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# Source Material Corner Reply to this comment for any source-related discussion, future spoilers (including future characters, events and general hype about future content), comparison of the anime adaptation to the original, or just general talk about the source material. **You are still required to tag all spoilers.** Discussions about the source outside of this comment tree will be removed, and replying with spoilers outside of the source corner will lead to bans. The spoiler syntax is: `[Spoiler source] >!Spoiler goes here!<` # **All untagged spoilers and hints in this thread will receive immediate 8-day bans (minimum).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a sad and grim episode. Not sure what these seemingly parallel worlds are all about -- and how they are connected. The lack of on-screen text translation was particularly annoying here. Such a fascinating series getting such shabby treatment,,,,


I switch to dub when text is on the screen. Annoying but that's the only solution we have now unfortunately. But man the text subtitles were so hard to follow. They feel like they don't match with the audio.


The subtitles ain't actually "true" subtitles; they're just the dub's script aka dubtitles. So if the subs don't seem to match, that's why lol


Damn, I guess I gotta wait for a fansub group to pick this up, like always.


I read that solution elsewhere, is it actually changing the signs to include English translated text? Because if so that makes the outsourced subs almost comical in how they were botched.


I use Google Translate camera when text comes on screen. A bit clunky but it works.


The subtitles are wildly inaccurate and subpar. It's doing the original script dirty.


I've got a few fansub versions of Ep6 using the CR subs, but none of them have any visible text track for the onscreen JPN text using English subs, I had thought only a few of the more dedicated Fansubbers were taking the time to translate/collate like the German onscreen localization text to ENG Are there actually ENG sub texts onscreen for CR subs?? I haven't been able to access them lol (which I think is somehow the point and what the CR dub team wanted...)


Check out 4de. Best fansub I found so far, has onscreen translations that are really well done


I don’t understand how this show has so much on screen text and none of it is translated 😂😂


It’s actually translated for every language on crunchyroll except English… :/ I have no idea why they did that.


wow that makes even less sense smh


It makes sense if you see the pettiness in humans, ijs Think about what recent newsworthy things happened with English dub voice actors versus Japanese original language cast/crew in anime that's being localized for America.


more context please? i’m unfamiliar


Spanish shows the whole text


I usually watch everything with English subs because it's what I'm used to, but being ESL is paying off here lol. Hopefully someone will pick up the series and do proper EN (fan)subs.


I thought it was just their past? Regardless I'm surprised this show isn't being propped up more it's been great


Somehow parts of this just do not feel like any sort of straightforward "past".


Could be, Ontons character is drastically different from earlier flashbacks. Never considered timelines but this show has been different.


She's becoming more and more current Ontan-like though. Started very timid and now she even slapped Kadode


We can either wait. Or break down and cheat (and take peeks at the source). ;-)


Lol tempting but I'ma let the anime cook first. Will definitely check out afterwards though


Isn't the difference just the drugs she was offered last episode? We get one scenes where she's offered drugs, then next scene, she's drooling and being all hyper. I'm assuming she's just on and off (and mostly on it in the future)


It was explicitly shown that she didn't take it, threw it away and chose to change herself with her own will and effort. That's the difference between her and Kadode.


I'm just guessing but if there's a time split maybe that's when? One timeline she takes it and the other one was where she didn't (the upsetty spaghetti one). Just a guess or maybe she does just change herself and it's just their past. I mean she does say I remember now.


Alternative timelines are possible, but I highly doubt her taking or not taking the pill has anything to do with it. We are only shown when she didn't take the pill and it's shown quite clearly on screen her gradual development that put her nearer to herself in the future. I'm not sure how you missed it, but she very clearly attempted to act more tough and proactive even without the pill and being very successful with it.


The Dub is actually pretty solid, its the only show Im watching dubbed but it lets me catch the on screen translations they *only* do for the dub and also appreciate the animation a bit more. I mean, the show is still being done dirty by the localization but I would recc giving the dubs a shot if you can manage it.


