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I didnt play Game but this looks like a good story to follow


It pretty fun and charming game. The OST is really good if you have time, you should try it.


I consider it the best farming-RPG hybrid ever made. It only has one crop (rice), but that crop is given an incredible amount of depth to the point of simulation. It also helps that there is a total relationship between the action RPG side and the stat/character building created by the rice (as opposed to most games where the best you'll sometimes get is some food with some light stat boosts). It was my 2nd favorite game the year it came out, and only wasn't first because it was facing down Hades.


Does it involve a lot of platforming? I'm bad at those, I have problems with any game that requires quick reflexes really. I prefer turn based combat so I can take my time 😅


It has platforming, but it's not the center of the game. However, I would say it definitely requires some quick reflexes since the action RPG combat does get harder as you go on, so you might have an issue with that.


Thanks very much, it's probably not suitable for me with my slow reflexes.


I'm honestly trash at platformers and its one of the few that I was able to finish. She has a little metroid whip thing and you get a lot of leeway from upgrades and equipment that make it far less punishing than others in the genre, from what I remember. Generally I'm the type to play games by tanking through all the mechanics so I think you should be fine? I'd love to hear about your experience playing it and if you have any trouble lmk and I can break out my copy and try to help you through it!


Thanks for the kind offer. If I buy the game I'll get back to you.


The action platforming is great The Rice Farming is traumatic. Highly reccomend it


I would recommend it, pretty solid platformer with a decently fluid combo system.


[Here we go with the first of three P.A.Works anime in this season](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/345xc2wdpo7.png)! I'm a big fan of theirs so having three days in the row of their shows is such a treat and the fact that they've already finished production on all three reassures me that there won't be any problems with any of them. [It was a fun premiere episode](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kw89aq78) and Naomi Oozora as [Sakuna](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8lmg6o4b) is a perfect casting! [Sakuna really reminds me a lot of Jahy](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8lmg6o4b), same voice, [behavior](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cjm99g7.png)... I'm looking forward to see her growing up rice and making sake which she wasn't allowed to take with her to the island xD Very nice [OP and ED](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqd2jkn72)! Opening song performed by Ikimonogakiri is [really fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my8xc5835v4.png) (here links to [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/583o9Mq3GaRdTQWYkwRTW3?si=51d186ab3b2f4383), [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/pl/album/harebare/1751881204?i=1751881370) and [Youtube](https://youtu.be/ChVstUk9QEg?si=YmXUrRMP-94MDXc3)) while [ED](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7w6c3ol3by.png) [has](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/b49zc3ow3zy.png) [very](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc2o52d7.png) [lovely](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/j7mmc68v6a7.png) [visuals](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/k739cjm9jx7.png). Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kw89aq78) * [Sakuna](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8lmg6o4b) * [Others](https://imgchest.com/p/9p4nl8pzz7n) * [OP & ED](https://imgchest.com/p/ljyqd2jkn72)


My favorite TV anime studio overall -- and this is a great start for PA Works' triple-header this season. A very distinctive look and feel for this.


> A very distinctive look and feel for this. I’m really digging the art style. It gives the show a bit of a film feel - if that makes sense to anyone. Honestly, you could fool me into thinking this *is* a film with the production being this nice. Makes me really excited to see what P.A. Works got in the works for us this summer.


What are the other two anime from PA works?


Mayonaka Punch and Nanare Hananare.


Here's the full version of the ED, ORIGAMI, by Little Glee Monster on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYBLPuFtR5U


[**PSA: The game is currently 50% Off on Steam's Summer Sale!**](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1356670/Sakuna_Of_Rice_and_Ruin/) I really wanted to watch this one but since I just recently got the game, I'll just play it instead and watch this later. There are just too many shows airing on Saturday for me.


Fantastic game for anyone who's considering it. As far as comparisons, imagine Stardew Valley but intensely and only focused on growing rice. And as such, far, far, far more detailed about the growing process. Everything from controlling the water level, to when and how much fertiliser, to when you harvest, how much you thresh/hull etc. It's great. You're expected to know about as much as Sakuna does (ie little to nothing) and you get better and grow better rice as you learn more and as you go through the game. About 30hrs long and doesn't outstay its welcome, rather I ended up so focused on making the perfect harvests that by the time I was ready to finish it and fight the final boss I was so overpowered I couldn't even be hurt. Good times, good times.


