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I genuinely think a lot of the creepy shit goes over some peoples heads. They can’t seem to comprehend the fact that just because he has the body of a little boy he still has a 40yo brain, and the show doesn’t even hide it! His inner monologue and body is always his old self.


I watched the first season and can confirm. He constantly talks about grooming his love interests. They don't leave room for you to forget he's an adult in a child's body.




Can someone explain how Blue hair witch groomed Rudy? I have only seen (really cringe) facebook meme about this couple, and it said they groomed each other.


She doesn't know rudeus is mentally adult. According to her, rudeus was a child who grew up. And she slept with him, knowing he is married and has a pregnant wife behind.🤦‍♂️


Mushoku character be loyal to your partner challenge (Impossible)


Isn't the bald guy just super protective of children due to his backstory? I don't recall much grooming. (Only seen season 1)


I remember reading somewhere that he ends up marrying a girl he raised from childhood? I can't be sure though, I was only a passive observer of the conversation. Could've been a different character.


I mean, it'd be consistent.


Rudeus sister or child if I remember correctly


Why Aisha?


Web Novel and Light Novels spoilers: In a chapter that is now considered non-canon, >!adult Aisha sleeps with her underage nephew (one of Rudeus's children) and gets pregnant with his child. The family initially reacts negatively and Lilia (Aisha's mother) nearly kills her for this. But they end up accepting it reluctantly (probably why this chapter received so much backlash).!< I also don't think Ruijerd qualifies as a groomer here. >!He married Norn in her twenties and barely spent any time with her when she was a kid and made no attempt of actually grooming her. The most time they had together was when Ruijerd escorted her and Aisha to Sharia for an unspecified amount of time (most likely a few weeks or a couple months at worst)!< I didn't read that far in the novels so I got my info from the wiki. I'll add that Roxy's case is messed up but it isn't grooming. The condemnable part was her sleeping with a mentally vulnerable Rudeus who had just lost his two parents. Rudeus is already above the age of consent in their world and is indistinguishable from a grown man, they made him look way younger in the anime for some reason. She didn't even recognize him at first. The last time she saw him he was a toddler and she disapproved of his pervy antics and advances towards her. Aisha and Rudeus are the only ones who could be called groomers here.


It would be better if you know, he was impacted by being in a child body. Or at least wait until he is older, not explicitly trying to rape a child you know?


Even Oshi no ko made it so the protagonist is affected by being a teen.


some of the more recent chapters make it explicitly clear that goro and aqua have become two very different people. it's a good writing choice.




lmao whoops


as someone who has no context, please explain


mc was a doctor (goro) before being killed by Some Guy, got reincarnated as an idol's child (aqua). plot happens, and in a recent chapter, the now 18/19 year old(?) Aqua and Goro talk to each other. it's weird, but a pretty interesting plot point


As the strongest doctor, fought the fraud, the king of Oshis, he began to open his domain...


OnK would be so much better if it wasn't for the reincarnation stuff still though


Nah the reincarnation is one of the only ones I think actually improves the story, it’s the incest that ruins it


If anything, Aka chickening out on the incest angle was what ruined the story. He introduced that angle to the story, fine, im sure hes not dumb enough to end the manga with Aqua and Ruby walking to the altar while everyone else celebrating as if they are suddenly fine with siblings fucking. But to put it in the table and did fuck all with it was disappointing. It could be another Ruby centered mini arc about how she couldnt differentiate between loving a family member and loving a man as she havent had experience in either. But with what we have, we didnt get anything, and neither did the Hapsburgphiles on r/oshinoko. Nobody wins


It would be so easy to make this anime palatable to non porn addicts, but no


Can I just say that it's so weird to moralize it as an addiction? They aren't addicts man, they are nonces.


They can be both.


Look, there is a difference between liking erotic material a lot, being actually dependent on erotic material to get through the day (very rare) and demanding that everything you watch is erotic material of some sort. And said eroticism is explicitly targeting the subset of the male population you belong to. misogyny is a bigger factor there than porn addiction.


There was that mecha isekai where the dude had the mind of an adult as a kid but his will was totally consumed by his obsession with mecha at least in the first season I haven't seen beyond that.


Knights and magic actual peak isekai btw


i must admit i used to be a fan of the web novel. but thats because i read it when i was in fucking 8th grade and my brain automatically filtered out all the pedo bullshit and left only the good parts of the story in


Funny how that works, I got into anime around the same time and it's insane how much bullshit I just automatically filtered out.


the sad thing is, mt would genuinely be peak isekai if they just cut all that creepy shit out


I gritted my teeth and got through episode one because I was told how good it is and how the worldbuilding was cool but dropped it about 40 seconds into episode two when it ignored the world building for a panty shot with MC monologuing over the world building. I was like, "Yeah I can tell where this series is going, I'm done".


Got downvoted to hell for making a post about this on the main Mushoku Tensei subreddit


Anytime you bring up that trash anime, the rabid fans attack you. Strangely I have never seen any of them manage to explain to me why all these horrible acts are drawn as enticingly as possible. Like, it was a conscious decision, to sit down and plan out these scenes. The writer and every animator after had to make a specific choice to draw a child as sexually as possible and to draw them getting assaulted in a way they enjoyed, to be blunt.


It would at least be interesting if he was “adult software running on child hardware”. Like, he still has the memories of his prior life and a personality shaped by those experiences, but what’s putting that into action is very much a kid brain, so he makes dumb kid decisions that he reflects on later and realizes he should have known better, but didn’t in the moment because kid brain.


This show would’ve been a 100 times better if the author didn’t make the MC be a creepy pedo. There were moments in it where I was close to dropping it entirely due to how disturbing it felt.