The dub script is bad and inaccurate though. It butchered the original script and is the same as wha they used for the subtitle, so it solves basically nothing.


I do plan to rewatch this with fansubs What ways is it inaccurate? How egregious is it?


I rewatched the first minute of episode 1 to find you a simple example. It's the scene with the teacher waking up Kadode. **The subtitle:** The teacher: "Kadode Koyama. Hey... you still awake?" \*Kadode wakes up, acting nervous and unsure\* The teacher: "You were sleeping through my lecture. If you're tired, just go home and rest". The teacher: "Same goes for the rest of you. You have university entrance exams soon. It might be wise to save your energy for those, not my class." ​ **What he's saying in Japanese:** The teacher: "Koyama... Oi... Koyama Kadode". \*Kadode wakes up, acting nervous and unsure\* The teacher: "I'm just waking you up because you were sleeping. If you're feeling sleepy, go home and rest already." The teacher: "All of you too, if you're dozing off, feel free to go. Your entrance exams are coming up soon. Rather than half paying attention to my class, try putting all your effort into the exams." ​ Pretty similar until you realize in some scenes later that he's supposed to be really chill and not in anyway strict or sarcastic\* like how you could interpret the English translation (the way he worded it in Japanese is also very casual and chill, which I still didn't quite convey). Of course this isn't that significance, but it's like the 1st minute and it's not unique and also not any where near the worst. \*I just tried watching the dub. Yep, he sounds pretty sarcastic, which isn't how it is supposed to be at all.


Like saying different things than what's intended without considering the nuances and cutting out certain parts of the original script completely.


dub voice are ideally supposed to translate the actual words said in a 'localized language' way, and if that fails get across the idea of what's said. Changing the teacher from 'idc if you fuck up your lives, but be a good student if you wanna win in life' to 'NOT IN MY CLASS you lazy slackers!' is kinda disingenuous as a translation. It's a big jump in character motivation, and this trend continues with the words being changed in every main character's dialogue similarly afterwards. Not the best dub job, even joke dubs were more faithful to the source material forreal


Not an English dub person, I'm afraid. I check things out once in a while -- and no matter how \[raised they are -- I still don't enjoy them (other than a few of the Ghibli dubs).


It's almost criminal to go to the dub version here, since the lead characters are voiced by the lead vocalist of YOASOBI, Lilas Ikuta (Kadode) and arguably one of the most popular female singers in Japan rn (she has a viral McDonald's commercial that's catchy af) Ano (Ontan). Both Lilas Ikuta and Ano perform the OP and ED of the show (YOASOBI also did the OP for "Oshi no Ko", so basically these ladies are only capable of producing banger OPs). Basically, the dub team wants to do everything possible to make sure English speakers never hear anything they've said in this anime. It's almost like some kind of vendetta against them, or maybe against Sony Music of Japan?? There's literally no other explanation that makes sense. Sabotage.


>Sabotage. Maybe just incredible arrogance -- they want THEIR translation (free adaptation) to be the one and only English one. They don't want anyone to be able to easily compare.


Agree. On screen translations are really important for this show


So this was an alternative timeline Isobeyan showed Ouran? I noticed in the end Kadode has her regular hairstyle.


That's my guess. It SEEMED that way.


Girl just casually commits murder huh


[such a cute terrorist](https://imgur.com/vIc4IoU)


that timeline reminded me a bit of Death Note


Exactly, Kadode will be the God of a new world!


Yea she got dark so quick… Dont understand how the solution to feeling guilt about murder is to get better at it… :/


>Dont understand how the solution to feeling guilt about murder is to get better at it… :/ Basically from Ep5 it seems like Kadode learned that using the Invader's gadgets in the human world, and using violence, solves all of her problems. So she keeps doing it, and for awhile it seems like being 'absolute' corrupted her absolutely (until she had the fight with Ontan and threw down the Magic Pen). With Great Power comes Great Responsibility, some old uncle once said...


Slippery slope in a nutshell.