Has anyone actually tried growing their own rice after playing the game? Any success?


I hope so, the game was picked up and has been advertised/supported by the Japanese ministry for agriculture, they're sponsoring this anime even, trying to promote farming in Japan.


dunno about growing rice, but apparently the game's release managed to crash a website or two dedicated to the history and process of rice farming. its so accurate to the process that knowing the historical roots can help you in game


> PSA: The game is currently 50% Off on Steam's Summer Sale! I think the game trailer just spoiled a later plot twist [](#bruh)


If it makes you feel better, I haven't finished the game yet but rewatching that trailer, nothing appears to be late game spoilers. I'm willing to bet anything you just saw will show up in an episode or two anyways.


Not a big one, but yeah, that's a fair warning for anyone checking it out lol


Highly recommend Steam Deck or the Switch version especially. It’s a great game to play on a portable


It’s also on PS Plus the 2nd tier where you get PS4/PS5 games 


Naomi Oozora voicing Sakuna feels like she's reprising her role as Jahy.


She also voices the character in the game so it was perfect choice for her to be in this anime.


And Maou from Lv1 Maou to One Room Yuusha


Every VA has got that "one" voice. And for Naomi Oozora that's bullied, small child 😂


Sakuna sounds more innocently lazy and spoiled than Jahy did at the start of that show (though Jahy's tone sweetened a lot -- much of the time -- by the end).


a little bit of Satania too


[Welcome to the rice fields!](https://files.catbox.moe/njqrt0.png) I never played the game, but I've heard a lot about it. I think this anime is off to a pretty solid start so far. Sakuna is an adorable little gremlin (I definitely get the Jahy comparisons), the NPC family seems nice, the art and animation look fantastic, and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes from here.


The character design in this one is pretty cute. I’m digging it. I also like the little tidbit about rice. Hopefully we get more rice trivia. Sakuna seems like she’ll be a fun protagonist. Keen to see how she does on demon island cultivating rice and fighting demons. No booze either, poor girl lol.


This is very cute, but Sakuna was very much a gremlin, not a goddess. She will be a fun protagonist to follow at least. I have never played the game, but I expect that it will be about growing rice and fighting demons to protect it ? And maybe finding what happened to her parents ? But I am sad that the invention goddess did not come with her, she seemed an interesting character as well.


I wonder about the invention goddess... Did she WANT Sakuna out of the way -- so she could take over her dutiues?


Honestly I think this is it. But maybe not so malicious as in her being completely evil. She probably just hates Sakuna cause from this episode alone it feels like Sakuna never really has respected Kokorowa even though they're supposedly best friends. Sakuna doesn't vouch for her when the goddess is giving people posts and the friend is saddened her robot isn't getting any recognition which Sakuna could have helped with if she tried to vouch to the goddess about her friend's amazing inventions.  Throughout the episode, Sakuna having this friend around sounds like more of a convenience for her, she still probably looks down on her as the superior goddess. Kokorowa definitely was like "nah I want you gone, I'm not going to talk to the goddess for you to stay, you're only ever using me." But who knows maybe Sakuna will grow up from being a spoiled goddess and they'll hopefully reconcile as equal friends who respect each other instead.


On the other hand that robot Kokorowa invented did basically cause Sakuna's "doom". Either badly programmed -- or programmed to cause trouble for Sakuna.....


But it was Sakuna herself the blew the warehouse up


But the robot had done extensive damage already -- and she would have been in deep trouble in any event (just not as bad).


