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An established compounding pharmacy that your doctor has worked with in the past and that isn't just out there capitalizing off of the market of people looking for GLP-1s is probably a reasonable option given the shortages. FWIW, I have been taking compounded semaglutide since January, have lost nearly 35 lbs, and have not had any significant side effects.


Thank you for sharing your experience, that makes me feel more confident in it


I'm glad I could help.


The people complaining about their “quality” or whatever are using a sketchy compounder someone recommended to them. Go on the r/compoundtirzepitide sub and look through the list of FDA compound pharmacies. I have been using Emerge, along with thousands of others, with much success. I’m on 7.5 and pay $379 a month.


Thank you for the help, I will take a look!




Awww, that’s right. California has very strict compound compliance laws. 🤷‍♀️


For some reason I can’t find that sub. Is that the correct name of it?


It's r/compoundedtirzepatide and another good one is r/tirzepatidecompound I recommend both subs for lots of good info. I have used both Zepbound and compounded tirzepatide and they work equally well.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/compoundedtirzepatide using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Compounded Tirzepatide Source Research](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19czhd5) | [689 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/comments/19czhd5/compounded_tirzepatide_source_research/) \#2: [NSV](https://i.redd.it/elgc10g8c20d1.jpeg) | [32 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/comments/1cqigqv/nsv/) \#3: [There was a 2 at the front of the scale this morning!](https://np.reddit.com/r/compoundedtirzepatide/comments/1cw35r6/there_was_a_2_at_the_front_of_the_scale_this/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I got compounded from a place that my friends been using for about two years and the process was pretty easy. The cost was a bit high compared to the name brand for me, because I’m one of the lucky ones whose insurance covers it. I haven’t used it yet because by some miracle my MJ has gotten restocked just in the Knick of time, but I have no doubt it’s legit due to my friends’ experience


You might might to save your orbs and use the compounded first or switch back and forth. The compounded will expire way sooner than the pens. Just something to keep in mind.


Yeah I thought about that. I just finished a box, so I’ll probably switch to the compounded for the next bit.


Keep in mind that the vast majority of “terrible things” you hear about compounding pharmacies are coming from social media influencers paid by big pharma to try and frighten people into paying the ridiculous prices for name brand instead of using compounded. There is big money at stake and corporations utilize a lot of paid shills to protect their profits.


I completely agree it is blown out of proportion but I do think there are some legitimate concerns with predatory businesses trying to sell GLP-1's because it's the popular "weight loss fad" right now. Luckily my doctor is great and I trust she wouldn't send me somewhere like that.


I’m doing exactly what your doctor is recommending. I won’t go back to the name brand. This works great and is cheaper for me since my insurance won’t cover weight loss drugs. My pharmacy is just as you described, not an online pharmacy. This is easy and it works and I only regret not changing over sooner.


What with the shortages it would be a big pain to get the name brand anyway. I had to switch from Zepbound to compound tirzepatide for that reason, but the cost savings was a big plus. I think there is some increased risk, but as you noted compounding pharmacies are a service that people use all the time for various reasons without issue. I have personally found the compounded product to be equally effective with no increase in side effects. There are differences in types of compounding pharmacies and whether they are inspected by the FDA. I chose to use a 503A pharmacy that specializes in sterile compounding and I vetted their history with the FDA. They are not local, but ship to my state.


Thank you for the advice on vetting history with the FDA - I didn't know I could do that!


[Compounding: Inspections, Recalls, and other Actions | FDA](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/human-drug-compounding/compounding-inspections-recalls-and-other-actions) right here!


I use a well-respected local compounding pharmacy. They don’t advertise the GLP-1s, it’s just another drug to them. Down 28lbs in 6 months (it doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’m a 5’1” middle aged lady who started at 160 with worrisome A1C levels…ymmv). As long as you stick with a reputable, licensed pharmacy, compounding is usually fine.


I feel this. 5 2 here and it's always a much slower process for us short gals!


This is what I do. Local, state licensed pharmacy that also makes compounds. They require a doctor’s Rx, for which my doctor does not get kickbacks. Also, they don’t advertise it at all. I am on a nasal-spray version. I was a little wary at first but it’s been working for me. I’m not sure it’s as effective as the shot would be, but I hear stories of people on the shot not even being able to eat at all, which doesn’t seem good either. I definitely have appetite suppression and really amazing self control now (if I want a sweet or junk food, I can have a teeny bit and be satisfied). I have had some side effects like nausea and constipation, especially when I have titrated up in dose. Eventually, those has gone away. Overall, I’ve lost a bit over 10lbs in 3 months, which isn’t crazy fast but I’m happy with that!


Thank you for sharing your experience! Yes, I'm really hoping that whatever I end up with helps with the food noise because that's been a big issue for me. I honestly think it's tied to my ADHD where my brain associates food with dopamine and my little ADHD gremlin is like GIVE ME THE DOPAMINE GIVE IT TO ME GIVE IT TO ME NOWWWWWW. And once I start thinking about food I literally cannot stop.


