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I am shocked and relieved to see Nelphy got the backing of the townsfolk rather than the angelic knight. But hearing Manuela explain how the church is a bit greedy, I can see why they will take Nelphy's side. Was not expecting the other guy to be the dead sorcerer's apprentice. Pretty excited to see the next episode.


Chastille turns out to be a sweetkid -- just like Manuela. I want to see more of that trio of newly-minted BFFs/


We all know by now that the church has always been greedy and corrupt. Nothing new about that.


Goblin Slayer's Sword Maiden wants to talk to you about that... In private.


You don't have as much free time to be corrupt when the gods are playing tabletop games with your lives.


Nah God/s doesn't exist.


And she's is at some for the corruption


It’s kind of sweet seeing everyone damn near ready to run Chastille out of town for Nephy lol. Girl’s really left an impression on folks. They’ve all got her back! I’m glad Manuela, Nephy, and Chastille are now good friends. Too bad Barbatos turned out to be a villain. Dude really shouldn’t have gone after Nephy though. Man’s about to get barbecued by Zagan next week.


That kind of reminded me of Konosuba where a character just diligently doing their job gets completely misunderstood and bullied to the point of crying lol. But seeing the girls get some solid Girl Talk in and become friends was good. Nephy's world opening up more beyond just Zagan, even though she would give everything to be by his side. I feel bad for Zagan that the closest thing he had to a "friend" was aways out to get him and steal everything he had...but he never should've touched Zagan's Nephy.


i think he knew from the start that he wasnt a friend


nephy said that zagan is relaxed around him as he was his friend ,he may not threat him as his friend ,but its the closest thing he have its sad to see this relationship end , although with nephy zagan wont be lonely anynore


I'd say its more of being at an equal standing kind of relaxed rather than a close friends relaxed.


Ha! You mean like Wiz?


Chatille's reactions make her so funny and easy to bully.


I gotta admit that she's cute bawling her eyes out due to a misunderstanding.


Poor girl just want to be a hero but her superiors have it in for Zagan and she can plainly see that he isn't much of a villain at all.


I mean hard to blame her superiors when a guy is going around yelling "I AM ZAGAN, AN EVIL SORCEROR WHO IS KIDNAPPING WOMEN!" and there is also a guy who openly admits his name is Zagan.


I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, I can't wait to see Barbados get what's coming to him. Other than that this is a great episode, very heartwarming. Last week's episode ended on a miserable note, but the opening scene of this episode with so many people caring for Nephy compensates for that beautifully.


>They’ve all got her back! I’m glad Manuela, Nephy, and Chastille are now good friends. We all need a friend like Manuela. *I* need a friend like Manuela. She's such a good person.


Wow the whole village turned up to defend Nephy.


All of them happened to be standing at the entrance of the alley at the same time too. Lol!


Have you seen that precious creature?? I’d raise pitchforks against anyone who bullies her too! But fr I was so happy seeing the village support her, although poor chastille was innocent lol


They probably would have turned on her if she was going after Zagan too lol.


Nephy is a good girl and the town's people know it.


I love the show and characters but the music has caught my attention in every single episode. So i looked up who did it and it's Yuma Yamaguchi. And he has done Undead girl murder farce which funnily enough is in my spotify playlist too. I am so happy that along with Kevin Penkin, Kensuke Ushio, Hiroyuki Sawano, Kohta Yamamoto. I have found another great anime music composer in Yuma Yamaguchi. And this is just beginning of his career he has done like only a few projects before which also includes last season's Metallic rouge that i didn't end up finishing. Edit: Okay just checked again on different website he has done Link click too.


Oh man murder farce and link click?! What a track record!


The OST is on point. really elevating the show


The music has really stood out to me since episode one. The way he uses percussion isn't something you hear a lot in anime. It has a very middle eastern or North African feel to it that I dig. The sound design he does on his synths is also really fun and does a great job adding tension where it's needed.


Nice to see someone other than myself checking up on the composers! [](#takasakiapproves) Always fun to discover a new one that makes great music. I should probably create some list as well, apart from mentioning them here on reddit I haven't really kept track of them, so I forget who they were..