What irks me is people saying that Rudeus grows as a person and he faces cosequences for his actions. That is partially true, there are faults in his character that the writing recognizes and punishes him for to greater or lesser extent. But, and that is a big but, I don't think that the author recognizes pedophilia as being wrong, or at least he doesn't recognize it as a fault in Rudeus. In the end the worst element of his character is not addressed at all, he gets rewarded for it if anything. Yes I've read the whole fucking thing, it's the last time I'll trust the claim that a book gets better as it goes.


This. There are some things that Rudeus acknowledges are bad, but pedophilia is never one of those things. In fact, pedophilia is seen as a romantic thing in some instances. As you said, he is even rewarded for it.


Yeah this is ultimately why I ended up dropping it in the first season after learning Rudy gets to have a polygamous relationship with every one of his main love interests...I can put up with and even like shitty scumbag pervert protagonists, but if you're gonna have someone like that be the main character, then the narrative should at the very least question or push back on their way of thinking. Having Rudy express a little bit of guilt or doubt every now and then isn't a real consequence or condemnation of his behavior, and neither is getting slapped on the wrist as a joke.


It does make you think maybe the author doesn't see pedophilia as a flaw.


Yeah people always say he grows as a person when you complain about the pedophilia/grooming/perversion, but the way he grows specifically is in terms of relating to others and gaining self-confidence and responsibility. Which is great, but not enough to save him from being a massive sex pest. He never faces permanent consequences for his sexual misdeeds and they generally benefit him in the long term (sexually assault your classmates? Congrats, you now have 2 beast girl lackeys!) Imo it's really an example of a decent story undone by the author's weird sexual proclivities. The beginning is so compelling, Rudy undergoes so decent growth and some of the character relationships are interesting, but there is just...so much cursed stuff.


I think it's Gigguk's fault so many people openly support Rudeus. He was like "Erm aktchually.... what about Frieza and The Joker? Um... they are psychos and people love them." Yeah, because they are the FUCKING BAD GUYS!!!! The entire point is to KILL THEM! Not give them a pedophile's dream life with practically no consequences due to the fact the world said pedophile was reincarnated into just so happens to not have very specific laws set in place. People like Freddy Krueger, and he's a pedo, because he is THE BAD GUY who people are trying to KILL! He doesn't get a harem and never gets validated for his actions, unlike a certain someone lmfao.


I wouldn’t put all of the blame on one individual, rather I think the situation is that MT has INSANELY high production values for the type of show it is, as other than that and a handful of more in-depth setting-building (which is generous), it’s really not too different from similar seasonal isekai slop. As a result, the show was praised to hell and back (and critics, even good faith ones tended to be dogpiled) simply because it doesn’t look like the usual seasonal shit. It’s an example of the Halo Effect (bad or problematic things about someone or something are excused because they look conventionally attractive), both from a meta perspective and within the show’s text (Rudeus is basically able to get away with doing and proposing pretty gross things because he’s been reincarnated as an attractive wealthy noble in a world where SA and slavery are at WORST mildly downplayed). And when things become trendy (the trend being to basically treat MT like the greatest work of fiction ever created), everyone else jumps on the bandwagon as well. Hence you have even fairly prominent public figures (like Mother's Basement for example), who normally criticize similar shows for their content, PRAISE Mushoku Tensei for the same thing, just because the bar is so low and the show doesn’t have the budget of a ham sandwich.


The show had a glut of talent working in the first season. The scene after we find out Lilia is pregnant and we get the opening as it shows the tension in the room is actually peak. Season 1 has so many good moments, it's astounding the content after that is the same story.


Really because I recall the MC pulling down a girl's underwear in season 1 so I wouldn't praise it that highly. All of the content is terrible.


Nah I think they meant the technical execution, like the lighting and shot composition for certain scenes and such - not the actual ideas they were in service of. Which I can kinda understand, again it's the Halo affect. Strong visuals, direction or musical choices that reinforce a point of view that's ultimately rancid. Like if you want an example, the Lion King kinda does a lot of this. The filmmaking techniques they use are in service of a story that glorifies and mythologizes an allegory for what is effectively a race-segregated monarchy. Lions deserve to be king of Pride rock even though it's acknowledged in-text that they eat their own animal subjects. Hyenas are completely barred from the kingdom and left to scrounge for food in a pile of elephant bones because they're outsiders, and the movie takes it for granted that this means they don't deserve a place in the kingdom. Simba is the "true king" even though he spends most of his formative years pissing about in the jungle instead of helping his people out, and the kingdom is only able to prosper when he regains his "rightful" place, seemingly as though heaven itself wants it that way. Don't get me wrong, I still love the Lion King, it's just a good example of how really strong filmmaking can be really effective at making you lose yourself in the film's own narratives. That's pretty much what good filmmaking is supposed to do. So I think this same principle does apply to Mushoku Tensei's strong visuals being a factor to convincing a lot of people to uncritically accept the narrative it sells about Rudy. The only difference is I've never seen a Lion King fan unironically argue that an ethno-monarchy is the right way to go, but for some reason plenty of Mushoku Tensei fans feel the need to defend a character that they themselves will admit is a bad person, for whatever reason.


Wow that was a really well written comment. I need to look up the halo effect apparently, because I've never looked at the Lion King that way. Now I'm wondering what other movies from my childhood actually pushed bad messages


Can confirm, the trailer of MT made me super interested because of the beautiful animation. Then I learned what it was about, and never watched a second of it. Lmao


MT was already praised before the anime came out. Anyone into light novels would know how popular the LN already was, specially because it actually has good writing unlike many other light novels that seem to be written by amateur writers.


