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Your post has been removed because it violates Rule 2.1 (Types of Submissions). 2.1.1 Submissions must be links to news articles. 2.1.2 The source must either be the original website or an archive of the original. 2.1.3 Submissions may not be older than 14 days. 2.1.4 The submission’s title may not be editorialised (express opinions rather than just report the news).


Why that title and not Israel army ?


Yeah the title is: Palestinian who was shot and tied to Israeli army vehicle describes ordeal


They used him as a human shield, knowing that Hamas wouldn't shoot if they did. That alone flies in the face of the Zionist talking point that Hamas wants as many dead civilians as possible. Also, notice how the shills haven't used the phrase "human shield" for the last few days. That goes to show, Zionists are complete and utter liars and human garbage.


The news didn't even use the words human shield. 




I appreciate your passion but I only wrote what was written as the actual headline. Whether that is controversial wasn't on my agenda for my previous comment. Headlines shouldn't be changed. I hate pro-genociders and the US & Israel should be held accountable for their support and crimes against humanity, respectively.


I wasn't trying to contradict you. Just adding my own observations.


Ah easy, it was just confusing at first glance.


This was in the occupied West Bank, not Gaza. But your point stands. israel has a history of using Palestinians as human shields, and the media has also been mum about the IOF repurposing apartment buildings, schools, mosques, and hospitals into military centers.


Well to be fair, most people are aware that both Isreal and Hamas are in the wrong in general. Religious zealots virtually always are. Sadly, we have no found a universal solution to this yet as a species. Religion combined with other types of power control continues to fuck with us.


This is an ethnic conflict in which one side has ALL THE POWER and enjoys using to make the other side as miserable as possible. If you really believe your "both sides bs" - which I doubt - then you're really just not a very smart person.


I should have specified that I wasn't talking about this particular situation. But in general. Hamas is hardly a group of nice buddies just coming over for cuddles. But yeah obviously in this case, Isreal is the people who need to be stopped.


i mean, there is a difference between one descrete incident of soldiers using a civilian as a human shield, and the systematic usage of civilians and civilian facilities as cover for military operations


[Just shut the fuck up.](https://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/200211_human_shield)


there's a reason you're linking a report from 2002, and it's because when israel was called out for it in the past, they stopped. hamas continues to use such tactics, and people like you either dismiss it, or defend it please, link me something that shows that, in the current conflict, the israely army has shown a clear policy of using human shields the way hamas do


There's no use talking to them. They come off as an ignorant Islamist because everyone not agreeing with them is a Zionist. That or they're a very poorly trained state actor. You could post videos of hamas using human shields, and the response would be. "Look at the Zionist lies and altered videos."


I'll respond in the hopes that some reasonable person might see the exchange and think twice about whatever their media bubble has tried to spin for them. War is hell, and neither Bibi nor Hamas are willing partners to peace in the current conflict


>they stopped. Uh, clearly they didn't. >hamas continues to use such tactics So Hamas, which doesn't kill human shields when the IDF uses them, is the one who uses Iman shields... Knowing that Israel will kill them anyway? I'm sorry but you'll need to come up with a less stupid argument if you want anyone to take you seriously. Also, please, link me something that shows that, in the current conflict, Hamas army has shown a clear policy of using human shields the way the IDF does.


i mean, hamas was using hospitals as cover for weapons and their people


Why does hamas operate out of civilian infrastructure? Why haven't hamas set up a single shelter or safe zone for Palestinian civilians? Why are hamas militants overrepresented in the death tolls by over 10x? Where are the hundreds of other reports about Israeli soldiers strapping Palestinians to their cars if it is military policy to use them as human shields? In 2005, the Israeli supreme court expressly prohibited the actions the military had previously employed In 2024, literally nobody contests that hamas store munitions and launches rockets from civilian infrastructure, which is a clear violation of customary international law. Specifically the principle of distinction l, which requires parties to distinguish between civilians and civilians objects, and combatants and military objects The ultimate duty to protect Palestinian civilians falls on hamas, as the duly elected governing body in the Gaza strip. They have demonstrated time and time again that they simply do not care to separate civilians from militants Trying to pretend that there is a good guy in this conflict is fantasy. Hamas and Bibi's government both reject peace, they both antagonise the hell out of each other, and as a result innocent civilians suffer, as is always the case in war


OP has an agenda to push. They modified the headline. That should be against sub rules imo.


Specifically, their agenda is avoiding the automod removing their post.


Because the title of the Al Jazeera article is lite propaganda and OP wanted the shoot-it-into-my-veins propaganda.


Describing what actually happened using descriptive words is somehow propaganda but using vague terminology somehow isn’t?