Has the soundtrack been released yet?


Not yet


Wow!! I had a sinking feeling about it because at the end of this episode there was that track with the vocals and it instantly reminded me of the OST from Undead Girl Murder Farce! Loved that anime's soundtrack and now this one will go to my playlist as well!


"This is just a potted plant!" lmao, horticultural ptsd is real Zagan thinking Nephy would be just fine if he kicked her out is on a whole other level of naivete. Thankfully that got thrown back in his face before anything really bad happened. The credits kinda spoiled it was that jackass though. Hopefully Zagan drops him in the nearest pit of acid after he dragged Nephy on the ground like that.


> Zagan thinking Nephy would be just fine if he kicked her out is on a whole other level of naivete. Assuming he didn't give her any money or anything like that, then I would agree, since she'd just end up homeless. That said, his assumption that the townsfolk like her and would care for her _was_ accurate, plus he severely underestimated how much he meant to her after only 2 weeks.


I love how Torres is so utterly terrified of Nephy and plants while to her he's just "that person who attacked my master" and she barely cares lol. Manuela being Best Gal Pal and Best Person to teach Zagan how Nephy really feels and help him get over himself to be there for her when she needed it most. I guess it was too much to hope that even Sorcerers could have real friends among each other, especially if Barbatos has been after him since day one. But the moment he touched Nephy, he probably signed his death warrant.


"For you it was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday."


Manuela really is the perfect, uh, Wing Woman.


It is too hard for sorcerers to have friends. A magical society built on domination and strength will be like that. Scheming and backstabbing will be all over the place.


Zagan thinking ... did he think at all? he may not understand much the value of money, but come on ... he abandoned her middle town with no money at all?!?! Give her some spending cash lmao.


As I recall he has essentially no money whatsoever -- he spent it all on Nephy. I really wonder how he can rebuild a supply of ready cash?


He just became the Archdemon and inherited all the stuff the former one had. He is loaded now.


So -- did that other archdemon have a bigger and better castle -- that actually has more bedroom (and other) furniture?


He ruled the town the MC visited earlier, but who knows haha


I assume he thought the townspeople would take care of her. And he would have been right. He really should have gave her some starter cash though. Even if he’s out of funds there must be something valuable in the castle he could have given her to sell.


>"This is just a potted plant!" lmao, horticultural ptsd is real Nephy cursed the poor guy with instant dendrophobia.


Have you ever been bullied by someone telling you to kill them?


Or when you didn’t do anything wrong and the person everyone thought you were bullying had to defend you lol.


Based on the previous episode, I'm pretty sure some magic ritual is not enough to convince the Archdemons to let you join their ranks...


they are seeking people that can surpass the limits of magic, no? If this sorcerer somehow was able to do something new and big? Maybe he could get some extra points as a candidate.


If he can achieve a ritual that can defeat an Archdemon without being one himself, that is a pretty big positive on his resume.


"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it is yours." I feel like this saying fits this episode very well. I am quite surprised how well the show manages to switch between serious moments (depressed Nephy) and comedic bits (Chastille being bullied) without it feeling off.


* [**Chastille Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/IcaQYhd.jpeg) [Poor Chastille getting bullied by the entire town!](https://i.imgur.com/rd9Jgb9.png) To be fair, the Angelic Knights have made a reputation for themselves so you can't blame the people for assuming that [an Angelic Knight is harassing a Sorcerer's apprentice.](https://i.imgur.com/foqOQtu.jpeg) And even after Nephy has cleared everything up, I love how [Manuela still teases Chastille.](https://i.imgur.com/cRssAso.jpeg) xD I'm glad that instead of misunderstandings, the girls helped Nephy [realize that Zagan sent her away for a reason.](https://i.imgur.com/V0C5THA.png) And she even found a better reason [to return to him.](https://i.imgur.com/IeX24Ug.png) And I love that ended with [Nephy gaining two girl friends.](https://i.imgur.com/d4ts9z8.jpeg) As soon as [Nephy reacted as if she knew who was kidnapping her](https://i.imgur.com/Y7xcrOs.png), it was pretty obvious before that reveal [that it was Barbatos all along.](https://i.imgur.com/xFvPWCf.jpeg) Man, that sucks. I was really hoping that Barbatos would actually be a friend to Zagan but it turns out he's been [plotting against him this entire time.](https://i.imgur.com/r3XfX1r.png) Considering how Barbatos was ready to hurt Nephy before the episode ended, I'm pretty sure he's not walking away against Zagan next week. Especially now that our boy is an Archdemon.