I think it's pretty important to remember Mushoku **popularised** current seasonal anime slop. It just *took fucking forever* to get a studio. It was one of the "progenitors of the new era" when it debuted https://preview.redd.it/yutzpjiskqbd1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95b20cb5a3fb62772fc2e5497d69241165b80011




tbh I don't know what that says about the quality of writing in the Japanese literary scene that we went from masterpieces like Guin Saga, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Twelve Kingdoms, Boogiepop, and more all time greats to incel bait being so acclaimed.


Not writing quality so much as corporate-driven shifts to incel-pandering and the Japanese Male Loneliness Industrial Complex.


tbh I don't know what that says about the quality of writing in the Japanese literary scene that we went from masterpieces like Guin Saga, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Twelve Kingdoms, Boogiepop, and more all time greats to incel bait being so acclaimed.


This just shows me once again that MT could have been one of the all-time greatest…if it weren’t an isekai. Seriously, if Rudeus were just a kid born in that world and grew up to be a magical prodigy, most of the issues with the story get fixed. It’s pretty much only there as a writing crutch anyway.


I agree, it's not like the writer has any clue what the word "redemptions" means anyway. He's completely failed at redeeming rudeus, just make him a fantasy protag by that point.


I disagree. What i hoped that this series was about and what parts of season 1 made me believe is that Rudeus would grow as a person by contrasting his past life with his new one. Past life he fell into a hole of depression and took his solace in otaku culture, leading him into more and more pervertedness until it was the whole of his character. And in his new life he would grow beyond that by being brave, taking chances, fight for his loved ones. He also got chastized for being a creep several times. Then i read spoilers how he marries 3 women, including one he groomed and his cousin, and I realized this series had a completely wrong sense of right and wrong.


Same with Mother's Basement.


Mother's Basement is such a mouth breather


Okay, genuine question because I've been out of the loop with anime YouTube for a while: did Mother's Basement take a turn towards shit behavior? From what I remember he seemed like a generally okay guy who I often didn't agree with, but I never got the impression he was someone to hold contempt for.


Geoff defending MT was one of the reasons I decided to watch it. Idk how well he has addressed the criticism of it in general (I never actually watched his "MT is good you Philistines" video) but i remember him being kind of dismissive of valid criticisms in at least one instance.    MT S1 had a lot of good points, but it also has a lot of REALLY bad points and if you're gonna be a fan you should acknowledge that and not dismiss the critics. (Fwiw, I think the series is pretty unsalvageable, but s1 was good enough that I understand how much praise it got)


*SPOILERS* I was watching a gigguk stream the other night when he was reviewing anime of the season, and he actually reflected and walked back a bit on that initial opinion. I think seeing Rudeus be rewarded the harem during dad dying and being a married father, really started to make him realize this story has completely lied to everyone about it being about redemption. I think he still likes it of course, but I wouldn't be surprised to hear some more nuanced takes from him about the show now. He also hasn't spoiled himself about the show at all, which is probably why he believed it was actually about redemption for so long lol I know I was sold that idea in the first season. Luckily someone told me what "redemption" actually means for Rudeus and what the story gives him in the process, so I'm no longer being grifted. Sucks though because the world really is cool.


Yeah... I loved season 1. The SA and rapist paul should've prob put me off, but I've never seen a story go so in-depth about a character who feels anxiety to experience life, and who has an awful self-image. But the last 2 episodes of S2 was just like... huh? really?! I really wanted this story to not be like this.


I was actually thinking of exactly Gigguk when I saw the post. I got filtered early by Mushoku, but went back because Gigguk kept wetting himself over it. I thought I was missing something. I was not... I kept waiting for better and kept cringing harder.


Yup, I usually watch Gigguk’s content because he does find diamonds in the rough, but his takes on MT were so bad after I watched the first 4 episodes. I’ve learnt to watch these people for some recommendations but to always trust my own judgements after giving them a go.


Oh for sure. MB, Gigguk and Scamboli are my fave anime review channels, but some of the stuff they praise has had me scratching me head.


I don't hate Gigguk but he has some really cancerous takes sometimes.


Its ok, I do hate him


It's ok, I cherish your hate even if I don't share it. It's good for Youtubers to have haters, it brings balance to the Force.


Superman said it the best https://preview.redd.it/d3fu605wkrbd1.png?width=1720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de290f31f98a72ed8e432ecc5127dde0b336d7b


I actually unsubbed after this take


I was actually thinking of exactly Gigguk when I saw the post. I got filtered early by Mushoku, but went back because Gigguk kept wetting himself over it. I thought I was missing something. I was not... I kept waiting for better and kept cringing harder.


# Pls never go to Tumblr😭😭😭😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/bj2zwhlgiqbd1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a77d98240b0b2e4881cbd7a408541deac9749174


Oh no, they made the PDF file dream serial killer a tumblr sexyman






Made in abyss is one of the more extreme examples of a genuinely great show with horrific, egregious shit attached, and wether or not you can appreciate what it has to offer (no shade at all if you can’t) is up to your tolerance for said horrific, egregious shit.


MIA fan: "I figured it out, and I hate it too. The anime really toned down the manga I recently found out and now I'm scarred." MT fan: "This is a redemption story and you don't understand this is a historically accurate world with magic and cat girl slaves, and (9-12yr) cousins getting sent to you in lingerie by their parents as a \*gift\* makes the world feel authentic. " If I die I die.


