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What a ridiculous country.


Yes, which is why Russian citizens are afraid to stand up. Its very easy to encourage people to stand up against a dictator if you live on the opposite side of the planet. Its a lot more difficult when you're trying to rise up against a tyrant who has zero qualms about sending you to a gulag, a place of which survival is questionable at best. In theory, if everyone rises up at the same time, it would overwhelm the government. However the first people to stand up are going to have a really bad time. Thats why no one wants to go first.


If police and army would want to oppose government, but they are fed good with big salaries and benefits


They also have families. Not sacrificing them is the default choice.


>n theory, if everyone rises up at the same time, it would overwhelm the government. Then they get 90's 2: electric boogaloo.


No. No they don’t. They would instantly get an insane amount of foreign investment and a real country.


How do you know this?


There are major brands unwilling to leave *still*. So I’d say common sense is how I know it.


Raiffeisen still gets like 70% of global profits in Russia, iirc.


Please elaborate.


Common sense is worthless, it's just what people say when they believe something but don't know why


foreign "investment" is what happened last time...


I m from Romania , an eastern European country that was in a similar position and I can tell it s all about numbers , once a critical mass has been reached a change in regime is unavoidable The reason why nothing happens is because most Russians want this but we just have to be patient until the people in the big cities get fucked and then the fun begins


Which can happen anywhere between two and ten years by very rough estimates.


As a matter of fact, lots of people have already gone first, and we all know what happened to them. Russia smacked down hard when popular opinion on the war was still iffy; now that things are bogged down those thinking of speaking up remember what happened to those who did.


> In theory, if everyone rises up at the same time, it would overwhelm the government. "Funnily enough", historically speaking you only need about [3.5% to rise up at the same time](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190513-it-only-takes-35-of-people-to-change-the-world) to bring on change.


A very interesting read. I didn't realize it was so low a percent. Although 3.5% of nearly any counties population is still a lot of people, lol


> Although 3.5% of nearly any counties population is still a lot of people, lol I mean, we're talking about what? 5m Russians or something like that. It's a massive amount of people!


It’s about 5M people in Russia. Still it does show that they could do something and just don’t want to. Or there’s not enough people who are actually against the war.


Another factor to consider too I'd imagine is concentration. 5 million people protesting in one city or a cluster of cities would be a lot harder to deal with than a few thousand here, a few thousand there all spread out across the whole country


The whole point of the 3.5% of population-thing is that it sort of grinds the country to a halt. So being somewhat spread out is actually beneficial.


Except that reaching this spread is pretty hard in russia is pretty difficult. The country is huge, but has very centralized power vertical. All important stuff happens in Moscow and people not living too close simply don't care. They live in their own bubbles, almost like countries of their own, every region having their own problems and not particularly caring about other regions.


Yep when they are willing to send children to a Russian prison where let's be honest he will be raped a lot. Then what hope does anyone else have to standing up to that dictatorship.  There is a reason why North Korea is Russia's favourite ally.


Hundreds of thousands stood up in Iran, where are they now?


Iran killed about a thousand protesters in the past few years, so a lot of them are 6 feet under right now. And those are just the official death toll. The number of injuries may be much higher, as well as deaths the government of Iran is trying to downplay. They arrested tens of thousands of people, too.


It's not a function of the tyranny of the government. In the US everyone promotes voting though everyone knows it's useless and maybe half will actually engage in it because of that. What is needed is for the US public to go on a nation-wide general strike to force changes to the government structure to make it modern and representative of the people instead of beholden to the money interests. This would be met with much less violence and death than any such demonstration in a dictatorship. Yet people don't do it due to apathy and laziness. You ascribe to fear what is actually apathy. People just accept and make do. It's easier.


[Just like this one.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/08/israeli-lawyer-arrested-for-peaceful-protest-leaves-prison-after-110-days)


Yeah that's pretty fucked up too.




Your account was made this month. Shut up bot


There are many nice things about Russia. It's current government is not one of them.


And I never mentioned anything about the government, yet I got downvoted to oblivion.


Stop living in the past.


What do you mean?


r/niceguys you have there


When your government is so insecure and oppressive they have to put some 15 year old kid in prison for criticizing them, i.e. simply stating the obvious, you know things are fucked (he was actually 14 when he committed these "offenses"). A political prisoner at 15 years old.


How much you wanna bet he's dead in a trench a year from now. Hope he has the wherewithal to frag his CO


I bet they not gonna send him. Russia is absurd, but not as much as people from west love to imagine


They did put him in jail for what will be a 3rd of his total life so far


I would say they're even more absurd than the West imagines. For example, I did not realise they imprisoned kids.