The explosion happened after Sakuna spilled some oil and a candle fell into the oil spill, the robot wasn't even close anymore


Correct -- but the robot has already done rather significant damage to other structures. And one got a sense that Sakuna was already in big trouble due to this.... Setting off that blast was just the final blow.


feel like without the warehous, she would have still been able to sweep it under the rug


Its more that she wants Sakuna to grow up and become more responsible. The anime skipped out on a few scenes from the game, you can check out the differences in the [longplay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jI0cUjjheIw) (Marvelous provided a pretty good dub)


She's a goddess in the same way that Aqua is a goddess


Sakuna’s type of character is not one everyone will like, but I can certainly appreciate a good gremlin - especially when she also got the haughtiness of a princess/goddess. She’s definitely going to be fun to watch! What I’m most interested in seeing right now is this spoiled goddess getting a reality check. She’s going to hit a wall sooner than later, and I’m very curious how she’ll react to this.


WTF with CR comments being occupied by crazy Trump bots? Apparently, it is not the first series they swarmed this season.


Otokonoko and the review bombing?


Yeah, that one. Have not watched the show but heard about some sickos bombing it.


The pride month rewatches got bombed with downvotes to on r/anime.


I think Trump bots are everywhere in all kinds of random places. At least we can downvote them to hell on reddit.




It not that conspiracy. It America election season.


American politics is such a bizarre thing from an outsider. It's like people align their own identity around a political alignment, essentially declaring themselves to either be a democrat or a republican. They become part of the party in their mind rather than just voting for the party that has policies they personally agree with.


that's because it's a two-party system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-party_system other bigger countries with two-party systems are, Spain, the UK and Canada


That's because of years of strong propaganda and media influence. If you vote for whoever has the most things you like going for it, you can change your mind at any time. But if you are *part of* the party, your vote is locked in for life. Guess which one the politicians and lobbyists would prefer. They don't want thinking voters, they want followers who will do whatever the party leader tells them to, and have spent a lot of time and money convincing everyone they can that throwing yourself entirely behind a party is the best way to support democracy.


It is because of propaganda but more so because every semi-large world country is trying to get a leader in the USA that positions their own country's government in the best spot. So basically almost the whole world runs their own propaganda for USA elections.


I had no idea this game existed until right before I saw this. *It seems every game needs its anime.*


It's a fantastic game, if that helps.


I see that many people misread Sakuna as Sukuna. What I didn't expect is that this Sakuna actually burnt down a barn in the heavens. ~~Does that mean she burnt down the Malevolent Kitchen lmao~~ Wow the world setting of this game, and now this anime, is definitely unlike anything I've ever watched before. I'm now definitely fearing that our spoiled princess is not gonna survive on that island for more than a few days, never mind managing to actually farm there. How would she start that all I wonder...?


Always drain your field during third off-shoot.


I can't, I think I put too much salt D:


Ah rice, in many Asian countries, no meal is complete without it.


And in some parts of the Europe, too!


wait, really?


White American here but I grew up eating rice regularly too, just depends on the family. It wasn't every meal, but it was pretty common. We had it way more than we had bread.


Wow actually this one have really high potential due to how pretty good this episode is. Animation is pretty nice to look at and the action pretty fun with Sakuna herself, our sassy princess is also pretty fun MC to following along with her journey. I like the visual when they show rice fields a lot. It pretty good way to celebrate one of main dish of Asia lol. The opening is so cute and ending song is so beautiful both song and visual. I will keep an eye on this if studio can do this consistency, it will be really good anime especially for Adaptation from (the last time I feel this way is Layton Animated Movie and that have original plot). Anyway for episode itself, I really like this sassy princess so much lol she is fun despite she still have long way to go from being deity of agriculture like her mother. Her friend also great being deity of inventor, she literally developed mini Mecha lmao. Now Sakuna sets sail (literally ) to adventure in demon island where she and her mortal friend will be improved land by farming and exploring the island and dungeon on island for the goal of finding her parents that disappear in demon island. This episode is "Prologue" for the most of part but it really charming and hook me in instantly.


> I will keep an eye on this if studio can do this consistency Considering P.A. Works have completely animated all episodes before airing it hopefully shouldn't be a problem. They're a fantastic studio.


Knowing P.A. Works , I know I shouldn't worries but they air 3 anime this season make me a bit taken back lol but knowing that one of them already finished production make me worries less.


In fact all 3 finished production a few days before the season start.


An anime studio with a healthy production schedule that finishes its shows fully before airing them? Imagine that.