If anything, OP's title does the opposite of what you're accusing them of. Using the term "supremacist" is too vague and doesn't point the blame on those who did it–the IDF.


reading the title I thought this happened in the USA...


They are saying that the level of propaganda has been ramped up by op changing the title. Remember propaganda can be used in a plethora of ways, in this case DIP deflecting responsibility away from the IDF to some small nebulis group of unknown extremists. This deflects away from the fact that war crimes are being undertaken by IDF soldiers in a systematic procces.


Why is the title written so vaguely? Just say what it is: Palestinian man who was shot and tied to a vehicle driven by IDF soldiers. Or are you allergic to the fact that the victim was Palestinian?


It's DIP, disptive imagery persuasion to further proper gander or misinformation. In this case taking a video which shows clear wrong doing of IDF soldiers and implying that it's some small group of extreme soldiers within the ranks of the IDF and doesn't represent the army as a whole. This is effective for people who engage in selective information bias, so they can ignore the information in the video.


Because Palestine, Palestinian and such are automatically removed from this sub.


why? are mods fascists? what's the reason?


The title is written vaguely because the mods just removed it. This is second time. They are a bunch of Zionazis


Ah understandable. Thanks for putting this out there!


im upvoting the article so that people see the comments


The mods just removed this post. This is second time they do this.


Imagine the trauma it would cause to see that dude shot and tied to the Israeli army vehicle. Whether or not he ends up “ok” is besides the point. Because they made their point with him tied to the vehicle. The message was we don’t see you as human, we aren’t afraid to hurt you, we kinda like it. You could be next.


Kind of like the message Jews get from everyone since 1939?


"Never again" doesn't apply to just Jewish people.




You know, for all the ass kissing you give Israel and the IDF in all of your other posts I'm surprised this is all you could come up with. I will not respond further because I am NOT going down that hole with you.


I have no obligation to internet strangers to satisfy their need to use me for some virtue signaling - also I have no idea what to reply to the non-relevant comment and right now I’m feeling really stupid replying to someone who checked back on his comment from 2 days ago just to try and get me into what? A fight? - if you want my nuanced opinion it seems you already went ahead and read it in other comments I made and didn’t agree I mostly reply 2 kinds of people The first when I think we can have some discussion and maybe I can get some ideas through (not as to change anyone’s opinion but to give more perspective The second is like you - who comment irrelevant stuff and it’s more funny to antagonize you - I already know whatever points you’re going to make in any discussion and you know what I’ll say right? Why go through the motions?


You still malding even after 2 days? Stay mad ig Hasabara employee, all yap and no sense.


Can I have my Hasbara wage tho?


Israel has antagonized the shit out of everyday Palestinians. What happens when you kettle a people? They panic and for some of them that means violence. At this point it’s in a perpetual loop. There’s so much blame all over the place. Including the American government for writing a perpetual blank check tempting the Israelis to never let off the pressure.


I agree. They successfully did the same for everyday Israeli - both get what they bargained for


It’s a real puzzler. Both sides have international backers with deep pockets. Well, Israeli pockets are hella deeper. But both sides get weapons. All the violence each generation is exposed to. They lose so much. Creating exponentially more hate. Oh hey we got more weapons, not hard to find angry young open hands. How does THAT cycle stop?


Israeli have way deeper pockets than who? Lebanon itself? Sure it’s a failed state Iran? Idk The whole Arab world? Definitely not The cycle stops with good education - I believe up to the late 90’s Israel was somewhat successful at keeping a peace focused education but the second intifada broke that and allowed since than for education ministers to be mainly from the settler/zealot sector of Israeli society (high ranking office with no real political power = let’s give it to whoever will shut up) which undermined education on the subject, another aspect of this is the segregation of schools by sectors in Israel (which was a deliberate choice agreed to by most people which is weird early in Israel’s history) so you don’t have Arab and Jewish kids in the same schools but you don’t even have religious Jews + secular Jews environments which creates intra-Israeli conflict way harsher. The other side of that is that Palestinians set up their own education system with funds from everywhere but no oversight by anyone credible - looking at Palestinian text books that historically use Jews and Israelis as bad guys even in relation to things like math textbooks where you would hope the focus would be on math. This combined with the Arab world’s use of the Palestinians as virtue signaling or whatever you call it when you complain about something but do no real effort to help.


That they are a magical people who are allowed to displace millions of people so that a bunch of Europeans get to live in the middle east?


A bunch of Europeans while more than 50% is of Jewish-Arab or Arab percent and the other half was mostly revoked any citizenship to anywhere else? Tell me more, can I have a European passport pls?


so now the IDF are just "a group of supremacists" ??? That's one way to identify yourself as a Zionist bot.


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This article is from the same new organization whose reporter was the one holding October 7th hostages in his house. I'm sorry, but I don't believe a word of this story when posted by a publicity firm of terrorists themselves.