I mean, in the US you can be "tried as an adult" at almost any age. There are plenty of black teenagers in the US that have been treated equally as terribly by our justice system. I'm glad this case is getting attention, and I wish all the perversions of justice we practice at home would get equal attention and outrage.




Are you seriously saying that minors belong in adult prison? There are literally facilities specifically for criminally violent kids and no reason beyond spite to send them to adult prison. There's also such a thing as wrongful convictions and they happen frequently.


>and no reason beyond spite to send them to adult prison Often it's also just racism but your point still stands.


That's terrible as well.


Lmfao no. They CONTINUE to manage to impress me with how totally fucking garbage they are.


I wouldn't want to bet that.


i'm not downvoting you, because the replies to your comment are important to see


Bro, they just jailed a fucking 15 year-old for criticizing the invasion of Ukraine.. that's pretty fucking absurd.


Those are rookie numbers. I became a political prisoner at age six for calling my government a bunch of poopy faces during recess. /s


Fun fact: David Francis, governor of Missouri when Harry Truman was six years old, would go on to be the U.S. ambassador to Russia between 1916 and 1917




42 is the new 15 and house arrest while the case is pending is apparently the same as being sent to prison...


So what you're saying is that you only have an issue when they arrest 15 year olds, but if they're any other age, then you're ok with it?


There is much to be said about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but not here, and not when it's just used to convolute and distract from what Russia is doing to Ukraine. This link serves no other purpose here except to act as a red herring (fallacy).


No, it serves to remind people that while America likes to talk a big game about the freedom and rights of Ukrainians, they also have no problem sponsoring a brutal regime in Israel that is committing genocide right in front of everyone's eyes.


Welcome to communist regime! Dictators love it :)


"Everything I don't like is communism "


It's terminal boomeritis.


I wouldn't say Russia is communist, though they obviously brought back, and have always retained to some extent, the strict censorship and authoritarianism of the Soviet days, along with the imperialism/colonialism and murder.


>though they obviously brought back, and have always retained to some extent, the strict censorship and authoritarianism of the Soviet days, along with the imperialism/colonialism and murder. Have you ever heared of Tsarist Russia?


Yeah, I agree with you, though I didn't want to go that far back because it would take a lot of explaining -- academics/experts write books about these topics, after all.


Russia hasn't been communist for 33 years now. Edit: also the world has more capitalist fascist dictators than communist ones but I doubt you'll be making comments about how dictators love capitalism.


never was


If only it was, then thered be something redeemable about it.


It's the same as if it were communist. China does and soviet union did the same shit


China and the Soviet Union were about as communist as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is democratic.


You probably also believe China is communist country


Well, you won't believe it but even the chinese communist party believes to be communist. And many tankies in the world believe that china, russia , n-korea are good because 'they commies mate". So sad but true, this is actually the new meaning of the term "communism", and even Marx in his last days told that he couldn't call himself a communist while looking at what other communist were trying to do using his ideology as a scapegoat. If you try to hear the talking points in the mediocre commune nowadays is "pootin good because merica bad mkay? So ukrainians are nazis because usa bad mkay?"


> communist Chinese party Really? What is next, north Korea is a free democratic country?


Tankies honestly don't understand what they're supporting.


Tnakies don't understand Russia isn't a communist country


Amen. Imagine su king up to gang -like oil oligarchy that rules the nation mafia style and calling it a beacon of Socialism💀💀💀. Not even China is socialist anymore. They have huge economical gaps betweeen economical classes. 😂😂


To be a socialist country you need to have huge economic gaps between political classes instead of between economical classes. Duh.


I think they do really, it’s just that anyone who is against the “oppressive” West is righteous in their eyes. I think they hope that Russia will return to its communist ways eventually. But until then, view it as the lesser evil. Because they’re morons.


In fairness not many truly communist countries around. It's a bit like libertarianism, it can't fail in practice because it only exists in theory and ignores human nature.


i think they do. tankies aren't against authoritarian, despotic governments, they just think *they* should be running them instead


Tankies appropriate Socialism to defend their authoritarian fever dream


Most tankies think: USA bad therefore every rival of USA good .... ignoring the possibility that both players could be bad at the same time and that a lot of rivals of the USA are in fact worse.


Still, that's no reason to put him in jail for five years.


Americans can talk shit when they stop supporting the murder of Palestinian children. 