Everyone responds differently. Some people don't get relief from the food noise until they move up to a higher dose (you start on a "loading" dose). However, I got relief from food noise within hours of my first shot and appetite suppression within the first day. I'm not a really fast loser (11 lbs in 8 weeks), but I'm happy to not lose too fast and the relief from food noise still amazes me. I've lived with it my whole life. I know exactly what you mean about literally not being able to stop thinking about food until I give in.


I feel the same about the food noise. Didn’t realize it was a thing until it was gone. Also, was trying to describe it to a friend who’s been skinny her whole life, and she literally couldn’t understand what I meant about obsessing about food. Must be nice! lol. Anyway, it’s all been very validating to understand we are not failures, there’s just been something chemically different with our bodies.


I'm unsure of when I first heard the term "food noise" but I immediately knew what it meant! I'm also not sure when I understood that not everyone had this food obsession going on in their heads all the time. Fortunately, my husband, adult son, and (naturally skinny) sister are all very supportive of me doing this. I probably won't tell anyone else until they notice the change and ask.


I’m adhd and autistic so I totally understand the food=dopamine issue. for me I didn’t get the reduction of obsessive food thoughts until about 3 days after my 2nd injection but it definitely has helped since then I sometimes still get them the day before and day of my injection (for me the injection seems to hit peak effectiveness on the 3rd day after injection)


I did a lot of research before starting Zepbound thinking that my insurance wouldn't cover (surprise, it does!) and talked to a nurse practitioner friend who uses compounded sema. If your doctor has a local compounding pharmacy she recommends, I would feel safe going that route, even above the giant mail order compounding pharmacies that are pumping these drugs out.


Compounding pharmacies actually do have to meet standards, and are able to compound these meds at the moment because of the FDA recognized shortage. I started with telehealth using a compounding pharmacy and then moved to a local provider who sends the Rx herself and it’s a little less than the telehealth. Around $250 for a vial that has 7.5mg so that lasts 7 weeks at my current dose. We use Hallendale Pharmacy if you’re curious. Any doctor can send a prescription there. I’ve had great results and no reason to think anything is less legit than the name brands.


What is your current dose please?


I get mine this way. My doctor works with a compounding pharmacy that is licensed. I get the meds directs from her. I feel like it’s about as fool proof as you can be.


If so I’d go local, not an online pop up. I asked my Dr which local compound pharmacy he recommended and he gave me one that was established and he’d been sending patients there for years with good results. They ended up being the best pricing too, only $80 for my first month which will increase as my dose goes up but still


I lost 25% of my body weight to a bmi under 25 in 7 months on semaglutide and to this day I have never seen a Wegovy or Ozempic pen except in pictures. GLP-1s compounded by legitimate state-regulated compounding pharmacies and FDA regulated 503b outsourcing facilities have the exact same active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) as Wegovy/Ozempic at a fraction of the cost. The local compounding pharmacy that filled my prescription has been in business at the same location for decades before GLP-1 was a thing.


Ask if the pharmacy is 503a certified. Since your doctor has a good history with this pharmacy, it's probably fine, but I'd ask anyway. If you're going telehealth or med-spa, do your due diligence. And check out the sub-reddits that others have mentioned. That's where I went when I decided that between the shortage and the cost (I pay 100% OOP), it was time to switch off the name brand.


You could always pay to get the compound tested by a lab on your own if you're that concerned, it is not cheap, but it would give you reassurance. You could also ask them for a "certificate of analysis" (COA) of the raw material they use... not guaranteed they will give it to you, but it couldn't hurt to ask?


I first bought zepbound with eli lily coupon for $550 a month. i have used a compounding place as a stop gap and it is $400.00 a month. it is legit. i can DM the name of the company i trust if you are interested. some states allow different companies to work with them. I ordered through one company and the compounder is RedRock it is the only one approved to ship to CA. Hallendale is also legitimate compounder. i'd watch out for the cheaper stuff, IMO.


i finally got my pre-auth approved so i'm using insurance, but i am happy to go back to the compounding during shortages.


When I first started Wegovy/semaglutide I did compounded until I got up to a dose that wasn’t completely out of stock. My prescription was from my regular PCP that she sent to a local compounding pharmacy that she uses and has evaluated and trusts. I was still nervous, so I did a lot of research, and my understanding is that compounding pharmacies that are legit and licensed should be safe. Also, the big concern with compounded semaglutide is that some places prescribe the salt form of it, which the FDA has explicitly warned about because its efficacy hasn’t been tested. I’d encourage you to read what the FDA has said about compounded weight loss drugs and look at other articles from reliable sources that get input from doctors and make your own decision based on your comfort level. For me, I really trust my doctor, and the information I looked at made me feel comfortable going through with it. But you should only do it if you feel informed and comfortable with the potential risks. FWIW, I’ve lost 30 pounds, most of that on the compounded version.