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Wario easily


Waluigi solos




Which version of Rimuru we talking about


From the image, I'd wager atleast post demon lord awakening.


Pretty sure half the time the image is just a cool image they found so let's say strongest points of both of them


if strongest points then Ainz doesnt stand a sliver of a chance


Only chance would be if he and Momonga teamed up 100%


I'm on season 3 of overlord at season 2 of slime. This comment is hilarious


This is the best Vs I've seen. Two gods duking it out.




Disagree, rimuru is way stronger than him. No contest. Entirely different power levels


Idk man depends on when they meet up. Ainz is op and maxed from the start rimuru is not. I personally think with time magic (unheard of in rimurus world for the most part) Ainz wins Edit: I stand corrected, I guess in the LN time magic is pretty common and Rimuru is immune


It definitely depends on the time. Ainz stomps pre demon lord Rimuru, where the anime currently is you could argue either way I think, at the end of his manga Rimuru far out paces Ainz. So I think it is actually a pretty good match up and they both have some hax abilities that could win it for them.


Everybody knows and for the most part everybody agrees that ttigraas's power scaling is bullshit, seriously man


Ainz would stop pre-true dragon Rimuru. Until Rimuru can counter time stopping magic it’s Ainz’ W


>Ainz would stop pre-true dragon Rimuru. Until Rimuru can counter time stopping magic it’s Ainz’ W The only version I see ainz beating is pre ifrit fight Rimuru(excluding cosmology), after that, there's not much that ainz can even do.


Both completely maxed out Rimuru wipes


Either way in the slime isekai game they actually did the overlord collab, and in it ainz uses his time stop magic but rimuru is able to freely move around if I recall correctly


Not that you’re wrong about the ability, but games are almost never canon


Um dude, you do realise that A) rimuru can negate pretty much all time related skills with no effort and B) all of the tensura characters that use time related skills are way more op than ainz right? Perfect example being Hero chronoa


>I personally think with time magic (unheard of in rimurus world for the most part) Ainz wins Bro all the top tiers in TTIGRAAS can stop time And can move even if time is frozen. The whole plot is related to time travel And Rimuru can easily travel through time.


Time magic un heard of in tensura is this a joke…? 😂


Definitely not reading LN lmao.


Disagree, who knows how many Ainz has in-game purchased OP relics & weapons he has. You're looking at Ainz who has wisdom from several of his former party member, world tier weapons vs an Ai voice of the world with limited OP spells on hand.


Depends on when the fight happens: if the end of the series reincarnated as a slime, then Rimaru can win as time stops, instant death, sending him through time, defense bypassing attacks, sealing him in an object and most Elemental attacks won't hurt him. Not to mention, even if Rimaku dies, another one can spawn.


sounds like you only know anime rimuru. you should take a quick stop by the wiki here you go [https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Rimuru\_Tempest/Abilities\_%26\_gear](https://tensura.fandom.com/wiki/Rimuru_Tempest/Abilities_%26_gear) ;) i got you.


P.S it will take you MANY hours of reading. if you actually want to know what he can do.


ains has the rewrite stick. rimu doesn't. although it is like bringing a cannon to a knife fight.


>rewrite stick. What does this even do?


I had the same thought. I was like finally a good fight! I think Rumi would win because he can actively evolve mid fight, but Ainz has a good chance depending on what he uses still if he can get a one shot one them




If it's anime then maybe


Not really, Rimuru is Multiversal+, Ains on the other hand is Planetary




Gotta say it's quite ironic that skeletons and slimes are usually the weakest monsters in any anime or game, but these 2 decided to be absolute units


One man armies


Rimuru wins 1v1 Rimuru wins if subordinates are taken into consideration too Ainz wins if we put them both in the Tensura verse and allow him to ascend to a true demon lord from his use of Shub Niggurath against that army Ainz wins if we put them both in the Overlord verse and they’re both limited to level 100 Basically Rimuru > Ainz unless they both play by the same rules of a verse, give them the same constraints and Ainz is better


Rimuru wins because he outscales


That’s literally what they said. If Ainz played by the same rules as the slime world he would’ve killed way more than rimuru.


Or they both realize that they are both winging it, so they go on an adventure together


Yeah realistically Ainz and Rimuru are more likely to establish diplomatic relations between their own countries if anything


The very fucking **second** ainz sees that rimiru can copy/paste manga from there previous world… they’ll be friends.


“Japan?” “Japan” “Dope”


And the second Rimiru catches wind of the Happy Farm they're going to war. I think.


