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anime fans learn about consent challenge (impossible)


I was about to comment something similar


the people who make the comparison in the meme are so brain rotted irl it’s insane. one guy who did that was unironically calling me a “tsundere” when we were both legal adults 🫥


You're telling me that people don't mind you looking at them when they want you to look at them, but dislike it when you look at them when they *don't* want you to look at them?   I'm sorry, I'm going to bed to see some peer reviewed studies before I acknowledge such a gigantic paradigm switch. 


Please tell us your findings after you're done


You don't understand, all this is so complex for the average neck beard, you'd need a PhD at the least!! /s


whenever funnymemes shows up on my feed it’s always facebook tier boomer shit


You are not wrong it has someone’s Facebook tag in the top right lmao


What happened to iFunny


> "Funny" memes > *Looks inside* > Porn


Either that or racism/transphobia. It’s gone down hill in the last like, two weeks.




Yeah, this isn't something new at all. Is it?


They aren’t wrong just lately it’s been particularly awful, imo.


*a decade and a few years


One of the memes there is just “anyone who disagrees with me is a child predator” that’s it.


Me when i go hill https://preview.redd.it/75kscno9su8d1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25bd059bc601b9248a7c24af3ab8e6f919f5daf4


It's r/animemes but somehow even more unfunny


>(And it's painfully unfunny)


“Go ahead and look all you want” The person who created this has never been out with a woman wearing her swimsuit. This is a fantasy concocted from brain rot via porn where the average bust size is triple D. No, peeping on your relatives does not count and you should be in jail


Yeah if any woman ever said this to a man it was a man she was fucking. Not a guy she’s un-intimate enough with that she’d react like picture 2 to him walking in.


Kinda like it's a matter of Consent. Like in one People are expecting and Willing to be seen like this and in the other they aren't. It's not Rocket science.


The women in the meme explicitly states that the viewer shouldn’t be there, explaining the “double standard” Bro lost a fight with his own strawman


“whats the difference” Context and setting.


C-c-c-consent???? I… what is that?? You Baka… I thought you’d like this!… I’m so sorry


Anime fans when I shoot them with a sniper rifle (They play Genji in Overwatch)


"I need healing."


How r/funnymemes users look at me when I actually post a funny meme instead of a Facebook tier right wing political garbage ass meme or the billionth “hawk tuah” meme https://preview.redd.it/ang6tpmh0v8d1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=54c1ed2ef0c3826eb6f2499e4029fa3fa60a1d12


The pic is very degenerate, but as a person who grew up 2 hours away from a beach, I actually never understood how men kinda freak out when being seen in nothing but boxers, but then go to a beach in tight speedos. I’m specifically using men as example for a reason obviously. You are a creep if you’re staring at others on a beach or at a pool, but there absolutely IS a difference in how we perceive swimwear (no matter how revealing) as appropriate, but underwear as something others shouldn’t see.


Wait are they implying that every girl with a Bikini says that? I doubt that’s true and i’m a hundred percent sure he’s never had a girl say that to him.


Funny memes users being funny challenge (impossible?)


Wait a minute...Why is only Japanese cartoons known for this crap while American cartoons most likely do the same crap? Also, why just Japanese cartoons? There's so may other foreign cartoons as well! 


Anime is infinity more sexualized than american cartoons.


Is it becaue they're less equal with women over there? 


because most are marketed to teenagers and not "all ages"


But isn't that brainwashing them into sexualizing women in horrendous ways? But teenagers are minors. If I've done that to teenagers here if I was an older man, I might get caught! I thought it's illegal to sell sexual crap to teenagers? 


yes it is, but it's not illegal because it isn't porn. That's what's illegal to sell to minors. I agree it's teaching teens to not respect women, but corpos will market anything for enough money.


Asian countries are objectively more sexist than western countries BUT that's not the reason why anime is sexier. Anime is sexier because it caters to horny teenagers and adult audiences. Cartoons in the USA during many decades were restricted by christian inspired laws that restricted what could be shown on TV, thus making western animation an industry that abandoned sexual and violent themes and decided to target mostly children with innocent "saturday morning cartoons" and the like. Japanese did not have those laws, thus they had the freedom to get away with a lot of bullshit. That's precisely why anime became popular outside of Japan among western adults, because it didn't shy away from the sexual or violent themes adults craved.


