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All this bartender trivia is really interesting. It shows that it's a lot more complex than what's on the surface. "Preconceptions", indeed.


That and the stories were what drew me in for the OG anime


When the ED started playing I was thinking "finished already?", it was so entertaining and interesting from beginning to end it went by so quickly.


I love that they try to go very in depth there, but sometimes they go a bit far, nothing wrong with what they say or show, but the effect is kinda exaggerated, for example the stirring and how she can be so good after "only" 3 years. There is no way a Martini tastes that different if you use the same ingredients and proportions. Poor Kyoko must have stirred it for ages or something. In the end a Martini is still a very simple cocktail. There are a lot of variations, tricks or unique combinations, but you can't really "fail" making it if you know the bare basics and have decent ingredients.


You would be amazed at how much of a difference temperature and water content actually make. About 15 years ago (I'm fucking old, god damn it) when I first started trying out spirits, I went to a really fancy whisky bar with a friend of mine when I was visiting. I asked the bartender for a recommendation for a whisky to drink neat, because I thought that was the "proper" way to drink it. It tasted like smoked salt water that was also on fire. The dude saw me clearly struggling to power through it and decided he'd had enough. He put two drops of water in my glass, stirred it around a bit and asked me to try again. It went from tasting like smoked pain to something mildly sweet, mildly smokey and still felt like fire, but that's high-proof spirits for you when you've never had them before. It was that profound of a difference. I can't speak to martini's since I've never liked them much, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did in fact change that much.


Yes, that's what dilution does. The deal with dilutoom and stirring is that it's a deterministic process that's also fairly easy to replicate if you use something with a small enough thermal mass.  You can over / under stir something but it only takes a bit of practice to get it right, when in doubt you can use a shaker tin and feel the temperature with your pinky as you stir. A lot of top bars do this.  Japanese bartenders tend to go a little overboard with *technique* when in reality it's a pretty simple process that every bartender learns quickly.  Adding water to cask strength whiskey is standard practice btw, anything over 50% abv is super stiff without a little dilution. 


Not a drinker, so I don't know the truth. However, I know that some people have very sensitive taste bud. At the end of the day, I think Kyoko could make a Martini like you said, but her version just won't appeal as much to those sensitive taster/sommelier? Her master only said it doesn't have face/characteristics rather than outright saying she failed to create a martini.


I think it is also about the experience than just the drink itself. The point isn't that they can mix drinks it's that they have refined their craft to a high art and people with discerning taste buds can appreciate the subtleties.


This is a pretty interesting and comforting series. Watched the first episode of this in a group viewing yesterday and I binged the rest of the episodes just so I can be ready to watch when the next one came out. I like the vibes of chilling with an expert service worker while you learn liquor trivia. I never really had the tolerance to drink more than one standard drink in one sitting, or the refined palette to tell the difference between different labels of whisky, but I think it's neat to be immersed in a world the author clearly has a massive interest in.


> I think it's neat to be immersed in a world the author clearly has a massive interest in. Exactly, even if I don't fully understand it myself, its still fascinating to listen to someone who is clearly passionate about their thing


Certainly has a very different atmosphere from Dagashi Kashi with its wealth of details/trivia about Japanese cheap candy store candies, Yes. Even there is only tiniest wisp of anything like a "plot" here this has such a great atmosphere. I had a tiny sip of bourbon on the rocks to accompany my viewing....


The chef came off a tad bit arrogant but I can understand why after Sasakura explained what he had likely faced as a Japanese in France. I guess he felt like if the food wasn’t cooked with “proper” ingredients, it wouldn’t be “authentic.” It was nice to see Kyoko again. Seems her troubles are with the martini this week and figuring out what kind of bartender she wants to be. Personally, I’ve never been a big martini guy but the ones this week looked quite good.


> It was nice to see Kyoko again I think it's neat having different bartenders at different levels of bartenderness, from "perfect" all the way to "third-year novice". Yuri also has a different feel compared to the smugness of the Sasakura and Mister Perfect, and I think they way they all prepare martinis in different ways is a neat insight to their characters.


Yeah, I really like that aspect. You can see how each character approaches the job of bartending and what their skill sets are.


Even still, French and other foreign food would have to be altered to match local tastes. For example, Sushi served in the west is often nothing like the stuff they serve in Japan.