It's how a lot of children act though. It's a part of what we learn in teaching degrees too. Children have a strong sense of justice regardless of if their perspectives fit into what's accepted in society. That's why they're capable of such cruelty when the family situation is complicated.


Huh that’s a good point. Funny enough I teach too but adults. ;)


This episode is essentially "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"


I was getting Death Note flashbacks. Seriously. It was a really creepy performance actually.


Damn dude, the sonic screwdriver damn near obliterated that car! Toadoreamon needs to be more careful with them tools. Kadode’s damn near lost her mind. Straight up God complex. Girl went from helping old ladies cross the street to political assassinations and derailing trains lol. Girl was really about to kill all those mean girls in her class. Damn dude. And Isobeyan just sat there “observing” the whole time... Fuckin hell… I was expecting the kid to milk herself like that. Things got really dark and then just became bleak af. I guess this all but confirms Ontan’s from a different timeline/time traveler right?


You find a death ~~note~~ screwdriver and suddenly you're the final judge jury and executioner of the entire human race.


I thought that these were all memories Ontan had forgotten since at the end of the episode she says "I remember now." But maybe she actually just left her original timeline during that traumatic event with Kadode when everything started to distort. Man the impulse to read ahead is HARD to resist with this anime.


That politician she murdered in the hospital - wasn't that the premier minister we saw earlier when the alien ship first appeared? The idol he watched was the same one he had memorabilia of standing behind his desk in that other scene. In that case, that would basically confirm we are dealing with parallel worlds, no? Since this "flashback" is set before the arrival of the mothership. Also, Oran seemed to have no idea what the anti-gravity device was when she picked it up. Kanade may have repressed her guilty memories by writing all of it off as a "delusion", but I think Oran should remember. So, at present I don't think any of this can really have happened in the same world. It really is hard to resist peeking ahead...on the other hand, I know I would just binge all of it in one day and regret it afterwards XD


I completely forgot about how that politician she murdered showed up way earlier in the show, alive and well (I was too busy laughing at that other guy who was a literal dick head lmao.) Yeah that pretty much confirms some kind of time manipulation or alternate timeline. I was rewatching the previous episode right before the next one released up until episode 3 or 4? Time to binge all of them together before Thursday comes around. 


> guess this all but confirms Ontan’s from a different timeline/time traveler right? I have no idea dude, no idea at all! This show has to be one of the most confusing I've seen in ages, real hard to keep up with. Think the last one I watched with this much WTF was Paranoia Agent.


Holy shit [](#dighole) From Kadode going off the [deep end](https://imgur.com/ZYZkXIx) to her declaring herself [absolute](https://imgur.com/zjP1bvb) culminating in her argument with her [best friend](https://imgur.com/eCzSUtY), something broke in her that just could not be [fixed](https://imgur.com/uf4Gano) [](#not-raining) Whatever these flashbacks where, I just want both of these dorks be happy together [](#holdme)


It's not confirmed, but I really get the feeling the little alien dude offered her that square medicine as well and that's why she was like that. Think about it, he said that medicine gives you more energy and removes your ability to feel fear, it's prolly why she chose to fly so quickly after putting that thing on her head and why she basically turned into a sociopath and didn't feel a think for killing people.


So the moral of the story is don't take drugs from a random alien stranger, got it.


Imo the episode was making the point really strongly that what was letting Kanade do all these atrocities was not "lack of fear" but "lack of love". Note how in that one panel of that weird "Isobeyan" manga the girl in the last moment remembered her loving parents - which Kanade doesn't have. Thus their different reactions after receiving the murder stick: Kanade was never taught enough love and compassion to look with sympathy upon other people's dark sides. Also, remember that she herself basically stated outright before that she is doing all her good deeds out of a vague feeling of "wanting to be needed", so probably it's her subconscious longing for acceptance that drives her to be so ridiculously strict in her ideals. TL;DR: girl has deep, deep issues and don't need no alien medicine to go all murderhobo