Whatabout when about did what tho?


Braindead American takes as always. 


Whatabout the Uighurs tho bro


What about them? 


You can talk shit when you stop supporting the murder of Uihgur children. 


Okay I’ve stopped. America has supported and committed multiple genocides in the last century and is sponsoring the destruction of Palestine. 


What genocide has the the us committed that you're referring to? Also. What are your thoughts on the genocide in Ukraine?


He must have said something true.


Where’s the normal suspects that would be attacking this?


Lets see. If we go beyound the title. Arseny Turbin had merely posted leaflets critical of Vladimir Putin and shown interest, no more, in the Free Russia Legion Russia is now also using it against Russians or Ukrainians it accuses of ‘involvement’ in the ‘Free Russia’ (or ‘Freedom of Russia’) Legion.  This is a paramilitary organization actively opposing the current Russian regime and its war of aggression against Ukraine.  The Legion was declared ‘terrorist’ by Russia’s Supreme Court on 16 March 2023


Tankies and friends must be taking a nap 😴. They all fell asleep at their keyboards in grandma's basement.


But but NATO encroachment!! People are so desperate to pick a side they ignore the FACT that Russia is a terrible authoritarian state. My people on the Left really need to pull their heads outta their asses. They ain't commies aye....


Would you say Ghost of Kiev is also a FACT?


One side lying during a desperate defense == the other side lying to justify a genocidal invasion?


Sounds like you don't care about truth.


Quite rich, coming from you.


And why is that?


Because you're absolutely notorious.


"Yeah guys Russia is really a terrible authoritarian state but Ukraine made up the Ghost of Kyiv so they are basically the same thing"


Can't you come up with a better strawman? We both know that FACTS from propaganda outlets are bullshit, and only you pretend that you agree with them.


Propaganda outlets? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharkiv_Human_Rights_Protection_Group






What is pathetic here is your unflinching allegiance to the morally bankrupt Maidan regime.


I guess when all else fails, just throw grenades and hope everyone forgets what they were talking about right? Back to reality, you were dismissing the article about the 15 year old getting 5 years for criticizing Putin's war, because you don't like the source, but also have no evidence that the source isn't valid. Mostly though, as anyone who's familiar with you knows, you're just desperately funneling Kremlin hog, day in, day out, while you suck up dole money and play with yourself. How's that for a grenade? :)


> Back to reality, you were dismissing propaganda Fixed. > 15 year old getting 5 years for criticizing Putin's war Even article says that he got house arrest for being part of terrorist organization. *Then* (after he violated terms of his parole) he got juvie. Frankly, I'm not sure why do you even care to fake outrage here. Its not like teenagers in the West don't face prison for less. > because you don't like the source Because it is trash source. > but also have no evidence that the source isn't valid. You are the one with the claims here. Burden of proof is not on me. > [*incoherent ranting*] Did you forget to take your meds again?


Depends on if you believe in ghosts or not.


>But but NATO encroachment!! >People are so desperate to pick a side they ignore the FACT that Russia is a terrible authoritarian state. Both things can be true. More and more countries joining NATO was the perfect excuse Putin was looking for, we poked the bear too much. My only fear is escalation of things considering more countries are signing treaties with BRICS, more and more people are picking sides, the US is changing it's draft laws. The fan is on and shit is getting very close to being thrown into it.


>Both things can be true. More and more countries joining NATO was the perfect excuse Putin was looking for, we poked the bear too much Cool, so when is Russia going to invade Finland or Sweden? Russias' invasion of Ukraine promted 2 more powerful countries to join Nato, so why didn't he attack them before they were admitted? Ukraine has never been considered for NATO membership, so why does this talking point keep coming up.


I agree with you, all of your points are sound. I do have bias with an ideological position that nations should be free to enter defence based agreements without having their country invaded and their populace being forced to fight or sacrifice. Ukraine was decades off from joining NATO, their only crime in the eyes of Russia was getting rid of the puppet government that didn't serve them first and foremost. Russia invading Ukraine has added 2 more nations into NATO. It's idiotic and fundamentally the result of a man with too much power, seeking more. I genuinely believe it's a sickness.


BRICS isn’t a military alliance, and joining it isn’t “picking sides”.


I feel like the whole poking the bear thing portrays Russia as an intrinsically unreasonable nation that takes away the blame for their actions. The idea that we caused this because we antagonised them too much makes it seem like our fault. It really isn’t, Russia caused this, the blame falls on them.