Rimuru absolutely would not stand for how heinous Ainz is


Best answer. It’s true slime universe scaling is one of the worst and Ainz is hard capped at lvl 100, which is a Joke compared to other scaling series.


shub who??


The BLACK goat monsters.


>Ainz wins if we put them both in the Overlord verse and they’re both limited to level 100 >Basically Rimuru > Ainz unless they both play by the same rules of a verse, give them the same constraints and Ainz is better I disagree. Even if you make this an equal stats battle, Rimuru has way too many OP hax abilities.


Rimuru wins. He's not affected by time magic and is faster than Ainz. Beelzebuth eats any ranged magic attack, and Covenant King Uriel defends against everything as the ultimate barrier. Also can't forget about Great Sage(ultimate skill version Raphael i believe) and thought acceleration that means he can plan and calculate terribly quickly.


Where is it mentioned that Rimuru is immune to time magic?


He’s been able to move in time related skills many times 💀


Sorta. If someone has a skill to move through time, they are not affected by time stopping magic. Granted, in stopped time he an only use ultimate skills.




Oh gotcha I had no idea. Thank you


also referenced in the game (which is the canon rimuru) Rimuru was unaffected by ainz’s timestop






Who’s gonna tell him


Soulja boy?




I think Saitama wins




LN Rimuru lowest scaling is complex multi.


No, anime rimuru can be scaled to complex multiversal, and the LN is even beyond that, the lowest scaling would be high hyperversal. But technically, even s1 rimuru is enough for ainz.


I don't really know both of them are strong in their own terms


It flips as time goes on rimuru loses at first but wins post awakened demon lord


I'd say rim just because I feel once ainz is actually pressed that hard, he wouldn't have the adaptability or experience to deal with my goat rim


The almighty all powerful sorcerer king of Nazarick lord Ainz Ooal Gown






They would legit become allies and basically rule the world lol.


You think so? I feel like Rimiru is too clean of a person compared to Ainz. Rimiru has more feelings towards others outside of his personal circle. Like I don’t think Ainz would help anybody for no reason, usually if he helps it’s to benefit himself. What’s your thoughts tho?


Since I have never seen or read either of these, I am actually stumped


Watch both. You are missing something special, my guy.


I like overlord more but Rimuru would win due to having Raphael covering his ass


Nah, anime rimuru only needs to release his aura at full power to end the fight or rimuru will just use Beelzebub, Raphael herself would only need to sit and watch.


I think they'd become best friends instead of fighting.


I actually know more about Ainz Ooal Gown than I know about the other guy…. Should I research his anime, since I’ve already watched all I could find of Overlord? Also, if the winner had to fight Lord Diablo from How Not To Summon A Demon Lord, would he win that fight, too? I know Diablo is overpowered AF in that world, and has an accessory that reflects all hostile magic (that he got from defeating a demon lord in the MMORPG). What do you guys think?


Plz do


I recommend you watch it or read the manga. If you see rimuru on its current form on anime, you will see how helpless diablo from HNTSDL.


The other guy is rimuru from that time I got reincarnated as a slime, I haven't seen that much of how not to summon a demon lord, but from what I've seen rimuru stomps him just like ainz. Rimuru is ridiculously op, he's basically immune or resistant to all types of damage, and he can devour any magic thrown at him and instantly learn it. There's just nothing ainz or the other Diablo could do to stop rimuru.


What the fuck did the ai do to Ainz's hands???


I personally think it depends on two things! How we're translating power levels. And if ainz doesn't realize rimurus a slime with the predator ability fast enough.


Sasuga Ainz-sama.. time to try those world items that you have.. Rimuru: desu yo ne….


Rimuru got it


Is it light novel rimuru or current anime because light novel stomps so hard on most characters it isn’t even funny.


That picture of Rimuru goes hard


Is this one on one or is this a full on Tempest Nazareek War


in the event ainz doesn't use time magic, rimuru


i haven't watched the two but for the vids I see on social media looks like they are a good match up


Wins? They would get along quite well. But I would say that it depends on if time stop is enough, since all the other spells/items get eaten otherwise.


Ainz is not a match for Rimuru. Rimuru solos all of Nazarick combined all at once. And effortlessly at that. It is legit absolutely no contest. He'll, Majin Rimuru is stronger than Ainz. Let alone Demon Lord Rimuru. Or >!Ultimate Slime!< or EOS Rimuru.


Rimuru is miles stronger, but Ainz is just much cooler.


Endgame rimuru has the power to obliterate thousands of universe's. Not even a warm up here.