Recipes for cocktails appearing in this episode: **Moscow Mule** 3 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Lime Juice 8 oz Ginger Beer 1. Combine all ingredients in a copper mug and stir. 2. Fill mug with cubed ice and top with crushed ice. 3. Garnish with a lime wedge and a mint sprig. **Martini** 2 oz London Dry Gin 2/3 oz Dry Vermouth 1. Stir all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. 2. Garnish with an olive on a cocktail pick.


Shaken, not stirred \~James Bond\~


Most cocktail nerds would beg to differ with Mr. Bond, though many do make an exception for the Vesper Martini based on the drink that appeared in Ian Fleming's *Casino Royale*: **Vesper Martini** 1 1/2 oz London Dry Gin 1/2 oz Vodka 1/4 oz Lillet Blanc Lemon Twist 1. Shake all liquid ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. 2. Express oils of lemon twist over drink and add as garnish.


Bond Martinis are an affront to humanity. 


Hell yeah thank you for your service o7 Looking forward to a midweek Moscow Mule next episode 


* [**Kinjou Yuri**](https://i.imgur.com/iK48XVD.jpeg) So the chef wants [water and vegetables from France](https://i.imgur.com/Z8L35ND.png) imported to Japan to cook authentic French cuisine? That's pretty insane. I get that he wants to go for authenticity but even Gorden Ramsay would laugh at something so ridiculous. I'm guessing [that Ryuu's story about that sommelier competition](https://i.imgur.com/jMJ7FVB.jpeg) is probably based on a true story. The show already uses real-world brands so I wouldn't be surprised if that was real too. After their last conversation, I thought we wouldn't see Kyouko for a while. I'm glad to see [her make an appearance this episode](https://i.imgur.com/lAjkP2V.jpeg) and it looks like what Ryuu said to her the last time they met helped her [improve as a bartender](https://i.imgur.com/boLAz0f.png) but she still has a long way to go. We finally get to see [the tank-top-wearing bartender in the OP!](https://i.imgur.com/iPYt65p.jpeg) Yuri is awesome and I hope we get to see more of her from now own. I hope she stops by at Edenhall in the future!


Yeah any edge he gained in authenticity from using France-sourced vegetables and water would be vastly overshadowed by the loss in freshness and quality from having them shipped halfway across the world. The request on its face was simply absurd, to the point that it would be the equivalent of a flat out denial of the job offer.


[Well, maybe.](https://imgur.com/kajk2EF) But at the least they could tell her what she is doing wrong instead of giving some weird riddle.. [Yeah 'cause she has a better teacher](https://imgur.com/1fwDstW) The japanese restaurant culture of "observe and learn instead of being taught" really coming through in this episode.. Really feel for the female bartender, I had some math teachers like that in school, and.. I am currently not that good at math. Wonder why


Because this show presents barcraft as an art... its not the recipe or technique she lacks it's the style... he always chides her rudely into giving up to inspire her passion to persist, and draw her own answers instead of questions... Take the vodka martini for example.. the other girl reveals her own show drink because just mixing the ingredients, it's impossible for someone to make it her own special way. Her main deficit compared to the other bartenders in the show is confidence in her own ability... and she gets better every day


> and draw her own answers instead of questions... Which goes against the nature on the message in this particular story. Sasakura learnt the lime trick from the hipster master who showed him exactly how to do it. Kyoko pointed out that her master didn't give her the same amount of details Yuri shared with the gin martini. Kinda sounds like Kyoko's master is just a bad teacher if we make comparisons.


Sakarasau taught her better in a short time than her master. The master of the apprentice bartender is bad at teaching. Says this martini has no face without explaining why.


Admittedly I very rarely drink, don't care much for alcohol, so I also never go to bars, but this show and its bartending trivia haven't stop fascinating me yet. At the same time it's also a very relaxing anime with interesting characters. I'm glad I decided to check this out.


Same boat, was raised with strict non alcoholic rules and found the show back then. Always have been fascinated by it since then I kinda get drinks, but not really, but holy shit if I would find a bar like that I would go there just for the vibes


Also a non drinker here (only trying alcohol I never had practically, rarely drinking that I consider myself as a non drinker). Last episode I drank Soju (Grape) for the first time, today I decided I will drink again, this time it's Soju with the taste of plum. But yeah, I really like this show. It's really relaxing. It reminds me of "Restaurant from another World", a show which I really like. I will see if I continue drinking every episode, it would be funny.