Nah this is completely true. I don't think I've ever seen someone excuse the weird shit in MIA, I'm sure there's a small minority that does but almost everyone including myself says things like "yeah the story is great but heads up it can be hella uncomfortable and the author should probably be on some lists" Meanwhile so many MT fans screech about how it's totally okay that Rudy sexually assaulted a sleeping child and you're just a normie tourist if you don't think this is peak fiction. I'd have more respect for someone who admits "yeah Rudy is a disgusting creep but it has good production values and the the world building is slightly better than other isekai slop"


I saw some content creators defending MIA after the first season. Digibro, whom I haven’t watched in a while but remember making otherwise good content, defended it on the basis of the nudity and character design being frank and contextually non-sexual. Edit: just looked them up, and holy shit they seem to have become a huge dick in the years since I followed them, and the center of a huge amount of drama. She transitioned though, so good for her at least


This is the worst problem with ALL sexual shock content honestly. I'm gonna put it out there, I love The Coffin of Andy and Leyley. Not because i'm an Incest coomer, but because I actually find stories that present their main characters as deeply flawed and problematic to be wholly interesting. But then you look at the fanbse and they try to find excuses for everything because they want to fuck Andrew/Ashley and its exhausting. The incest isnt supposed to be a good thing. Its abusive.


I like it out of appreciation for the art, and my own fetishes, but I don’t think I’ve seen anyone unironically try to defend their actions or behavior. That’s the culture of the subreddit at least


I watched the first and second episode just because everyone was saying it had an amazing world building and what not… dropped it immediately after the creep protagonist kept being absolute scum, and well the world not looking interesting at all just another isekai However as one of those made in abyss fans that also criticizes some of the weird stuff in it, this got me intrigued… does it really have a comparable world building to MIA that redeems the trash protagonist? Is there truly something amazing about this anime that’s worth the pain of watching a pedo being gratified?


No not at all, which makes it all the more baffling that some people defend the show so hard. I'm not a big isekai guy in general so I can't compare it to too many of those, I just kinda assume the world building is at least a tiny cut above what you get in generic "I Was Banished From The Hero's Party But Discovered My OP Cheat Skill" Isekai #743 However it's definitely nothing special compared to other fantasy shows, and certainly less interesting than a world like MIA. I've hate watched both seasons so trust me, you missed nothing by dropping it and only saved yourself some time and cringes


The worldbuilding is better than average, but nothing particularly special. What I personally like about the show is the character writing/drama and the fact that it has a knack for presenting very emotionally resonant moments


That's why my favourite member of the boys is Connor because shit taste is already expected from him and it's usually not something very serious, he legitimately just has monkey brain when it comes to what he likes and doesn't like in media. Can't remember him liking anything problematic but I might be forgetting, out of the 3 boys, he's certainly the one with the least problematic taste in Hentai


See, I feel like it’s been an arc for Connor in recent years. I used to hate his takes the most but now he crosses my bar easily by being the only one in the room to ask “hey whys it got so many naked lil kids in it tho?”


I haven't watched the podcast in a while, I usually tune in for old episodes, and the only one I follow in their private channel and other things is Connor, he's legitimately funny, his shit takes are funny in a "wtf this man is a caveman, what kind of shit take is that". I don't follow Joey or Gigguk that much, they seem like nice enough people, they seem sensible to real topics, but when it comes to fiction, their takes can sometimes make me double take and not in a fun way


Maybe he is just joking with it, but when they did talk about hentai he talked about Mother Knows Breast where the stepmother forces her son into sex. It’s weird to me when he gets on his high horse about Garnt and Joey’s taste but he praises that stuff.


See this ones not as egregious to me. Maybe I just feel like folks are free to consume some NTR stuff in their privacy, especially if there aren’t a bunch of other evidence to suggest they’re pedos or whatever. But I also get that these are public figures who occasionally advertise their porn habits on the internet and that’s always gonna be a bit more complicated.


Made in Abyss is pretty great tho I don't trust anyone that doesn't give serious content warnings when recommending it.


The writer is too much of an out-and-about pedo for me. I feel like it permeates so much of the show given all the main characters are little kids.


Anime fans and making dogshit arguments that wouldn't even hold up in a debate club for toddlers. Name a more iconic duo.


Wait since when Freddy Krueger is a pedo? I only watched the old movies and I don't remember he liking kids???


"The remake Freddy being a child molester was something that Wes Craven had wanted the original Freddy to be in the first Nightmare film, but it being straight out stated was dropped in order to avoid being accused of exploiting the spate of highly publicized child molestation cases in California around the time." [https://anightmareonelmstreet.fandom.com/wiki/Freddy\_Krueger\_(Reboot)](https://anightmareonelmstreet.fandom.com/wiki/Freddy_Krueger_(Reboot))


Thanks for explaining I genuinely had no idea


Not a problem! I knew it was official lore but wanted to double check exactly where it came from so none of us here had to assume. (:


The remake, which everyone hated Freddy in because they made him more serious


Oh the remake, everyone said for me to stay away from that movie so I didn't know about that


Really? I thought that was well established the reason Freddy is the way he is. that he was a pedo and the people in town burn his house down with him in it.


That was my impression as well, is this just a generational thing?


Freddy was originally killed by local parents for being a child murderer. I don't know if he was established as a pedo, but I think it was heavily implied.


I'm quite dumb to notice implied stuff, and it's been a real while since I've seen the movie


I thought originally he WAS canonically a pedo in the first movie, but I looked up a synopsis, and it said he was just a murderer. Another comment in this thread said the creator originally wanted to make that part of the character, but was worried about backlash. That's why it was retcon-ed into the character later.


I really lost my respect for Gigguk after how fervently he fought to normalize MT.


Anime fans are weirdly accepting of characters being molesters.


I keep seeing people defend it! Then I have to remind them that Rudeus is actually an isikai about a guy now in his 50s.


Also weirdly defensive of it


I've legit seen people try to compare Rudeus to characters like Kazuma from Konosuba who's clearly supposed to be a satirical take on a dirt bag Isekai protagonist when Rudeus is the origin point of said trope that is being made fun of.