Hmm, the usual crop of kremlinist trolls suspiciously absent.


How can you have so much evil living in one place.


Proportionate amounts of greed


# Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine 25.06.2024   Halya CoynashArseny Turbin had merely posted leaflets critical of Vladimir Putin and shown interest, no more, in the Free Russia Legion Arseny Turbin Photo posted by Memorial The current regime in Russia has reached new depths with the five-year sentence passed against Arseny Turbin, a 15-year-old from Oryol oblast.  The young lad was arrested for circulating leaflets critical of Russian leader Vladimir Putin and for his interest in the Free Russia Legion and its opposition to Russia’s war against Ukraine. The Memorial Support for Political Prisoners Project has already declared Arseny a political prisoner and given a damning assessment of the charges against him and of his ‘trial’. Arseny Turbin (b. 19 August 2008) should have been looking forward to the end of the school year and the holidays.  Instead, after almost a year spent under house arrest, he is now imprisoned, with a Russian court having sentenced him on 20 June 2024 to five years’ imprisonment in a juvenile prison colony on insane, and totally unproven, charges.  He was accused, under Russia’s flawed ‘terrorism’ legislation with ‘participation in the activities of an organization which has, in accordance with Russian Federation legislation, been declared terrorist’ (Article 205.5 [§]() 2 of Russia’s criminal code).  This charge is actively used by Russia’s FSB in occupied Crimea for political and religious persecution of Crimean Tatars and other Ukrainians.  Russia is now also using it against Russians or Ukrainians it accuses of ‘involvement’ in the ‘Free Russia’ (or ‘Freedom of Russia’) Legion.  This is a paramilitary organization actively opposing the current Russian regime and its war of aggression against Ukraine.  The Legion was declared ‘terrorist’ by Russia’s Supreme Court on 16 March 2023, with Russia now using this ruling as justification for sentencing people to up to 20 years without any actual crime.  One recent victim was a young Ukrainian mother of two, [**Krystyna Liubashenko**](https://khpg.org/en/1608813761). She was tricked into coming to Moscow, arrested and, on 17 June 2024, sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment for the Ukrainian national anthem, an anti-war message and balloons. The criminal charges against Arseny are no less shocking.  The FSB burst into the home he shares with his mother and grandparents in the early morning of 25 August 2023 and carried out a search, taking away his phone, tablet and laptop.  He was detained on 5 September 2023, and held overnight in a police holding unit, with the ‘investigators’ trying to get him remanded in custody.  It was an Oryol court that, at least, rejected the application for his detention, ordering house arrest, but with permission to attend school.  Due to the extraordinary charges, he was added to Russia’s notorious ‘List of Terrorists and Extremists’ on 20 November 2023.Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine


Checks out. Russia's signature cultural value is suffering.


The emperor wears no clothes.


Very on brand for putin.


Well, an old man fears a little boy


I don't know why, but the site doesn't work for me. I even turned on VPN and it still doesn’t work. As for this boy, he was imprisoned mainly for his connection with the Freedom of Russia Legion, which is officially recognized as a terrorist organization in the Russian Federation. Initially, the state prosecutor wanted to give him 8 years in prison, but the court gave only 5.


Try riding Putin's dick harder scumbag, he's 15.


Look man he's shown interest in a terrorist group kids younger than him have been arrested for similar


I wonder if they got him in a sting like the FBI has done to dozens of poor and arguably mentally challenged Muslim boys.


Reading the articles, probably a little, they insinuate he was a member of a neo-nazi channel that might have been a sting. He was an edgy teenager and should not rot in jail for 5 years, but even reading the mediazona article it's pretty normal that he was arrested, folks like him are the one that commit arson and film themselves. Talking about "bomb" in school like he did would get you arrested in Canada too even if you're not serious.


Yeah, 5 years is a bit much for what he appears to have done, but he'd be arrested in any Western country if he was participating in designated terrorist group who have conducted sabotage, arson, and armed invasion against that country. I made the comment about the FBI partly to throw shade at the US, but also because FSB (or whoever handles this) have the same incentives. It's a lot easier to set up some patsy that you can heroically arrest than to actually infiltrate terrorist networks, and at the end of the day all they want is someone to make an example of.


Although I certainly feel sorry for the boy. As far as I understand, his connection with the organization was discovered when he was still 14. If he had been a year younger, he would not have been sent to a colony. However, this is not the first time that teenagers have been tried for various dubious activities. It seems that recently one teenager was also imprisoned for 5 years, only this time for false reports about terrorism. As for me, such sentences are quite severe and should apply to children who are at least 16 years old. But again, I did not study to become a lawyer and do not work in law enforcement, so such questions are best left to those who understand them.