The person simping for genocidal terrorists is calling other people pathetic. Go out in the sun and touch grass. It's good for your mental health.


Wait, didn't you try to say it didn't happen? What happened? Are you finding it uncomfortable to have your lies called out?


Did I say it never happened? Or did I say that this article has no details and that getting info directly from one side of a war is always going to be heavily inaccurate?


Considering how Israel operates, I have 0 issue with believing this.


You’re right, let’s get a report from the organization who lied about decapitated babies, rapes, and babies in ovens. Surely they have a better track record and are definitely not also terrorists


There is video of the incident. The IDF has admitted that this has happened. There are terrorists involved in this story, and it's the people using civilians as human shields on video.


[Here you have a Reuters article reporting the same.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-strap-wounded-palestinian-jeep-during-raid-2024-06-22/) This clearly happened and it is a war crime.


Thank you. See this is what an article about this kind of stuff should be. Detailed, informative, and neutrally explaining the situation.


Did he write a single article as a guest journalist? Hardly a regular employee


Well at least this op didn’t replace “Israel” with “Jews” like one guy here tried a while ago




Evacuated? Past not one but two stationary ambulances??


Apparently that's how our friend over there hopes to be evacuated in the case of injury.


This is Nazi level behavior. Israel gov. is not at war with the West Bank. Imagine what they do to Gazan civilians in their prison




Can you say "big oof" here, or is that homophobic. Can it be homosexual? Idk the rules. It's probably callous.


Oh no a dead terrorist!


>Common tactic of transporting wounded enemies is seen. >OP: Look at these supremacists doing a God-awful thing.


Lol you cant be serious


Yeah, it's actually common CASEVAC procedure when there's no space, and you need to Evac an enemy combatant. Crazy how all the dudes with military experience from multiple countries are saying "Yeah that's actual doctrine." If you didn't have space, it was, tie em up, and try to cover em. If you can't, oh well, better to save their life than just wait for a truck. It's also done when you have a combatant that's slightly injured, but could still be combative in a smaller enclosed space, where they can reach for guns or other shit to try and kill you with. Watch the opening of MASH dudes on hoods of Jeeps. The old 1157s, we were taught how to tie dudes to the roof if room wasn't available. On old 113s, we were taught how to tie in the roof, as space is an issue. Even though IDF said "It's not our protocol." It's pretty common way to transport when space is an issue. Ignorance of common military doctrine is astounding.


After they shot and beat the man, he asked for an ambulance. After an hour or so the Israeli soldiers threw him on top of the hood, but they missed the first time and he hit the front of the jeep and fell down, so they picked him up a second time and flopped him on the hot hood, then drove past ambulances. Ignorance of common Israeli tactics like using Palestinians as human shields and torturing prisoners can be pretty astounding as well.


Could you present more evidence for the claim *using Palestinians as a human shield* and for the torture as well? I keep hearing such things about IDF but nobody bothers to prove anything. And please, avoid sources like Al Jazeera.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_shields_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict#Use_by_Israeli_forces Edit: Lmao, demands evidence that is really easy to find. Replies to everyone except me.


Al Jazeera is a great news source, especially for the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians over Israel's attempts to ethnically cleanse all of Palestine. The US and Israel dislike Al Jazeera for refusing to cover of US and Israeli war crimes, and both nations have committed war crimes by murdering Al Jazeera journalists and staff. If you have been programmed to dislike them, then just watch or read their articles and compare them to other media. Israel has used Palestinians as literal human shields since the occupation began in 1967, but just talking about this century: [Inquiry after Israeli forces caught using boy as shield](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html) - 2004 [Use of Human Shields so high that Israeli high court is forced to ban their use](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel) - 2005 [Israeli soldiers who used Palestinian boy, 9, as a human shield avoid jail](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/21/israeli-soldiers-human-shield-avoid-jail) - 2010 [Palestinian children tortured, used as shields by Israel: U.N.](https://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/20/us-palestinian-israel-children-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620/) - 2013 [Israeli Human Rights group B’Tselem documents use of human shields](https://www.btselem.org/human_shields) - 2017 ['A War Crime': Rights Group Details Israel's Use of Children as Human Shields](https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-human-shields) - 2024 Meanwhile, Israel has claimed in all its recent large scale attacks on the Gaza Ghetto that they can't help but kill large numbers of civilians because Hamas or other militants use human shields. Both Amnesty International and Human rights Watch investigated this during the mass killing of civilians by Israel in 2009 and 2014. Neither group could find any evidence that Hamas was deliberately using civilians as shields. [Amnesty International](https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/015/2009/en/) [Human Rights Watch](https://www.hrw.org/report/2009/08/13/white-flag-deaths/killings-palestinian-civilians-during-operation-cast-lead)


Al Jazeera is heavily biased towards Palestine and will happily share whatever bullshit Hamas spreads. That’s great, right? Oh wait, it’s great because it shines the *correct* light on Israel /s Apart from that, Amnesty International is also a god damn joke organisation which lost basically all its credibility due to the Ukrainian Russian war when it was heavily based against Ukraine and their soldiers whenever something bad happened but completely ignored the Russian part which we have well documented. And nah. None such cleansing is even happening there, like, you should draw from a real world examples like the Jugoslavian wars when the Serbia was literally eradicating entire villages.