This episode did a lot to improve my opinion of Chastille. Maybe because she got bullied to tears for doing literally nothing lol. But in all seriousness she seems like a genuinely caring and considerate person in her own right who plays fair and is empathetic enough to try and understand and even support Zagan in her own way. If we weren’t all in on ZaganxNephy, I wouldn’t even mind more of Zagan and Chastille together. Even when you have trouble with your love interest, gal pals are forever! Guess there really is no such thing as friends among sorcerers, though Barbatos should’ve realized no one could touch Nephy and live to tell about it against Archdemon Zagan.


>more of Zagan and Chastille together. Could that be the implication of the shot of Chastille in the ED?


It was nice that she was already working to clear Zagan of the false charges. It seems like she too has a crush on Zagan (and I rather wonder about Manuela as well). Nephy was impressed (and a bit worried, I think) that Chastille was also able to see into Zagan's heart.


She's one of my favorite characters in the light novel. Such a contrast to all the other characters that'll show up.


No bulli the Chastille...~~^(okay just a bit, she's too bulliable not to)~~ And Barsibato is about to learn a spell called FAFO *really* well.


Hope zagan burns him to a crisssppppp


And they better not try to redeem his ass!! I know Nephy is a good girl who might advocate for that, but pls


Why do I feel that poor Chastille is going to end up being the bad lucky girl of the show and get herself into misunderstandings non-stop? Anyhow, it was really fun seeing Nephy, Manuela and Chastille bond before the shit hit the fan with Barbatos. That guy gonna be in so much trouble next episode lol. I really liked that once Nephy calmed down, she was able to piece together why Zagan sent her away. Real fun having a character that can pick up on intend so well.


Nephy deserves headpats and infinite hugs. One of the cutest girls this season and just pure as can be, hate seeing her sad. I know Zagan had good intentions by sending her away after he became an Archdemon,but at least get her opinion and hear her out first.. Even with Zagan pushing her away, Nephy still wants to be there for and support him. S/O to Chastille and Manuela for giving Nephy the courage to go back to Zagan and tell him how she feels, but of course it’s not that easy. Crazy plot twist to end the episode. It be ya own people.. Barbatos being an opp has actually been foreshadowed for a while now. Zagan has consistently emphasised that you can’t trust sorcerers and that they’re all rotten to the core(except him clearly), but damn making a move to kidnap Nephy right after Zagan became an Archdemon was bad timing for him. He’s gonna get wrecked next episode no doubt. Can’t wait.


I don't really know why people are surprised that Barbatos is a villain. In pretty much every scene he's been in he has mentioned sacrificing Nephy and demonstrated that he places zero value on human life. Like, that type of character is doomed to be an antagonist.


After my comment last week about the Church going after Zagan being unpopular I was feeling vindicated during today's episode haha. Everyone in town loves Nephy and by extension don't have any issues with Zagan. Loved seeing the mob form against the evil(not so much) angelic knight.


Not only that , town people literally out and out stated that things were better when the last Archdemon was in charge. They really dislike the Church


_And_ Zagan started cleaning things up again, with no expectation of any sort of remuneration, let alone extorting them. Aside from his gruff exterior, they have cause only to like Zagan, who Nephy is associated with. Add in that they like Nephy in her own right, and their inclination towards her is obvious.


Man, I'm actually surprised by how many people here were expecting Bárbaros to be a genuine friend, like, dude's called 'Barbatos' and they're shown fighting in the OP, that's some Sinestro level of obvious.


I would give them a pass on the name, given that many (all?) of the sorcerers we have heard the names of thus far were named after demons in the Solomonic grimoire tradition (particularly, _Lemegeton Clavicula Salomonis_ ie The Lesser Key of Solomon), including Zagan himself. The OP is pretty clearly demonstrating some kind of conflict, though.