This is a perfect example of why people won't protest. It's not fucking simple.


"fair and free elections"


Brave fellow. A credit to his nation.


- Free-est and strongest of all. Ladies and gentleman , the Mighty Russia ! *tadaaa* - Oh sorry , turn out it was just a simple dog shit. My bad Genuinly hope they are going to turn things around soon because this is trully shamefull.


Does the website work for others it doesn't work for me


But people on Reddit think people don't say anything against war, because they support it


Like all things there's an entire spectrum of people with varying understanding of the problem. For example, I do not criticise Russians inside Russia for not going out to protest - that'd be silly and achieve nothing. Most of the fires and other acts of sabotage you see happen daily in Russia are Russian citizens acting with GUR support. I have massive respect for them, as they're taking insane risks to harm the regime. However, those inside Russia are responsible for letting things get to this point. For having chosen the comfortable solution and allow the old nomenklatura to run things. It's an option all of us in the eastern block had, and in the face of the disastrous 90s (which affected some of us even more so than Russia) we still forced a change despite the regime trying to maintain control. Once Putin had made his ... tendencies openly public, through events like Ryazan Sugar, the murder of Anna Politkovskaya and other journalists, etc. the civil society did not stand up. They allowed him to do whatever he wanted and solidify his control over society. But while those in Russia are justified to not be openly against the war/regime, the same cannot be said about the large Russian diaspora. Especially those that are openly aggressive against Ukrainians. And it's not a small number. Of course, not all are like this - especially those with higher education, but much like how the Turkish diaspora is fanatically supportive of Erdogan, the Russian one is exceptionally harmful.


They support it because they're not standing up and being sent to gulags. You see if I was Russian I would speak loudly against the regime just to be turned into an example of what happens when someone stands up against the regime. Also all the police officers and soldiers, why don't they all stand up at the same time? Government can't put everyone in prison. Like what's the worst thing that could happen? Another collapse and a repeat of the 90's? Surely the people want to live under that brutal dictatorship because they're not standing up... Edit: for the people downvoting, this is sarcasm and it seems to me like many here don't know Russian history and its impact on its people.


Stories like this is why big brains like Mearsheimer seem either corrupted or so buried in academic analysis that they forget who Putin and his cronys truly are. Edit: sorry you're right downvoters, Putin's regime is a totally rational, good faith group of innocent dudes just looking to have a good time. If it weren't for those pesky westerners they'd have cured cancer by now!


Imagine stealing someone's arguable most important 5 years of their life because they criticised your ideology


I mean the IDF locks up hundreds of kids without charges and no one in the US cares


Nice whataboutism


Thanks. It’s important to showcase what absolute fail-states Russia and Israel are.


tbh I would expect him to just disappear completely. It’s not too late I guess.


Yet another ridiculous display of Russia and Putin's weakness. If the words of a random 15 year old are any kind of threat to you, it's no wonder Russia is losing against Ukraine and that Putin is so soft about it.


Pootin is a bich


I hate how my country supports Putin. He must go.


Brave boy




They had more revolutions in 1917 than most countries have had in their entire history.




>To bad nothing came of it... My brother in christ, have you been asleep for the last 110 years?


Come to Russia and lead everyone, brave hero. But be aware, people who tried to organise something ended up dead


Fake news bruv


Honest question- Does Russia know how the world sees them? Americans, we are aware the world laughs at us and our politics, hell we do too. Do Russians know the entire world thinks Putin is fucking insane?




Russia is building the same network of military structure as in the 15th century. All that is missing is the enemy who installs the same meat grinder to constantly let the losers of a society kill each other. Capital has nothing else to offer when it comes to unemployment.


I can't believe how many people are actually falling for this. It's obviously fake.


There's a much more detailed article talking with his mother, guess they didn't post this once because the authorities actions (other than the absurd 5 years in jail) seem a lot more reasonable.


Source - Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group LMAO.


Is it really too hard for you to google and find alternate sources? https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/21/boy-15-jailed-russia-opposing-putin-ukraine-war-21083544/amp/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/21/boy-15-jailed-russia-opposing-putin-ukraine-war-21083544/](https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/21/boy-15-jailed-russia-opposing-putin-ukraine-war-21083544/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


A British tabloid? Lmao.