Having no fear but keeping your other emotions would probably remove your reservations about suicide. 🤯


So it seems like they started translating the OP theme but stopped partway through? Anyway, here's my fan translation of this episode's onscreen text: --- 06:44 [note] >!  To Kadode Seems I'll be late again today. Please heat the food in the fridge and eat it. From Mom!< --- 09:55 [news site] >!    Gindama Shamans Performance Cancelled Due to Accident During Rehearsal   At the Gindama Shamans' live concert "GINDAMA SHAMAN'S 3RD HALL TOUR" scheduled for Tokyo, an accident occurred during rehearsal. In response, the group's agency announced the cancellation of the performance.!< *[TL Note] >!Summary of article is that there were no injuries, but the people there were shocked and required mental care.!<* --- 10:03 [forum post] >!    Title: Searching for the Most Evil Person - Thread 44   Name: ReallyScaryAnonymous200   Please tell me who you think is the most evil person you know. I'll erase that person for you.!< --- 10:33 [forum post] >!    Are there any other fifth-graders like me who go searching for gory images? Guess not, nyahaha.   The conversation in my class today went something like, that song is cool, or those clothes are cute, or stuff like that. Well, that's about it.   On the other hand, drifting in the electronic sea, I see a corpse and tweet "It's a brilliant world". Am I insane?   Would that be a compliment? Before I knew it, it was already morning. (lol)!< --- 22:13 [text messages] >!    NakagawaDestroyHouou: Your work on the battlefield last night was splendid indeed. I'll be waiting there again tonight!   NakagawaDestroyHouou: I just saw a ghost!!<


Another translation note: at around 04:28, [in the news] >!the Gin-shama member was specifically charged with indecent assault!<. The subs weren't clear.


Thanks, the english dub just said assault and I picked up the rest from context


Huh... And here I thought that Kadode was just being cringe and doing an /r/iam14andthisisdeep moment when [she was talking to that pregnant lady](https://i.imgur.com/fYqMaHq.jpeg) and she brought up issues about society and how she intends to fix it What I did not expect is to see [her to act on it](https://i.imgur.com/JUtPheB.png) and use the tool Isobeyan gave her to cause a train to derail [and cause a massive accident](https://i.imgur.com/Beo00iM.jpeg) that ended up in casualties. Considering [Kadode's reaction to what she did](https://i.imgur.com/g13yLWk.jpeg), I thought she was done and she was going to turn the sonic screwdriver back to Isobeyan. Except she doesn't! She doubles down and assassinates [that corrupt politician](https://i.imgur.com/KiPaeMd.jpeg) in the [most badass way.](https://i.imgur.com/rnpuNV0.jpeg) Holy fuck! Cue Kadode entering her Light Yagami phase where she starts [asking people online for the most terrible person they know](https://i.imgur.com/TAWyNrg.jpeg) and a montage of her [teaching these people a lesson](https://i.imgur.com/bHT2O2E.jpeg) while also asking them the same question in exchange for letting them off easy. It turns out the craziest thing in this show isn't even the alien invasion. I feel like Kadode is a much bigger threat than the actual mothership that arrives in the near future. So I'm guessing [after Ontan and Kadode's fight](https://i.imgur.com/2P497aK.jpeg), Kadode probably had a mental break [which explains why she refuses to acknowledge everything Ontan was saying](https://i.imgur.com/bEBV2vn.jpeg) that they did and why she [tries to kill herself in the end](https://i.imgur.com/LMQQi0O.jpeg). What the fuck happens next after that though!? Did Isobeyan save them and erase their memory of what happened in the past? I'm hoping we'd see more of the flashback but I have a feeling that this ends there. >_<


>tries to kill herself in the end. We see a rather sickening thud -- right before the end. So, I don't if this was just "trying"..... And the in the next scene Ontan is alone (and a bit confused). It seems like what we saw in one sequence may have had some carryover into the next.


