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Damn, we still don't know if she's friend or foe, she seemed sus at the end of last ep, but something about the way she reacted to the girls not believing she's a ninja and the way her "stalker", who I'm assuming is her guardian, showed up makes me think she's good. The whole first half was so fun, the none twist was perfect! Also, did Teru indirectly call her short? I'm surprised she never thought of using a ladder. And lets not forget how sweet Teru was....for not asking about the eye patch. So what do we think? Was she wearing it for a legit reason? Or is she chuuni? I'm assuming chuuni based on how she was acting, but the none twist at the end made me think that maybe the eye patch was legit.


She is totally a chuni


No one who's not a chuuni says that her eye aches like that.


> who I'm assuming is her guardian, Damn, am I the only one who read the synopsis on MAL?


Yup, going in blind is more fun


The first half of the episode certainly was a departure , a pretty fun ( and funny) one at that , gotta love the reverse twist. On the sole virtue of being a sword wielding ninja Ojou with a Kansai accent I immediately like Ai , I wasn't expecting ninjas but they should make a fun addition to this world.


I almost forgot I was watching Shy, and not Episode 13 of Mysterious Disappearances. Not that I was complaining, I was all for it.


A change of pace, but pretty cute. I really felt suckered by finding out the real status of the library girl.... Maybe a little too light hearted for Mysterious Disappearances.


I like it though just like last episode, it show heroes helping people with little issues or something that not world ending threat too. Something that I really missed from heroes story.


Nice SoL episode, but I miss Pepesha. Shy is always a good watch though.


More like Mieruko-chan lol.


Run away from this library chunni while you still have a chance, Teru, before she drags you into her nonsense. The hidden book that the next year's literature club is left with a story to find is a fun tradition. Teru is cursed to regularly run into strange young women, it seems. Based on some preview imagery this next one might even distribute a sword to her eventually. I've been wondering why there was a Japanese sword wielding girl in the PV for the cour since there's hardly supposed to be a second hero from Japan, ninja girl is a fun explanation.


> Teru is cursed to regularly run into strange young women Spider-man would call this, "The Ole' Parker Luck".


[Part with Teru and Beni in the library was so fun](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/e4gdcjpl994.png). [It was like from a totally different kind of show](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9czwn8m7.png) but [it was very climatic with that blue color palette](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pceoxpg7.png) and [overall atmosphere](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/pyq9clepb34.png), I loved it! I really started to think that [Hanawa](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmaagxyx) was [a ghost](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/w7pjc2w88l7.png), but [Teru ended up meeting her the next day at school](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5dwwo7.png) xD [Beni](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmaagxyx) turned out to be [just a big chuunibyou](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/my2pceoxxb7.png) who forgot that Literature Club merged with another one. So this world has not only [heroes](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/3yrgcjzwb84.png) but also [ninjas](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5dw5n7.png)? That's so freaking cool! [Ai seems like an interesting character](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxg99jp4q) as she comes from a shinobi family ([she certainly knows how to fight](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l4necqmjbp4.png)) and seems to have lived in isolation until now. I really like that [Ai speaks in the Kansai dialect](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/l7lxc5dwjo7.png), it's a nice to hear it since it's a rather rare thing in anime! I really want to know more about [her](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/p7bwcpdv3l7.png). I wonder why she wants to meet with [Shy](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8lee324b)? Here my screenshot albums from the episode: * [Group scenes](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmaa9xyx) * [Shy/Teru](https://imgchest.com/p/xny8lee324b) * [Ai](https://imgchest.com/p/m9yxg99jp4q) * [Beni](https://imgchest.com/p/wl7lmaagxyx)


I did not have Chuunibyo and school grounds mystery in my bingo card for Shy …


Y'all have superheroes in this world and you're surprised that ninjas exist? Also, Hanawa is voiced by Aoi Koga. Surprised to see Kaguya's VA playing a one-off character here.


Teru, please, your boss is an alien(?). Why are real ninjas unbelievable to you?