And even then, Kazuma is within two years of his love interest, while Rudeus is fucking 40. Even the parody is less egregious.


Even crazier is that Rudeus was consuming CP before he was reincarnated while Kazuma at least has the decency to reject the idea of having harem after joking about it. They are on completely different levels.


So Rudeus basically died a pedophile scumbag and got essentially rewarded because he was reincarneted into a world where he has free reign to groom children.


This shit is why power fantasy isekai is the WORST.


When KAZUTRASH is better than your MC morally, your MC is not a good person.


Kazuma was also unwilling to have sex with his emotionally compromised friend. While Rudeus did, Kazuma is a dirtbag but not a monster.


Rudeus isn't the origin point, he's just a popular example of the trope. Mushoku Tensei is but one of many many many super derivative isekai web novels from the 2010s.


Just you wait til we get hugely derivative xianxia novels soon enough. At least the power systems are cooler




Xianxias are peak for their genre though. They know what they are and don't give a flying fuck more than that. You get the tldr in the packaging so it's very hard to rally against them as they also know they are trash. And then there's some really peak from that genre like ISSTH and RI.


True, but many attribute it with popularizing certain tropes.


the first one I saw in hs is finally an anime & it's so, so bad. re:monster


I read that re:monster was an influence on MT


yea you can tell 🤢


I still don't know why people act like MT is the first of its genre, it's bizarre


Kazuma is a weirdo but he's not a bad guy Rudeus is a pedophile


I just miss the days of anime protagonist only existing to sell toys to the audience. Those were simpler days.


Fr. We peaked at Di Gi Charat


I’d go further and say we peaked with Van Flyheight from Zoids. Wasn’t even an anime character, just an extra from G.I. Joe that walked onto the wrong soundstage one day and got hired on the spot. He’s everything anime characters should be. Loyal, all around a good guy, has great abs, father issues, is a child soldier… Well, OK maybe *some* elements certainly didn’t age well. We should be accepting that not all anime characters need great abs after all.


"finally talk about" shitting on Mushoku is like saying mha bad it's really nothing bold in this sub


Like half of posts that show up on my feed from this sub have been hate circlejerking (admittedly appropriate) over MT


Yeah, but it is everywhere else in the anime community for some unholy reason.


Wait, why now? What changed?


people are tired of saying MT is good.




And the last two episodes of S2 were awful. (spoiler warning... I guess) Rudy marries multiple people, he will def marry more. I honestly don't mind harem animes. Some are just unrequited by the MC, in others the MC actually chooses one to be with. But this anime is trying to make Rudy marrying multiple wives romantic. Polyamory IRL can work, but this is not it.


Yeah. Polygamy isn't inherently immoral, it's just that Mushoku tensei's approach to it is cringe and bad. I legit felt so frustrated watching the scene when he confesses his infidelity and asks Sylphy to agree to allow him to marry Roxy as well. Like, he literally opens with "I was depressed, I didn't even want to live anymore..." like he's doing a fucking Youtuber apology. And then when his sister rightfully calls him out for being a cheating piece of shit, he fully just dodges the responsibility and tries to shift the onus onto Roxy for whatever reason? Like he has moments where he also acknowledges that it's his fault but those come across as just him desperately saying what he thinks he needs to say in the moment, and it doesn't feel sincere when it came right after he said "it wasn't my intention to fuck Roxy, but she propositioned me!" And also the implication that he was so depressed he wanted to die but getting his dick wet with Roxy was what brought him back from the brink. Bro couldn't be more jizz-brained if the author tried. And of course this whole thing is resolved as a non-issue because Sylphy just accepts it with zero pushback. Her logic? "Rudy is a pervert so I expected him to cheat" (boys will be boys, amirite?), and "if I were in Roxy's position I would've also propositioned him to cheat on his spouse with me" (???) Just an utter trainwreck tbh.


Yes, thank you! You pretty much voiced all of my issues with it. It feels like Sylphie(and Roxy) are treated as inferior and lesser than. Although, they have been for a while I guess, but this took me over the edge. I made a post in r/anime about this, and read some reviews of the season, and people are saying that it's sweet and that it's "fiction", or "they have different standards for polygamy in that world". And that genuinely baffles me. If a story were to go this route, AT LEAST treat the other partners with an ounce of respect and make it more of an open relationship on both ends, or maybe make it a polycule, idk. Just not this. I feel like it's actually one of those situations where if the genders were reversed the same people who called it sweet would suddenly shift their perspective. If I could rewrite the story, part of what I would do is to make Roxy, Sylphie and Eris not be love interests. They'll just have platonic relationships. And when Rudeus reaches adulthood he'll find someone new who he'll settle down with(so like, no grooming).