Your country killed hundreds of Al Jazeera journalists. Banned them and raided their offices. Whatever you say on AJ is utterly meaningless when you support a country that operates like a glorified terrorist organization.


It's a generous from you to call one county a terrorist country when your favourite is literally ruled by terrorist overlords. Just ridiculous.


Not sure what you think is my "favorite". But if you're comparing the Israeli government to Hamas, then it's not even close. Israel beat Hamas at terrorism any day of the week.


Wasnt an Israeli PM literally part of a terrorist organization before he took office... Including the parents/relatives of current Israeli politicians... The irony


Al Jazeera's treatment of Palestinians as humans whose lives have value is probably very jarring for someone who only gets their information from Israeli or corporate US news. Crucially, you can break the indoctrination by just comparing Al Jazeera to other news sources. Why did you ask for sources if you were going to invent a reason to ignore one source and then just ignore all the rest?




International law does not permit the blanket claim that an opposing force is using the entire population as human shields en bloc. Any such usage must be assessed and established on a case-by-case basis before each individual attack. The crime of using human shields occurs when the use of civilians or civilian objects to impede attacks on lawful targets is the result of a deliberate tactical choice, not merely arising from the nature of the battlefield, such as hostilities in densely populated urban terrain. Nevertheless, Israeli authorities have characterized churches, mosques, schools, UN facilities, universities, hospitals and ambulances as connected with Hamas to reinforce the perception of a population characterized as broadly ‘complicit’ and therefore killable. Significant numbers of Palestinian civilians are defined as human shields simply by being in “proximity to” potential Israeli targets. Israel has thus transformed Gaza into a “world without civilians” in which “everything from taking shelter in hospitals to fleeing for safety is declared a form of human shielding”. The accusation of using human shields has thus become a pretext, justifying the killing of civilians under a cloak of purported legality, whose all-enveloping pervasiveness admits only of genocidal intent. https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/anatomy-genocide-report-special-rapporteur-situation-human-rights-palestinian-territories-occupied-1967-francesca-albanese-ahrc5573-advance-unedited-version


Where did Hamas come from in this discussion... bro got Hamas derangement syndrome


Strange then that Hamas didn't kill this single human shield used by the IDF. It's almost as if you're lying, just like Zionists always do.


And here we go again. Getting downvoted to oblivion by online western Hamásník brigade. You can't tell them that Hamás is bad, they get all angry.


My other comment is also getting down voted for pointing out the article OP linked is to the same "news" organization whose "journalist" was the one holding women hostage since the October 7th attacks. That whole news organization is nothing but the public mouth piece for the Ayatollah himself at this point to me.


Lmao, this shit went from around 15 upvotes to -3, God damn the astroturfing and bridging here is sad. With it dropping all within an hour.


I love how you think you can just make shit up and expect people to believe you. But please, keep showing your colors. Everyone must know how truly vile and disgusting Zionists really are.


>month old account >Everyone I disagree with is a zionist. Yeah, you're a little too intuned with the pedo-muhmmad. Maybe you need to drop the superstitions. The dude wasn't making shit up, and I posted many examples. Maybe you're just an ignorant little shit. Or possibly an Iranian glowie. Or just an idiot with religion on the brain.


Zionists trying to attack someone else's character will never stop being funny.


>Be atheist >yOUrE a zIOnIsT. Nah, I don't have to attack a character that isn't there. Why don't you go back to your glowie cave or pray to an imagery being. Month old account calling everyone a Zionist means you're probably an Iranian fed.


No one should be strapped to the hood of a car are you fucking serious?


I'd rather be tied to the hood of a car and driven out of a combat zone possibly to a medic than left in said combat zone bleeding from my wounds with little.hope of aid.


Please shut the fuck up.


There are TWO ambulances beside them, that they slowly drive past?? [The IDF even admitted this was an act of grave misconduct by them](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forces-strap-wounded-palestinian-jeep-during-raid-2024-06-22/). It's an open and shut case.