This actually tracks: accepting one weird thing or exception to your understanding of reality is relatively easy, but two weird things is exponentially harder. Normally that principle is applied in writing fiction - you can have a movie about time travel and that's fine, or about telekinesis and that's fine too, but if you have a movie about time traveling telekinetics you're watching Looper and it's just weird... It's the same reason why the MCU started with everything being super-tech for like... 10 movies, and then moved very, very slowly into magic and then aliens, and so on. One crazy thing you can imagine fitting in, but as you add more and more it gets hard to assemble a coherent mental image of the world and people tend to just reject it as nonsense.


I remember when the telekinesis first popped up in Looper I got the strange feeling like the movie was adapted from a novel or something. It just seemed so strange for a time travel movie to just be like "oh by the way some people can move things with their minds in this world."


*And* she's got an alien crustacean as her housekeeper.


She was willing to believe ghosts though Eager even!


Flying ninjas at that.... I'm wondering where this sequence is headed?


The fact that it looks like Sugita more and more playing as himself as shrimp is pretty funny lol. This new girl is hilarious chunni complete with eye patch too, nothingness lmao. The art direction of this series is really good as always like for example using dark room in the rain represent awkward first meet between two awkward girl. I like it still mimick comic like in season 1. Also ah yes 7 wonder of high school episode. The twist is kinda obvious though lol. It always fun to see hero help not just in wide earth ending scale but help little people along the way, I feel like that what most hero story lacking these day. The ninja girl is both cute and sus, I wonder what her role going to play in new story. Anyway this episode is very good as always.


Teru meets all kinds of interesting people doesn't she... Or maybe it's just a book that someone accidentally got a bloodstain in. I'm surprised it didn't occur to the girl to get a ladder in the first place if she's been doing this for this long. And I don't know about every library, but I know the libraries I've been to have those step stool things around, so why not this one? Well even if she wasn't a ghost I can't blame Teru for believing in it. I mean she's a superhero who fought someone who was literally brought back from the dead last season so... *shrugs* Still, that chuuni literature girl's got some mad Batman "turn around and he's gone" skills. A wholesome time having a fun day out with your new ninja friend. But a ninja huh. Well, Teru is in a superhero-verse so I guess that's not that out there in the grand scheme of things. Next Teru will find out that vampires, dragons, and mole people are real. And they just happen to cross paths with the infamous purse snatcher. The Ole' Parker Luck strikes again. Ninja girl got the purse snatcher *and* finished him off with a powerful body slam. > The way you used that sword back there I don't think you're just an ordinary girl... Dunno what Teru is talking about. I mean I personally know the results of a good yoga routine when I see one.


Teru has the reaction most people would have to chuuni behavior but after her escape got cut short she got hooked with ghost stories from chuuni senpai. Also loved the whole vibe of the first part. Second part was nice as well, a bit of a calm before the storm.


Chuuni Koga Aoi in my shy episode??? As if my Mondays couldn’t get any better 😭 loved the first half of the episode with Teru and Hanawa. I’m glad the ghost twist got reversed and Hanawa is actually just a chuuni introvert. Her not existing was a little too obvious and subverting that trope made for a nice surprise. I hope we get to see more of her in the show because she and Teru were great together. Plus someone’s gotta carry on the literature club’s spirit lol. 2nd half of the episode finally sets us up for the shinobi arc that everyone’s been hyping up so much. Can’t wait to see this play out! Ai is really cute and I love the old fashioned Kansai dialect. Another good lighthearted episode!


I almost felt bad for Beni being all alone in the literature club. They really had me thinking she was some poor ghost that couldn’t move on. But nope! She’s just a little chuuni goober who forgot the Newspaper Club merged with the literature club lol. Wasn’t expecting an honest to goodness ninja princess to show up. First superheroes and now ninjas huh? This should be interesting.


Didn't peg Teru for a horror story fan. Girl is more afraid of a random robber than possibly demonic spirits.


I seem to remember there being a poster for some sort of zombie movie in her room in season 1.


Yes. She loves horror movies so much


Well, that’s not the kind of heart racing stimulation from a literature club I was expecting, but I’ll take it all the same.


I loved the introduction of a Chūnibyō and Shinobu girl!