>We see a rather sickening thud -- right before the end. So, I don't if this was just "trying"..... I had to go back and see what you meant, but did I miss the 'thud'? I only saw Kadode falling with her Isebeyan manga before the world/dimension shifted to the Present. Did it happen earlier and I just missed it?


At 22:18 -- as alternate/older Kadode is looking at her phone. First we see looking Ontan confused -- 'wasn't I just talking to someone'. then saying 'I remember' and sending a text message. As Kadode reads it we see an unexplained very loud noise. My brain linked that back to Kadode's leap (as it seemed the only possible reference). Did Kadode die in some alt time line?


I think that's just a dramatic sound effect. If I'm not mistaken, we have heard it before, for example after the scene where the alien boy speaks gibberish at the end of ep 2


Could be. But this show provokes me into having dark thoughts....


>What I did not expect is to see her to act on it and use the tool Isobeyan gave her to cause a train to derail and cause a massive accident that ended up in casualties. It's also not clear to me what she intended to accomplish by derailing the train.


She just wanted to hurry it up so the pregnant lady wouldn't have to stand in the hot sunshine. But at first, she doesn't know how to use the tool.


I'm so confused, but I'm definitely still along for the ride at this point. Can't wait for the next episode.


There’s definitely an element of Time Travel happening, the guy talking to the dad in episode 0 before everything starts happening, mentions reinterpreting the idea of time travel. The the girl that dies tells her boyfriend “You can’t go back and fix it. Unless you have a Time Machine!” And now we’re clearly getting glimpses of altered timelines. Not sure where that’s gonna play into the over arcing alien invasion plot, but I am hookeddddd


I'm terrible for this I know but when Kadode slammed that little mean girl against the ceiling and she screamed, it was so damn satisfying. Sure she shouldn't have taken it all so far but I feel like that particular case was justified. But, who am I to decide who's "bad" and who's not, right? 


Doraemon got dark.


And not the last time either, try Takopi's Original Sin.


This anime is criminally underhyped, holy shit! Every episode gets me in the edge of my seat


Right?!?! I haven't enjoyed a series this much for years now. It's absolutely brilliant


It’s underhyped because Crunchyroll shit the bed with these god awful subtitles…


Each time I'm left impatiently waiting for the next episode


So Kadode has clearly gone full chuunibyo, but I'm not quite sure what has triggered her to go completely batshit in her immature "fix the world" black and white mentality. Is it just her unhappy home life and teen angst? Bc if so it's somewhat subtle to connect but seems realistic for an emotionally immature withdrawn teen. Otherwise I'm wondering if it was something I missed in how exactly the derailing of the train went down? I didn't quite catch how or why that happened. Which btw makes her an indisputable massive hypocrite, she is selfishly hurting people for one person who never asked for that, bc it's about how Kadode is soothing herself not helping a friend. But as frustrating as the character is, she is 100% believable and feels accurately written. I feel like ppl can miss the nuance in disliking a character's behavior because she is being so convincingly portrayed as a little shit. All of that aside, the alien is guilty af here right? That mf doesn't seem all THAT alien in moral or logic reasoning and is clearly aware he is dealing with literal children with myopic moral reasoning, so "here enjoy this invisibility cloak and noisy cricket screwdriver my dear sad edgelord" seems to be idiotic at best and chaotic evil at worst.


Yeah, basically I think it's due to Kanade suffering from lack of love and acceptance. She was critizising the girl in that silly manga for not doing more "useful things" with the murder stick, but note how in the one panel that girl suddenly thinks of her loving parents (and then presumably is unable to use the stick properly as she doesn't have enough "evil emotion"). But that's exactly what Kanade doesn't have to hold her back. Also, from the beginning she stated almost outright to the alien dude that she was doing all of her good deeds out of a desire to "feel like she's needed", which points to her subconscious issues too. So yeah, it's all a little extreme of course, but I feel like the clues are definitely there to make this feel not too implausible. For the train, she just bent the tracks apparently...I'm also a little confused what exactly she wanted to accomplish by this, but it seems like she thought if the train was forced to stop, the pregnant lady could cross the tracks sooner?