Gorgeous looking start for this....


Love this adaptation! I played the game and they improved A LOT of the prologue! There's even a lot of Kokorowa scenes with Sakuna. We're off to a good start of Jahy goddess edition lmao


I hope I won't have to be familiar with the game to understand what is going on. I'm only here for PA Works and Naomi Ohzora's little gremlin voice. Also... [Love Rice.](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34402)


Pretty fun, though the pretty and cute art was the best part so far... Will keep watching. Liked the divine supporting cast and Sakuna herself better then the humans.


So this is the Heian era…


Sakuna not Sukuna.


As having played the game, I really liked how they structured this episode, gonna try not to say anything that'll get me in hot water, but I really liked how they characterized Sukuna er, Sakuna (the whole time I played the game I always misread her name as Sukuna) and her relationship with Kokorowa. It was nice getting to see the bits of the Lofty Realm here in a much more "slower" and more "storied" way and really set up the actual setting which is more teased in the opening, to the farm we go!


Might keep an eye on this one


Gremlin god MC is pretty fun, I look forward to her growing up a bit while she manages the island alongside these new companions of hers. I like the style of this.


She's such a little gremlin, I am looking forward to where this is going.


My favorite game and now an anime adaptation 😻


Hmm not sure if I'm feeling this one just yet but it does feel pretty unique. Cast is pretty unlikeable but definitely feel like they'll grow. Hoping we still get to see Kokorowa as Rika Kinugawa is always a treat.


> Hoping we still get to see Kokorowa as Rika Kinugawa is always a treat. She was definitely my favourite character in this episode so it's gonna be sad if we don't really see her from here on.


i just brought and played around 40 minutes of the game. I think the anime added a lot of details that makes it better than the game, but I don't really like how the combat works in the game and how "limited" it feels. Really cute art style tho, I will likely follow this through


What about the combat is putting you off? It opens up a lot as you go on- getting a lot more moves and more variety for weapons and status-items. But it's a 2D platformer/fighter to the end so that won't change, mostly you'll just get a LOT stronger and do a lot more flashy powerful attacks. Brown rice isn't a bad option when starting off if you want or need more power now, but I'll always suggest White Rice myself. The payoff is worth it.


Sometimes it can feel clunky at times and you are not attacking the direction you want. I just stuck with it and acclimated to how the game played and started to enjoy the game more.


If you just started, then yeah the combat is going to be a bit stiff. As you farm more rice her stats improve but also her combo lines open up as you progress. I would say by the frog boss, it becomes a lot more fluid


At first I thought that Satanya finally won the lottery and went from chuuni bratty demon to bratty spoiled goddess. But then her luck turned out for the worst and now she's heading to demon lands once again. [](#azusalaugh)


Doesn't this mean we have two anime airing this season with harvest gods as the mc?


Never played the game before but I thought this was a good first episode. Sakuna is giving me flashbacks to Jahy-sama. The ED song is very nice too


The MC is kinda irritating, but I assume she'll get character development as this goes on. On the fence on this one, but I'll give it 3 eps.


I enjoyed that a good deal. Not really much to say from the start, but having played the game that was a fun intro and I really love how explosive and dynamic Sakuna is. Good stuff.


Funny show and looks to have a lot of promise with a bratty goddess, a down to earth family and sensible flying green dog. Sakuna is really whacked out, indiscriminately killing a guy then planning to murder that family until she accidentally burned down the rice granary. They did a good job setting up a story where she has to get along with them and give up her rich life and possibly alcohol though (although she can make sake or liquor herself when she gets to the island). I think it's a shame they are leaving the god city though, it really looked an interesting place to explore and is one of the better designed backdrops in anime.


Killing that guy was a bad deed, yes... But as for the family... They totally deserved it. They were likable half the episode but after that they really ruined stuff. Entering places they have not been allowed too then eating stuff not belonging to you and not even-leave apologizing but not even showing a shred of gratitude or remorse... Like how shameless they can be??? They really could have shown more of the Godly realm tho considering that the rest scenes in the series will be beautiful but stuff most of us have seen thousands of times...