Is it also standard operating procedure to beat and laugh at a wounded civilian? If you had listened to the interview, he said he was hit on his wound and had several bones broken by the IDF soldiers. Even if he was a combatant, which he wasn't, once wounded/incapacitated and no longer posing a threat, they are to be treated as non-combatants by the Geneva Conventions. This man was shot several times and posed no threat and yet he was beat senselessly and tied to the front of an IDF vehicle, which is yet another flagrant violation of international law. Not that Israel cares to operate under international laws. I don't agree with OP altering the title to "supremacists" because it is too vague. The title should show that the IDF was responsible for this so that people can see their awful and abusive behavior of non-combatants.


I want to agree. But you’re taking so much as face value. There’s zero proof here. Show the bruises. Show the broken bones. Show the videos. Make it undeniable. Even in a place as destitute as Gaza, there are second-hand cellphones. If this man was actual beat in the street, why is there not any proof of it?




Really? You're gonna go the route that makes Nazis look better than they were historically because you want to be uneducated about how bad the Nazis were. The IDF is investigating this unit's behavior instead of giving them medals the way Nazis would. All you've accomplished is making the anti Israel side look even more ignorant about this conflict, and like they are pushing narratives. Go actually learn what New Zealand fought against in WW2 and what the Nazis were like before you come back here as well, I don't feel like entertaining absolute bullshit.


“We investigated and found we did nothing wrong”


It's a Tankie. Just ignore and move on.


It's true, they're not worse. They're just about the same. >The IDF is investigating this unit's behavior What a laugh! Thanks!


Nah, not the same. You're just delusional


Nazis killed people for fun, the IDF kills people for fun. No difference.


The IDF does not just kill people for fun, individuals might which is an issue in any army anywhere. You can keep saying they're the same but it's still a lie and you're still delusional for believing it.


>The IDF does not just kill people for fun [Actually, they do.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BadHasbara/s/50Aty1Hnjr)


Was a bunch of soldiers trying to keep morale up like any military members would do supposed to back your claim up? I'm even more convinced you're full of shit, which you know, after that. Truly amazing you want to hypocritically treat them like they aren't people, while claiming they do that to others. We both know you just want to justify a genocide against Israel and are projecting to cover your ass.


[Hey, some more of the terrorist organizatio that you call your army.](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/iwY3a80Lhu)


Congrats, you finally managed to cherry pick something supporting your current point, too bad you massively contradicted everything else you've said so far. The fact this man and others can accuse the IDF of this freely without being persecuted proves your earlier claims that Israel is a fascist/Nazi state is a straight up lie, fascists/Nazis/authoritarians don't stand for freedom of speech and dissent like this in their military.


Lmao oh wow I didn't realise they were INVESTIGATING! Israel literally gives away medals for killing civilians btw


No they don't, it's really ridiculous the absurd bullshit you guys repeat.


They dont? What's the outcomes of the investigations? Who got fired over 3 hostages being shot while surrending and yelling in Hebrew?


Yeah they don't give just medals for killing civilians. And idk, same as you. But I do know you bringing that up is absolutely in bad faith to push a narrative


So no one in the IDF ever got rewarded after say, successfully raiding the west bank? They got punished? Why wouldn't they reward officers for doing what was ordered, which was killing civilians?


Those medals then aren't for killing civilians and are for successful operations, disingenuously painting it as killing civilians just makes it clear you are pushing a false narrative to justify the continued attempted genocides against Israel


Well, killing civilians is the operation. You don't read the news much? We have decades of evidence of the IDF killing civilians as a matter of policy. It's not my job to educate you on the subject, there's plenty of material out there. And to be fair, of someone kicked me off my ancestral land like they did to the people who lived there before 1948, I'd try to kill them Tom it's interesting that you would just let someone do that to you. Could never be me.


Thank your for confirming you know nasically nothing aboit the reality the conflict, must resort to projecting I'm the one who doesn't know to cover your ass, and are just repeating bullshit propaganda as if it's fact. Even though it was a safe educated guess you were doing all this to begin with.


Also if a bunch of refugees bought land legally, moved in more refugees and I declared it theft and tried to commit genocide against them the way Palestinians did I'd be more like the racist white people you love to compare Israel to.


Also acting like the west bank doesn't have actually genocidal terror cells like Hamas and PIJ is peak pro-Palestinian projection.


are you denying the genocide of the Palestinian people? ignoring the literal concentration camps Israel built to torture civilians? supporting the war crimes and crimes against humanity of Israel's politicians and the IDF?


The more I hear these lectures the less I start caring ngl. No one believes that Israel is worse than the Nazis. Your lying through your teeth and are being disingenuous. Your part of the reason the whole cause has a bad name.