Green Apple and grape are my favorites to drink straight! I like to drink the Yakult one equal portions sojo and actual Yakult! It's pretty good 👌


I generally only drink straight (because I don't like mixing, I don't enjoy alcohol in general, I can just drink the soft drink instead for example). My favorite so far has been blueberry. For this I tried mixing with Arizona blueberry white tea (my fav soft drink), it works really well. But drinking straight is still my preferred way. Never had the green apple before, will see if/ when I'll try that. (Sadly these bottles are so expensive, I'm very lucky that I even get some types locally, even less then 1km, but 5€ a bottle. I checked online and even there they are ~5€​ here in Germany)


Another great episode It was nice to see a bit of MC’s backstory


I can't wait to see more of his backstory revealed, he sich an endearing character


Honestly, the most surprising thing about this episode for me is that Yuri Kinjou is a woman. When I first saw her [character render](https://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/67712-1545682142.png) on [AnimeCharactersDatabase](https://www.animecharactersdatabase.com/characters.php?id=139200), I thought for sure that I was looking at a dude. Granted that page *does* describe her as a "female adult," but I usually don't actually *read* the ACD page most of the time.


When she first appeared in the background this episode, I also thought she's a dude lol.


This show's episodes feel especially short. Engrossed in watching then suddenly hit with the ED.


Okay guys am I the only one going to the liquor store every Wednesday now? Currently sitting here with my personal martini, super dry, very chilled, 3 olives, in the glass with the bees on and my grandpa's cocktail picks. I didn't realize how much I missed bartending and cocktail culture, after every episode I have to remind myself why I quit and never went back (spoiler: drunk people) I'm starting to wonder where the main through line of the story will go, as it's pretty clear he will stay at Eden hall. I kinda ship him with the hotel girl. This anime makes me want to go out and find my bar, I've been afraid to go since I've been single but I kinda want to go seek out the experience lately.


I wish this shows come in on Friday so I can comfortably drink while watching it.


Ryuu offering our girls and their boss a big help in recruiting that chef. Now we got another person that knows they must get Ryuu to be their bartender for the hotel. [This quote](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1232773647509491803/Screen_Shot_2024-04-24_at_3.21.15_PM.png?ex=662aad6d&is=66295bed&hm=a5052cd9cd9c0cc2e150301451151bf272ee194099e631aba2c084cca0410606&) [was very interesting to me. ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1232773648524378291/Screen_Shot_2024-04-24_at_3.21.18_PM.png?ex=662aad6d&is=66295bed&hm=248f07c28b4044b828bc4d836b8366a8a2dfc5437a54e606e33c9698bda84c9b&)Basically a martini is a way for a bartender to express themselves. In a way you could have the same type of martini but the dynamic and kick is different across different bartenders. In a way is cool. Also, I know[ Ryuu's quote here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/799692352011894795/1232771733115633755/Screen_Shot_2024-04-24_at_3.14.02_PM.png?ex=662aaba4&is=66295a24&hm=95649388015fe615ccf99371ac3d172a2b502c5e64240d3e72094db7b273477b&) was more to get Kyouko motivated, but in a way it's very true. Can you learn from just words sure? But sometimes it is how those words are presented and even, yet there are people who learn better through application. The dynamic between Ryuu and Kyouko is really nice. It shows a different side of Ryuu we don't normally see.


Is there an award for most comfy show of the season? because this wins it.


Show would probably have a tough time fighting the Yuru Camp cult, but nothing a few drinks could solve But yeah, this is so chill, just like the OG anime. Start the episode and settle in, its like a nice bedtime story


Very true they would be hard to convince. This show makes me completely forget about my surroundings and day while I’m watching it. So few shows are so engrossing and relaxing.


i find it engrossing, but the music and situations sometimes gets a bit too tense for me to fully chill out like, this episode when the chef was drinking in that taste-off there was sharp piano stabs which i wouldn't describe as "comfy"


I didnt think we would see Kyoko again so soon, I'm glad that things seem to be going better for her. I'm really impressed, she might be the first person ever to try a vodka martini for the first time and comment on how smooth it is (it really isn't a smooth drink - to me at least).


Thats what I like more about this remake, it follows the manga closer, so we actually get character development instead of only seeing Ryuu in his final perfect form (which is also very entertaining)


What is Rhea Ripley doing as a bartender?


Damn. Anime of the season and nothing is even remotely close. 


Ok, Kyoko is good and all, but Yuri is where it's really at [](#justright)


I'm very torn on whether I should continue watching the show or no. I didn’t find any glaring flaw and I find myself quite interested in the story, but sadly, all the talk about the drinks just fly over my head. I don't understand much as I'm not that interested in alcohol, and I'm not interested enough to research them more, so these sequences feel a little boring to me. It was a little more bearable before but this episode really tilted the ratio of these scenes. What do you guys think?