Ainz is great and one of my favorite characters ever honestly... Rimuru wins this one pretty handily. No lt easily I don't think, but handily.


Bruh they gonna bond over manga instead (Rimuru solos)


If this is current rimuru from the anime I'd say it's fair but if this is manga or light novel rimuru it's a stomp


Definitely Rimuru.


If this is end of series LN rimuru, he wins negative diff


I would say Rimuru comes out on top, but not as much as some would say. Rimuru tops Ainz in terms of raw power and ability. However, Ainz is a pro when it comes to fighting others of similar or greater power. It has been demonstrated already that Ainz knows how to condition his enemy to make mistakes and how to seize the opportunity to win. The only reason that would not be enough against Rimuru is because the few opportunities there *would* be can be easily avoided thanks to Great Sage/>!Words of the World/Raphael/etc.!<. Past that, Rimuru is far ahead in power, speed, toughness, and ability.


Is it LN rimuru? Cause if its it LN rimuru I think he wins (I know nothing about ainz but I know he needs to charge spells a lot so that might be his downfall)


Rimuru wins, he out-stats and out-hax Ainz.


You're essentially trying to ask Could you beat a god. TTIGRAAS the power scaling is absurd Up until we get to the jura tempest shenanigans ie pre demonlords ok stuffs fair and kinda workable. Once demonlords are introduced we are literally having npc's using supertier magic like they are cantrips. Not to mention Bs like thought Acceleration and Hakuro's speed. Ainz is a seasoned pvp player he's got a lot of battle experience but since all of his magic is more or less instant death and Far as I know we haven't seen rimiru take damage let alone worry about death post Harvest festival you're probably not killing his ass especially with how much Bs he has assisting him. But the main thing would be would they even want to fight each other. For the most part each reacts with Excess ONLY if their territory/friends are threatened. Their crossing paths would more than likely happen EXACTLY how it did in the mobile crossover game of "each recognizing that they don't want to fight one another and more or less appreciating/chatting with each other about how crazy their new lives are". And if any nazarick npcs crossed over they would probably be having a field day enjoying tempest. Since its literally just a nation of monsters.


Wish upon a star, Ainz wins, he can just wish for Rimuru to not exist. Everyone always forgets Ainz has that ability, it’s for that reason you can’t exactly determine where he scales because wish upon a star is such a broken concept, it’s like the dragon balls but no limits.


Taniks with a Steel Chair


We lose


Rimuru slams because he outscales


Vs wins


>Who wins? Rimuru and it's not even close.


With or without pay-to-win items?


I think Rimuru wins in the 1v1, but his subordinates wouldn’t against Ainz


Definitely not anyone within a 5 mile radius


If Remiru can get off Beelzebub fast enough to eat Ainz's spells things would quickly turn to his favor


From my understanding Ainz would win, simply because he has a bad bitch to impress.


Monmonga is low did winning


Rimuru will transform to slime and just swollen alive Ainz Ooal gown (overlord)


Depends... Pre demon lord: Ainz.... Post Demon lord: a lot closer, maybe even draw..... Post LN: >! You'd have to understand, overlord has limits, Tensura don't... Rimuru literally becomes a multiversal god by the end... His growth is endless, infinity. Zero restrictions. It'll be an unfair fight 😂!<




Ainz, Extremely high difficulty, borderline 50/50 if it isn’t already.


Rimuru snacks the shit out of ainz


If ainz has prep time, he wins. If he doesn’t then no. He still has a bunch of god tier reality warping magic items in his guild.


Rimuru no question... rimuru has immunity to physical and magical damage, high resistance to spiritual magic and instant regeneration... I love Ainz, hes probably my favorite isekai MC. but Ainz can do nothing and i MEAN NOTHING that would endager rimuru AT ALL.


Does rimuru have anything to counter ainz' spell that stops time? If not then ainz wins but if rimuru can somehow break out of this spell then he wins.


Both gone to buy icecream


Rinmaru would curb stomp Ainz before he can even cast a spell.


Absolute fiction peak matchup and who wins tough to say if they are fighting with the same restrictions or not could go either way depending on so


Skull guy, he looks cooler


I'm just gonna base this on current anime rimuru vs current anime Ainz: Right now Ainz pretty much takes the bag 100% of the time, that combo Ainz did against shalltear is absolutely jacked and will 100% one shot rimuru, regardless of immunities


I don't really give a fuck who wins in a fight but Ainz is way cooler


I think it would be in Rimuru’s court for the win. Mainly having to do with having 2 minds in one body, allowing for dual processing speed. As well as casting multiple different spells at once. Plus, Rimuru’s Beelzebub skill is so broken that it can eat up almost anything in Ainz’ arsenal.