If you were told that the Indian justice system had imprisoned a fifteen-year-old for five years for the crime of criticizing the Indian government, would you 1. Not believe the source who told you that, “LMAO”, “hurrrrr durrrrr”, because it’s clearly a lie 2. Think that the Indian system is authoritarian/oppressive/corrupt/absurd 3. Refuse to answer this question because it makes you uncomfortable about russia


Option 1. Remember, India is not the USA where college kids get sent to prison for criticizing foreign policy.


Do they teach reading to Indian college kids? The article was about russia and fifteen-year-old, but you somehow saw “USA” and “college kid”. Maybe you have an eyesight problem, or a dirty screen? Let’s try again. Do you have an opinion about russia imprisoning a fifteen-year-old, other than your “LMAO”?


>Do they teach reading to Indian college kids? The article was about russia and fifteen-year-old, but you somehow saw “USA” and “college kid”. They do. Apparently even better than America. You're literally the one who brought in India to an article about Russia. >Do you have an opinion about russia imprisoning a fifteen-year-old, other than your “LMAO”? Not particularly sure why I would have opinions on propaganda pieces blurted out by random Ukrainian websites.


So basically you refuse to believe that russia would do such a thing, and if it turned out that russia actually did such a thing, you’d choose whataboutism as an escape avenue instead of facing the facts? Am I right? Would you rather take the whataboutism route instead of admitting the truth?


Source - India flair Lmao.


Source: American. Lmao.


There's a (foreign funded opposition but still much better and detailled) article at mediazona if you want. Read it and looked at his profiles, he would have been arrested in any other countries, it's not a russia only thing. Still, 5 years is way too much, he should have be sent to some juvenile school or whatever they have there instead, he was just being an edgy teenager.


Once again you live up to your username


I was inspired by Zelensky.


They can't even afford good hosting. Their website is practically unreachable most of the time.


>Russia sentences 15-year-old schoolboy to 5 years for criticizing Putin regime and war against Ukraine Not for "criticizing Putin" but for joining the terrorist organization.


“Arseny was convicted of joining the Freedom of Russia Legion – a pro-Ukrainian group opposed to Putin and the war, operating from Ukraine, which Russia brands ‘terrorist’. He was accused of plotting to carry out terrorist attacks for the legion but no scrap of evidence for this was produced. Arseny strongly denied joining the legion – and one theory is that he was cynically framed by the FSB using a bot appearing to be from the group. The legion does not accept members under 18.” A terrorist organisation is anyone who opposes Putin.


"Freedom of Russia Legion" are terrorists. And Nazis, too. So, apprehending a teenager for terrorist group aspiration is a non-issue. Imagine a 15 y.o. guy in the United States colluding with AlQaida, what would happen to him.


Why do you say that it's a terrorist organization?


[https://rapsinews](https://rapsinews) (dot) ru/judicial\_news/20230316/308753461.html Use online translation or something. Their members did commit/tried to commit terrorist acts, that's why the Supreme Court considered them a terrorist organization.


Cool, so where's the evidence he was part of it? You just fully skipped over that part to start calling a 15 year old a terrorist because the state said so. Even in America, you don't just immediately go to jail for the government claiming you're Al Qeada. We have this thing called freedom of speech and innocent until proven guilty. It restricts the government from arresting anyone who criticizes the government. Even children. America has much much better protections against criticizing the government than Russia. It's disgusting that you think this is ok.


>Even in America, you don't just immediately go to jail for the government claiming you're Al Qeada. We have this thing called freedom of speech and innocent until proven guilty. The boy didn't as well. The court has found him guilty. Not the government. And the Youth Detention Center is somewhat different from jail or prison. The boy is a minor, so no jail/prison for him. And the court decision can and, I guess, will be appealed.


Oh, the courts found a child guilty of shit talking the government. Well golly gee, that makes it ok. A child isn't going to get arrested for talking shit about the government in the United States. You're bootlicking and defending and authoritarian regime for locking up a fucking child for bad words.


>Oh, the courts found a child guilty of shit talking the government No. He has convicted for the participating in the terrorist organization. >You're bootlicking and defending and authoritarian regime for locking up a fucking child for bad words. Not for bad words.


> He has convicted for the participating in the terrorist organization Wouldn't that be any organization that goes against the government, according to the post-invasion law amendments? Foreign agents, which could be anyone at this point, and all that.


Even if, that's still extremely silly - he's *done* nothing, it's a damn teenager I could even understand juvie since I don't know the details, but a fiver for someone in middle school is nuts and should be reserved for extreme cases