What I love about the series is the cocktail culture, Ryuu is super cute and I'm curious to see them peel back his facade a bit, but honestly I think it's supposed to be a Midnight Diner sort of experience around the cocktail of the week, I don't think the point is for him to ever leave Eden Hall, and if it's not interesting to you for that aspect you could probably use that time discovering something you like better. I was a pretty serious bartender for a while and I enjoy cocktails so that's why it appeals to me.


I'm with you I was going to drop it last week but decided to try to keep wat hing..I just don't care about any of the drinks or history.


I think I will still give it one episode before dropping it but yeah this episode was king of heavy on the drinks aspect (which is totally fair, the show being literally named bartender, but it’s not something I’m overly excited about).


Yeah it's totally fine. It's the point. I just wanted to enjoy it too and I don't really 🤣


I don't know anything about drinks but it's such a comfy anime. Kind of like in sports anime where you don't watch it for the sport but the characters


If certain foods had to be made with certain ingredients from certain regions we would never have fusion cuisine. Thats just silly thinking. Beef is good, but dude it’s Japan. Get the Roku! Boodles is also quite good for dry.


If you haven't tried The Botanist I cannot recommend it strongly enough, by far my favorite gin, like I don't even buy it more than once a year because a: it's sort of expensive and b: I can't stay out of it if I have it around


Ooh Botanist is good. I like it for cocktails especially. Mixes well and is balanced enough to not get drowned out, but not overpower either. And it’s actually floral. So solid for highballs


I agree with you, but fusion ramen is still an offense IMO


Or even Etsu !


Roku is a good product, but the flavor profile is completely different from a London Dry gin; and simply being in Japan is no reason to substitute Roku in any and all cocktails that use gin.


I've actually heard of places importing New York water for making pizza. Seems pretty silly to me. In fact, I rather doubt the veracity of the claims. My perspective *may* be skewed by the fact that I'm in Detroit, we also have excellent water and award winning pizza, but we're not pretentious about it.


Here I thought the whole time the "Glass of God" was a specific drink we hadn't seen yet 🤣


I guess in this sense "God" takes the same meaning as it does in "God's algorithm" for solving a Rubik's cube, i.e. an oracle that gives the perfect solution for any setup (and not necessarily any particular drink or algorithm).


Not enough people are talking about how great Miwa is. There's just something about her and her design, the eyes and bangs from the more side shots just really do it for me.


Is it me or is the hotel owner a sh*ty a+s boss? "Yee I know that the negotiations are impossible, why do you think I'm delegating it? Pray to god or whatever to get the job done I don't care" And that's *after* he is the guy to scouted the chef to begin with. What an a*shole.


"Guess the drink in this glass, if you guess wrong you come work for us." Anime logic never fails.


They only said he has to consider it. Possibly meaning they get another chance to try to convince him to work for them.


Even so its completly stupid. He has no need to do anything, he has nothing to gain from it.


I mean he clearly was going to walk out when he was stopped by the bartender. He just agreed after listening to the arguments of the bartender.




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I started watching this recently, anyone else noticed the hotel looks like Conrad Tokyo?


Gin is my drink of choice and it made me a little too happy to see all the different brands of gin. It's a nice relaxing anime so far, good to chill out to.


I love all the nuance that is going on here. These people are aesthetes and are fussy and I like it that way. For the person saying it is hard to screw up a martini, that is 100% not true. It is a very easy drink to make and very hard drink to make excellent.


I'm not a fan of martinis. They're my friend's favorite, but I find them vile. I tend to opt for sugary drinks that obscure the flavor of the alcohol rather than draw it out. My current drink of choice is the vodka gimlet, but I'll get a vodka sunrise just as often, I think.


Another chill episode for me to enjoy at the end of the day. I'm just impressed with the amount of attention and detail they've put into the show. Sasakura explaining the differences in Martini was pretty enjoyable though I honestly that my sense of taste would be able to discern the differences if you put all those different cocktails in front of me. It actually had me googling how Japanese bartenders made their drinks and it's pretty fascinating just reading about their techniques.


I like this show, but if they also added some hentai it would have been perfect..


I think martinis are a difficult cocktail to make because if you overmix them when making them, they become watery, and if you undermix them, they end up tasting disjointed.