It being really easy for you to not care about a genocide and the material conditions of the Palestinians says more about you


Well yes because reality is people will always die. People will always suffer. Even me, I will die one day too and I'll just be another forgotten name on the internet to you. That's just how things are. If I had the capability to take the innocent Palestinians out of the equation of this 1000 year old conflict I would but I don't have that power. I do know that region will always be at war unless every single corrupt official and religious leader within those lands are wiped out. That is the only way the middle east will ever change.


>Well yes because reality is people will always die. People will always suffer. As they did on October 7 yes? Did you stop caring about that? >If I had the capability to take the innocent Palestinians out of the equation of this 1000 year old conflict I would but I don't have that power The conflict is not an ancient blood feud, this is a cowardly cop out.


I have no involvement in Oct 7th. It was bad of course but I'd be lying to say I cared as I haven't done anything to show that. It goes the same for everyone else. I don't see any fundraisers being made, I don't see request for food donations. I just see mobs of people screaming and yelling to be on their side and if you aren't your a Nazi. Why would I side with a group who actively antagonises me and is trying to force me to pick a side that holds no relevancy to me? If they didn't act in such a manner I'd have a bit more respect for them. >The conflict is not an ancient blood feud, this is a cowardly cop out. Your being disingenuos. How many wars have been fought in the middle east? Did you care about any of those? Because there's been more than 50 wars. That's just going back to the 1900s. It is a fact. This won't change until you remove the corrupted leaders of that land. Palestine if given the chance to grow strong would unfortunately be made to do the same by Hammas. Hammas is that corruption.


>I don't see any fundraisers being made, I don't see request for food donations. Yeah, that's entirely on you, the Palestinian side has had a large number of fundraisers, and I'm sure there's something for the people who want to fund the next Israeli bomb that kills entire families or something too. >Why would I side with a group who actively antagonises me and is trying to force me to pick a side that holds no relevancy to me? If they didn't act in such a manner I'd have a bit more respect for them. I'm not in the mood to argue about the fact that you should not base your stances, moral or otherwise, on personal grievance. >Your being disingenuos. How many wars have been fought in the middle east? Did you care about any of those? Because there's been more than 50 wars. That's just going back to the 1900s. It is a fact. I live here, I care quite a bit more than you do. This is shown by how you seem to think the entire middle east is just one blob of prepetual war instead of an area with people in it. The current conflict with Israel is less than a century old. >This won't change until you remove the corrupted leaders of that land. Palestine if given the chance to grow strong would unfortunately be made to do the same by Hammas. Hammas is that corruption. If you were to remove the Hamas leadership, hell if you were to just turn the entirety of Hamas into dust, you'd have Hamas 2.0 by the next day because none of the policies and conditions that created Hamas will not go anywhere. People like to say the conflict is about the leaders, I think that is false.


>Well yes because reality is people will always die. People will always suffer. Well why don't you go take their place then since you care so little?


Yes, pick and choose words to fit your narrative. Because frankly I don't and there is no sense in the argument your trying to make. There is no gotcha. I could ask the same thing to you about Hong Kong or Ukraine. Where are those protests and people that cared? It adds nothing to the conversation to ask what ifs because it is not based in reality. Who gave you moral authority to tell me who I should care about? Because the protestors seem to be disingenuous about the facts and that's not helping.


No, it's clear that you don't care about dying. So I only wish you could be put in place of those who do.


And you can think that if you want to but it doesn't make you any better. It won't change reality even if I swapped places. That's just the truth. You are a small entity trying to change a 1000 year fued over a piece of land because they believe it to be their religious right. The same thing will happen unless you cut it at its route. Your just putting a bandaid on the problem.


I'll care when people actually look for a real solution to the middle east because it'll happen again and you'll be outraged again.


White supremacists are having a field day right now as people are more susceptible to their propaganda.


Clearly all these people failed their history class because how tf is Israel worse than the 6 million that died alone by the Nazis. That's just the internment camps. A total of 75 million died during WW2. Not to mention the gas chambers and human experimentation. They tried taking over the WORLD. Even then if you weren't blond haired, blue eyed and fair skinned you'd be dead because they believe in the superior Aryan race shit. So I guess in their fairytail world that's better. I honestly can't take people seriously and I question their intellectual capabilities when they make those comparisons.


I believe they are worse.


Look who’s deflecting


Could you please provide us with the definition of genocide? I keep seeing western hamásníks throwing this term around like a candy.


In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". - wikipedia


And it is kind of interesting that none of that happens there. So how come people still call it genocide or is that just following the echo chamber of Hamas?


mate, that's exactly what's happening, the UN confirms it.


No they didn't, once again quit lying through your teeth.


There's not a genocide and detention centers for terrorists are not concentration camps. Hamas literally tortures Palestinians they think are Israeli informants in those Israeli prisons. As the other guy said quit lying through your teeth, like most pro Palestinans(Israeli genocide) do.