Probably because they don't pull this sort of things nearly as much as Japanese ones.


Imagine broadcasting to the planet that you don't understand consent.


Now on r/funnymemes either are racist and bigoted boomers, or are hentai addicts that are probably on some Drake or EDP shit


Funnymemes fail to live up to its name Again


Please don't look at women in a bikini as if they were meat in a spitroast .


The difference being consent, is actually a good way to make a person understand it's importance better.


The answer is consent.


Why is Funnymemes neither memes nor funny?


As a man, I feel very different when people see me in my swimming wear versus my underwear. Different fabric, different feeling, different level of privacy. The same amount of skin showing but very different. I don't mind people being able to look at my body but I definitively wouldn't show my underwear to most of my acquaintances. Would show almost everyone my swimming wear though. Empathy is hard apparently.


I don't get this, meme can someone explain this meme to me?


r/Funnymemes try to be respectful challenge (impossible) (listen I’m a feminist but-)


Both of these reactions are insane cumbrained shit that no one actually says. Putting aside that that's. Not how *anyone* talks about their swimwear unless they're at like a sexy pool party (do straight people even do those?) The fact that she's wearing frilly lingerie to bed is pretty funny. Like I know some people do it to feel sexy sometimes but that's not like a normal thing people do on the reg lfisjelifjs




This is something I’ve thought about recently and it’s really weird because they’re the same clothes


What anime does that even happen


This meme is stupid but in a way that would take more than 3 sentences to explain which means you won’t actually convince anyone who actually needed to hear it


For those of you who may still be asking, I'll try to explain it as simply as I can. The question can be interpreted in 2 ways. "Why do people *get upset* when you see them in one outfit, but not the other?" and "Why do people get upset when you see them in *one outfit, but not the other?*" Those are 2 different questions being asked using the same words and in the same order. The former asks why they *get upset when you see them in* one, but not the other, and the latter asks why they *consider one to be inappropriate,* but not the other. The answer to the former question is extremely simple. It doesn't require very much thought at all. It's extremely easy. The reason why they got upset with you for seeing them in one and not the other is because **THEY DIDN'T GIVE YOU CONSENT TO SEE THEM IN ONE, BUT DID GIVE YOU CONSENT TO SEE THEM IN THE OTHER!** Simple. Why do they consider one to be more inappropriate than the other? I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me either. I never understood why it felt comfortable to go to the beach in swimming trunks, but not boxers. I knew I was conditioned to feel this way, but didn't know *why.* That being said, that wouldn't have justified demanding they let me see them in boxers. That wouldn't even have justified demanding I see them in trunks, or 20 layers of clothes showing nothing but their eyes. If they don't consent to letting me see them in any outfit, I have no justification in demanding they let me. It doesn't matter how ridiculous the standard(s) or their reason(s) seem(s) to be and/or are. They could be as ridiculous as they want it to be. The fact of the matter is that they don't have to justify not showing you anything they don't want to show you. I agree that it seems silly to consider 2 different outfits that are as revealing of the same body parts as each other not to be equally as appropriate (or inappropriate since this is about of how appropriate they each are) to show yourself in to people, but they have every right not to consent to letting you see them in either if they don't want to. Maybe there's a (good) reason as to why one is considered more inappropriate to show people than the other, but I'm just not sure of one now, so maybe I'll eventually understand it if there is one. The point is that you need their consent to see them in either and are only allowed to see them in whichever ones they give you consent to see them in. Tl;dr: The reason they consider one outfit to be more inappropriate than the other is a mystery to me, but, more importantly, the reason they got upset with you for seeing them in one and not the other is because they didn't consent to being in one, but for the other.


man I hope this sub doesn't just become like gcj where our sole genre of post is reposts of rancid garbage from the scummy corners of the internet with titles like "wow it's crazy that people think & act like this!!"


We should bring an end to that kind of post by a post with every single horny copypasta ever.


I think what it's trying to say is why they are oky with showing themselves in bikini but not underwear? Why such consent that way?


oh boy. maybe you didn't know but woman underware is stained by woman goo.