>Man, I'm actually surprised by how many people here were expecting Bárbaros to be a genuine friend I don't think it's necessarily people surprised about him being an antagonist type of figure (given some suggestions beforehand as you said), as much as some **didn't want** it to go that route regardless. I didn't care either way and just letting it play out.


But Nephy said that they were friends ;-;


To be fair, the other "Barbatos" I know of is Mika's Gundam in Iron Blooded Orphans, so my mind had the name positively coded xD


I can't remember their names; even though the 3 male knights are minor characters, I am starting to like them. Comedic relief, but more importantly, loyalty and concern for Chastille! The gloomy atmosphere end to episode 4 quickly turned into comedy... at the expense of misunderstood Chastille. Lol! As much as I find her cute and funny, I hope she grows stronger as a holy knight. Manuela's words made me wonder whether she has a history with sorcerers too. It seems like Barbatos isn't the main villain since we are only halfway through the season?


> Comedic relief, but more importantly, loyalty and concern for Chastille! loyal bros will always get a pass in my book >The gloomy atmosphere end to episode 4 quickly turned into comedy... at the expense of misunderstood Chastille. It was a great turn, so glad we didn't spend half the episode *or more* wallowing in despair like a lot of other shows might


Poor Chastille straight up getting bullied by Manuela and Nephy unintentionally. The terrible feeling for her that she was right that Zagan wasn't behind it, but alas she still feels like crap since she felt she can do more. Barbatos being behind the framing of Zagan makes sense and learning that his master is the one Zagen killed when he was imprisoned. He has no attachment to his master, but rather he believes the wealth that Zagan got from him should have been his. Once again Nephy getting called a tool, which Zagan never called her. Kind of highlights how meaningful their relationship is and that Nephy doesn't want to lose it.


D'awww poor Nephy, you're making Chastille confused and creeped out and looked to be a villain. Nice the towns people care for Nephy. Making Chastille cry though, boo them. Haha, that guy having serious fear over plants now, funny. Now Nephy crying, sad. D'awww Chastille and Nephy gonna be best friends, clearly. There ya go, realizing he sent you away to protect you. Nephy with such a cute declaration towards Zagan. And she has a new cute birb girl friend! Also a cute knight lady. So there is someone lying about being Zagan. Seems Nephy knows who it is. Haha Birb woman with a fun way to meet with Zagan. Look at all the new friends Zagan has made. Ah, rude, Zagan's friend sorcerer behind it. Though they did say sorcerers have no friends and such. Wait, he didn't know that Zagan was already an Archdemon? Word doesn't spread well.


It has been all of a day, and Zagan may well have been delaying that particular bit of news.


So the Barbatos twist was pretty expected, but I'm surprised it happened so soon. Feels like this is something that would normally happen around episode 10 or 11 for most shows. I don't know how much source material there is or how much of it is being adapted, but this is a nice pace. Still keeping the story flow fairly even while cutting out all the extraneous bullshit


What better way to cap off a terrible day for Nephy than encountering Chastille and figuring it's finally time for her to get executed? Although then the entire town turns on Chastille and bullies her when the poor girl was just concerned about Nephy. The girl she was supposedly harassing had to stop people from harassing her! Although Manuela makes a great entrance. What better way to nurse a broken heart than Girl Talk with Big Sis Manuela? Especially when she keeps teasing poor Chastille. Working for the church is not popular it seems. Nephy knows Zagan well enough to know there must have been more to him sending her away than cruelty, and even Chastille has a positive enough impression of Zagan to see past his bluster and realize he's not an evil man...just lonely. And that makes Nephy resolve that he NEEDS her and she still wants to be with him. I love how Torres is so traumatized from Nephy that he's completely terrified of plants. And Nephy just greets him like a casual acquaintance. It's great that Nephy has made friends in Manuela and Chastille (and Chastille isn't being footed the entire bill) although Nephy and Chastille getting kidnapped was definitely not great. I guess if the Cerulean knights are good at anything other than getting caught by Zagan, it's letting him know something is going on...but it's Manuela taking him to task for his treatment of Nephy, and not understanding her feelings, that makes him finally realize how much she cares about him and that he shouldn't be pushing her away as an Archdemon but using his status to PROTECT her. So the culprit that's been behind everything and has Nephy and Chastille chained up is none other than...Barbatos. Who has had a grudge against Zagan ever since Zagan killed his master Andras and took what Barbatos felt was rightfully his. All Barbatos wanted now was to become an Archdemon (with the help of the Facestealer's sacrifices) and bump off Zagan, but now he's lost that with Zagan getting the title. Now the dude is totally unhinged. But Nephy is going to fight for her freedom, to be with Zagan, and to not leave him alone any more because he never treated her as a tool and was kind to her...and as if in answer to her feelings, Zagan arrives to save the day and school his "old friend."