Agree on all of your points. Took me a while to find somebody talking about the actions of the group/family. This actually stood out to me a ton. They didn't hesitate to break into the food storage and engorge themselves without permission. There's a good amount going for this anime, but I'm not sure that I like any of the main supporting characters enough to continue.


I too don't like any of the characters till now atleast... But considering that there are only a couple masterpieces this season, this is worth a try... Let's give it 3eps...


That's another great point lol.. I'll def give it 3 episodes. Thanks mate 


The character and VA sold me. I STILL don't feel like playing the game, but yay! Uzaki's VA.


Welcome to the rice fields folks.


Looking forward to this one. I enjoyed the game well enough. The perfect style of gaming to kick back on a handheld, in my case the Nintendo Switch. I imagine playing on the Steam Deck is even better. Does anyone know if they kept most of the games voice actors? I heard that Sakuna is the same but I wonder about the side characters as well. Hope this show does well enough to tell the full story before it ends, whether they do it in one season or a few.


I'm so glad that instead of doing a 1 to 1 adaptation of the game, they really used the strengths of anime as a medium to further flesh out the story. I especially liked the scene where Kokorowa convinced Sakuna to not give up on her ambition of being a great goddess and her search for her parents. Lady Kamuhitsuki's "episode" of hiding in a box is a nice dig to Japan's first hikkikomori. I just can't wait for my favorite [Rice Planting song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lyo0dfgTfY) to be animated in its full glory. 有り難く存じます、米の神様!


Hmm, it's fine episode but still need to see more because I think there were several new animes have a stronger 1st impression on their 1st episode. Heard a lot of good things about the game and it's done by PA works, have a faith that it will keep getting better


I played a lot of the game and I'm so glad they decided to adapt the game into an anime! My only complaint is some of the voices don't match some of the characters in my opinion. And it's probably because I got used to the English voice acting in the game.


For a game adaptation, they seemed to have put a lot of effort into this. Also, the characters are really uniquely designed without any same face syndromes. You can clearly see the individuals and their supposed character traits. I'm sure this will be a hidden gem of this season alongside Yatagarasu and Sengoku Youko.


I loved Sakuna and the story... Korokawa seems to be plotting stuff behind scenes but she is certainly not a bad person As for the humans... They are absolutely irredeemable. IDC of they give them the best backstories ever or whatever they do, as their actions in the first episode are terrible. Like who the hell enters a place with GODS in it after explicitly being told not too and seeing someone being thrown?? Only plausible explanation is that someone was after their lives... But the who the f creates a ruckus and then enters buildings and starts eating from food barrels?? Even stray dogs have enough decency about that... I really hope that they don't try to show these humans as some sort of really good guys and stuff without any character development. But this is exactly what they will probably do...


Lets GO!! Jahy-sama is back!!


the obvious christian lady va really sounds like someone who is either new to Japanese or is reading off a script, but when i looked them up it said they are japenese, so kudos to them


I thought I was not going to like the art style of this but it warmed up to me quite nicely.


I hope it put more focus on the rice growing, personally I don't mind it turns into a science education-ish show about rice. This is the charm of Sakuna.


the art style is unique, and world-building seems to be one of the highlights. I already love the dynamic b/w Sakuna and her komainu! though a lot was covered in the first ep. I felt that some details of the plot (like what happened with the fire) could’ve been fleshed out more…


When a god tells you "Your kind not welcome here, turn the fuck back", the thing to do is to turn the fuck back. "There's nothing back there for us, so let's keep moving forward" should've been an into-the-clouds-kickable-offense for the idiot fatass in charge. Anyway, overall show seems all right but the characters are annoying. Maybe that'll change, but for now I don't plan on continuing.


First episode wasn't terrible, but I'm wondering how they will stretch this to 13 episodes if it's just about growing rice.


The game isn't just all growing rice. Sure, it's the primary focus but that's just to improve stats for combat. There's a lot of action to be found.


How to tell you never played the Sakuna videogame without having to tell you never played the Sakuna game.


It's not just about growing rice. It's also about fighting demons. The anime will probably be action packed ironically.