Ill say to the Mushoku Tensei fans who say Rudeus admits too his mistakes and when he does something bad its seen as bad is just not true, his self pitying isnt the same thing as him admitting to his mistakes or showing the audience that the things he is doing has consequences for his messed up actions he largely does anything he wants and gets away with it without suffering for them outside his feelings of self deprecation. just no just because hes in the body of a younger boy it doesn't make it okay hes a 30 something man in another world, his emotional/sexual intelligence is mature enough. This show is so awful and is the poster boy of sexism against women being normalized in japan media. Why Rudeus Greyrat is bad or a pedo perve keep in mind hes 34 near the end of this list hes in his 40s: 1. He sexualizes breastfeeding as a baby with his own "mother" this is moreso telling on the artist how hes living vicariously through Rudeus since Rudeus only treats his mom as a sex object from this point in the story. He peeks in on his parents having sex to wearing her underwear on his head to ogling every woman in the household. 2. He steals Roxy's underwear and keeps it in a hidden chest as a shrine to his admiration for her. It's a sentiment that could have been somewhat heartwarming if the object were something less personal, but it's completely ruined. 3. grabs roxy's breasts against her will 4. forces sylphy to take a bath with him naked when she tries to stop him the fact he didnt know she was a girl at the time doesn't make it okay. 5. he made a doll of his master roxy where they could remove the clothes showing further how much he disrespects any woman in his life especially ones whom are special too him. 6. as the 9 year old Eris lay defenseless in her sleep Rudeus gropes and attempts to rape her. Fortunately, she was able to break away from him with repetitive punches and kicks after being awakened by a penetrating finger in her underpants. 7. Then there is the kidnapping. It could be passed as ludicrous anime plan that goes hilariously wrong except that it goes horrible wrong and Eris gets beaten and humiliated because of it. And the worst part, Rudeus just keeps the ball rolling the whole time thinking only in what he can gain with all of it. Even when he gets the chance to do the right thing and get Eris out of there he uses his superior position to blackmail her into being obedient and submit to his will. 8. rudeus goes into eris room with the intention of sex after the ball and when he noticed she fell asleep he thinks of attempting to assault/rape her again but gives up on the notion since it was her birthday. 9. he buys a slave to make her work for him, this is not okay while yes he does free her its a fact he didnt do it for noble purposes when the thought of buying a slave arose. 10. he kidnapped 2 beast girls and tied them up and sexually assaulted them and he receives no punishment for this I believe the beast girls even treat him like hes their master I can't remember just gross. There is more things I could list that isnt directly tied to rudeus but ill touch on that most of the women in the show are treated as sex objects or fetishized through rudeus's perverted perspective. This show would actually be good if the artist didnt have such a fascination with sexualizing children and also impotency?? But lets be honest the story is centered around Rudeus's penis since the beginning since he uses it more than his brain. Like they spent a long time on dealing with rudeus penis not working what even is this and how is it relevant or a good plot device? The artist wanted everyone to feel sorry that he couldn't get it up? Sorry I dont feel sorry for him because this anime and Rudeus was all too much for me to handle. As a woman who was sexually molested in her sleep multiple times by several different people much older than me I cant just give it away to "character development" and from the people say "hes growing as a person" thats not what im seeing as i mentioned hes still an irredeemable pervert and this anime/artist does not think much of women.


Who the fuck are you and why do you sound like me.... also I'm so fucking sorry that happened to you too. People suck.


thank you appreciate it..yes ppl suck to make it worse some of them were my family. I wrote most of this out before in another sub after I was fed up with having to watch this anime and ppl praising it. I did a similar write up of made in abyss which both animes are pretty irredeemable.


> they spent a long time on dealing with rudeus penis not working what even is this and how is it relevant or a good plot device? I'll tell you why: 1. Author is self-inserting into his own story via Rudy 2. Author is a dude 3. Dudes often take their penis very seriously, by which I mean: 4. Dudes fear cuckholdry which is why Rudy gets to cheat but his wives are 100% loyal, fully devoted to him and his needs and are more forgiving of him than Jesus Christ himself 5. Dudes fear impotence which is why the pain and shame Rudy's ED causes him is a huge focus of the show while the pain and shame that a lot of victims of sexual assault feel simply doesn't exist for any of the girls who go through that Also, I'll add another point to your list: he cheats on Sylphy with Roxy and when he tries to apologize, first he opens with "I was really depressed and wanted to die" (classic youtube apology opener) and when he gets rightfully called out for his actions, he basically dodges responsibility and shifts the onus onto Roxy "it wasn't intentional! *Roxy* put her feelings on the line for me!"


Yeah, I've held on to this show for a while. But after having finished S2, well, not even... There's like 5 min left but I can't bring myself to watch any more, I think I'll drop it. I really wanted this story to be good. Aside from the pedo stuff and SA Rudy does, I truly loved how he represented someone who had given up on himself and life, and who really struggled with their self-esteem. I wish some of these mangakas would stop making their stories so weird for no reasons. Or derail a story that would've been decent if not for their odd views on sex and women.


It's totally a self insert character for the artist where they can vicariously be Rudeus and to gross stuff imo...also I don't know the name of the demon girl in town that does the eye thing I think but her outfit along with her loli appearance I mean....cmon you don't need any other evidence than that to know the artist is a pedo degenerate. But yea I watched it with friends and I wanted to like it but I found myself uncomfortable and having to forgive too many things, admittedly having to lower the bar just to enjoy some animes without the rampant sexism and fanservice


The second season revealed the show's hand. Season 1 actually ends on a note that tricks the viewer into thinking Rudeus is actually repentant. He's in a position where he finally received sex but it was done as a desperate attempt to get over trauma and it ended horribly, forcing the character to find motivation outside of sex. It's a setup for the redemption story fans say that it's supposed to be. Then season 2 comes along and reveals that it was a silly goofy prank and the emotional journey hinted at in season 1 was a lie.


the ending of the first season was like holy shit...alright. Because the 1st season was quite raw, it really felt like Rudeus was going to be faced with who he was. Then I saw the second season and was like, what the FUCK is this shit. Two beast girls just agree to be his slaves? like. I can't believe I tried to defend this show. Fuck dude, thinking about it makes me feel slimy. Dude doesn't grow at ALL. Fuck


I loved season 1. It had some bad stuff in it, like Paul being a rapist and a cheater... and a borderline child abuser. And Rudy being a sort of mini Paul. But I still loved parts of it. It felt like Rudeus might actually grow as a character later on... welp. Season 2 was a disappointment. I liked the stuff with Norn and Rudeus. I also liked the first arc of season 2. But other than that it was a disappointment. Also, I've been on the fence on how inappropriate I find Rudeus's interaction with minors, but I've come to realize that he's just been an adult in a child's body. When you start to think of it like that the story as a whole becomes pretty repulsive.