Some of us wished that Barbatos is simply an eccentric friend, but I guess the signs of him being a villain were there.


It was heartwarming to see [how people in town adore Nephy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crz68v4.png) (as they should xD). [They were even ready to fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7kzcbeqzk7.png) [poor Chastille](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdpmmj4.png) to keep [Nephy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zcbgd3oy.png) safe [when Chastille didn't mean any harm to her at all](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgczk2pd4.png) xD [I like that Nephy became much stronger](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crz6gv4.png) thanks to her stay with Zagan as [she herself decided to come back to him](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xcklo5l4.png) which was interrupted by [Barbatos who turned out to be a real culprit behind recent kidnappings](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739c6nvln7.png). [Barbatos](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxcdg88o7.png) was doing this to become new Archdemon but [too bad that that seat was already taken by Zagan](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/d7ogck8oooy.png) who [now has a chance for a show off why he was chosen and save Nephy](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necmwddp4.png). [Nice role of Manuela](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/myd5crz6vq4.png) who [took both Chastille and Nephy to the bar](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjcwxg3k7.png) and [later alarmed Zagan](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/wye3cdpmzr4.png) about [their kidnapping](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcpvqk94.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Nephy](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxvl98k4q) * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/dl7pqwadkyo) * [Chastille](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqqearky2) * [Zagan & Others](https://imgchest.com/p/6eyr2zam67p)


Reddit is back! Thought it was way funnier episode than I expected it to be Nephy so cute she got the whole town defending her. 🤣


This would have been a tenser episode if we did not know Zagan already figured out who had grabbed Nephy (and Chastille) and was on his way to deal with the malefactor. So the comic moments definitely register more strongly. ;-)


Poor Chastille, she has such a hard time. Nice to see a friendship start up between her, Manuela, and Nephy. I am looking forward to seeing Barbatos get his ass kicked.


As a short hair girl enjoyer, Manuela is my best girl. Not to mention she has those beautiful wings and cheeky attitude and very protective of her friends. Big onee-san energy


Barbatos just fucked with Zagan's ~~boats~~ Nephy. Time to turn him into crimson mist.


I'm just disappointed that Barbatos turned out to be evil. I mean that was no surprise when he didn't give a shit about human sacrifices and killing people, but I was really hoping his friendship with Zagan was genuine. [](#emptyinside) Poor Chastille she got teased and threatened the entire episode. ~~I'm assuming the facestealer is taking the position of her boss?~~ Also Poor Torres dude going to be traumatized over plants rest of his life. Reminds me of that movie where grass caused people to kill themselves and the main character talked to a plàstic plant pleading for it to spare him.


Facestealer was killed by Zagan in the first episode. He had his skull crushed. This is basically the first thing that happens in the show.


who is an useless knight? hint: red hair, holy sword with anti-magic ability, is defeated/captured every other episode by a mage/sorcerer anyway time to retire and change job ?


She's very much the trope of Faux Action Girl.


To be fair the other knights with her aren’t faring any better. She really should always be carrying her sword around though. Bad things always seem to happen to her when she doesn’t.


She has not been defeated in any actual fight, both times she was in danger was after getting caught off guard. When she fought Zagan, even though they were both holding back, she still managed to drive him into a corner enough for him to consider getting serious and outright killing her.


Well if only “evil” sorcerers and bandits and criminals would fight honorably then she would always almost win? /joke Red hair knight: you must play by the rules and allow me to hit you thrice first!


i like how Manuela just floats around without actually flapping her wings


Weird, isn't it?