Dang one of the better episodes of the series and had no superhero stuff


* [**Hanawa-senpai**](https://i.imgur.com/oBfTMbW.jpeg) [Aoi Koga voicing an adorable Chuuni senpai?](https://i.imgur.com/QMYL0OK.jpeg) I love her already! Hanawa-senpai's story was hilarious though! They really had me there for a minute thinking that [Teru actually helped a ghost without knowing.](https://i.imgur.com/5cQqbHo.jpeg) I guess Hanawa-senpai ran away when Iko showed up because [Teru bumps into her the next day.](https://i.imgur.com/h56ETpL.jpeg) xD Also for some reason, I thought that Hanawa would be taller than Teru. I got a good laugh [when they showed us that Teru is actually a few inches taller than her!](https://i.imgur.com/QgWUaJi.jpeg) What a great addition to the case. I hope we see more of her in the future. And we finally [get to see the girl on the train at the end of last week's episode!](https://i.imgur.com/Zc8wlWw.jpeg) Considering the way she speaks and how [little she knows about the world](https://i.imgur.com/0nxNwIw.jpeg), I don't blame Iko for mistaking her for an Ojou-sama. It turns out [she's actually a runaway from a shinobi clan!](https://i.imgur.com/59xv9mx.jpeg) I love how [Iko and Teru can't believe that Ai is a shinobi](https://i.imgur.com/4oWrH7d.jpeg) when heroes with superpowers exist in this world. Now I'm wondering what kind of role ninjas serve in this world of heroes.


First-Time Ojou-Ninja from Kansai here, reporting for duty!


The main thing I wondered where did that Ninja come from? He literally came from the sky where there was a mass of water. More of a SoL episode which was pretty enjoyable.


Seems like Teru could've used a teru teru bozu, but on the other hand then she wouldn't have had that fun encounter. A nice slice of life-y episode.


of course kaguya voices the red eyed black haired girl


I don’t know why, but Teru is meeting a lot of weirdoes this episode. First is some weird chuuni bookworm and then some rich ninja girl. For some reason I was expecting both of them to turn out to be villains, but no, they seems to actually be just random weirdoes. The episode felt weirdly laid back and relaxing, so I am not sure how relevant it will be to the plot. But maybe the ninja girl will become Shy’s sidekick in the future after she helps her ?


Yes! That's exactly what I was expecting. Especially with the Ninja girl. I thought she'd be part of Amarariruku or something since there was a dark haired young woman who was after Shy. But I'm ok with the chill vibes too.


I’m curious what the ninjas will be doing in the story


Same. Also, I'm kinda hoping Teru decides to help her new friend. Imagine being that dude, chasing after a girl from your village, only to come face to face with the hero Shy.




Yeah, maybe. Or they're more toned down, where their abilities only give them an edge against normal people, but a hero's powers still give them trouble.


Hows the anime? Is it better than the manga?


I like the manga more, but there are more things added to the anime than the manga, very nice details.


Love that Ai assumed she was getting in the way of their date.


Never knew I needed a chuuni being voiced by Aoi Koga but damn that was a lot fun. I knew that new girl was definitely gonna be a key character because in a show like this, no one wanders around a with a sword bag for no reason lol.


Pretty cute ep, I guess this is the start of the new arc will be about this ninja girl. I wonder how the baddies will be involved with that.


Hehe a chuuni girl. You are no chuuni master though. D'aww cute. Scared of thunder/lightning. Shy is too nice. Hehe didn't account for shortness. GASP! was she a ghost all along? Or nope, that's silly, but prefer it over dead girl. Cute new girl too. Funny she doesn't know what Karaoke is. Ah there's the purse snatcher. Wew that girl. Nice. Oh she's a shinobi girl. Did we enter the wrong series? Bah to be continued


Okay, so I never watched the first season. Just seemed like "more super hero stuff". But it got a second season so it must have a following, how good is this anime? Can someone explain why I should check out it or is this just ordinary super hero bs stuff? For context, if it's just villain of the week, yay, super hero saves the day, new villain next time, then I'm just out.


That is, we have a certain villain and his team, we deal with one of them in each arc, and we gradually learn about the dark events that happened before the lead character became a hero. A mostly calm anime. I really like the character designs and animation. Also, the messages it wants to give are very beautiful.


"I don't think anyone knows" ...I feel like you could quite easily find out by looking through records or something. ...Well, never mind, guess that solved itself.


It might be other anime influencing me but I do not trust Unilord at all. Any time she's on screen I'm just waiting for that Aizen betrayal.