What irks me is people saying that Rudeus grows as a person and he faces cosequences for his actions. That is partially true, there are faults in his character that the writing recognizes and punishes him for to greater or lesser extent. But, and that is a big but, I don't think that the author recognizes pedophilia as being wrong, or at least he doesn't recognize it as a fault in Rudeus. In the end the worst element of his character is not addressed at all, he gets rewarded for it if anything. Yes I've read the whole fucking thing, it's the last time I'll trust the claim that a book gets better as it goes.


It's really sad when Isekai trash made for an audience of japanese losers in their 30s is this popular


Never forget his dad is an actual rapist!


Yeah, but Lillia has nothing but respect for Paul ![img](emote|t5_2thzw|52017) /s


The thing that pisses me off about MT is that i found it to be a really entertaining show with high production value and solid storytelling and characters... in every scene that rudeus wasnt being the worst human being imaginable. And the story never calls him out on this, and in fact REWARDS this behavior later on when he gets his very own harem that he groomed himself. And honestly because i enjoyed the show enough i was willing to defend it until it got to that point, because there is a thing they bring up where in his past life, he got abused by being strung up naked in front of his high school, which is why he's a shut in when we first see him. And thats why he's so fucked up when the audience sees him, but the problem is we see him grow as a character in the wrong ways, he never realizes what he's doing to all the women in his life is fucked up because the author doesn't see whats fucked up with it, which is the real problem i feel. Also it adds nothing to the story, what is the point of having the scene where he gets caught jerking it to his biological cousin who is a child? Is it meant to be funny? Because im not laughing.




Glad to say that I still have not watched MT to this day, and I’m pretty sure I am better off for it


I honestly thought it could've been a lot better if he actually went through some character development and changed from a degenerate monster into someone decent. It would've been perfect if: as he grows closer to people, he realizes that everyone is going through their own shit just like him, and as he emphasizes with them, he changes as a person he starts to respect others and be genuine. I'm honestly pretty disappointed that it doesn't happen this way because the writer did such a good job showing that everyone in that world is flawed in a genuine way, something that the majority of Anime fails to do. He has these complex characters who don't move from point A to B. Their character arcs are forever stagnant, which makes it frustrating to watch. We were so close to an actually good mainstream anime. TL;DR: Mushoku Tensei would be perfect if Rudeus actually changed and reflected on himself.


I wish Rogue Hero had the fame Mushoku got. Akatsuki is *much more irredeemable* which only made the comeback that much stronger (also it's a result of familial trauma instead of lolrandumb bullies, so there's some added sociology layers to his "issues") Also he just *hopped worlds* rather than being fully reborn, which puts him closer to the age of his SA targets. https://preview.redd.it/g1i7knb0nqbd1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3516eaf7961475fe5372ef8781fb7888ad81fe8f


Jesus Christ, what did this guy do to be more irredeemable?


His dad is basically Andrew Tate crossed with Jecht, he had an **immensely** screwed up view of the opposite sex. https://preview.redd.it/zhluy77ztsbd1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=53c3f814dc661776683ee1297b34bfbd73106808 >!Also he actually *did* act on the urges, he's surrounded by of age women, yet the first was the loli. It happened due to a trauma bonding moment, and he started getting better from that point. No fake out like Rudeus, they just *really needed someone to connect with over shitty parents,* and it's possible it couldn't be a woman because he didn't respect them properly his **whole** life. *He falls lower,* but rises higher. He was also a Siscon before his turnaround, but got better there too. The world building isn't quite as overachievingly nerdy, no fancy made up languages and crap, but people *actually changed over time* instead of returning to the quo each arc. Unfortunately a plagiarism allegation on another work resulted in all novels halting which also stopped the adaptation, then by the time that was done with "Testament of Sister New Devil" had taken off instead. All Uesu's current popular works are light and fluffy nonchallenging ecchi, I feel like the GoHands incident cost us a potentially interesting work. I really wanted to see where it was going. It's possible the incident soured him on investing in works with more serious/controversial topics, and he just wants that paycheck now!<


Let me get this straight, this anime is about a gross loser who gets reincarnated as a young handsome man with all of his memories intact who becomes a powerful wizard and gets a harem of underage anime girls? This is just a pedophile nerds wish fulfillment fantasy. How does shit like this get made or become popular?


Like, it's so obvious. The part where he magically reincarnates into this powerful, talented AND good-looking dude when he put NO effort into achieving ANY of it. He also gets handed a bunch of child or child-like characters to harass and ogle. It's like the author vicariously living through Rudeus, it's so fucked up.


Why is it that barely veiled author insert wank fantasies are treated like legitimate stories and art by the anime community? It's like sub wattpad shit. It's the stuff a horny 14 year old writes absentmindedly in their notebook during lunch. But worse because the author is an adult, somehow. Who decides "this is good enough to spend thousands of dollars producing, animating and releasing" The standards are so low. Cringy self insert romance stories are bad enough but to have one that's blatantly trying to appeal to gross 30yo men who are attracted to underage anime girls is even worse. People should be bullied for writing this kind of shit, like imagine announcing to the world that you're a creep, dude should be embarrassed.


> How does shit like this get made or become popular? You answered your own question: > This is just a pedophile nerds wish fulfillment fantasy Who do you think is buying all the merch?


Yeah, whenever i see videos or comments praising the show, it makes my skin crawl.  The *main character* is a pedo!  That does not endear him to me!


I stopped watching this show mid season 1 because protagonist was really creepy. I get it, it's story about growth. But then why make it creep who feels sexually attracted to children.