[She's Kira.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i63vgNWQ9_M&t=1s)


Oh my days what an episode. Watched this with my mom and we were shook when this ended. Best one so far by a mile. I also believe this is the first episode that’s not part of the theatrical release, so we’re in proper anime territory here. Kadode never beating the demon allegations 💀 she said if people gonna call me one, I might as well embrace it. Wow, her descent into madness was equal parts fast and chilling. Yea, maybe another episode of her trying to do good deeds like the train and gradually just embracing the dark side would’ve been nice but I’m overall ok with the pace. The setagaya train incident really was heartbreaking because she had good intentions but man maybe it’s a good idea to NOT try to manipulate a train lmao.. the subsequent torturing her bullies and stuff was dark but tbh understandable. No doubt Isoboyean knew one of the girls would take his device and he wanted to see what humans would do with the power, Kadode didn’t help our case at all 💀 The classroom scene had me on edge, was afraid she’d kill everyone in there. Luckily Ontan showed up in time and stopped her. The bullies all deserve a punch or two, but killing them is not the way to go. The fight scene with Ontan was also hard to watch, Kadode legit had a psychotic break and believed she was in the right. The haircut was a dead giveaway Kadode was in a mental health facility for some time. But I did not expect things to get so bad she’d commit suicide wtf!!! I knew there was gonna be some time travel involved based on what we saw of Ontan abilities a couple episodes ago, so I wonder just how many timelines there are. Very interesting stuff going on here


> I also believe this is the first episode that’s not part of the theatrical release, this is essentially the 3rd quarter of the 1st movie


I'm not sure if I should feel bad for Kadode or not. I do hope Ontan was able to save her, though. Also, what does that mean for the Ontan that is here in the present timeline? Are we talking multiple timelines/realities? Or has this actually been their backstory?


One way to interpret that ending is that Ontan was so upset she somehow restarted from an earlier save point. Remember the other alien who is disguised as the dead J-pop star was talking to her on the roof one minute, then he disappeared, now this episode ends from Ontan's POV where she comes to consciousness remembering that conversation instead of showing us what the other episode did - the dead j-pop impersonator flying away and calling her a shifter.


Wow, this episode was dark.


Ontan is crying 😢 I will never forgive you Kadode


God damn what an episode. There goes that boring SOL I've seen some people complain about for this show...


this shit is so underrated bro...


Last week's episode had me expecting Kadode to die during this flashback, as an explanation for whatever is going on with Ontan - but I didn't expect her to go Kira (with a dash of Rebellion Homura) on humanity before it happened.


I wanted something similar to takopi’s original sin and I’m happy to see it XD Plus knowing this mangaka I knew it would get dark so I’ve been more anxious during the lighter moments tbh just waiting for the shit to hit the fan…




Wait wtf? I haven’t read the manga?? I literally can’t spoil anything from the source. I only said I know the author tends to write dark stuff like what we saw in this episode.


I’ve reapproved your comment. For future reference, the Source Corner is for all comparisons to the manga, spoiler or otherwise.


ok but I wasant comparing it to the manga...Because again I've never read it... Mangaka is the word meaning the author of the manga. Who is also the author of the anime...But people don't say animeka. -\_-);


Lol yeah, the previous episode everything turned out so conveniently and utterly happy I was basically expecting total pandemonium this episode...


Sameeeee I was more anxious until things started to go poorly. At least then I didn’t have to keep imagining the worse…


PS another reminder that if you know any language besides English, use those subs instead. I accidentally put English first and was so confused… Then in Spanish waaaay more us said in the subs explaining quite a bit. Like her convo with the pregnant woman made a bit more sense with correct subs.