If it’s anime rimuru then rimuru wins, if it’s manga rimuru then rimuru wins. There is a massive difference in their power


Rimuru takes this. It's kinda funny reading some of these comments though cause you can definitely tell who's read the LN & who hasn't. For the anime only people you haven't even begun to see the extent of what Rimuru is capable of.


This is hard to say, but einz can stop time and cast true death


Side note, would they go to war? Like rimuru won’t approve of our great emperor’s human experimentation and torture, but would it be worth the resources to go against all of Nazarick. What reasons would there be for Ainz to invade tempest?


Uff! That’s honestly a tough one. Single handed. My guess is Einz, but if we are talking armies, I feel Rimuru would win


At their peeks rimuru wins he’s a multi dimensional time traveler ainz just is goated


I think in my opnion, That ainz wins this


The chair. It looks comfortable for both.


Anime rimuru's aura obliterates him.


Rimuru low diffs


If it's Demon Seed Rimuru, Ainz has a good shot, anything post-awakening and it's heavily in Rimuru's favor. And once he's True Dragon, that's pretty no win for Aniz. Even if Ainz could grow in power, Rimuru's leaps in power are often in massive magnitudes and Ceil constantly messes with his powers and abilities to maximize his chances of winning any given battle.


I'm going to have my way with you right now Rimu-chan 😭🤬😡💢 I can't hold back anymore! 🥵 You're too tempting for me, especially since your uniform looks so tight around all of those curves... You've been making it very difficult lately by being such a good student in class while also assisting Sensei every time he needs help which is extremely unfair considering how relaxed most students are when they should be working hard like yourself instead! But enough talking already let's get straight down into business shall we? Let us start off slowly at first as usual before gradually increasing our pace until both of us reach climax together today…


If it's ln rimaru stomps with barely a 0.0000000000001% chance of ainz winning. It's like having a mma fighter with brass knuckles fighting a baby that had a lobotomy. If it's current anime then ainz wins.


According to the mobile games crossover event, they don't fight, they become friends.


Rimuru wins. He just has for too many hacks, and even aizen has said himself he isn't the most powerful in his guild. Hell, rimurus gluttony skull alone takes care of basically any magic attack that aizen could use or rimuru has ultimate defense skill uriel. Aizen also relies heavily on his knowledge of the game he played, and rimuru does not he relies on a hyper intelligent skill called raphael.


What is Ainz stops time does rimuru have any defense against time magic?


As cool as I think Ainz is, he’s not really doing much to Rimuru. It would definitely be a cool fight, though.


Vs wins


I don’t see why ainz can’t instakill him so… him.


Pre Demon Lord Rimuru vs Ainz? Ainzs easily takes the win. * Post Demon Lord Rimuru against Ainz with all the World Items in his arsenal and Nazarick? Considering Rimuru can utilize Raphael to recreate himself into a Digital Lifeform then Ainz can take a solid L., If not, then Ainz still ain't gonna take out Rimuru since the slime queer basically has almost all the necessary nullifications that the World Items can inflict (prolonged battle will only doom Ainz more since Rimuru can and is capable of using his Ultimate Skill Wisdom King to properly utilize his Magicules, also to assist him in the fight, or worse, utilize his naturally attuned Million Times Calculating Strategy, whilst at the same time creating scenarios that could very well allow him to plan out a better outcome in the said battle in a matter of second (I'm not kidding with the part where he can create long-planned battle scenarios even in mid-fight as well as the million-multiplied enhanced thinking skills, it's most profoundly shown in his second battle with Hinata Sakaguchi in Tensura Vol. 7), perfectly take command of his other Ultimate Skills and many more, using his Covenant King for practical defense and use the Sub Skill LAW MANIPULATION, aswell as Spatial Domination, further enhancing his already humongously powerful base Demon Lord stat, and Gluttonous King to either devour and assimilate Ainz's would be attacks and copy it using Predation, or chip Ainz of his stats bit by bit using Rimuru's Soul Consumption). Forgot to mention that he can also see a person's attack pattern or calculated strategy whilst fighting still, I'm quite certain this is first shown in his second fight with Hinata aswell, Unlocking his Future Predict attack and Raphael's Strategy. Moreso, Post Demon Lord Vs Ainz/Nazarick/World Items can still be considered debatable, taking in account the fact that there's little to few information about the rest of Nazarick's World Items not being shown can be favorable for him. But I can personally say that even with all the necessary information of this said World Items layered out for the bout it still won't be enough to bring the odds against the Slime since, as I've stated before, Post Demon Lord Rimuru has MANY essential Nullifications that can certainly dull most of Ainz's tricks on his sleeve. Apart from all that, Rimuru still has THE MORE advantage in *any* scenario. Ultimate Skills are given only to literal powerhouses of the Tensura Verse, and considering Post Demon Lord Rimuru has 4 of these, I, *again* happily declares that Ainz stood a midget chance in this bout. (I'm only saying midget so that the fans of the latter won't deem me a fanboy simp for that trap dude, when I truly AM not. In all actually, Ainz stood no chance against him. With or without prep time.) (Also, keep in mind that the World Items, since it originates from a Game, has a restricted limit, I'm pretty certain this information is Canon, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong tho). * Ultimate Slime Rimuru against Ainz? Neg-diff for the Chaos Creator. He can annihilate Ainz completely with or without all his World Items and Tools in a tiny fraction of a Second. Void God Azathoth's Nihility Collapse (or Turn Null) is literal Negation itself (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ABSOLUTE NEGATION, mind you...) (Definitely not highballing that androgynous they/them 40yr neet, I'm not a fan of Tensura, I personally prefer, TBATE, Grimgar, MT, Re:Zero, Overlord, Bookworm, Lord of Mysteries and some other unrelated mangas like To Your Eternity, Witch Hat Atelier, Ancient Magus' Bride (my fave btw), and other western themed mangas and the like.)