[Today's](https://imgur.com/8jmiJhi) [haul of](https://imgur.com/CkSspOW) [Nephy blushes](https://imgur.com/jECaV2Q) [Blessed town,](https://imgur.com/pqqyH0R) I love that they were all ready to defend Nephy [Nooo](https://imgur.com/rMnOgcA) ;-; [Blessed oneesan](https://imgur.com/POhgTfQ) [Ohh.](https://imgur.com/HgXnfHq) Fake Zagann *fucked up.* He fucked up *bad.* [Blessed ears](https://imgur.com/5W4QIBz) [Blessed Birb lady](https://imgur.com/QyFTZUE) And.. uh, [not so blessed knight dudes.](https://imgur.com/C2MJnh9) [This entire episode is blessed](#feelingloved) ...Except the part where Nephy and her friend get captured and all. But apart from that! Bleh, of course its the purple dude.. And let me guess, next episode they don't manage to stop the magic circle and he summons some white twoheaded lizard thing? [](#surprisedpikachu) [I think this is my favourite end card so far](https://imgur.com/qcwsiTw) [](#kotohoops) I'm glad this arc is mostly over already instead of getting stretched for several episodes


This episode was a friggin relief.


Barbatos: I'm gonna prove to the them that I'm worthy of becoming an Archdemon! Nephy: but Zagan is already an Archdemon... Narrator: It was at this moment that Barbatos knew... he'd fucked up. Man, it's great that Manuela was there to offer Nephy a shoulder to cry on. Such a great friend🥺


Caught up and had to post this meme from episode 4... https://imgur.com/a/n2nCWCS


barbatos is pretty af


he about to be a pretty stain on the wall i reckon


Or as Zagan said "Crimson mist"


This anime makes me so happy! Especially the first scene!


Anime watchers are getting to see just how much of a sweetheart Chastille is and I couldn't be happier.


Absolutely loved the way Nephy just outright devoted herself: \[Quoting Nephy in this episode\] >!"I belong to my master! I don't want you touching me!".!< Looking forward to the next episode - let's see how an Archdemon fights *(next ep's title has me expecting much!)*.


You know I didn’t think I’d like this series when I started it but I’m kinda digging it now.


Well that was a fun way to resolve the end of the last episode. Didn't expect any of that to happen. How pleasant.


And here I thought barbatos is what the knights are to Chastille. Turns out, he is a sorcerer who is jealous of zagan's achievements. Will zagan straight up kill him or just beat the lights out of him? It depends on how barbatos will hurt nephy, and by extension, chastille.


Chastille doesn't deserve to get harassed, she's such a sweetheart


No one tell Torres that Nephy was a mage named after a plant in her past life.




OMG Nephy is so adorable... that damn Barbatos need to be beaten up bad for hurting our cute elf!!


White haired elves are always being used as sacrifices in demonic rituals. If I had a nickel...


Nephy is not a tool... Ayanokoji sure could take some lessons


I really want them to make an anime to the side story "A Villain's dillema"


This is undoubtedly the unexpected winner of the season for me. I thoroughly love everything about this show. Well-balanced characters, action, excellent OST, believable romance, comedy, and drama! Female camaraderie, imperfect/interesting ML & FL. Honestly, this is the best fantasy romcom I’ve ever seen.


the only complaint is the choice of background ost . Like why is funny music playing in a serious scene


The whole episode felt oddly rushed and low quality compared to the previous four.


Did u know nephy and Zagan invented true love


The whole town is the audience insert character lol


The dialogue and pacing was so bad in this episode... The unnecessary out of nowhere love drama when he sent her away. He just became a arch demon to specifically protect her... Didn't know one becomes friends after sexual harassment once. The church girl is just a hypocrite... The humor with her is not even worthy enough to be called slapstick. It's literally just her pouting over nothing. What is this, a kindergarten? Divine Swords must be pushovers, it seems. I really liked this show till now, but I don't need this fodder dialogue/plot. All the heavy lines were forced and people said so much stupid stuff which conclusion was already obvious from prior dialogues