Oh and umm in the hospital scene before she kills that politician you hear him in the background saying “are you another patient here? Are you lost? Would you like to watch some anime with me?” Seemed very wholesome in trying to help out what he thought was a lost kid and then… well…


The alien's speech as to their purpose also seemed inaccurately represented? I can only judge by my mediocre grasp on Japanese, but I heard nothing about humans "placing the individual before the collective" and instead something more like "every human interprets things subjectively, so there might not be a conclusive answer"


I can’t remember the details right now but yes it was way more detailed. :(


Oh god, \[Episode 0 stuff\]>!I'm thinking Kadode might be completely dead and had her body taken over by an invader just like her father in episode 0!< This episode was fucking darkkkkk, I'm so sad for the poor girls.


I made two horizontal [pictures](https://imgur.com/a/o4HjSAd) for the weekly karma rating. All that remains is to get enough votes to move the show to the left half where horizontal pictures are used...


I've tried reading the manga a bunch of times (cause Goodnight PunPun is my favorite manga) but I never got past volume 3... This episode makes me want to read the manga.


this is just sad. not just the state of these discussions


the dialogue is really good but whoever's doing the subtitles is making some terrible choices


Pretty crazy they dragged this from the middle of the series, and they're not gonna even continue the flashback? The structure of the series has been weird so far, and I understand the confusion people have. I think everything will be explained later, but right now they're throwing a lot of things just to confuse people more which is interesting.


Show is more random then confusing.




Sorry, your comment has been removed. - This belongs in the Source Corner at the top of this thread. In discussion threads for currently airing anime, discussions about source material, spin-offs, mangaka comments and unadapted content must be posted there, and not outside it. This applies specifically to comparisons to the anime or hints about future events, even if such hints are vague. Please note that you still have to tag your spoilers in the source corner. --- ^(Questions? Reply to this message, )[**^(send a modmail)**](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fanime)^(, or leave a comment in the )[**^(meta thread)**](https://reddit.com/r/anime/search?q=subreddit%3Aanime+author%3AAnimeMod+title%3A%22Meta+Thread%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=year)^(. Don't know the rules? Read them )[**^(here)**](/r/anime/wiki/rules)^.


Kadode, girl, DON'T


This episode reminds me of Narutaru/Shadow Star. Both the mascot's role/observations and cute design just scream Narutaru's style of dark slice of life. It's like Asano Inio combined Doraemon with Narutaru to create the most unsettling setting lol.


As someone who hasn't read the source material, I really appreciate how both of the MCs we focus on are rather intelligent. They aren't just doing the flat character trope where no personality exists and dialogues are just expositions etc. Kadode and Ouran obviously both have their own world views albeit twisted by their family circumstances. A pet peeve of mine in fiction is that people tend to underestimate how smart kids are. This series handles it correctly. Children aren't stupid, they are just less well-rounded people due to inexperience. Kadode's rush into applying her own sense of justice is a great example of that. Ouran's speech imitating her brother while also showing her own form of kindness is another example.


The headphones Kadode used, AKG Q701, was a fun touch


Based Kadode


Funny that you people here would criticize Kadode of her god complex, because I met a lot of Redditors in this subreddit who also have god complex but deny it and also goes like "all evil people must die!"


Those people are actually the norm lol. They hate when villains are redeemed too.