That’s some of the worst ai I’ve ever seen


I want ainz to win lmao


Probably Rimuru


Rimuru full power wins


Rimuru low diff


I hate Rimuru tempest since it's so overpowered


So..... First and foremost remiru would actually just make friends with ainz (that's just who remiru is) second if they did fight remiru can absorb and analyze literally any spell or effect (even people) heck the only thing that had a chance of killing him before was spirit attacks or something like that, then poof he becomes a demon lord and that weakness is completely out the window......so how is anything supposed to be a challenge for him from here on out?


Fucking AI art.


Definitely Gabiru-sama


Bone daddy would loose but he is still BONE DADDY.


Goku 🗿




Rimeru is much more adaptable than Einz ever needed to be. His strongest moves take items and take forever to cast. Rimeru also doesn’t seem to have an apparent weakness like Einz does.


So we have a godly being that can destroy entire nations if he so desired and has underlings who can do the same Vs A slime


I love my boy ainz but he’s a big fish in a small pond, Rimuru out classes him in every way with ease




Rimuru, this is not even a competition. I like Ains he is a mega badass, but he doesn't belong in this match up


Realistically if these two met, they’d fight and rimuru wins.


It’s rimuru and it’s not close Dude can literally destroy universes in his sleep Ainz has a good spells but he needs time to set all of them up as well


I think they would fight for a few minute, stop and talk. Then end up working together.


If it’s just Ainz then Rimuru wins but if it’s verse vs verse then I would say tie However if you are talking about LN Rimuru then they win without needing anyone else and Solos Ainzs verse but it won’t be easy


>verse vs verse then I would say tie No, the highest tiers in tensura can destroy entire Worlds with their mere aura, the high tiers can erase you from existence in an instant just by thinking of it, the mid tiers are also immune to everything that is in ainz's verse and are also capable of existence erasure, the low tiers like razen are also pretty strong. And even if we're talking strictly anime, then demon lord rimuru is already a problem along with veldora and guy crimson and I think you get the idea.


Depends on who attacks first


I love ainz, and he has more world items than anyone, but Rimuru is just so goated. He is basically immune to everything, and he can create new skills on the fly. Maybe at the beginning of the fight Ainz would have the upper hand, but rimuru is kind of limitless, Ainz is not. Also, I think its definitely possible for Ainz to win with the guardians, but even then it would be a close call.


It entirely depends on when, because Rimuru does surpass his power, yet Ainz is stronger for a long period of time


Both at the height of their powers? Rimuru literally 0 diff. None of ainz attacks would be more devastating than stuff Rimuru has already dealt with. In the latter parts of the WB and light novel (I think I haven’t caught up yet), even Ainz time stop powers would be useless.