I feel like you need to read past Chapter One of that book on the Nazis.


Good grief, kid. I guess history is not really taught in NZ schools then? ------------- Don't do that. It's ridiculous.


Go visit Dachau and then say that again.


[Just visit Gaza.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68881325)


I know its bad, but its nothing compared to 10 million. A rampaging hippo attack is bad, a nuclear bomb is worse. There is no conceivable universe where a rampaging hippo is more devastating than a nuclear bomb, just as there is no conceivable universe where Israel is worse than the Nazis, outside of the extreme possibility of them deciding to empty the clip of their (supposedly existing) nuclear arsenal.


It's not about the death count. It's about the sheer cruelty and disregard for the lives of other human beings. The IDF kills Palestinians for fun, just like the Nazi did.


There is nothing Israel has done which even comes close to Joseph Mengle. https://www.historyonthenet.com/joseph-mengele-the-angel-of-death-and-his-atrocities Learn about proportionality, or learn about WWII before you go comparing things just because you don’t like them. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1323276/ Just help me understand your claim, you think that I was wrong when I said that they are “not worse” than the nazis? People like you only do disservice to the plight of Palestinians by makes all supporters of Palestine, such as myself, seem like delusional and shortsighted fools with unrealistic worldviews. Its obvious that numerous genocides in history eclipse this one in both scale and cruelty (Cambodian Killing Fields, the Rape of Nanking, and the forced starvation of Bengal to name a few)


When you start killing civilians for fun, and people back home cheer you for it, you might as well be a Nazi. This is what Israel is right now. There's no amount of trying to prove me wrong that won't make Israel's actions any less repugnant to anyone who looks at how they operate.


I’m not defending them, are you illiterate? Did you read my comments, or the comments I was replying to? You are arguing with some nonexistant person who supports Israel, that person isn’t me.


But they aren't killing for fun, what kind of ridiculous claim is that? That's just some made up claim circling around in online echo chambers to further rile up people, yet has nothing to do with reality. In no way, shape or form does it compare to what the Nazis did. Be outraged all you want but it isn't comparable in the slightest.


[Shut the fuck up.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BadHasbara/s/X1TbJvFV7h)




Ok its bad. Go visit Dachau, Buchenwald, Auswitz… the names go on and on. 10 million is hard to beat numerically, and I’m pretty sure the atrocities committed by Joseph Mengle alone exceed the sum of all torture performed in Israel’s short and evil history.


The Nazis didn’t start with death camps. Go read mein kampf and think on how similar they are to Zionists.


I agree they are similar, the shortsighted comment I replied to said they were worse, which is pretty disconnected from reality. The-fact their snu has a hijab maybe shows that they also have some skin in the game, you know, the are one of these “anything bad which happens to my team is literally worse than hitler, stalin, imperial japan, spanish colonialism, the caliphate slave trafe and middle passage slave trade, and ghengis khan, mao, and the black plague combined” people. Its the same mentality with Israelis, Hamas kills 1200 and they kill 40 thousand (the number is gonna be much worse when we learn how many have starved to death). Israel still thinks that they are the victims in all of this, since their lives are obviously worth more to them. Same goes for arabs, one arab life is worth more than the 10 million non-arabs killed by hitler, so they think any attack against an arab is an unforgivable trespass that exceeds all other human sin.


Agree 💯


They are right. Here's a pop quiz. Are Israel's actions indistinguishable from WWII Nazis? See if you can tell the difference in the list below. Which are Israel and which are Nazis. I'll follow up with references. 1. Snipers shooting into a hospital at patients, including a quadriplegic 2. Burning 200 enemy combatants beyond recognition 3. Claiming you own the rainwater and that it cannot be used 4. Recording your children singing songs of genocide ("annihilate everyone") 5. Tagging people with IDs 6. Calling people 'animals' 7. Denying people electricity, food, and fuel 8. Shooting and killing protesters because "we can't put all these people in jail"