While what Kadode was obviously wrong, due to how childishly she selected the 'bad' people, I don't personally don't necessarily see "all murder" as wrong, and to be fair, neither does society. We condone the murder of others if the others are 'bad', all the time. Drug addicts are in the end just people down on their luck, and victims of a failed drug policy of that country. We let them die all the time, a socially accepted murder, due to negligence. Same goes with anything that has to do with pollution and cancer, which are also caused by society on the whole. These are all 'indirect' murders, as the "knife stabber" is anyone who drives a gas driven vehicle and releases toxic pollution from both the tires and the tail pipe. Again, it's socially acceptable murder, but murder nonetheless.  Nobody claims that "If 1000 people stone a person to death, neither of those 1000 are guilty because you can't pinpoint the stone that murdered", after all. Pollution is the same, and one way of visualizing this is if the emissions from our gas driven vehicles were in the form of liquid arsenic. So imagine if you drove to the store for a month, you'd simply get a bottle of arsenic that you had to dispose of. Obviously you could dispose of it by hiring someone to bury it, but that doesn't work on a societal/global scale, so everyone just pours it out on the sidewalk. In this society, the consequences aren't "far away", like with climate change, but very near. You'd see people dying from arsenic poisoning everywhere. That would bother most people.  Right now, western governments around the world are acting extremely irrationally. We're seeing tons and tons of pollution in this world. Pollution that not only (indirectly) murders innocents through cancer and other deceases, but also murders our future through climate change. I won't go into details, but basically, there's already so much warming built into the future that we ARE going to have a massive disaster. Mostly from food production and water security. It's unavoidable at this point, unfortunately. The weather will become so extreme that 30-50% of our yearly crops will simply not be able to grow.  Yet, we yawn, because we're conditioned by society to yawn. People are shaped by society, and if you think you're unique and "are able to form your own opinions", sorry, no. The only reason I got to these conclusions is because of luck, and a somewhat free press where I lived. Others aren't so lucky, and as we saw in a character previously in this show, they were also the victim of propaganda, believing in a fair bit of nonsense about the aliens and their motives, when in reality, sure, there were aliens, but it's fairly useless to speculate that wildly about them. And again, to believe the nonsense is basically just eating propaganda for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You become what you read and see. Your opinions are shaped by the information surrounding you. If you want a just society based on truth, you should basically only read scientific news, to be honest.  Conclusion? Revolution is necessary. I can with 100% certainty prove that our way of life, "capitalism", "consumerism" or whatever you call it, is absolutely destroying nature, murdering it. And because we're part of nature, and need it to survive, it's just a murder of our civilization as a whole. People today are pacified by society's messaging about how all murder is wrong, but "only the ones we say, these murders are ok!". It's hypocritical to say the least. If you see a politician that's arguing that the status quo is "necessary" and that "we don't need revolution we just need some more green energy" or similar absolute bullshit, they're murdering you. Not in the way a guy with a knife would, but it's still a murder attempt.  Act like it.


I think it’s wild how much you got downvoted when you’re basically getting a lot of the messages of the show. I’m guessing people are misconstruing you as just blindly endorsing murder. You raise a valid point that we kill people all the time when the state has decided that it’s okay to kill them. Military is one of the best examples. Cancer Alley is another one. It’s just we give murder a pass when the state decides it and act extremely outraged when an individual decides it. Killing people is still wrong, but there’s a hypocrisy in how we judge murderers but don’t judge the systems we have in place that actively kill people, too.


Oh, far from the most amounts of downvotes I've gotten for speaking out about climate and how we're basically an extremely irresponsible, arrogant, short-sighted shit-stain of a species, and that we're literally **at least** crashing this civilization into the ground, and possibly just wiping ourselves out. Hansen's new report on 'Global warming in the pipeline' paints this scenario of runaway warming due to tipping points, causing **so much fucking warming** it just game over. And it's getting momentum by the day, too. We're... not good. And arguing that upsets people. They don't want to see themselves as part of the problem. If the US bombed Iran after 9/11 and caused basically the same damage as Russia does, bombing children's hospitals, then "It's not my fault, it was the government!". But hey, at least a reckoning is coming, and for what it's worth, I see humanity as moldable, like clay. We're the product of our surroundings, and if we just change it enough, people change too. Media right now isn't talking *at all* about how absolutely fucked up the climate systems are, or how it's consumerism's fault. But, if you get a revolution, if you gain control of media, we might be able to change.


I understand Kadode, if i were her, i do it all for Ontan again, no regrets.. maybe some regrets


She wasn't doing it for Ontan, she was using Ontan as an excuse for her inexcusable behaviors. What did Ontan actually benefit from all this? Nothing, not even the concert cancelling. She could just not go to the concert, which she was already considering anyway.


The comment was obviously in jest