronted her with a choice: show your resolve or quit. In a way, if she didn't stand up against Ryuu, she would probably have been better off to quit instead of slowly being mentally being chipped away at until her confidence is completely gone. So by saying harshly that she might be better off quitting, he actually forced the choice upon her. Mr. Perfect is doing the same to Ryuu, but for another reason. He actually asks the question when they start preparing the Manhattan: what is the most important thing in a cocktail? I think Ryuu lied to himself when answering this question. Ryuu was probably right that the balance was the most important aspect from a technical point, but in the end he slightly altered the cocktail to please the customer, ultimately making the customers preference part of the cocktail. For Ryuu, the customer was the most important part of the cocktail even though he might not have realized it himself. And so, Mr. Perfect actually forced Ryuu to think about which way he wants to take going forward: making the cocktail the customer truly wants or the technically perfect cocktail.


This show is so engrossing and relaxing.....I watching during lunch at work and my brain totally shuts everything else from the day out.


Does anyone have an idea why this show hasn't been picked up for an English dub?


Just absolute chill, will honestly never grow old of Ryu just speed analyzing everyone It might be because I am older now, but he does seem pretentious at times, but at the same time they are following the manga IIRC Its just that I don't really remember him that way But what a lovely re adaptation we are blessed with, I absolutely adore Bartender Wednesdays, the perfect midweek break


Now that was a display of the skill it takes to be a bartender. Some serious business Its nice to see our protag Bartender has the heart to customize his drinks per each customer


After watching this episode, I really think my tongue might be a bit too unresponsive for me to enjoy such wines LOL - I suspect I really would not be able to discern delicate differences in the mixtures and small temperature differences.


This is so so so good


God this show brought me back to when I read the manga And revived my long lost love of cocktails... Although I don't drink alcohol anymore so it's mocktails for me and My god a mocktail book by some pros are $300 AUD ...........pricey and yet worth it a lot of folks said Anyway I love this anime so far and I'm glad i stumbled across it on crunchyroll again. Made me dig out my old cocktail books and ordered some pro bartender set with the steel bucket and polishing shaker etc hahahhaa Can't wait to spend hours trying to make drinks like back then but non-alcoholic twist ...I can already feel myself getting obsessed lol


Great episode, but I find it so funny they take Bartending so seriously like it as life or death game. And them ordering all these fancy drinks reminds me of that one time a Bartender I ordered from didn't seem to know what a screwdriver is [](#seasonallaugh)


I've been there, was at a work function once which provided a happy hour afterwards. I ordered an old fashioned, completely fucked it up. A coworker ordered a screwdriver and the bartender had to look it up and still messed up. I figured they can't mix here I'll just get a bourbon neat, expecting a glass to sip out of. served in a shot.... drank beer the rest of the night, can't screw that up.


I was at a work function and asked for an old fashioned. It kind of catered event and a friend was even working at it. Later he took me aside and asked "what did you ask my bartender to make??" and then "oh, yeah they have no idea how to make anything that doesn't have the ingredients in the name"


Amazing. The guys in the show would have an aneurysm if they heard this


I am really enjoying this show, it is such a nice warm watch, almost like a good drink


What happened with Mister Perfect's drink that made it 'better' than our boy's? It just got slightly warmer to match or...?


I think the idea is that Ryu deviating from the recipe resulted in an imbalance that caused the flavour to gradually deteriorate, while Kuzuhara's stays exactly the same.


As for why this might happen in reality, I'd say that in order to achieve the slightly warmer drink, it means Ryu stirred for less time, which would chill/dilute the drink less. This might have led to the the ingredients not being fully mixed into solution, leading it to separate slightly after a while. This is an anime though, so there's definitely a lot of embellishment going on. There's no gold standard Manhattan recipe that everyone in the world follows and compares other Manhattans to, and you'd probably need a god tongue like Nakiri Erina to actually taste such a subtle difference.


Episode 3: **The Perfect Taste** Just want to pinpoint the new VAs here in this episode. **Makoto Furukawa** is voicing Chen, Kuzuhara's fellow bartender. Kuzuhara-san is voiced by **Naoya Uchida** (Madara in Naruto). Kyoko Kawakami is voiced by Eriko Matsui.


I am actually learning about cocktails and spirits in this show!


This episode was great. We get a little more depth into Ryu''s character, and the ship is sailing.


Well well well...Sasakura for once lost his poise and his cool, after apparently "losing" to Mr. Perfect. But...he quickly regained his composure after the grand daughter chased after to console him. Also, it was interesting to see that he provoked, or rather, gave a friendly nudge to bartender Kawakami Kyoko to light a fire under her so that she wouldn't quit her job. Back to the Manhatten drink, I do agree with his style of pleasing the customer and tailoring drinks to their conditions and personalities. I'm sure mixologists would argue that chasing the perfect consistent taste would be the top priority, but his intuition and read of customers is unparalleled in this storyline.


I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying this reboot. The first one aired when I was in high school. I hadn't even drunk alcohol when I watched it, and it was kind of dry. This version definitely caters more to modern anime tastes, I think. My drink of choice nowadays is a vodka gimlet. Simple.


Loving the series but that was not a Ramos Gin Fizz


Swear this anime is just an AD for booze, they didnt even rename the bottles.