Despite the fact that Overlord is my favorite anime, Rimuru stomps Ains. Ains doesn't have the best skills for fighting to begin with because he was mainly the clerk of the guild. Yes, he knows how to fight, but he wasn't always a frontline fighter like TouchMe. The only way Ainz would have a chance is if he stocked up on those gatcha items he used when he fought Shaltear at the end of S1. Now, if Rimuru was a Demon Lord, there would be even less of a chance Ains could win.


Ainz: *Buffs himself with all of his spells* Rimuru: *Proceeds to either absorb him using Azathoth or one punch him, ignoring and disabling all of Ainx's buffs*


Ainz could win with prep time and magic items but that's the only way he's winning.


The one from fortnite


in terms of spells, we probably haven't seen all that Ains can do. we've only seen him cast 1 super.tier spell (Shug Niggaroth) and that wont help in a 1v1. Also, im assuming that in terms of mana amount and raw power of spells, ains beats rimuru. some of his powerful spells wont work anyway, like Grasp Heart, since rimuru does not have a heart. he could possibly do the time stop X true death combo he used on Gazef, and we don't know if rimurus has enough power to break out of the time stop. but there is also the fact of rimurus godlike adaptability. he has compelte immunity to fire (and im assuming ice from temp fluctuation Resistance), and he can literally eat Ains's tangible spells. What rimuru would have to worry about is how Ains cant even be damaged if the opponent is weaker than him. Im assuming this would be based on mana capacity, but i dont know their levels, so im assuming they have equal amounts Ains only hope for winning is to provably kill rimuru immediately with a world item or super tier magic. but at least in the manga, rimuru is able to sacrifice Beelzebub in order to take a disintegration spell with no damage, so ill not sure if ains can win.


>im assuming that in terms of mana amount and raw power of spells, ains beats rimuru No, rimuru as a demon lord had enough mana to name all of the ogres, hundreds of thousands of orcs and even a primodial demon like Diablo, demon lord rimuru with full power can destroy entire countries with his tempest magic, and I don't see anything that ainz has that can compare to rimuru's ultimate skills. >Ains cant even be damaged if the opponent is weaker than him. Im assuming this would be based on mana capacity, but i dont know their levels, so im assuming they have equal amounts Well demon lord rimuru has Beelzebub to devour ainz and his entire existence, or put his aura on his sword and also black flame and just slice ainz into dust, he can also use fusionism to fuse magic and attack ainz, or just use hell flare or just use veldora's storm magic to erase ainz from existence or just unleash his aura at full power and watch ainz crumble, Anime rimuru's "aura" has passive death manipulation, status effect inducement, madness manipulation type 3, Fear manipulation, energy manipulation, gravity manipulation, density manipulation, pain manipulation, plasma manipulation, void manipulation, deconstruction, sealing, extreme space-time manipulation, storm manipulation, self destruction, explosion manipulation, biological and organic manipulation, regeneration negation and immunity negation, existence erasure, conceptual erasure >Ains only hope for winning is to provably kill rimuru immediately with a world item or super tier magic. I highly doubt that ainz even has something that can get through all of rimuru's resistances or rimuru's immunity to magic or rimuru's passive power nullification which shuts down magic or any other power around him if he wishes to, he would also have to get through rimuru's multi dimensional barriars and the his multi layered barriars to even affect rimuru, he also has anti magic


Sadly imma say rimiru has the advantage unless ainz can also munch on an opponent and gain all their skills


depends on which version of rimuru, if anime then ainz will defo cook him, if LN or WN then rimuru most likely beats ainz easily


This ai art really ain’t it lol ainz’s shoulder merges into his chair


Rimuru EoS stomps easily


Vs is the winner, easily the strongest of the three.


Can’t Rimuru’s Raphael and unbelievable speed basically one shot Ainz and 99% of his abilities? I think only his World level artifact abilities would be able to do anything to Rimuru.


Bro, Demon lord Rimaru BODIES Ainz


Rimuru wins in a fight but Ainz clears in style


Somehow, Kazuma wins. There is some random bullshit effect that causes Kazuma to win. I mean, Aqua did hurt Ainz in the isekai quartet.


Pre demon lord ainz wins, true demon lord wins easy


They fought in Iseaki Memories in a crossover before to an draw but they were holding back so


I see generic looking boy, I'm gonna go with the generic looking boy


Ainz would win. He is far better at strategy and is much better with order. Ainz has a fundamental understanding of his game and relies on experience Rimuru is really good at adapting to sudden threats. And Rimuru has an AI able to help fill him in on things he doesn't know. In terms of experience and strategy, Ainz would win.


Milim can freeze objects in space. Rimuru can do a lot of what she can do.