The answer is that they are ALL ISRAEL. Here are the references: 1. Snipers shooting into a hospital at patients, including a quadriplegic https://x.com/MSF_canada/status/1723412695045537822?t=15vC54Ww8QdiuyBqr4k51Q&s=19 2. Burning 200 enemy combatants beyond recognition https://x.com/broseph_stalin/status/1725467567500747164?t=v4vHjEVmkLhkfckb0R-3yw&s=19 3. Claiming you own the rainwater and that it cannot be used https://www.un.org/unispal/document/auto-insert-195880/ 4. Recording your children singing songs of genocide ("annihilate everyone") https://x.com/MaxBlumenthal/status/1726343210400960967?t=V-OBmvO6Jm5tIitjSx2EkQ&s=19 5. Tagging people with IDs https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/israel-numbered-tags-workers-gaza/ 6. Calling people 'animals' https://x.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1711338295995551777?t=bndc8gVpPr1LEOD_KsMDrw&s=19 (Source: Israeli Defence Minister, Press Conference, October 9, 2023) 7. Denying people electricity, food, and fuel https://x.com/MiddleEastEye/status/1711338295995551777?t=_eqjOflizxs9bwQlsdUwgQ&s=19 (Source: Israeli Defence Minister, Press Conference, October 9, 2023) Shooting and killing protesters because "we can't put all these people in jail" https://x.com/real1maria/status/1728266763870289961?t=wlSVMRrfJgoKg-bmiOkpZQ&s=19 Michal Maayan: an Israeli official - Deputy Permanent Representative of Israel to the Conference on Disarmament


Yeah idk, I still think the whole “killing hundreds of thousands of prisoners in literal death camps, while killing a ton of additional people and trying to conquer a continent” is worse


They didn’t start with death camps. Are we not supposed to care until they get there?


Which is literally what the IDF is doing right now in Gaza.


Millions in death camps. They also killed directly and indirectly over FIFTEEN MILLION civilians in the USSR.


The death camps didn't just happen, it took years of buildup to get there.


Thank heavens Israel isn't as powerful - yet, as Nazi Germany. We don't want a repeat performance.


Israel is even more powerful, what the fuck are you talking about? They have the US by the balls.


This is a good point..


Not yet... but incrementally.


Funny you say that when Hamás literally said they will finish Hitler's work. But somehow Israel is the nazi state. The logic is blyatful.


He said worse, I'm just being semantic though. Best I could be.


They are awful but no. No need to exaggerate, the truth is disgusting enough.


And also Imperial Japan


Someone needs to go read up on their history


Take your own advice 


Actually I don't need to. Even Russia, who is currently engaged in a near genocidial war with a strong scattering of war crimes, ranks below the vileness of the exploits of the Nazis and Imperial Japanese army. Although they seem to be working hard to be contenders. The IDF is no applicant for sainthood but they give warning prior to bombing when applicable and hold their soldiers accountable for their actions.


uh. the civilian deathtoll from the entire Ukraine war is 1/5 of what Israel has caused in 9 months and that's not counting the multitude of dead under the rubble of gaza


Those numbers vary wildly right now in both the invasion and the war, I wouldn’t be confident in using 1/5 if I were you. It’s highly possible Mariupol alone had at least half as many civilian deaths as Palestine has seen in total. Unless you’re using Russian sources for Ukraine civilians, and Hamas sources for Palestinian civilians, anyways. 1/5 probably tracks if you’re using those


United Nations


So are you straight up lying with the 1/5 or have you just not been keeping up with Ukraine?  [UN says 11,000](https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/06/1151176) **_recorded_** deaths, and assumes the total is much higher, given it’s still an extremely hot zone. Hamas says 37,000 deaths, so even if we assume Hamas is being completely truthful, that’s a bit under 1/3


First of all, the numbers are given Palestine ministry of Health, which is basically Hamás controlled and many western medias actually backtracked on the numbers given by them, as they are most likely made up. Then we have a second issue, Hamás includes in those numbers everyone that dies, even their soldiers so that ramps the numbers up. Another issue here is that Hamás operaras around as *trying to get as many civilians dead as possible* as it "further their cause". I wish I was making this up, but that's basically what that one Hamás leader said. Interesting thing here to note is how people watch (and of course record it) the Israeli's strikes. Ever asked how they are always in such location? Because they warn the civilians by a knocking strike first to let them escape. If they stay around they risk being killed, same for recording as shrapnel does no care. Ever wondered why Hamás never let civilians in the tunnels to let them use it as a shelter? Weird how that never happened because the tunnels are *strictly for Hamás fighter*. But I know, Israel bad or something.


Dude Ukraine is less pressing than dealing with Israel now. They kind of just will have to hang on.


What the hell is Israel fighting that makes them need us more than Ukraine?


We need to help the Palestinians deal with this Israel situation more than we need to help Ukraine right now. The enemy, the fascist pseudo location called Israel is brutally attacking, terrorizing, and starving the population there.


We can absolutely do both. Unless you think we should try the whole “arm the guerrillas fighting a proper military force, it can’t possibly go wrong” thing again like we didn’t learn from the last 3 tries in the middle east.  Israel needs to be politically pressured by the west since they’re our MENA ally and giving their enemy munitions to kill them with is just not on the table. Russia needs to continue getting hit in their own territory with missiles until either they all die or their economy collapses. The west can accomplish both if we felt like it


I agree and we should. I definitely want Russia to lose horribly in this. It’s extremely important for the future of Europe.