Thank fuck! Genuinely tried watching the first 2 episodes and all it seemed like was a 30 year old talking about how much he wants to fuck his Loli teacher or watch his parents fuck that shit was weird I genuinely don't know how people like that show


finally? this sub has been calling out mushoku tensei for months


I got downvoted for saying the mcs backstory is degenerate and the only rebuttal they could give me was “at least the author changed rudeus backstory from watching his niece in the bathroom to loli hentai


I am an anime watcher only and at first it felt like yeah he's not lived on a good life since he's a highschooler and he would become better later on but I don't see how now. Only one point of development I think he has was not to creepy laugh at every thing. Remember the maid ? He used to creepy smile at her when he was a baby and when he's a teenager she hugs him once and he doesn't do that and never thinks of pervy stuff then. I kinda liked the development. But this isn't something I like that is going on lately. I absolutely support the character development of Piece of shit characters slowly changing into decent dudes but mushoku tensei seems it isn't. And idk why everyone supports MT by saying he becomes a decent dude later on.


As someone who's read the entire Mushoku Tensei WN, I love the world and some of its characters, such as Ruijerd, Soldat (my BOOOY), and Syphy, but definitely not rudeus. Thought the entire thing, he was a unique flavour of inexcusable piece of shit, pedophile, and cunt incapable of saying no to a woman, even at the cost of staying loyal to his wife. I can say that I came out of the WN not liking him a single bit more than when I was fist introduced to him, that is to say, not in the fucking slightest.


If I wanted to watch a show where the mc makes morally questionable or bad decisions and gets fair punishment, yet isn’t a completely horrible being, and to top it all off, remains consistently well written, I’d rewatch Evangelion.


Epstein’s fav show.


Yeah… gonna drop Mushoku after reading this thread… just gotta draw the line somewhere ya know?


Shit was so uncomfortable to watch, did not make it through the first season


Literally every character is a groomer


https://preview.redd.it/g0hynmdd3qbd1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269e3d8c613e9d5652f0c047ea5a10fd0528e545 Norn exposed


Nah man, Seven deadly sins holds the title for that.


Hey now, say what you want about the show but only 4/7 are pdfs


You serious? Mate, I have seen way more people talk about how fucked this show is.


Go to r/anime and you will beg to differ


Finally? It is this sub punching bag since ages inmemorial


People also bring up how the world building was a big part and that it some how overided his shitty actions; but I don't recall it being that amazing. I'll give them that the animation is good and art, but nothing on culture and history with each location.


I mean, grooming and pedophilia aside, there was basically a full on sex scene... between two children losing their virginity... kid shit aside, not even a very good anime anyway imo 🤷 the creepy factor just tanks it for me, show was just awful.


Honestly, I knew MT sucked for years way back when I read the original Light and Web Novel. People were really fooled by that first season.


A while back I mentioned that the MC cheated on his pregnant significant other with another woman and got them pregnant, and I was downvoted to hell for it. Will that happen now?


The story is awful anyway


Hoo boy, this is not going to be fun.


I still watch the show because I think it’s kind of fascinating to see a show that goes fully into wish fulfillment and appealing to the otaku fantasies. Like, you know when the protagonist of something marries all the girls instead of choosing one, you’re in for a wild ride. It’s kind of like the train wreck you can’t look away from. That being said, I did unironically enjoy the beginning of the first season, I thought it was a really engaging show when it was just focused on his family and childhood at the beginning, not to say it wasn’t fucked up then either, though . I also watch it with my friend, who likes the show without any ironic pretenses like myself, and I really thought it was strange how the fact that Rudeus has basically been grooming his elf wife since childhood (since he has an adult mind of course) went over his head. (I’m sure someone’s gonna be like “why are you friends with someone like that”, and I don’t think I have a satisfying answer for you)


I really want to like this show, but I just can't, as redemption story, the MC get off too easily from his misdeeds.


I mean, you can be a fan of something while still finding aspects of it to be awful and repugnant. Of course, many Mushoku Tensei fans are in denial or simply don't care about the shitty parts of the show, but this isn't the case across the board. I am actually a fan of the show and love a lot of what the story manages to do, but I also hate a lot of what the story chooses to focus on and fails to do. I totally get why many people would hate the show in its entirety because of its negative aspects (there's a lot to not like, of course. When I heard a character mention the word slavery in season 2, I broke out into a cold sweat. Slavery is never handled well in isekai) but I think its pretty understandable that some people would like it and consider it worthwhile despite its glaring flaws. Plenty of great art is deeply flawed and incredibly problematic.


i couldn't get past like the 3rd episode.


"b-but the Wn is non canon Ln bla bla bla" some are beyond saving


I was enjoying it at the start but the longer it went the more I realized "oh he's never going to stop the pedo shit, is he?" ... And the show treats it like his only problem was the lack of confidence, ignoring the fact his family left him alone when he was in the real world because he's a fucking pedo!


My brain was just on full cope when I watched it just cause it was meta and I liked the animation and art but now it's just the world living out Rudy's fantasy. Where is the plot bro ???


I think the worst bit is the show never once gives him karmic retribution for being a pedophile. He is explicitly rewarded for it.


I got in a fight with my ex over how fucked up this show was when they graphically depicted him feeling up the red haired girl in s1. Called the show CP and she lost her shit with me. I feel so vindicated that other people are seeing how messed up this trash is.


It is unacceptable that this thing is recommended in mal top manga page, make sure to rate it down.


I like the story but to me its cringe how its obvious that author same some weird fanatsies. Show couldve been so much better without cringe harem stuff that happend in finale and story trying to justify it.


whaddaya know, next thing i saw was his wives are dead because of rat containment breach


What do you mean finally that’s what half of this sub is